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In recent years there has been a growing interest amongst the speech research community into the use of spectral estimators which circumvent the traditional quasi-stationary assumption and provide greater time-frequency (t-f) resolution than conventional spectral estimators, such as the short time Fourier power spectrum (STFPS). One distribution in particular, the Wigner distribution (WD), has attracted considerable interest. However, experimental studies have indicated that, despite its improved t-f resolution, employing the WD as the front end of speech recognition system actually reduces recognition performance; only by explicitly re-introducing t-f smoothing into the WD are recognition rates improved. In this paper we provide an explanation for these findings. By treating the spectral estimation problem as one of optimization of a bias variance trade off, we show why additional t-f smoothing improves recognition rates, despite reducing the t-f resolution of the spectral estimator. A practical adaptive smoothing algorithm is presented, whicy attempts to match the degree of smoothing introduced into the WD with the time varying quasi-stationary regions within the speech waveform. The recognition performance of the resulting adaptively smoothed estimator is found to be comparable to that of conventional filterbank estimators, yet the average temporal sampling rate of the resulting spectral vectors is reduced by around a factor of 10. © 1992.


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A new interpolation technique has been developed for replacing missing samples in a sampled waveform drawn from a stationary stochastic process, given the power spectrum for the process. The method works with a finite block of data and is based on the assumption that components of the block DFT are Gaussian zero-mean independent random variables with variance proportional to the power spectrum at each frequency value. These assumptions make the interpolator particularly suitable for signals with a sharply-defined harmonic structure, such as audio waveforms recorded from music or voiced speech. Some results are presented and comparisons are made with existing techniques.


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This article presents a study of the development of the three-dimensional flowfield within the rotor blades of a low-speed, large-scale axial flow turbine. Measurements have been performed in the rotating and stationary frames of reference. Time-mean data have been obtained using miniature five-hole pneumatic probes, whereas the unsteady development of the flow has been determined using three-axis subminiature hot-wire anemometers. Additional information is provided by the results of blade-surface flow-visualization experiments and surface-mounted hot-film anemometers. The development of the stator exit flow, as it passes through the rotor blades, is described. Unsteady data suggest that the presence of the rotor secondary and tip leakage flows restricts the region of unsteady interaction to near midspan when the stator wakes and secondary flows are adjacent to the suction surface. Surface-mounted hot-film data show that this affects the suction-side laminar-turbulent transition process.


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In this paper, an introduction to Bayesian methods in signal processing will be given. The paper starts by considering the important issues of model selection and parameter estimation and derives analytic expressions for the model probabilities of two simple models. The idea of marginal estimation of certain model parameter is then introduced and expressions are derived for the marginal probability densities for frequencies in white Gaussian noise and a Bayesian approach to general changepoint analysis is given. Numerical integration methods are introduced based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques and the Gibbs sampler in particular.


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A study of the three-dimensional stator-rotor interaction in a turbine stage is presented. Experimental data reveal vortices downstream of the rotor which are stationary in the absolute frame - indicating that they are caused by the stator exit flowfield. Evidence of the rotor hub passage vortices is seen, but additional vortical structures away from the endwalls, which would not be present if the rotor were tested in isolation, are also identified. An unsteady computation of the rotor row is performed using the measured stator exit flowfield as the inlet boundary condition. The strength and location of the vortices at rotor exit are predicted. A formation mechanism is proposed whereby stator wake fluid with steep spanwise gradients of absolute total pressure is responsible for all but one of the rotor exit vortices. This mechanism is then verified computationally using a passive-scalar tracking technique. The predicted loss generation through the rotor row is then presented and a comparison made with a steady calculation where the inlet flow has been mixed out to pitchwise uniformity. The loss produced in the steady simulation, even allowing for the mixing loss at inlet, is 10% less than that produced in the unsteady simulation. This difference highlights the importance of the time-accurate calculation as a tool of the turbomachine designer.


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In this paper, an introduction to Bayesian methods in signal processing will be given. The paper starts by considering the important issues of model selection and parameter estimation and derives analytic expressions for the model probabilities of two simple models. The idea of marginal estimation of certain model parameter is then introduced and expressions are derived for the marginal probabilitiy densities for frequencies in white Gaussian noise and a Bayesian approach to general changepoint analysis is given. Numerical integration methods are introduced based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques and the Gibbs sampler in particular.


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The Reynolds number influence on turbulent blocking effects by a rigid plane boundary is studied using direct numerical simulation (DNS). A new forcing method using 'simple model eddies' (Townsend 1976) for DNS of stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence is proposed. A force field is obtained in real space by sprinkling many space-filling 'simple model eddies' whose centers are randomly but uniformly distributed in space and whose axes of rotation are random. The method is applied to a shear-free turbulent boundary layer over a rigid plane boundary and the blocking effects are investigated. The results show that stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence is generated in real space using the present method. By using different model eddies with different sizes and rotation speeds, we could change the turbulence properties such as the integral and micro scales, the turbulent Reynolds number and the isotropy of turbulence. Turbulence intensities near the wall showed good agreements with the previous measurement and the linear analysis based on a rapid distortion theory (RDT). The splat effect (i.e., turbulence intensities of the components parallel to the boundary are amplified) occurs near the boundary and the viscous effect prohibits the splat effect at the quasi steady state at low Reynolds number.


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The Reynolds number influence on turbulent blocking effects by a rigid plane boundary is studied using direct numerical simulation (DNS). A new forcing method proposed in the second report using Townsend's "simple model eddies" for DNS was extended to generate axisymmetric anisotropic turbulence. A force field is obtained in real space by sprinkling many space-filling "simple model eddies" whose centers are randomly but uniformly distributed in space. The axes of rotation are controlled in this study to generate axisymmetric anisotropic turbulence. The method is applied to a shear-free turbulent boundary layer over a rigid plane boundary and the blocking effects for anisotropic turbulence are investigated. The results show that stationary axisymmetric anisotropic turbulence is generated using the present method. Turbulence intensities near the wall showed good agreements with the rapid distortion theory (RDT) for small t (t ≪ TL), where TL. is the eddy turnover time. The splat effect (i. e. turbulence intensities of the components parallel to the surface are amplified) occurs near the boundary and the viscous effect attenuates the splat effect at the quasi steady state at low Reynolds number as for Isotropic turbulence. Prandtl's secondary flow of the second kind does not occur for low Reynolds number flows, which qualitatively agrees with previous observetion in a mixing-box.


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This paper discusses the problem of restoring a digital input signal that has been degraded by an unknown FIR filter in noise, using the Gibbs sampler. A method for drawing a random sample of a sequence of bits is presented; this is shown to have faster convergence than a scheme by Chen and Li, which draws bits independently. ©1998 IEEE.


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This paper proposes a movement trajectory planning model, which is a maximum task achievement model in which signal-dependent noise is added to the movement command. In the proposed model, two optimization criteria are combined, maximum task achievement and minimum energy consumption. The proposed model has the feature that the end-point boundary conditions for position, velocity, and acceleration need not be prespecified. Consequently, the method can be applied not only to the simple point-to-point movement, but to any task. In the method in this paper, the hand trajectory is derived by a psychophysical experiment and a numerical experiment for the case in which the target is not stationary, but is a moving region. It is shown that the trajectory predicted from the minimum jerk model or the minimum torque change model differs considerably from the results of the psychophysical experiment. But the trajectory predicted from the maximum task achievement model shows good qualitative agreement with the hand trajectory obtained from the psychophysical experiment. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.