93 resultados para idrodinamica, fluidi, Navier-Stokes, Kelvin, Jeans
The paper is based on qualitative properties of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid, and on properties of their finite element solution. In problems with corner-like singularities (e.g. on the well-known L-shaped domain) usually some adaptive strategy is used. In this paper we present an alternative approach. For flow problems on domains with corner singularities we use the a priori error estimates and asymptotic expansion of the solution to derive an algorithm for refining the mesh near the corner. It gives very precise solution in a cheap way. We present some numerical results.
This paper describes a derivation of the adjoint low Mach number equations and their implementation and validation within a global mode solver. The advantage of using the low Mach number equations and their adjoints is that they are appropriate for flows with variable density, such as flames, but do not require resolution of acoustic waves. Two versions of the adjoint are implemented and assessed: a discrete-adjoint and a continuous-adjoint. The most unstable global mode calculated with the discrete-adjoint has exactly the same eigenvalue as the corresponding direct global mode but contains numerical artifacts near the inlet. The most unstable global mode calculated with the continuous-adjoint has no numerical artifacts but a slightly different eigenvalue. The eigenvalues converge, however, as the timestep reduces. Apart from the numerical artifacts, the mode shapes are very similar, which supports the expectation that they are otherwise equivalent. The continuous-adjoint requires less resolution and usually converges more quickly than the discrete-adjoint but is more challenging to implement. Finally, the direct and adjoint global modes are combined in order to calculate the wavemaker region of a low density jet. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
A hybrid method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The method inherits the attractive stabilizing mechanism of upwinded discontinuous Galerkin methods when momentum advection becomes significant, equal-order interpolations can be used for the velocity and pressure fields, and mass can be conserved locally. Using continuous Lagrange multiplier spaces to enforce flux continuity across cell facets, the number of global degrees of freedom is the same as for a continuous Galerkin method on the same mesh. Different from our earlier investigations on the approach for the Navier-Stokes equations, the pressure field in this work is discontinuous across cell boundaries. It is shown that this leads to very good local mass conservation and, for an appropriate choice of finite element spaces, momentum conservation. Also, a new form of the momentum transport terms for the method is constructed such that global energy stability is guaranteed, even in the absence of a pointwise solenoidal velocity field. Mass conservation, momentum conservation, and global energy stability are proved for the time-continuous case and for a fully discrete scheme. The presented analysis results are supported by a range of numerical simulations. © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
This article describes a computational study of viscous effects on lobed mixer flowfields. The computations, which were carried out using a compressible, three-dimensional, unstructured-mesh Navier-Stokes solver, were aimed at assessing the impacts on mixer performance of inlet boundary-layer thickness and boundary-layer separation within the lobe. The geometries analyzed represent a class of lobed mixer configurations used in turbofan engines. Parameters investigated included lobe penetration angles from 22 to 45 deg, stream-to-stream velocity ratios from 0.5 to 1.0, and two inlet boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. The results show quantitatively the increasing influence of viscous effects as lobe penetration angle is increased. It is shown that the simple estimate of shed circulation given by Skebe et al. (Experimental Investigation of Three-Dimensional Forced Mixer Lobe Flow Field, AIAA Paper 88-3785, July, 1988) can be extended even to situations in which the flow is separated, provided an effective mixer exit angle and height are defined. An examination of different loss sources is also carried out to illustrate the relative contributions of mixing loss and of boundary-layer viscous effects in cases of practical interest.
