54 resultados para Stimmer, Tobias, 1539-1584.


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The adhesive properties of the gecko foot have inspired designs of advanced micropatterned surfaces with increased contact areas. We have fabricated micropatterned pillars of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests with a range of pillar diameters, heights, and spacings (or pitch). We used nanoindentation to measure their elastic and orthogonal adhesion properties and derive their scaling behavior. The patterning of nanotube forests into pillar arrays allows a reduction of the effective modulus from 10 to 15 MPa to 0.1-1 MPa which is useful for developing maximum conformal adhesion. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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The observation of von Kármán type vortices during the impact of water droplets onto a pool of water is reported. Shadowgraph imaging and laser-sheet visualization are used to document these events. The appearance of these vortices occurs within theoretically predicted regions in a Reynolds-splash number parameter space. In addition, and also in agreement with theoretical predictions, smooth splashing, with vortices absent, is found for smaller Reynolds number. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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This article introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for modular specification of embedded control systems. In a PCHA, control actions that change the control input to the plant occur roughly periodically, while other actions that update the state of the controller may occur in the interim. Such actions could model, for example, sensor updates and information received from higher-level planning modules that change the set point of the controller. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariant properties of PCHAs is presented. For PCHAs with polynomial continuous vector fields, it is possible to check these conditions automatically using, for example, quantifier elimination or sum of squares decomposition. We examine the feasibility of this automatic approach on a small example. The proposed technique is also used to manually verify safety and progress properties of a fairly complex planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle. Geometric properties of planner-generated paths are derived which guarantee that such paths can be safely followed by the controller. © 2012 ACM.


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We report a mechanism by which nanoscale filaments self-assemble into asymmetric aggregates by elastocapillary action. Specifically, capillary rise of liquid into an asymmetric pattern of vertically aligned filaments causes the filaments to deflect laterally during elastocapillary densification. We quantitatively show that the lateral deflection can be controlled precisely by the pattern shape and the coupling strength among the filaments. We exploit this mechanism to fabricate asymmetric micropillars and multidirectional bridges of densely packed carbon nanotubes. Analogous behavior occurs as biological filaments interact with liquids, and these findings enable scalable fabrication of anisotropic filament assemblies for manipulating surface interactions between solids and liquids. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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In this article, we investigate the spontaneous emission properties of radiating molecules embedded in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, under the assumption that the electronic transition frequency is close to the photonic edge mode of the structure, i.e., at resonance. We take into account the transition broadening and the decay of electromagnetic field modes supported by the so-called "mirrorless"cavity. We employ the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian to describe the electron interaction with the electromagnetic field, focusing on the mode with the diffracting polarization in the chiral nematic layer. As known in these structures, the density of photon states, calculated via the Wigner method, has distinct peaks on either side of the photonic band gap, which manifests itself as a considerable modification of the emission spectrum. We demonstrate that, near resonance, there are notable differences between the behavior of the density of states and the spontaneous emission profile of these structures. In addition, we examine in some detail the case of the logarithmic peak exhibited in the density of states in two-dimensional photonic structures and obtain analytic relations for the Lamb shift and the broadening of the atomic transition in the emission spectrum. The dynamical behavior of the atom-field system is described by a system of two first-order differential equations, solved using the Green's-function method and the Fourier transform. The emission spectra are then calculated and compared with experimental data. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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We study magnetic artificial flagella whose swimming speed and direction can be controlled using light and magnetic field as external triggers. The dependence of the swimming velocity on the system parameters (e.g., length, stiffness, fluid viscosity, and magnetic field) is explored using a computational framework in which the magnetostatic, fluid dynamic, and solid mechanics equations are solved simultaneously. A dimensionless analysis is carried out to obtain an optimal combination of system parameters for which the swimming velocity is maximal. The swimming direction reversal is addressed by incorporating photoresponsive materials, which in the photoactuated state can mimic natural mastigonemes. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Performance measurement and management (PMM) is a management and research paradox. On one hand, it provides management with many critical, useful, and needed functions. Yet, there is evidence that it can adversely affect performance. This paper attempts to resolve this paradox by focusing on the issue of "fit". That is, in today's dynamic and turbulent environment, changes in either the business environment or the business strategy can lead to the need for new or revised measures and metrics. Yet, if these measures and metrics are either not revised or incorrectly revised, then we can encounter situations where what the firm wants to achieve (as communicated by its strategy) and what the firm measures and rewards are not synchronised with each other (i.e., there is a lack of "fit"). This situation can adversely affect the ability of the firm to compete. The issue of fit is explored using a three phase Delphi approach. Initially intended to resolve this first paradox, the Delphi study identified another paradox - one in which the researchers found that in a dynamic environment, firms do revise their strategies, yet, often the PMM system is not changed. To resolve this second paradox, the paper proposes a new framework - one that shows that under certain conditions, the observed metrics "lag" is not only explainable but also desirable. The findings suggest a need to recast the accepted relationship between strategy and PMM system and the output included the Performance Alignment Matrix that had utility for managers. © 2013 .