75 resultados para Robust localisation systems


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Condition-based maintenance is concerned with the collection and interpretation of data to support maintenance decisions. The non-intrusive nature of vibration data enables the monitoring of enclosed systems such as gearboxes. It remains a significant challenge to analyze vibration data that are generated under fluctuating operating conditions. This is especially true for situations where relatively little prior knowledge regarding the specific gearbox is available. It is therefore investigated how an adaptive time series model, which is based on Bayesian model selection, may be used to remove the non-fault related components in the structural response of a gear assembly to obtain a residual signal which is robust to fluctuating operating conditions. A statistical framework is subsequently proposed which may be used to interpret the structure of the residual signal in order to facilitate an intuitive understanding of the condition of the gear system. The proposed methodology is investigated on both simulated and experimental data from a single stage gearbox. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reducing energy consumption is a major challenge for "energy-intensive" industries such as papermaking. A commercially viable energy saving solution is to employ data-based optimization techniques to obtain a set of "optimized" operational settings that satisfy certain performance indices. The difficulties of this are: 1) the problems of this type are inherently multicriteria in the sense that improving one performance index might result in compromising the other important measures; 2) practical systems often exhibit unknown complex dynamics and several interconnections which make the modeling task difficult; and 3) as the models are acquired from the existing historical data, they are valid only locally and extrapolations incorporate risk of increasing process variability. To overcome these difficulties, this paper presents a new decision support system for robust multiobjective optimization of interconnected processes. The plant is first divided into serially connected units to model the process, product quality, energy consumption, and corresponding uncertainty measures. Then multiobjective gradient descent algorithm is used to solve the problem in line with user's preference information. Finally, the optimization results are visualized for analysis and decision making. In practice, if further iterations of the optimization algorithm are considered, validity of the local models must be checked prior to proceeding to further iterations. The method is implemented by a MATLAB-based interactive tool DataExplorer supporting a range of data analysis, modeling, and multiobjective optimization techniques. The proposed approach was tested in two U.K.-based commercial paper mills where the aim was reducing steam consumption and increasing productivity while maintaining the product quality by optimization of vacuum pressures in forming and press sections. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.


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in this paper we investigate the moment asymptotic stability for the nonlinear stochastic hybrid delay systems. Sufficient criteria on the stabilization and robust stability are also established for linear stochastic hybrid delay systems. Copyright © 2005 IFAC.


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Reducing energy consumption is a major challenge for energy-intensive industries such as papermaking. A commercially viable energy saving solution is to employ data-based optimization techniques to obtain a set of optimized operational settings that satisfy certain performance indices. The difficulties of this are: 1) the problems of this type are inherently multicriteria in the sense that improving one performance index might result in compromising the other important measures; 2) practical systems often exhibit unknown complex dynamics and several interconnections which make the modeling task difficult; and 3) as the models are acquired from the existing historical data, they are valid only locally and extrapolations incorporate risk of increasing process variability. To overcome these difficulties, this paper presents a new decision support system for robust multiobjective optimization of interconnected processes. The plant is first divided into serially connected units to model the process, product quality, energy consumption, and corresponding uncertainty measures. Then multiobjective gradient descent algorithm is used to solve the problem in line with user's preference information. Finally, the optimization results are visualized for analysis and decision making. In practice, if further iterations of the optimization algorithm are considered, validity of the local models must be checked prior to proceeding to further iterations. The method is implemented by a MATLAB-based interactive tool DataExplorer supporting a range of data analysis, modeling, and multiobjective optimization techniques. The proposed approach was tested in two U.K.-based commercial paper mills where the aim was reducing steam consumption and increasing productivity while maintaining the product quality by optimization of vacuum pressures in forming and press sections. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper introduces a new formulation of variable horizon model predictive control (VH-MPC) that utilises move blocking for reducing computational complexity. Various results pertaining to move blocking are derived, following which, a generalised blocked VH-MPC controller is formulated for linear discrete-time systems. Robustness to bounded disturbances is ensured through the use of tightened constraints. The resulting time-varying control scheme is shown to guarantee robust recursive feasibility and finite-time completion. An example is then presented for a particular choice of blocking regime, as would be applicable to vehicle manœuvring problems. Simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the formulation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A two-stage H∞-based design procedure is described which uses a normalized coprime factor approach to robust stabilization of linear systems. A loop-shaping procedure is incroporated to allow the specification of performance characteristics. Theoretical justification of this technique and an outline of the design methodology are given.


