54 resultados para simulation models


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Modeling work in neuroscience can be classified using two different criteria. The first one is the complexity of the model, ranging from simplified conceptual models that are amenable to mathematical analysis to detailed models that require simulations in order to understand their properties. The second criterion is that of direction of workflow, which can be from microscopic to macroscopic scales (bottom-up) or from behavioral target functions to properties of components (top-down). We review the interaction of theory and simulation using examples of top-down and bottom-up studies and point to some current developments in the fields of computational and theoretical neuroscience.


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Abstract Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes–LES (RANS–LES) methods are applied to a turbine blade ribbed internal duct with a 180° bend containing 24 pairs of ribs. Flow and heat transfer predictions are compared with experimental data and found to be in agreement. The choice of LES model is found to be of minor importance as the flow is dominated by large geometric scale structures. This is in contrast to several linear and nonlinear RANS models, which display turbulence model sensitivity. For LES, the influence of inlet turbulence is also tested and has a minor impact due to the strong turbulence generated by the ribs. Large scale turbulent motions destroy any classical boundary layer reducing near wall grid requirements. The wake-type flow structure makes this and similar flows nearly Reynolds number independent, allowing a range of flows to be studied at similar cost. Hence LES is a relatively cheap method for obtaining accurate heat transfer predictions in these types of flows.


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Delivering acceptable low end torque and good transient response is a significant challenge for all turbocharged engines. As downsized gasoline engines and Diesel engines make up a larger and larger proportion of the light-duty engines entering the market, the issue takes on greater significance. Several schemes have been proposed to improve torque response in highly boosted engines, including the use of electrical assist turbochargers and compressed air assist. In this paper we examine these methods with respect to their effectiveness in improving transient response and their relative performance along with some of the practical considerations for real world application. Results shown in this paper are from 1-D simulations using the Ricardo WAVE software package. The simulation model is based on a production light-duty Diesel engine modified to allow the introduction of compressed air at various points in the air-path as well as direct torque application to the turbocharger shaft (such as might be available from an electrical assist turbocharger). Whilst the 1-D simulation software provides a suitable environment for investigating the various boost assistance options, the overall air path performance also depends upon the control system. The introduction of boost assistance complicates the control in two significant ways: the system may run into constraints (such as compressor surge) that are not encountered in normal operation and the assistance introduces an additional control input. Production engine controllers are usually based on gain-scheduled PID control and extensive calibration. For this study, the non-linear nature of the engine together with the multiple configurations considered and the slower than real-time execution of 1-D models makes such an approach time consuming. Moreover, an ad-hoc approach would leave some doubt as to the fairness of comparisons between the different boost-assist options. Model Predictive Control has been shown to offer a convenient approach to controlling the 1-D simulations in a close to optimal manner for a typical Diesel VGT-EGR air path configuration. We show that the same technique can be applied to all the considered assistance methods with only modest calibration effort required. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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Hybrid numerical large eddy simulation (NLES), detached eddy simulation (DES) and URANS methods are assessed on a cavity and a labyrinth seal geometry. A high sixth-order discretization scheme is used and is validated using the test case of a two-dimensional vortex. The hybrid approach adopts a new blending function. For the URANS simulations, the flow within the cavity remains steady, and the results show significant variation between models. Surprisingly, low levels of resolved turbulence are observed in the cavity for the DES simulation, and the cavity shear layer remains two dimensional. The hybrid RANS-NLES approach does not suffer from this trait.For the labyrinth seal, both the URANS and DES approaches give low levels of resolved turbulence. The zonal Hamilton-Jacobi approach on the other had given significantly more resolved content. Both DES and hybrid RANS-NLES give good agreement with the experimentally measured velocity profiles. Again, there is significant variation between the URANS models, and swirl velocities are overpredicted. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We consider the smoothing problem for a class of conditionally linear Gaussian state-space (CLGSS) models, referred to as mixed linear/nonlinear models. In contrast to the better studied hierarchical CLGSS models, these allow for an intricate cross dependence between the linear and the nonlinear parts of the state vector. We derive a Rao-Blackwellized particle smoother (RBPS) for this model class by exploiting its tractable substructure. The smoother is of the forward filtering/backward simulation type. A key feature of the proposed method is that, unlike existing RBPS for this model class, the linear part of the state vector is marginalized out in both the forward direction and in the backward direction. © 2013 IEEE.


