52 resultados para two-phase flows


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A multi-dimensional combustion code implementing the Conditional Moment Closure turbulent combustion model interfaced with a well-established RANS two- phase flow field solver has been employed to study a broad range of operating conditions for a heavy duty direct-injection common-rail Diesel engine. These conditions include different loads (25%, 50%, 75% and full load) and engine speeds (1250 and 1830 RPM) and, with respect to the fuel path, different injection timings and rail pressures. A total of nine cases have been simulated. Excellent agreement with experimental data has been found for the pressure traces and the heat release rates, without adjusting any model constants. The chemical mechanism used contains a detailed NOx sub-mechanism. The predicted emissions agree reasonably well with the experimental data considering the range of operating points and given no adjustments of any rate constants have been employed. In an effort to identify CPU cost reduction potential, various dimensionality reduction strategies have been assessed. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the predictions with respect to resolution in particular relating to the CMC grid has been investigated. Overall, the results suggest that the presented modelling strategy has considerable predictive capability concerning Diesel engine combustion without requiring model constant calibration based on experimental data. This is true particularly for the heat release rates predictions and, to a lesser extent, for NOx emissions where further progress is still necessary. © 2009 SAE International.


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The ability to separate acoustically radiating and non-radiating components in fluid flow is desirable to identify the true sources of aerodynamic sound, which can be expressed in terms of the non-radiating flow dynamics. These non-radiating components are obtained by filtering the flow field. Two linear filtering strategies are investigated: one is based on a differential operator, the other employs convolution operations. Convolution filters are found to be superior at separating radiating and non-radiating components. Their ability to decompose the flow into non-radiating and radiating components is demonstrated on two different flows: one satisfying the linearized Euler and the other the Navier-Stokes equations. In the latter case, the corresponding sound sources are computed. These sources provide good insight into the sound generation process. For source localization, they are found to be superior to the commonly used sound sources computed using the steady part of the flow. Copyright © 2009 by S. Sinayoko, A. Agarwal, Z. Hu.


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In this article, we detail the methodology developed to construct arbitrarily high order schemes - linear and WENO - on 3D mixed-element unstructured meshes made up of general convex polyhedral elements. The approach is tailored specifically for the solution of scalar level set equations for application to incompressible two-phase flow problems. The construction of WENO schemes on 3D unstructured meshes is notoriously difficult, as it involves a much higher level of complexity than 2D approaches. This due to the multiplicity of geometrical considerations introduced by the extra dimension, especially on mixed-element meshes. Therefore, we have specifically developed a number of algorithms to handle mixed-element meshes composed of convex polyhedra with convex polygonal faces. The contribution of this work concerns several areas of interest: the formulation of an improved methodology in 3D, the minimisation of computational runtime in the implementation through the maximum use of pre-processing operations, the generation of novel methods to handle complex 3D mixed-element meshes and finally the application of the method to the transport of a scalar level set. © 2012 Global-Science Press.


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This paper reports a perspective investigation of computational modelling of blood fluid in microchannel devices as a preparation for future research on fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in biofluid mechanics. The investigation is carried out through two aspects, respectively on physical behaviours of blood flow in microchannels and appropriate methodology for modelling. The physics of blood flow is targeted to the challenges for describing blood flow in microchannels, including rheology of blood fluid, suspension features of red blood cells (RBCs), laminar hydrodynamic influence and effect of surface roughness. The analysis shows that due to the hyperelastic property of RBC and its comparable dimension with microchannels, blood fluid shows complex behaviours of two phase flow. The trajectory and migration of RBCs require accurate description of RBC deformation and interaction with plasma. Following on a discussion of modelling approaches, i.e. Eulerian method and Lagrangian method, the main stream modelling methods for multiphase flow are reviewed and their suitability to blood flow is analysed. It is concluded that the key issue for blood flow modelling is how to describe the suspended blood cells, modelled by Lagrangian method, and couple them with the based flow, modelled by Eulerian method. The multiphase flow methods are thereby classified based on the number of points required for describing a particle, as follows: (i) single-point particle methods, (ii) mutli-point particle methods, (iii) functional particle methods, and (iv) fluid particle methods. While single-point particle methods concentrate on particle dynamic movement, multipoint and functional particle methods can take into account particle mechanics and thus offer more detailed information for individual particles. Fluid particle methods provide good compromise between two phases, but require additional information for particle mechanics. For furthermore detailed description, we suggest to investigate the possibility using two domain coupling method, in which particles and base flow are modelled by two separated solvers. It is expected that this paper could clarify relevant issues in numerical modelling of blood flow in microchannels and induce some considerations for modelling blood flow using multiphase flow methods. © 2012 IEEE.