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We propose a principled algorithm for robust Bayesian filtering and smoothing in nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems when both the transition function and the measurement function are described by non-parametric Gaussian process (GP) models. GPs are gaining increasing importance in signal processing, machine learning, robotics, and control for representing unknown system functions by posterior probability distributions. This modern way of system identification is more robust than finding point estimates of a parametric function representation. Our principled filtering/smoothing approach for GP dynamic systems is based on analytic moment matching in the context of the forward-backward algorithm. Our numerical evaluations demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach in situations where other state-of-the-art Gaussian filters and smoothers can fail. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper describes recent improvements to the Cambridge Arabic Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) Speech-to-Text (STT) system. It is shown that wordboundary context markers provide a powerful method to enhance graphemic systems by implicit phonetic information, improving the modelling capability of graphemic systems. In addition, a robust technique for full covariance Gaussian modelling in the Minimum Phone Error (MPE) training framework is introduced. This reduces the full covariance training to a diagonal covariance training problem, thereby solving related robustness problems. The full system results show that the combined use of these and other techniques within a multi-branch combination framework reduces the Word Error Rate (WER) of the complete system by up to 5.9% relative. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.


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This paper introduces the notion of M-step robust fault tolerance for discrete-time systems where finite-time completion of a control manoeuvre is desired. It considers a scenario with two distinct objectives; a primary and secondary target are specified as sets to be reached in finite-time, whilst satisfying operating constraints on the states and inputs. The primary target is switched to the secondary target when a fault affects the system. As it is unknown when or if the fault will occur, the trajectory to the primary target is constrained to ensure reachability of the secondary target within M steps. A variable-horizon linear MPC formulation is developed to illustrate the concept. The formulation is then extended to provide robustness to bounded disturbances by use of tightened constraints. Simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the controller formulation on a double-integrator model. © 2011 IFAC.


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In this paper, a novel MPC strategy is proposed, and referred to as asso MPC. The new paradigm features an 1-regularised least squares loss function, in which the control error variance competes with the sum of input channels magnitude (or slew rate) over the whole horizon length. This cost choice is motivated by the successful development of LASSO theory in signal processing and machine learning. In the latter fields, sum-of-norms regularisation have shown a strong capability to provide robust and sparse solutions for system identification and feature selection. In this paper, a discrete-time dual-mode asso MPC is formulated, and its stability is proven by application of standard MPC arguments. The controller is then tested for the problem of ship course keeping and roll reduction with rudder and fins, in a directional stochastic sea. Simulations show the asso MPC to inherit positive features from its corresponding regressor: extreme reduction of decision variables' magnitude, namely, actuators' magnitude (or variations), with a finite energy error, being particularly promising for over-actuated systems. © 2012 AACC American Automatic Control Council).


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This paper presents an efficient algorithm for robust network reconstruction of Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems in the presence of noise, estimation errors and unmodelled nonlinearities. The method here builds on previous work [1] on robust reconstruction to provide a practical implementation with polynomial computational complexity. Following the same experimental protocol, the algorithm obtains a set of structurally-related candidate solutions spanning every level of sparsity. We prove the existence of a magnitude bound on the noise, which if satisfied, guarantees that one of these structures is the correct solution. A problem-specific model-selection procedure then selects a single solution from this set and provides a measure of confidence in that solution. Extensive simulations quantify the expected performance for different levels of noise and show that significantly more noise can be tolerated in comparison to the original method. © 2012 IEEE.


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Mathematical theorems in control theory are only of interest in so far as their assumptions relate to practical situations. The space of systems with transfer functions in ℋ∞, for example, has many advantages mathematically, but includes large classes of non-physical systems, and one must be careful in drawing inferences from results in that setting. Similarly, the graph topology has long been known to be the weakest, or coarsest, topology in which (1) feedback stability is a robust property (i.e. preserved in small neighbourhoods) and (2) the map from open-to-closed-loop transfer functions is continuous. However, it is not known whether continuity is a necessary part of this statement, or only required for the existing proofs. It is entirely possible that the answer depends on the underlying classes of systems used. The class of systems we concern ourselves with here is the set of systems that can be approximated, in the graph topology, by real rational transfer function matrices. That is, lumped parameter models, or those distributed systems for which it makes sense to use finite element methods. This is precisely the set of systems that have continuous frequency responses in the extended complex plane. For this class, we show that there is indeed a weaker topology; in which feedback stability is robust but for which the maps from open-to-closed-loop transfer functions are not necessarily continuous. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A partially observable Markov decision process has been proposed as a dialogue model that enables robustness to speech recognition errors and automatic policy optimisation using reinforcement learning (RL). However, conventional RL algorithms require a very large number of dialogues, necessitating a user simulator. Recently, Gaussian processes have been shown to substantially speed up the optimisation, making it possible to learn directly from interaction with human users. However, early studies have been limited to very low dimensional spaces and the learning has exhibited convergence problems. Here we investigate learning from human interaction using the Bayesian Update of Dialogue State system. This dynamic Bayesian network based system has an optimisation space covering more than one hundred features, allowing a wide range of behaviours to be learned. Using an improved policy model and a more robust reward function, we show that stable learning can be achieved that significantly outperforms a simulator trained policy. © 2013 IEEE.