73 resultados para visualization


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This article presents a study of the development of the three-dimensional flowfield within the rotor blades of a low-speed, large-scale axial flow turbine. Measurements have been performed in the rotating and stationary frames of reference. Time-mean data have been obtained using miniature five-hole pneumatic probes, whereas the unsteady development of the flow has been determined using three-axis subminiature hot-wire anemometers. Additional information is provided by the results of blade-surface flow-visualization experiments and surface-mounted hot-film anemometers. The development of the stator exit flow, as it passes through the rotor blades, is described. Unsteady data suggest that the presence of the rotor secondary and tip leakage flows restricts the region of unsteady interaction to near midspan when the stator wakes and secondary flows are adjacent to the suction surface. Surface-mounted hot-film data show that this affects the suction-side laminar-turbulent transition process.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation of tip clearance flow in a radial inflow turbine. Flow visualization and static pressure measurements were performed. These were combined with hot-wire traverses into the tip gap. The experimental data indicates that the tip clearance flow in a radial turbine can be divided into three regions. The first region is located at the rotor inlet, where the influence of relative casing motion dominates the flow over the tip. The second region is located towards midchord, where the effect of relative casing motion is weakened. Finally a third region exists in the exducer, where the effect of relative casing motion becomes small and the leakage flow resembles the tip flow behaviour in an axial turbine. Integration of the velocity profiles showed that there is little tip leakage in the first part of the rotor because of the effect of scraping. It was found that the bulk of tip leakage flow in a radial turbine passes through the exducer. The mass flow rate, measured at four chordwise positions, was compared with a standard axial turbine tip leakage model. The result revealed the need for a model suited to radial turbines. The hot-wire measurements also indicated a higher tip gap loss in the exducer of the radial turbine. This explains why the stage efficiency of a radial inflow turbine is more affected by increasing the radial clearance than by increasing the axial clearance.


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This paper describes the effect of the state of the inlet boundary layer (laminar or turbulent) on the structure of the endwall flow on two different profiles of low-pressure (LP) turbine blades (solid thin and hollow thick). At present the state of the endwall boundary layer at the inlet of a real LP turbine is not known. The intention of this paper is to show that, for different designs of LP turbine, the state of the inlet boundary layer affects the performance of the blade in very different ways. The testing was completed at low speed in a linear cascade using area traversing, flow visualization and static pressure measurements. The paper shows that, for a laminar inlet boundary layer, the two profiles have a similar loss distribution and structure of endwall flow. However, for a turbulent inlet boundary layer the two profiles are shown to differ significantly in both the total loss and endwall flow structure. The pressure side separation bubble on the solid thin profile is shown to interact with the passage vortex, causing a higher endwall loss than that measured on the hollow thick profile.


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Prandtl's secondary mean motions of the second kind near an undulating surface were explained in terms of turbulent blocking effect and kinematic boundary conditions at the surface, and its order of magnitude was estimated. Isotropic turbulence is distorted by the undulating surface of wavelength λ and amplitude h with a low slope, so that h « λ. The prime mechanism for generating the mean flow is that the far-field Isotropic turbulence is distorted by the non-local blocking effect of the surface to become anisotropic axisymmetric turbulence near the surface with principal axis that is not aligned with the local curvature of the undulation. Then the local analysis can be applied and the mechanism is similar to the mean flow generation mechanism for homogeneous axisymmetric turbulence over a planer surface, i.e. gradients of the Reynolds stress caused by the turbulent blocking effect generate the mean motions. The results from this simple analysis are consistent with previous exact analysis in which the effects of curvature are strictly taken into account. The results also qualitatively agree with flow visualization over an undulating surface in a mixing-box.


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Human locomotion is known to be influenced by observation of another person's gait. For example, athletes often synchronize their step in long distance races. However, how interaction with a virtual runner affects the gait of a real runner has not been studied. We investigated this by creating an illusion of running behind a virtual model (VM) using a treadmill and large screen virtual environment showing a video of a VM. We looked at step synchronization between the real and virtual runner and at the role of the step frequency (SF) in the real runner's perception of VM speed. We found that subjects match VM SF when asked to match VM speed with their own (Figure 1). This indicates step synchronization may be a strategy of speed matching or speed perception. Subjects chose higher speeds when VMSF was higher (though VM was 12km/h in all videos). This effect was more pronounced when the speed estimate was rated verbally while standing still. (Figure 2). This may due to correlated physical activity affecting the perception of VM speed [Jacobs et al. 2005]; or step synchronization altering the subjects' perception of self speed [Durgin et al. 2007]. Our findings indicate that third person activity in a collaborative virtual locomotive environment can have a pronounced effect on an observer's gait activity and their perceptual judgments of the activity of others: the SF of others (virtual or real) can potentially influence one's perception of self speed and lead to changes in speed and SF. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms would support the design of more compelling virtual trainers and may be instructive for competitive athletics in the real world. © 2009 ACM.