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The flame surface density approach to the modeling of premixed turbulent combustion is well established in the context of Reynolds-averaged simulations. For the future, it is necessary to consider large-eddy simulation (LES), which is likely to offer major advantages in terms of physical accuracy, particularly for unsteady combustion problems. LES relies on spatial filtering for the removal of unresolved phenomena whose characteristic length scales are smaller than the computational grid scale. Thus, there is a need for soundly based physical modeling at the subgrid scales. The aim of this paper is to explore the usefulness of the flame surface density concept as a basis for LES modeling of premixed turbulent combustion. A transport equation for the filtered flame surface density is presented, and models are proposed for unclosed terms. Comparison with Reynolds-averaged modeling is shown to reveal some interesting similarities and differences. These were exploited together with known physics and statistical results from experiment and from direct numerical stimulation in order to gain insight and refine the modeling. The model has been implemented in a combustion LES code together with standard models for scalar and momentum transport. Computational results were obtained for a simple three-dimensional flame propagation test problem, and the relative importance of contributing terms in the modeled equation for flame surface density was assessed. Straining and curvature are shown to have a major influence at both the resolved and subgrid levels.


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An important first step in spray combustion simulation is an accurate determination of the fuel properties which affects the modelling of spray formation and reaction. In a practical combustion simulation, the implementation of a multicomponent model is important in capturing the relative volatility of different fuel components. A Discrete Multicomponent (DM) model is deemed to be an appropriate candidate to model a composite fuel like biodiesel which consists of four components of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). In this paper, the DM model is compared with the traditional Continuous Thermodynamics (CTM) model for both diesel and biodiesel. The CTM model is formulated based on mixing rules that incorporate the physical and thermophysical properties of pure components into a single continuous surrogate for the composite fuel. The models are implemented within the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM, and a semi-quantitative comparison is made between the predicted spray-combustion characteristics and optical measurements of a swirl-stabilised flame of diesel and biodiesel. The DM model performs better than the CTM model in predicting a higher magnitude of heat release rate in the top flame brush region of the biodiesel flame compared to that of the diesel flame. Using both the DM and CTM models, the simulation successfully reproduces the droplet size, volume flux, and droplet density profiles of diesel and biodiesel. The DM model predicts a longer spray penetration length for biodiesel compared to that of diesel, as seen in the experimental data. Also, the DM model reproduces a segregated biodiesel fuel vapour field and spray in which the most abundant FAME component has the longest vapour penetration. In the biodiesel flame, the relative abundance of each fuel component is found to dominate over the relative volatility in terms of the vapour species distribution and vice versa in the liquid species distribution. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of free vibration in elastic structure can lead to energy-efficient robot locomotion, since it significantly reduces the energy expenditure if properly designed and controlled. However, it is not well understood how to harness the dynamics of free vibration for the robot locomotion, because of the complex dynamics originated in discrete events and energy dissipation during locomotion. From this perspective, the goals of this paper are to propose a design strategy of hopping robot based on elastic curved beams and actuated rotating masses and to identify the minimalistic model that can characterize the basic principle of robot locomotion. Since the robot mainly exhibits vertical hopping, three 1-D models are examined that contain different configurations of simple spring-damper-mass components. The real-world and simulation experiments show that one of the models best characterizes the robot hopping, through analyzing the basic kinematics and negative works in actuation. Based on this model, the self-stability of hopping motion under disturbances is investigated, and design and control parameters are analyzed for the energy-efficient hopping. In addition, further analyses show that this robot can achieve the energy-efficient hopping with the variation in payload, and the source of energy dissipation of the robot hopping is investigated. © 1982-2012 IEEE.


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The use of free vibration in elastic structure can lead to energy efficient robot locomotion, since it significantly reduces the energy expenditure if properly designed and controlled. However, it is not well understood how to harness the dynamics of free vibration for the robot locomotion, because of the complex dynamics originated in discrete events and energy dissipation during locomotion. From this perspective, this paper explores three minimalistic models of free vibration that can characterize the basic principle of robot locomotion. Since the robot mainly exhibits vertical hopping, three one-dimensional models are examined that contain different configurations of simple spring-damper-mass components. The self-stability of these models are also investigated in simulation. The real-world and simulation experiments show that one of the models best characterizes the robot hopping, through analyzing the basic kinematics and negative works in actuation. Based on this model, the control parameters are analyzed for the energy efficient hopping. © 2013 IEEE.