55 resultados para INFINITE DILUTION


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Turbomachinery noise radiating into the rearward arc is an important problem. This noise is scattered by the trailing edges of the nacelle and the jet exhaust, and interacts with the shear layers between the external flow, bypass stream and jet, en route to the far field. In the past a range of relevant model problems involving semi-infinite cylinders have been solved. However, one limitation of these previous solutions is that they do not allow for the jet nozzle protruding a finite distance beyond the end of the nacelle (or in certain configurations being buried a finite distance upstream). With this in mind, we have used the matrix Wiener-Hopf technique to allow precisely this finite nacelle-jet nozzle separation to be included. We have previously reported results for the case of hard-walled ducts, which requires factorisation of a 2 × 2 matrix. In this paper we extend this work by allowing one of the duct walls, in this case the outer wall of the jet pipe, to be acoustically lined. This results in the need to factorise a 3 × 3 matrix, which is completed by use of a combination of pole-removal and Pad́e approximant techniques. Sample results are presented, investigating in particular the effects of exit plane stagger and liner impedance. Here we take the mean flow to be zero, but extension to nonzero Mach numbers in the core and bypass flow has also been completed. Copyright © 2009 by Nigel Peake & Ben Veitch.


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We present results on the stability of compressible inviscid swirling flows in an annular duct. Such flows are present in aeroengines, for example in the by-pass duct, and there are also similar flows in many aeroacoustic or aeronautical applications. The linearised Euler equations have a ('critical layer') singularity associated with pure convection of the unsteady disturbance by the mean flow, and we focus our attention on this region of the spectrum. By considering the critical layer singularity, we identify the continuous spectrum of the problem and describe how it contributes to the unsteady field. We find a very generic family of instability modes near to the continuous spectrum, whose eigenvalue wavenumbers form an infinite set and accumulate to a point in the complex plane. We study this accumulation process asymptotically, and find conditions on the flow to support such instabilities. It is also found that the continuous spectrum can cause a new type of instability, leading to algebraic growth with an exponent determined by the mean flow, given in the analysis. The exponent of algebraic growth can be arbitrarily large. Numerical demonstrations of the continuous spectrum instability, and also the modal instabilities are presented.


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This work describes the deposition and characterisation of semi-insulating oxygen-doped silicon films for the development of high voltage polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) circuitry on glass. The performance of a novel poly-Si High Voltage Thin Film Transistor (HVTFT) structure, incorporating a layer of semi-insulating material, has been investigated using a two dimensional device simulator. The semi-insulating layer increases the operating voltage of the HVTFT structure by linearising the potential distribution in the device offset region. A glass compatible semi-insulating layer, suitable for HVTFT applications, has been deposited by the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) technique from silane (SiH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and helium (He) gas mixtures. The as-deposited films are furnace annealed at 600°C which is the maximum process temperature. By varying the N2O/SiH4 ratio the conductivity of the annealed films can be accurately controlled up to a maximum of around 10-7 Ω-1cm-1. Helium dilution of the reactant gases improves both film uniformity and reproducibility. Raman analysis shows the as-deposited and annealed films to be completely amorphous. A model for the microstructure of these Semi-Insulating Amorphous Oxygen-Doped Silicon (SIAOS) films is proposed to explain the observed physical and electrical properties.


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This work describes the deposition, annealing and characterisation of semi-insulating oxygen-doped silicon films at temperatures compatible with polysilicon circuitry on glass. The semi-insulating layers are deposited by the plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition technique from silane (SiH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and helium (He) gas mixtures at a temperature of 350 °C. The as-deposited films are then furnace annealed at 600 °C which is the maximum process temperature. Raman analysis shows the as-deposited and annealed films to be completely amorphous. The most important deposition variable is the N2O SiH4 gas ratio. By varying the N2O SiH4 ratio the conductivity of the annealed films can be accurately controlled, for the first time, down to a minimum of ≈10-7Ω-1cm-1 where they exhibit a T -1 4 temperature dependence indicative of a hopping conduction mechanism. Helium dilution of the reactant gases is shown to improve both film uniformity and reproducibility. A model for the microstructure of these semi-insulating amorphous oxygen-doped silicon films is proposed to explain the observed physical and electrical properties. © 1995.


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This work describes the annealing and characterisation of semi-insulating oxygen-doped silicon films deposited by the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) technique from silane (SiH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and helium (He) gas mixtures. The maximum process temperature is chosen to be compatible with large area polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) circuitry on glass. The most important deposition variable is shown to be the N2O SiH4 gas ratio. Helium dilution results in improved film uniformity and reproducibility. Raman analysis shows the 'as-deposited' and annealed films to be completely amorphous. A model for the microstructure of these Semi-Insulating Amorphous Oxygen-doped Silicon (SIAOS) films is proposed to explain the observed physical and electrical properties. © 1995.


