80 resultados para Ambient Assisted Living


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Power consumption of a multi-GHz local clock driver is reduced by returning energy stored in the clock-tree load capacitance back to the on-chip power-distribution grid. We call this type of return energy recycling. To achieve a nearly square clock waveform, the energy is transferred in a non-resonant way using an on-chip inductor in a configuration resembling a full-bridge DC-DC converter. A zero-voltage switching technique is implemented in the clock driver to reduce dynamic power loss associated with the high switching frequencies. A prototype implemented in 90 nm CMOS shows a power savings of 35% at 4 GHz. The area needed for the inductor in this new clock driver is about 6% of a local clock region. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper studies a noncoherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading multiple-access channel (MAC). The rate region that is achievable with nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-assisted channel estimation is analysed and the corresponding pre-log region, defined as the limiting ratio of the rate region to the logarithm of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as the SNR tends to infinity, is determined. © 2011 IEEE.


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We report on a large improvement in the wetting of Al 2O 3 thin films grown by un-seeded atomic layer deposition on monolayer graphene, without creating point defects. This enhanced wetting is achieved by greatly increasing the nucleation density through the use of polar traps induced on the graphene surface by an underlying metallic substrate. The resulting Al 2O 3/graphene stack is then transferred to SiO 2 by standard methods. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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The tensile response of single crystal films passivated on two sides is analysed using climb enabled discrete dislocation plasticity. Plastic deformation is modelled through the motion of edge dislocations in an elastic solid with a lattice resistance to dislocation motion, dislocation nucleation, dislocation interaction with obstacles and dislocation annihilation incorporated through a set of constitutive rules. The dislocation motion in the films is by glide-only or by climb-assisted glide whereas in the surface passivation layers dislocation motion occurs by glide-only and penalized by a friction stress. For realistic values of the friction stress, the size dependence of the flow strength of the oxidised films was mainly a geometrical effect resulting from the fact that the ratio of the oxide layer thickness to film thickness increases with decreasing film thickness. However, if the passivation layer was modelled as impenetrable, i.e. an infinite friction stress, the plastic hardening rate of the films increases with decreasing film thickness even for geometrically self-similar specimens. This size dependence is an intrinsic material size effect that occurs because the dislocation pile-up lengths become on the order of the film thickness. Counter-intuitively, the films have a higher flow strength when dislocation motion is driven by climb-assisted glide compared to the case when dislocation motion is glide-only. This occurs because dislocation climb breaks up the dislocation pile-ups that aid dislocations to penetrate the passivation layers. The results also show that the Bauschinger effect in passivated thin films is stronger when dislocation motion is climb-assisted compared to films wherein dislocation motion is by glide-only. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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A catalyst-free synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using platinum microheaters under ambient environmental conditions has been developed. Different types of ZnO nanostructures are synthesized from the oxidization of Zn thin film by local heating. The characterization of two shapes of Pt microheaters is investigated and the relationship between the applied power for heat generation and ZnO nanostructure synthesis is investigated by local heating experiments under ambient conditions. Based on the developed heating approach, synthesis area, location, and morphologies of ZnO nanostructures can be controlled through the deposited thickness of Zn layer and applied heating voltages. Furthermore, a connected multiple-structure (Zn-ZnO-Zn) layer is synthesized using combinative multimicroheaters. © 2002-2012 IEEE.


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Abstract-Mathematical modelling techniques are used to predict the axisymmetric air flow pattern developed by a state-of-the-art Banged exhaust hood which is reinforced by a turbulent radial jet flow. The high Reynolds number modelling techniques adopted allow the complexity of determining the hood's air Bow to be reduced and provide a means of identifying and assessing the various parameters that control the air Bow. The mathematical model is formulated in terms of the Stokes steam function, ψ, and the governing equations of fluid motion are solved using finite-difference techniques. The injection flow of the exhaust hood is modelled as a turbulent radial jet and the entrained Bow is assumed to be an inviscid potential flow. Comparisons made between contours of constant air speed and centre-line air speeds deduced from the model and all the available experimental data show good agreement over a wide range of typical operating conditions. | Mathematical modelling techniques are used to predict the axisymmetric air flow pattern developed by a state-of-the-art flanged exhaust hood which is reinforced by a turbulent radial jet flow. The high Reynolds number modelling techniques adopted allow the complexity of determining the hood's air flow to be reduced and provide a means of identifying and assessing the various parameters that control the air flow. The mathematical model is formulated in terms of the Stokes steam function, Ψ, and the governing equations of fluid motion are solved using finite-difference techniques. The injection flow of the exhaust hood is modelled as a turbulent radial jet and the entrained flow is assumed to be an inviscid potential flow. Comparisons made between contours of constant air speed and centre-line air speeds deduced from the model and all the available experimental data show good agreement over a wide range of typical operating conditions.