In a previous study [M. Hameed, J. Fluid Mech. 594, 307 (2008)] the authors investigated the influence of insoluble surfactant on the evolution of a stretched, inviscid bubble surrounded by a viscous fluid via direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations, and showed that the presence of surfactant can cause the bubble to contract and form a quasisteady slender thread connecting parent bubbles, instead of proceeding directly toward pinch-off as occurs for a surfactant-free bubble. Insoluble surfactant significantly retards pinch-off and the thread is stabilized by a balance between internal pressure and reduced capillary pressure due to a high concentration of surfactant that develops during the initial stage of contraction. In the present study we investigate the influence of surfactant solubility on thread formation. The adsorption-desorption kinetics for solubility is in the diffusion controlled regime. A long-wave model for the evolution of a capillary jet is also studied in the Stokes flow limit, and shows dynamics that are similar to those of the evolving bubble. With soluble surfactant, depending on parameter values, a slender thread forms but can pinch-off later due to exchange of surfactant between the interface and exterior bulk flow. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes model performances in the stagnation and wake regions for turbulent flows with relatively large Lagrangian length scales (generally larger than the scale of geometrical features) approaching small cylinders (both square and circular) is explored. The effective cylinder (or wire) diameter based Reynolds number, ReW ≤ 2.5 × 103. The following turbulence models are considered: a mixing-length; standard Spalart and Allmaras (SA) and streamline curvature (and rotation) corrected SA (SARC); Secundov's νt-92; Secundov et al.'s two equation νt-L; Wolfshtein's k-l model; the Explicit Algebraic Stress Model (EASM) of Abid et al.; the cubic model of Craft et al.; various linear k-ε models including those with wall distance based damping functions; Menter SST, k-ω and Spalding's LVEL model. The use of differential equation distance functions (Poisson and Hamilton-Jacobi equation based) for palliative turbulence modeling purposes is explored. The performance of SA with these distance functions is also considered in the sharp convex geometry region of an airfoil trailing edge. For the cylinder, with ReW ≈ 2.5 × 103 the mixing length and k-l models give strong turbulence production in the wake region. However, in agreement with eddy viscosity estimates, the LVEL and Secundov νt-92 models show relatively little cylinder influence on turbulence. On the other hand, two equation models (as does the one equation SA) suggest the cylinder gives a strong turbulence deficit in the wake region. Also, for SA, an order or magnitude cylinder diameter decrease from ReW = 2500 to 250 surprisingly strengthens the cylinder's disruptive influence. Importantly, results for ReW ≪ 250 are virtually identical to those for ReW = 250 i.e. no matter how small the cylinder/wire its influence does not, as it should, vanish. Similar tests for the Launder-Sharma k-ε, Menter SST and k-ω show, in accordance with physical reality, the cylinder's influence diminishing albeit slowly with size. Results suggest distance functions palliate the SA model's erroneous trait and improve its predictive performance in wire wake regions. Also, results suggest that, along the stagnation line, such functions improve the SA, mixing length, k-l and LVEL results. For the airfoil, with SA, the larger Poisson distance function increases the wake region turbulence levels by just under 5%. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A direct comparison between time resolved PLIF measurements of OH and two dimensional slices from a full three dimensional DNS data set of turbulent premixed flame kernels in lean methane/air mixture was presented. The local flame structure and the degree of flame wrinkling were examined in response to differing turbulence intensities and turbulent Reynolds numbers. Simulations were performed using the SEGA DNS code, which is based on the solution of the compressible Navier Stokes, species, and energy equations for a lean hydrocarbon mixture. For the OH PLIF measurements, a cluster of four Nd:YAG laser was fired sequentially at high repetition rates and used to pump a dye laser. The frequency doubled laser beam was formed into a sheet of 40 mm height using a cylindrical telescope. The combination of PLIF and DNS has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for flame analysis. This research will form the basis for the development of sub-grid-scale (SGS) models for LES of lean-premixed combustion systems such as gas turbines. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 30th International Symposium on Combustion (Chicago, IL 7/25-30/2004).
Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2010 by Sang Lee.
Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
For a typical transonic turbine rotor blade, designed for use with coolant ejection, the trailing edge, or base loss is three to four times the profile boundary layer loss. The base region of such a profile is dominated by viscous effects and it seems essential to attack the problem of loss prediction by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. However, such an approach is inevitably compromised by both numerical accuracy and turbulence modelling constraints. This paper describes a Navier-Stokes solver written for 2D blade-blade flows and employing a simple two-layer mixing length eddy viscosity model. Then, measured and predicted losses and base pressures are presented for two transonic rotor blades and attempts are made to assess the capabilities of the Navier-Stokes solver and to outline areas for future work.