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings were deposited on to silicon, glass and metal substrates, using an rf-plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (rf-PECVD) process. The resultant film properties were evaluated in respect of material and interfacial property control, based on bias voltage variation and the introduction of inert (He and Ar) and reactive (N2) diluting gases in a CH4 plasma. The analysis techniques used to assess the material properties of the films included AFM, EELS, RBS/ERDA, spectroscopic, electrical, stress, microhardness, and adhesion. These were correlated to the tribological performance of the coatings using wear measurements. The most important observation is that He dilution (>90%) promotes enhanced adhesion with respect to all substrate material studies. Coatings typically exhibit a microhardness of the order of 10-20 GPa in films 0.1dilution (>90%) promotes enhanced adhesion with respect to all substrate materials studied. Coatings typically exhibit a microhardness of the order of 10-20 GPa in films 0.1 < d < 2 μm thick, with associated electrical resistivity in the range 108 < ρ < 1012 Ω·cm, coefficient of friction <0.1 and surface RMS roughness as low as 2 A. The results are discussed with respect to surface pre-treatment, ion surface bombardment, interfacial reactivity and changes in plasma gas breakdown processes.


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The inhomogeneous Poisson process is a point process that has varying intensity across its domain (usually time or space). For nonparametric Bayesian modeling, the Gaussian process is a useful way to place a prior distribution on this intensity. The combination of a Poisson process and GP is known as a Gaussian Cox process, or doubly-stochastic Poisson process. Likelihood-based inference in these models requires an intractable integral over an infinite-dimensional random function. In this paper we present the first approach to Gaussian Cox processes in which it is possible to perform inference without introducing approximations or finitedimensional proxy distributions. We call our method the Sigmoidal Gaussian Cox Process, which uses a generative model for Poisson data to enable tractable inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo. We compare our methods to competing methods on synthetic data and apply it to several real-world data sets. Copyright 2009.


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The inhomogeneous Poisson process is a point process that has varying intensity across its domain (usually time or space). For nonparametric Bayesian modeling, the Gaussian process is a useful way to place a prior distribution on this intensity. The combination of a Poisson process and GP is known as a Gaussian Cox process, or doubly-stochastic Poisson process. Likelihood-based inference in these models requires an intractable integral over an infinite-dimensional random function. In this paper we present the first approach to Gaussian Cox processes in which it is possible to perform inference without introducing approximations or finite-dimensional proxy distributions. We call our method the Sigmoidal Gaussian Cox Process, which uses a generative model for Poisson data to enable tractable inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo. We compare our methods to competing methods on synthetic data and apply it to several real-world data sets.


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This paper compares parallel and distributed implementations of an iterative, Gibbs sampling, machine learning algorithm. Distributed implementations run under Hadoop on facility computing clouds. The probabilistic model under study is the infinite HMM [1], in which parameters are learnt using an instance blocked Gibbs sampling, with a step consisting of a dynamic program. We apply this model to learn part-of-speech tags from newswire text in an unsupervised fashion. However our focus here is on runtime performance, as opposed to NLP-relevant scores, embodied by iteration duration, ease of development, deployment and debugging. © 2010 IEEE.


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The objective of the article is to present a unified model for the dynamic mechanical response of ceramics under compressive stress states. The model incorporates three principal deformation mechanisms: (i) lattice plasticity due to dislocation glide or twinning; (ii) microcrack extension; and (iii) granular flow of densely packed comminuted particles. In addition to analytical descriptions of each mechanism, prescriptions are provided for their implementation into a finite element code as well as schemes for mechanism transitions. The utility of the code in addressing issues pertaining to deep penetration is demonstrated through a series of calculations of dynamic cavity expansion in an infinite medium. The results reveal two limiting behavioral regimes, dictated largely by the ratio of the cavity pressure p to the material yield strength σY. At low values of p/σY, cavity expansion occurs by lattice plasticity and hence its rate diminishes with increasing σY. In contrast, at high values, expansion occurs by microcracking followed by granular plasticity and is therefore independent of σY. In the intermediate regime, the cavity expansion rate is governed by the interplay between microcracking and lattice plasticity. That is, when lattice plasticity is activated ahead of the expanding cavity, the stress triaxiality decreases (toward more negative values) which, in turn, reduces the propensity for microcracking and the rate of granular flow. The implications for penetration resistance to high-velocity projectiles are discussed. Finally, the constitutive model is used to simulate the quasi-static and dynamic indentation response of a typical engineering ceramic (alumina) and the results compared to experimental measurements. Some of the pertinent observations are shown to be captured by the present model whereas others require alternative approaches (such as those based on fracture mechanics) for complete characterization. © 2011 The American Ceramic Society.