53 resultados para Infrared Visualization


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The thermal imaging technique relies on the usage of infrared signal to detect the temperature field. Using temperature as a flow tracer, thermography is used to investigate the scalar transport in the shallow-water wake generated by an emergent circular cylinder. Thermal imaging is demonstrated to be a good quantitative flow visualization technique for studying turbulent mixing phenomena in shallow waters. A key advantage of the thermal imaging method over other scalar measurement techniques, such as the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and Planar Concentration Analysis (PCA) methods, is that it involves a very simple experimental setup. The dispersion characteristics captured with this technique are found to be similar to past studies with traditional measurement techniques. © 2012 Publishing House for Journal of Hydrodynamics.


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Y2-x Erx O3 thin films, with x varying between 0 and 0.72, have been successfully grown on crystalline silicon (c-Si) substrates by radio-frequency magnetron cosputtering of Y2 O 3 and Er2 O3 targets. As-deposited films are polycrystalline, showing the body-centered cubic structure of Y2 O3, and show only a slight lattice parameter contraction when x is increased, owing to the insertion of Er ions. All the films exhibit intense Er-related optical emission at room temperature both in the visible and infrared regions. By studying the optical properties for different excitation conditions and for different Er contents, all the mechanisms (i.e., cross relaxations, up-conversions, and energy transfers to impurities) responsible for the photoluminescence (PL) emission have been identified, and the existence of two different well-defined Er concentration regimes has been demonstrated. In the low concentration regime (x up to 0.05, Er-doped regime), the visible PL emission reaches its highest intensity, owing to the influence of up-conversions, thus giving the possibility of using Y2-x Er x O3 films as an up-converting layer in the rear of silicon solar cells. However, most of the excited Er ions populate the first two excited levels 4I11/2 and 4I13/2, and above a certain excitation flux a population inversion condition between the former and the latter is achieved, opening the route for the realization of amplifiers at 2.75 μm. Instead, in the high concentration regime (Er-compound regime), an increase in the nonradiative decay rates is observed, owing to the occurrence of cross relaxations or energy transfers to impurities. As a consequence, the PL emission at 1.54 μm becomes the most intense, thus determining possible applications for Y2-x Erx O 3 as an infrared emitting material. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We describe simple yet scalable and distributed algorithms for solving the maximum flow problem and its minimum cost flow variant, motivated by problems of interest in objects similarity visualization. We formulate the fundamental problem as a convex-concave saddle point problem. We then show that this problem can be efficiently solved by a first order method or by exploiting faster quasi-Newton steps. Our proposed approach costs at most O(|ε|) per iteration for a graph with |ε| edges. Further, the number of required iterations can be shown to be independent of number of edges for the first order approximation method. We present experimental results in two applications: mosaic generation and color similarity based image layouting. © 2010 IEEE.


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The presence of liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder is believed to be a strong contributor to the high levels of hydrocarbon emissions from spark ignition (SI) engines during the warm-up period. Quantifying and determining the fate of the liquid fuel that enters the cylinder is the first step in understanding the process of emissions formation. This work uses planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) to visualize the liquid fuel present in the cylinder. The fluorescing compounds in indolene, and mixtures of iso-octane with dopants of different boiling points (acetone and 3-pentanone) were used to trace the behavior of different volatility components. Images were taken of three different planes through the engine intersecting the intake valve region. A closed valve fuel injection strategy was used, as this is the strategy most commonly used in practice. Background subtraction and masking were both performed to reduce the effect of any spurious fluorescence. The images were analyzed on both a time and crank angle (CA) basis, showing the time of maximum liquid fuel present in the cylinder and the effect of engine events on the inflow of liquid fuel. The results show details of the liquid fuel distribution as it enters the engine as a function of crankangle degree, volatility and location in the cylinder. A. semi-quantitative analysis based on the integration of the image intensities provides additional information on the temporal distribution of the liquid fuel flow. © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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We demonstrate a mid-infrared Raman-soliton continuum extending from 1.9 to 3 μm in a highly germanium-doped silica-clad fiber, pumped by a nanotube mode-locked thulium-doped fiber system, delivering 12 kW sub-picosecond pulses at 1.95 μm. This simple and robust source of light covers a portion of the atmospheric transmission window. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Information visualization can accelerate perception, provide insight and control, and harness this flood of valuable data to gain a competitive advantage in making business decisions. Although such a statement seems to be obvious, there is a lack in the literature of practical evidence of the benefit of information visualization. The main contribution of this paper is to illustrate how, for a major European apparel retailer, the visualization of performance information plays a critical role in improving business decisions and in extracting insights from Redio Frequency Idetification (RFID)-based performance measures. In this paper, we identify - based on a literature review - three fundamental managerial functions of information visualization, namely as: a communication medium, a knowledge management means, and a decision-support instrument. Then, we provide - based on real industrial case evidence - how information visualization supports business decision-making. Several examples are provided to evidence the benefit of information visualization through its three identified managerial functions. We find that - depending on the way performance information is shaped, communicated, and made interactive - it not only helps decision making, but also offers a means of knowledge creation, as well as an appropriate communication channel. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.