55 resultados para Fluxo laminar


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Flames propagating through a mixture with a gradient of equivalence ratio have been previously demonstrated to travel faster or slower than their equivalent premixed flames. The present study aims to numerically investigate the response of strained laminar methane-air flames to such gradients. The flames are simulated in a counterflow configuration where a premixed reactant stream at equivalence ratio φR opposes a hot equilibrium stream at equivalence ratio φP. Premixed and stratified flames are compared with respect to the equivalence ratio φ* and the corresponding gradient ∇φ* at the point of peak heat release rate, for three strain rates, a=50, 300 and 500s-1 and a range of φ*. The effect of different stratification levels is also investigated by varying the ratio of φP to φR, Θ. Results indicate that, as long as flames stabilize within the diffusion layer and Θ>1, increased heat release rate Q is seen throughout the progress variable space in comparison to the premixed state. In contrast, an attenuation of heat release rate is seen for Θ<1. The enhancement (or attenuation) of heat release varies monotonically with Θ. The effect of stratification on flame behavior becomes more pronounced as the strain rate increases. The present study reveals the mechanisms for the propagation of quasi-steady stratified flames under lean and rich conditions: stratified flames are primarily dominated by the diffusion of heat under lean conditions, and diffusion of H2 under rich conditions. Thanks to species and thermal support, stratified flames continue to burn beyond the premixed lean and rich flammability limits. Further investigation on the unsteady response of flames to the fluctuating equivalence ratio implies that the steady results represent the unsteady response well, as long as φ* and ∇φ* are similar in both steady and unsteady cases. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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The self-excited global instability mechanisms existing in flat-plate laminar separation bubbles are studied here, in order to shed light on the causes of unsteadiness and three- dimensionality of unforced, nominally two-dimensional separated flows. The presence of two known linear global mechanisms, namely an oscillator behavior driven by local regions of absolute inflectional instability and a centrifugal instability giving rise to a steady three- dimensionalization of the bubble, is studied in a series of model separation bubbles. Present results indicate that absolute instability, and consequently a global oscillator behavior, does not exist for two-dimensional bubbles with a peak reversed-flow velocity below 12% of the free-stream velocity. However, the three-dimensional instability becomes active for recirculation levels as low as urev ≈ 7%. These findings suggest a route to the three-dimensionality and unsteadiness observed in experiments and simulations substantially different from that usually found in the literature, in which two-dimensional vortex shedding is followed by three-dimensionalization.


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Combustion in stratified mixtures is envisaged in practical energy systems such as direct-injection spark-ignited (DISI) car engines, gas turbines, for reducing CO2 and pollutant emissions while protecting their efficiency. The mixture gradients change the fundamental properties of the flame, especially by a difference in temperature and composition between the burnt gases and those of a flame consuming a homogeneous mixture. This paper presents an investigation of the properties of the flame propagating in a lean homogeneous mixture after ignition in a richer mixture according to the magnitude of the stratification. Three magnitudes of stratification are investigated. The local flame burning velocity is determined by an original PIV algorithm developed previously. The local equivalence ratio in the fresh gases is measured from anisole PLIF. From the simultaneous PIV-PLIF measurements, the flame burning velocities conditioned on the local stretch rate and equivalence ratio in fresh gases are measured. The flame propagating through the homogeneous lean mixture has properties depending on the ignition conditions in the stratified layer. The flame propagating in the lean mixture is back-supported longer for ignition under the richer condition. The change of stretch sensitivity and burning velocity of the flame in the lean mixture is measured over time for the three magnitudes of mixture stratification investigated. The ignition in richer mixtures compensates for the nonequidiffusion effect of lean propane flame and sustains its robustness to stretch. The flame propagation in the lean homogeneous mixture is enhanced by ignition in a richer stratified layer, as much by their robustness to stretch as by an increase in the flame speed or the burning velocity. The decay time of this influence of the stratification, called memory effect, is determined. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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© 2014 Cambridge University Press. This paper describes a detailed experimental study using hot-wire anemometry of the laminar-turbulent transition region of a rotating-disk boundary-layer flow without any imposed excitation of the boundary layer. The measured data are separated into stationary and unsteady disturbance fields in order to elaborate on the roles that the stationary and the travelling modes have in the transition process. We show the onset of nonlinearity consistently at Reynolds numbers, R, of ∼ 510, i.e. at the onset of Lingwood's (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 299, 1995, pp. 17-33) local absolute instability, and the growth of stationary vortices saturates at a Reynolds number of ∼ 550. The nonlinear saturation and subsequent turbulent breakdown of individual stationary vortices independently of their amplitudes, which vary azimuthally, seem to be determined by well-defined Reynolds numbers. We identify unstable travelling disturbances in our power spectra, which continue to grow, saturating at around R=585, whereupon turbulent breakdown of the boundary layer ensues. The nonlinear saturation amplitude of the total disturbance field is approximately constant for all considered cases, i.e. different rotation rates and edge Reynolds numbers. We also identify a travelling secondary instability. Our results suggest that it is the travelling disturbances that are fundamentally important to the transition to turbulence for a clean disk, rather than the stationary vortices. Here, the results appear to show a primary nonlinear steep-fronted (travelling) global mode at the boundary between the local convectively and absolutely unstable regions, which develops nonlinearly interacting with the stationary vortices and which saturates and is unstable to a secondary instability. This leads to a rapid transition to turbulence outward of the primary front from approximately R=565 to 590 and to a fully turbulent boundary layer above 650.


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This article considers constant-pressure autoignition and freely propagating premixed flames of cold methane/air mixtures mixed with equilibrium hot products at high enough dilution levels to burn within the moderate to intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion regime. The analysis is meant to provide further insight on MILD regime boundaries and to identify the effect of hot products speciation. As the mass fraction of hot products in the reactants mixture increases, autoignition occurs earlier. Species profiles show that the products/reactants mixture approximately equilibrates to a new state over a quick transient well before the main autoignition event, but as dilution becomes very high, this equilibration transient becomes more prominent and eventually merges with the primary ignition event. The dilution level at which these two reactive zones merge corresponds well with that marking the transition into the MILD regime, as defined according to conventional criteria. Similarly, premixed flame simulations at high dilutions show evidence of significant reactions involving intermediate species prior to the flame front. Since the premixed flame governing equations system demands that the species and temperature gradients be zero at the "cold" boundary, flame speed cannot be calculated above a certain dilution level. Up to this point, which again agrees reasonably well with the transition into the MILD regime according to convention, the laminar burning velocity was found to increase with hot product dilution while flame thickness remained largely unchanged. Some comments on the MILD combustion regime boundary definition for gas turbine applications are included. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.