90 resultados para CO2 flux


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The inability of emissions reduction methods to meet upcoming legislation without an unacceptable increase in vehicle cost is a major problem of automobile manufacturer. This work aims to develop a cost-effective reduction of automobile emissions. A prototype CO2 sensor with 5 msec response time was built and bench tested, then used on an engine. The sensor design was based on standard emissions measurement technology using non-dispersive IR absorption. An improved sensor has now been completed with significant improvements in terms of signal to noise ratio and long-term stability. The improved sensor will be used to measure CO2 concentrations on three different engines. The results will then be used to validate engine and catalyst models and to propose control strategies aimed at reducing overall emissions. A brief description of the sensor itself was presented. Original is an abstract.


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High temperature superconductors, such as melt-processed YBCO bulks, have great advantages on trapping strong magnetic fields in liquid nitrogen. To enable them to function well, there are some traditional ways of magnetizing them, in which the YBCO bulks are magnetized instantly under a very strong source of magnetic field. These ways would consume great amounts of power to make the superconductors trap as much field as possible. Thermally Actuated Magnetization (TAM) Flux pump has been proved a perfect substitution for these expensive methods by using a relatively small magnet as the source. In this way, the field is developed gradually over many pulses. Unlike conventional flux pumping ways, the TAM does not drive the superconductor normal during the process of magnetization. In former experiments for the flux pump, some fundamental tests were done. In this paper, the experiment system is advanced to a new level with better temperature control to the thermal waves moving in the Gadolinium and with less air gap for the flux lines sweeping through the superconductor. This experiment system F leads to a stronger accumulation of the magnetic field trapped in the YBCO bulk. We also tried different ways of sending the thermal waves and found out that the pumping effect is closely related to the power of the heaters and the on and off time. © 2010 IEEE.


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Targets to cut 2050 CO2 emissions in the steel and aluminium sectors by 50%, whilst demand is expected to double, cannot be met by energy efficiency measures alone, so options that reduce total demand for liquid metal production must also be considered. Such reductions could occur through reduced demand for final goods (for instance by life extension), reduced demand for material use in each product (for instance by lightweight design) or reduced demand for material to make existing products. The last option, improving the yield of manufacturing processes from liquid metal to final product, is attractive in being invisible to the final customer, but has had little attention to date. Accordingly this paper aims to provide an estimate of the potential to make existing products with less liquid metal production. Yield ratios have been measured for five case study products, through a series of detailed factory visits, along each supply chain. The results of these studies, presented on graphs of cumulative energy against yield, demonstrate how the embodied energy in final products may be up to 15 times greater than the energy required to make liquid metal, due to yield losses. A top-down evaluation of the global flows of steel and aluminium showed that 26% of liquid steel and 41% of liquid aluminium produced does not make it into final products, but is diverted as process scrap and recycled. Reducing scrap substitutes production by recycling and could reduce total energy use by 17% and 6% and total CO 2 emissions by 16% and 7% for the steel and aluminium industries respectively, using forming and fabrication energy values from the case studies. The abatement potential of process scrap elimination is similar in magnitude to worldwide implementation of best available standards of energy efficiency and demonstrates how decreasing the recycled content may sometimes result in emission reductions. Evidence from the case studies suggests that whilst most companies are aware of their own yield ratios, few, if any, are fully aware of cumulative losses along their whole supply chain. Addressing yield losses requires this awareness to motivate collaborative approaches to improvement. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Field angle dependent critical current, magneto-optical microscopy and high resolution electron microscopy studies have been performed on YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films grown on miscut substrates. High resolution electron microscopy images show that the films studied exhibited clean epitaxial growth with a low density of antiphase boundaries and stacking faults. Any antiphase boundaries (APBs) formed near the film substrate interface rapidly healed rather than extending through the thickness of the film. Unlike vicinal films grown on annealed substrates, which contain a high density of antiphase boundaries, magneto-optical imaging showed no filamentary flux penetration in the films studied. The flux penetration is, however, asymmetric. This is associated with intrinsic pinning of flux strings by the tilted a-b planes and the dependence of the pinning force on the angle between the local field and the a-b planes. Field angle dependent critical current measurements exhibited the striking vortex channeling effect previously reported in vicinal films. By combining the results of three complementary characterization techniques it is shown that extended APB free films exhibit markedly different critical current behavior compared to APB rich films. This is attributed to the role of APB sites as strong pinning centers for Josephson string vortices between the a-b planes. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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This study examines the kinetics of carbonation by CO2 at temperatures of ca. 750 °C of a synthetic sorbent composed of 15 wt% mayenite (Ca12Al14O33) and CaO, designated HA-85-850, and draws comparisons with the carbonation of a calcined limestone. In-situ XRD has verified the inertness of mayenite, which neither interacts with the active CaO nor does it significantly alter the CaO carbonation–calcination equilibrium. An overlapping grain model was developed to predict the rate and extent of carbonation of HA-85-850 and limestone. In the model, the initial microstructure of the sorbent was defined by a discretised grain size distribution, assuming spherical grains. The initial input to the model – the size distribution of grains – was a fitted parameter, which was in good agreement with measurements made with mercury porosimetry and by the analysis of SEM images of sectioned particles. It was found that the randomly overlapping spherical grain assumption offered great simplicity to the model, despite its approximation to the actual porous structure within a particle. The model was able to predict the performance of the materials well and, particularly, was able to account for changes in rate and extent of reaction as the structure evolved after various numbers of cycles of calcination and carbonation.


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The paper presents the vector model of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) in the rotor flux oriented reference frame. The rotor flux oriented reference frame is well known in the standard AC machines analysis and control. Similar benefits can be sought by employing this method for the BDFM The vector model is implemented in MATLAB/SIVIULINK to simulate the BDFM dynamic performance under different operating conditions. The predictions from the vector model are compared to those from the coupled circuit model in simulation. The results are shown for the cascade mode of operation. © 2008 IEEE.