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Five Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid RANS-NLES (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes-Numerical-LES) methods are used to simulate flow through a labyrinth seal geometry and are contrasted with RANS solutions. Results show that LES and RANS-NLES is capable of accurately predicting flow behaviour of two seal flows with a scatter of less than 5 %. RANS solutions show the potential to perform poorly for the turbulence models tested. LES and hybrid RANS-NLES are found to be consistent and in agreement with measurements, providing a flexible numerical platform for design investigations. It also allows greater flow physics insights. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013.


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In the first part of the paper steady two-phase flow predictions have been performed for the last stage of a model steam turbine to examine the influence of drag between condensed fog droplets and the continuous vapour phase. In general, droplets due to homogeneous condensation are small and thus kinematic relaxation provides only a minor contribution to the wetness losses. Different droplet size distributions have been investigated to estimate at which size inter-phase friction becomes more important. The second part of the paper deals with the deposition of fog droplets on stator blades. Results from several references are repeated to introduce the two main deposition mechanisms which are inertia and turbulent diffusion. Extensive postprocessing routines have been programmed to calculate droplet deposition due to these effects for a last stage stator blade in three-dimensions. In principle the method to determine droplet deposition by turbulent diffusion equates to that of Yau and Young [1] and the advantages and disadvantages of this relatively simple method are discussed. The investigation includes the influence of different droplet sizes on droplet deposition rates and shows that for small fog droplets turbulent diffusion is the main deposition mechanism. If the droplets size is increased inertial effects become more and more important and for droplets around 1 μm inertial deposition dominates. Assuming realistic droplet sizes the overall deposition equates to about 1% to 3% of the incoming wetness for the investigated guide vane at normal operating conditions. Copyright © 2013 by Solar Turbines Incorporated.


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The complex three-dimensional two-phase flow in a low pressure steam turbine is investigated with comprehensive numerical flow simulations. In addition to the condensation process, which already takes place in the last stages of steam turbines, the numerical flow model is enhanced to consider the drag forces between the droplets and the vapour phase. The present paper shows the differences in the flow path of the phases and investigates the effect of an increasing droplet diameter. For the flow simulations a performance cluster is used because of the high effort for such multi-momentum two-phase flow calculations. In steam turbines the deposition of small water droplets on the stator blades or on parts of the casing is responsible for the formation of large coarse water droplets and these may cause additional dissipation as well as damage due to blade erosion. A method is presented that uses detailed CFD data to predict droplet deposition on turbine stator blades. This simulation method to detect regions of droplet deposition can help to improve the design of water removal devices. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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In steam power plants condensation already starts in the flow path of the low pressure part of the steam turbine, which leads to a complex three-dimensional two-phase flow. Wetness losses are caused due to thermodynamic and mechanical relaxation processes during condensation and droplet transport. The present investigation focuses on the unsteady effects due to rotor-stator interaction on the droplet formation process. Results of unsteady three dimensional flow simulations of a two-stage steam turbine are presented, whereby this is the first time that non-equilibrium condensation is considered in such simulations. The numerical approach is based on RANS equations, which are extended by a wet steam specific nucleation and droplet growth model. Despite the use of a high performance cluster the unsteady simulation has a considerably high simulation time of approximately 60 days by use of 48 CPUs. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


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Two-phase computational fluid dynamics modelling is used to investigate the magnitude of different contributions to the wet steam losses in a three-stage model low pressure steam turbine. The thermodynamic losses (due to irreversible heat transfer across a finite temperature difference) and the kinematic relaxation losses (due to the frictional drag of the drops) are evaluated directly from the computational fluid dynamics simulation using a concept based on entropy production rates. The braking losses (due to the impact of large drops on the rotor) are investigated by a separate numerical prediction. The simulations show that in the present case, the dominant effect is the thermodynamic loss that accounts for over 90% of the wetness losses and that both the thermodynamic and the kinematic relaxation losses depend on the droplet diameter. The numerical results are brought into context with the well-known Baumann correlation, and a comparison with available measurement data in the literature is given. The ability of the numerical approach to predict the main wetness losses is confirmed, which permits the use of computational fluid dynamics for further studies on wetness loss correlations. © IMechE 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.