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An improved technique for transferring large area graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition on copper is presented. It is based on mechanical separation of the graphene/copper by H2 bubbles during H2O electrolysis, which only takes a few tens of seconds while leaving the copper cathode intact. A semi-rigid plastic frame in combination with thin polymer layer span on graphene gives a convenient way of handling- and avoiding wrinkles and holes in graphene. Optical and electrical characterizations prove the graphene quality is better than that obtained by traditional wet etching transfer. This technique appears to be highly reproducible and cost efficient. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a new approach for the fabrication and integration of vertically aligned forests of amorphous carbon nanowires (CNWs), using only standard lithography, oxygen plasma treatment, and thermal processing. The simplicity and scalability of this process, as well as the hierarchical organization of CNWs, provides a potential alternative to the use of carbon nanotubes and graphene for applications in microsystems and high surface area materials. The CNWs are highly branched at the nanoscale, and novel hierarchical microstructures with CNWs connected to a solid amorphous core are made by controlling the plasma treatment time. By multilayer processing we demonstrate deterministic joining of CNW micropillars into 3D sensing networks. Finally we show that these networks can be chemically functionalized and used for measurement of DNA binding with increased sensitivity. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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A small-strain two-dimensional discrete dislocation plasticity (DDP) framework is developed wherein dislocation motion is caused by climb-assisted glide. The climb motion of the dislocations is assumed to be governed by a drag-type relation similar to the glide-only motion of dislocations: such a relation is valid when vacancy kinetics is either diffusion limited or sink limited. The DDP framework is employed to predict the effect of dislocation climb on the uniaxial tensile and pure bending response of single crystals. Under uniaxial tensile loading conditions, the ability of dislocations to bypass obstacles by climb results in a reduced dislocation density over a wide range of specimen sizes in the climb-assisted glide case compared to when dislocation motion is only by glide. A consequence is that, at least in a single slip situation, size effects due to dislocation starvation are reduced. By contrast, under pure bending loading conditions, the dislocation density is unaffected by dislocation climb as geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) dominate. However, climb enables the dislocations to arrange themselves into lower energy configurations which significantly reduces the predicted bending size effect as well as the amount of reverse plasticity observed during unloading. The results indicate that the intrinsic plasticity material length scale associated with GNDs is strongly affected by thermally activated processes and will be a function of temperature. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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ZnxSnyOz thin films (<100nm thickness), deposited by remote sputtering from a metal target using a confined argon plasma and oxygen gas jet near the sample, were investigated for their material properties. No visible deformation or curl was observed when deposited on plastic. Materials were confirmed to be amorphous and range between 5 and 10 at.% Sn concentration by x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and energydispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Factors affecting the material composition over time are discussed. Depletion of the Sn as the target ages is suspected. © The Electrochemical Society.


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Side by side with the great advantages of plasmonics in nanoscale light confinement, the inevitable ohmic loss results in significant joule heating in plasmonic devices. Therefore, understanding optical-induced heat generation and heat transport in integrated on-chip plasmonic devices is of major importance. Specifically, there is a need for in situ visualization of electromagnetic induced thermal energy distribution with high spatial resolution. This paper studies the heat distribution in silicon plasmonic nanotips. Light is coupled to the plasmonic nanotips from a silicon nanowaveguide that is integrated with the tip on chip. Heat is generated by light absorption in the metal surrounding the silicon nanotip. The steady-state thermal distribution is studied numerically and measured experimentally using the approach of scanning thermal microscopy. It is shown that following the nanoscale heat generation by a 10 mW light source within a silicon photonic waveguide the temperature in the region of the nanotip is increased by ∼ 15 °C compared with the ambient temperature. Furthermore, we also perform a numerical study of the dynamics of the heat transport. Given the nanoscale dimensions of the structure, significant heating is expected to occur within the time frame of picoseconds. The capability of measuring temperature distribution of plasmonic structures at the nanoscale is shown to be a powerful tool and may be used in future applications related to thermal plasmonic applications such as control heating of liquids, thermal photovoltaic, nanochemistry, medicine, heat-assisted magnetic memories, and nanolithography.


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In this work we show dipole-assisted photogated switching by covalent grafting of photoactive molecules to conducting polymers. Photochromic spiropyran molecules were covalently attached to polyaniline (PANI) nanowires via N-alkylation reaction to the quinoic part of PANI. Upon irradiation with ultraviolet light spiropyran transformed to a large dipole containing molecule, merocyanine form. We show that this transformation leads to a substantial (ca. 2 orders of magnitude) increase in conductance of the photochromic PANI nanowires, which were evident by an increase in field-effect mobility and calculated band gap narrowing of the system. Finally, this transformation was found to be fully reversible with no significant photofatigue. © 2011 American Chemical Society.