79 resultados para boardroom challenges


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In this review we describe current scientific and technological issues in the quest to reduce aeroengine noise, in the face of predicted rapid increases in the volume of air traffic, on the one hand, and increasingly strict environmental regulation, on the other. Alongside conventional ducted turbofan designs, new open-rotor contra-rotating power plants are currently under development, which present their own noise challenges. The key sources of tonal and broadband noise, and the way in which noise propagates away from the source, are surveyed in both cases. We also consider in detail two key aspects underpinning the flow physics that continue to receive considerable attention, namely the acoustics of swirling flow and unsteady flow-blade interactions. Finally, we describe possible innovations in open-rotor engine design for low noise.


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In the multi-site manufacturing domain, systems-of-systems (SoS) are rarely called so. However, there exist a number of collaborative manufacturing paradigms which closely relate to system-of-system principles. These include distributed manufacturing, dispersed network manufacturing, virtual enterprises and cloud manufacturing/manufacturing-as-a-service. This paper provides an overview of these terms and paradigms, exploring their characteristics, overlaps and differences. These manufacturing paradigms are then considered in relation to five key system-of-systems characteristics: autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity and emergence. Data collected from two surveys of academic and industry experts is presented and discussed, with key challenges and barriers to multi-site manufacturing SoS identified.


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Construction industry is a sector that is renowned for the slow uptake of new technologies. This is usually due to the conservative nature of this sector that relies heavily on tried and tested and successful old business practices. However, there is an eagerness in this industry to adopt Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies to capture and record accurate information about a building project. But vast amounts of information and knowledge about the construction process is typically hidden within informal social interactions that take place in the work environment. In this paper we present a vision where smartphones and tablet devices carried by construction workers are used to capture the interaction and communication between workers in the field. Informal chats about decisions taken in the field, impromptu formation of teams, identification of key persons for certain tasks, and tracking the flow of information across the project community, are some pieces of information that could be captured by employing social sensing in the field. This information can not only be used during the construction to improve the site processes but it can also be exploited by the end user during maintenance of the building. We highlight the challenges that need to be overcome for this mobile and social sensing system to become a reality. © 2012 ACM.


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The objective of this study was to identify challenges in civil and environmental engineering that can potentially be solved using data sensing and analysis research. The challenges were recognized through extensive literature review in all disciplines of civil and environmental engineering. The literature review included journal articles, reports, expert interviews, and magazine articles. The challenges were ranked by comparing their impact on cost, time, quality, environment and safety. The result of this literature review includes challenges such as improving construction safety and productivity, improving roof safety, reducing building energy consumption, solving traffic congestion, managing groundwater, mapping and monitoring the underground, estimating sea conditions, and solving soil erosion problems. These challenges suggest areas where researchers can apply data sensing and analysis research.


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A diverse group of experts proposed the 9 grand challenges outlined in this booklet. This expert task force was assembled by the ASCE TCCIT Data Sensing and Analysis (DSA) Committee and endorsed by the TRB AFH10(1) Construction IT joint subcommittee at the request of their membership. The task force did not rank the challenges selected, nor did it endorse particular approaches to meeting them. Rather than attempt to include every important goal for data sensing and analysis, the panel chose opportunities that were both achievable and sustainable to help people and the planet thrive. The panel’s conclusions were reviewed by several subject-matter experts. The DSA is offering an opportunity to comment on the challenges by contacting the task force chair via email at becerik@usc.edu.


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The US National Academy of Engineering recently identified restoring and improving urban infrastructure as one of the grand challenges of engineering. Part of this challenge stems from the lack of viable methods to map/label existing infrastructure. For computer vision, this challenge becomes “How can we automate the process of extracting geometric, object oriented models of infrastructure from visual data?” Object recognition and reconstruction methods have been successfully devised and/or adapted to answer this question for small or linear objects (e.g. columns). However, many infrastructure objects are large and/or planar without significant and distinctive features, such as walls, floor slabs, and bridge decks. How can we recognize and reconstruct them in a 3D model? In this paper, strategies for infrastructure object recognition and reconstruction are presented, to set the stage for posing the question above and discuss future research in featureless, large/planar object recognition and modeling.


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TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) has been promoted by several enthusiasts as a systematic methodology or toolkit that provides a logical approach to developing creativity for innovation and inventive problem solving. The methodology, which emerged from Russia in the 1960s, has spread to over 35 countries across the world. It is now being taught in several universities and it has been applied by a number of global organisations who have found it particularly useful for spurring new product development. However, while its popularity and attractiveness appear to be on a steady increase, there are practical issues which make the use of TRIZ in practice particularly challenging. These practical difficulties have largely been neglected by TRIZ literature. This paper takes a step away from conventional TRIZ literature, by exploring not just the benefits associated with TRIZ knowledge, but the challenges associated with its acquisition and application based on practical experience. Through a survey, first-hand information is collected from people who have tried (successfully and unsuccessfully) to understand and apply the methodology. The challenges recorded cut across a number of issues, ranging from the complex nature of the methodology to underlying organisational and cultural issues which hinder its understanding and application. Another contribution of this paper, potentially useful for TRIZ beginners, is the indication of what tools among the several contained in the TRIZ toolkit would be most useful to learn first, based on their observed degree of usage by the survey respondents. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.