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New types of vortex generators for boundary layer control were investigated experimentally in a flow field which contains a Mach 1.4 normal Shockwave followed by a subsonic diffuser. A parametric study of device height and distance upstream of the normal shock was undertaken with two novel devices: ramped-vanes and split-ramps. Flowfield diagnostics included high-speed Schlieren, oil flow visualization, and pitot-static pressure measurements. A number of flowfield parameters including flow separation, pressure recovery, centerline incompressible boundary layer shape factor, and shock stability were analyzed and compared to the baseline. All configurations tested yielded an elimination of centerline flow separation with the presence of the vortex generators. However, the devices also tended to increase the three-dimensionality of the flow with increased side-wall interaction. When located 25δo upstream of the normal shock, the largest ramped-vane device (whose height was about 0.75 the incoming uncontrolled boundary layer thickness, δo) yielded the smallest centerline incompressible shape factor and the least streamwise oscillations of the normal shock. However, additional studies are needed to better understand the corner interaction effects, which are substantial. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Like large insects, micro air vehicles operate at low Reynolds numbers O(1; 000 - 10; 000) in a regime characterized by separated flow and strong vortices. The leading-edge vortex has been identified as a significant source of high lift on insect wings, but the conditions required for the formation of a stably attached leading-edge vortex are not yet known. The waving wing is designed to model the translational phase of an insect wing stroke by preserving the unsteady starting and stopping motion as well as three-dimensionality in both wing geometry (via a finite-span wing) and kinematics (via wing rotation). The current study examines the effect of the spanwise velocity gradient on the development of the leading-edge vortex along the wing as well as the effects of increasing threedimensionalityby decreasing wing aspect ratio from four to two. Dye flow visualization and particle image velocimetry reveal that the leading-edge vortices that form on a sliding or waving wing have a very high aspect ratio. The structure of the flow is largely two-dimensional on both sliding and waving wings and there is minimal interaction between the leading-edge vortices and the tip vortex. Significant spanwise flow was observed on the waving wing but not on the sliding wing. Despite the increased three-dimensionality on the aspect ratio 2 waving wing, there is no evidence of an attached leading-edge vortex and the structure of the flow is very similar to that on the higher-aspect-ratio wing and sliding wing. © Copyright 2010.


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This paper presents the first performance evaluation of interest points on scalar volumetric data. Such data encodes 3D shape, a fundamental property of objects. The use of another such property, texture (i.e. 2D surface colouration), or appearance, for object detection, recognition and registration has been well studied; 3D shape less so. However, the increasing prevalence of depth sensors and the diminishing returns to be had from appearance alone have seen a surge in shape-based methods. In this work we investigate the performance of several detectors of interest points in volumetric data, in terms of repeatability, number and nature of interest points. Such methods form the first step in many shape-based applications. Our detailed comparison, with both quantitative and qualitative measures on synthetic and real 3D data, both point-based and volumetric, aids readers in selecting a method suitable for their application. © 2011 IEEE.


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The thermal imaging technique relies on the usage of infrared signal to detect the temperature field. Using temperature as a flow tracer, thermography is used to investigate the scalar transport in the shallow-water wake generated by an emergent circular cylinder. Thermal imaging is demonstrated to be a good quantitative flow visualization technique for studying turbulent mixing phenomena in shallow waters. A key advantage of the thermal imaging method over other scalar measurement techniques, such as the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and Planar Concentration Analysis (PCA) methods, is that it involves a very simple experimental setup. The dispersion characteristics captured with this technique are found to be similar to past studies with traditional measurement techniques. © 2012 Publishing House for Journal of Hydrodynamics.


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Most of the manual labor needed to create the geometric building information model (BIM) of an existing facility is spent converting raw point cloud data (PCD) to a BIM description. Automating this process would drastically reduce the modeling cost. Surface extraction from PCD is a fundamental step in this process. Compact modeling of redundant points in PCD as a set of planes leads to smaller file size and fast interactive visualization on cheap hardware. Traditional approaches for smooth surface reconstruction do not explicitly model the sparse scene structure or significantly exploit the redundancy. This paper proposes a method based on sparsity-inducing optimization to address the planar surface extraction problem. Through sparse optimization, points in PCD are segmented according to their embedded linear subspaces. Within each segmented part, plane models can be estimated. Experimental results on a typical noisy PCD demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.


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Experiments are conducted to examine the mechanisms behind the coupling between corner separation and separation away from the corner when holding a high-Machnumber M∞ = 1.5 normal shock in a rectangular channel. The ensuing shock wave interaction with the boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor and in the corners was studied using laser Doppler anemometry, Pitot probe traverses, pressure sensitive paint and flow visualization. The primary mechanism explaining the link between the corner separation size and the other areas of separation appears to be the generation of compression waves at the corner, which act to smear the adverse pressure gradient imposed upon other parts of the flow. Experimental results indicate that the alteration of the -region, which occurs in the supersonic portion of the shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SBLI), is more important than the generation of any blockage in the subsonic region downstream of the shock wave. © Copyright 2012 Cambridge University Press.