This paper presents a numerical method for the simulation of flow in turbomachinery blade rows using a solution-adaptive mesh methodology. The fully three-dimensional, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with k-ε turbulence modeling (and low Reynolds number damping terms) are solved on an unstructured mesh formed from tetrahedral finite volumes. At stages in the solution, mesh refinement is carried out based on flagging cell faces with either a fractional variation of a chosen variable (like Mach number) greater than a given threshold or with a mean value of the chosen variable within a given range. Several solutions are presented, including that for the highly three-dimensional flow associated with the corner stall and secondary flow in a transonic compressor cascade, to demonstrate the potential of the new method.
This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Compound lean angles have been employed to achieve relatively low blade loading for hub and tip section and so reduce the secondary losses. The flow field is investigated in a Low-Speed Research Turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using structured 3D Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. Agreement between the simulations and the measurements has been found. The unsteady measurements indicate that there is a significant effect of the stator flow interaction in the downstream rotor blade. The transport of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is described. Unsteady numerical simulations were found to be successful in predicting accurately the flow near the secondary flow interaction regions compared to steady simulations. A method to calculate the unsteady loss generated inside the blade row was developed from the steady numerical simulations. The contribution of various regions in the blade to the unsteady loss generation was evaluated. This method can assist the designer in identifying and optimizing the features of the flow that are responsible for the majority of the unsteady loss production. An analytical model was developed to quantify this effect for the vortex transport inside the downstream blade.
This paper describes both the migration and dissipation of flow phenomena downstream of a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. The geometry of the HP stage exit duct considered is a swan-necked diffuser similar to those likely to be used in future engine designs. The paper contains results both from an experimental programme in a turbine test facility and from numerical predictions. Experimental data was acquired using three fast-response aerodynamic probes capable of measuring Mach number, whirl angle, pitch angle, total pressure and static pressure. The probes were used to make time-resolved area traverses at two axial locations downstream of the rotor trailing edge. A 3D time-unsteady viscous Navier-Stokes solver was used for the numerical predictions. The unsteady exit flow from a turbine stage is formed from rotordependent phenomena (such as the rotor wake, the rotor trailing edge recompression shock, the tip-leakage flow and the hub secondary flow) and vane-rotor interaction dependant phenomena. This paper describes the time-resolved behaviour and three-dimensional migration paths of both of these phenomena as they convect downstream. It is shown that the inlet flow to a downstream vane is dominated by two corotating vortices, the first caused by the rotor tip-leakage flow and the second by the rotor hub secondary flow. At the inlet plane of the downstream vane the wake is extremely weak and the radial pressure gradient is shown to have caused the majority of the high loss wake fluid to be located between the mid-height of the passage and the casing wall. The structure of the flow indicates that between a high pressure stage and a downstream vane simple two-dimensional blade row interaction does not occur. The results presented in this paper indicate that the presence of an upstream stage is likely to significantly alter the structure of the secondary flow within a downstream vane. The paper also shows that vane-rotor interaction within the upstream stage causes a 10° circumferential variation in the inlet flow angle of the 2nd stage vane.
This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub to simulate an upstream rotor passage vortex. The flow field is investigated in a Low-Speed Research Turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. The paper examines the impact of the delta wing vortex transport on the performance of the downstream blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using structured 3D Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed an increase in stagnation pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. The increase in loss was 21% of the datum stator loss, demonstrating the importance of this vortex interaction. The transport of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is also described. The rotor exit flow was affected by the interaction between the enhanced stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and overturning towards the mid-span was observed, contrary to the classical model of overturning near the hub and underturning towards the mid-span. The unsteady numerical simulation results were further analysed to identify the entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field.