110 resultados para Solving Equations


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The combustion oscillations are the phenomena which we may meet in developing the clean, safe and efficient power and propulsion systems. This paper summarizes authors' systematic work on fuel spray combustion oscillations in the recent years. Combining CFD calculations and stability analysis, a new approach of predicting combustion stabilities was developed. With this approach, detailed flow information and unstable modes can be obtained by CFD and solving perturbation equations, respectively. The results provide the guidance on understanding combustion instability mechanisms and developing the control strategies.


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Coupling of the in vacuo modes of a fluid-loaded, vibrating structure by the resulting acoustic field, while known to be negligible for sufficiently light fluids, is still only partially understood. A particularly useful structural geometry for the study of this problem is the simply supported, rectangular flat plate, since it exhibits all the relevant physical features while still admitting an analytical description of the modes. Here the influence of the fluid can be expressed in terms of a set of doubly infinite integrals over wave number: the modal acoustic impedances. Closed-form solutions for these impedances do not exist and, while their numerical evaluation is possible, it greatly increases the computational cost of solving the coupled system of modal equations. There is thus a need for accurate analytical approximations. In this work, such approximations are sought in the limit where the modal wavelength is small in comparison with the acoustic wavelength and the plate dimensions. It is shown that contour integration techniques can be used to derive analytical formulas for this regime and that these formulas agree closely with the results of numerical evaluations. Previous approximations [Davies, J. Sound Vib. 15(1), 107-126 (1971)] are assessed in the light of the new results and are shown to give a satisfactory description of real impedance components, but (in general) erroneous expressions for imaginary parts.


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For a typical transonic turbine rotor blade, designed for use with coolant ejection, the trailing edge, or base loss is three to four times the profile boundary layer loss. The base region of such a profile is dominated by viscous effects and it seems essential to attack the problem of loss prediction by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. However, such an approach is inevitably compromised by both numerical accuracy and turbulence modelling constraints. This paper describes a Navier-Stokes solver written for 2D blade-blade flows and employing a simple two-layer mixing length eddy viscosity model. Then, measured and predicted losses and base pressures are presented for two transonic rotor blades and attempts are made to assess the capabilities of the Navier-Stokes solver and to outline areas for future work.


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This paper describes a computer code aimed at solving the equations of three dimensional viscous compressible flow in turbomachine geometries. The code is applied to the study of the flowfield in a transonic axial compressor rotor at design speed at both maximum flow and towards stall. The predicted flowfield is compared with the laser measurements and the performance of the code discussed. In addition the discussion highlights the change in the predicted endwall and tip clearance flows as the rotor operating point is moved towards stall.


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In this paper we explore the possibility of using the equations of a well known compact model for CMOS transistors as a parameterized compact model for a variety of FET based nano-technology devices. This can turn out to be a practical preliminary solution for system level architectural researchers, who could simulate behaviourally large scale systems, while more physically based models become available for each new device. We have used a four parameter version of the EKV model equations and verified that fitting errors are similar to those when using them for standard CMOS FET transistors. The model has been used for fitting measured data from three types of FET nano-technology devices obeying different physics, for different fabrication steps, and under different programming conditions. © 2009 IEEE NANO Organizers.


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The scattering of sound from a point source by a Rankine vortex is investigated numerically by solving the Euler equations with the novel high-resolution CABARET method. For several Mach numbers of the vortex, the time-average amplitudes of the scattered field obtained from the numerical modeling are compared with the theoretical scaling laws' predictions. Copyright © 2009 by Sergey Karabasov.


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The ability to separate acoustically radiating and non-radiating components in fluid flow is desirable to identify the true sources of aerodynamic sound, which can be expressed in terms of the non-radiating flow dynamics. These non-radiating components are obtained by filtering the flow field. Two linear filtering strategies are investigated: one is based on a differential operator, the other employs convolution operations. Convolution filters are found to be superior at separating radiating and non-radiating components. Their ability to decompose the flow into non-radiating and radiating components is demonstrated on two different flows: one satisfying the linearized Euler and the other the Navier-Stokes equations. In the latter case, the corresponding sound sources are computed. These sources provide good insight into the sound generation process. For source localization, they are found to be superior to the commonly used sound sources computed using the steady part of the flow. Copyright © 2009 by S. Sinayoko, A. Agarwal, Z. Hu.


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Finding an appropriate turbulence model for a given flow case usually calls for extensive experimentation with both models and numerical solution methods. This work presents the design and implementation of a flexible, programmable software framework for assisting with numerical experiments in computational turbulence. The framework targets Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes models, discretized by finite element methods. The novel implementation makes use of Python and the FEniCS package, the combination of which leads to compact and reusable code, where model- and solver-specific code resemble closely the mathematical formulation of equations and algorithms. The presented ideas and programming techniques are also applicable to other fields that involve systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. We demonstrate the framework in two applications and investigate the impact of various linearizations on the convergence properties of nonlinear solvers for a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.