52 resultados para estimation and filtering


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This paper is in two parts and addresses two of getting more information out of the RF signal from three-dimensional (3D) mechanically-swept medical ultrasound . The first topic is the use of non-blind deconvolution improve the clarity of the data, particularly in the direction to the individual B-scans. The second topic is imaging. We present a robust and efficient approach to estimation and display of axial strain information. deconvolution, we calculate an estimate of the point-spread at each depth in the image using Field II. This is used as of an Expectation Maximisation (EM) framework in which ultrasound scatterer field is modelled as the product of (a) a smooth function and (b) a fine-grain varying function. the E step, a Wiener filter is used to estimate the scatterer based on an assumed piecewise smooth component. In the M , wavelet de-noising is used to estimate the piecewise smooth from the scatterer field. strain imaging, we use a quasi-static approach with efficient based algorithms. Our contributions lie in robust and 3D displacement tracking, point-wise quality-weighted , and a stable display that shows not only strain but an indication of the quality of the data at each point in the . This enables clinicians to see where the strain estimate is and where it is mostly noise. deconvolution, we present in-vivo images and simulations quantitative performance measures. With the blurred 3D taken as OdB, we get an improvement in signal to noise ratio 4.6dB with a Wiener filter alone, 4.36dB with the ForWaRD and S.18dB with our EM algorithm. For strain imaging show images based on 2D and 3D data and describe how full D analysis can be performed in about 20 seconds on a typical . We will also present initial results of our clinical study to explore the applications of our system in our local hospital. © 2008 IEEE.


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The use of mixture-model techniques for motion estimation and image sequence segmentation was discussed. The issues such as modeling of occlusion and uncovering, determining the relative depth of the objects in a scene, and estimating the number of objects in a scene were also investigated. The segmentation algorithm was found to be computationally demanding, but the computational requirements were reduced as the motion parameters and segmentation of the frame were initialized. The method provided a stable description, in whichthe addition and removal of objects from the description corresponded to the entry and exit of objects from the scene.


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Aside from cracks, the impact of other surface defects, such as air pockets and discoloration, can be detrimental to the quality of concrete in terms of strength, appearance and durability. For this reason, local and national codes provide standards for quantifying the quality impact of these concrete surface defects and owners plan for regular visual inspections to monitor surface conditions. However, manual visual inspection of concrete surfaces is a qualitative (and subjective) process with often unreliable results due to its reliance on inspectors’ own criteria and experience. Also, it is labor intensive and time-consuming. This paper presents a novel, automated concrete surface defects detection and assessment approach that addresses these issues by automatically quantifying the extent of surface deterioration. According to this approach, images of the surface shot from a certain angle/distance can be used to automatically detect the number and size of surface air pockets, and the degree of surface discoloration. The proposed method uses histogram equalization and filtering to extract such defects and identify their properties (e.g. size, shape, location). These properties are used to quantify the degree of impact on the concrete surface quality and provide a numerical tool to help inspectors accurately evaluate concrete surfaces. The method has been implemented in C++ and results that validate its performance are presented.


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The information provided by the in-cylinder pressure signal is of great importance for modern engine management systems. The obtained information is implemented to improve the control and diagnostics of the combustion process in order to meet the stringent emission regulations and to improve vehicle reliability and drivability. The work presented in this paper covers the experimental study and proposes a comprehensive and practical solution for the estimation of the in-cylinder pressure from the crankshaft speed fluctuation. Also, the paper emphasizes the feasibility and practicality aspects of the estimation techniques, for the real-time online application. In this study an engine dynamics model based estimation method is proposed. A discrete-time transformed form of a rigid-body crankshaft dynamics model is constructed based on the kinetic energy theorem, as the basis expression for total torque estimation. The major difficulties, including load torque estimation and separation of pressure profile from adjacent-firing cylinders, are addressed in this work and solutions to each problem are given respectively. The experimental results conducted on a multi-cylinder diesel engine have shown that the proposed method successfully estimate a more accurate cylinder pressure over a wider range of crankshaft angles. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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State-space models are successfully used in many areas of science, engineering and economics to model time series and dynamical systems. We present a fully Bayesian approach to inference and learning (i.e. state estimation and system identification) in nonlinear nonparametric state-space models. We place a Gaussian process prior over the state transition dynamics, resulting in a flexible model able to capture complex dynamical phenomena. To enable efficient inference, we marginalize over the transition dynamics function and, instead, infer directly the joint smoothing distribution using specially tailored Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo samplers. Once a sample from the smoothing distribution is computed, the state transition predictive distribution can be formulated analytically. Our approach preserves the full nonparametric expressivity of the model and can make use of sparse Gaussian processes to greatly reduce computational complexity.


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This paper describes the development of the 2003 CU-HTK large vocabulary speech recognition system for Conversational Telephone Speech (CTS). The system was designed based on a multi-pass, multi-branch structure where the output of all branches is combined using system combination. A number of advanced modelling techniques such as Speaker Adaptive Training, Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis, Minimum Phone Error estimation and specially constructed Single Pronunciation dictionaries were employed. The effectiveness of each of these techniques and their potential contribution to the result of system combination was evaluated in the framework of a state-of-the-art LVCSR system with sophisticated adaptation. The final 2003 CU-HTK CTS system constructed from some of these models is described and its performance on the DARPA/NIST 2003 Rich Transcription (RT-03) evaluation test set is discussed.


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In this paper methods are developed for enhancement and analysis of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) signals observed in additive noise which can be represented as mixtures of heavy-tailed non-Gaussian sources and a Gaussian background component. Such models find application in systems such as atmospheric communications channels or early sound recordings which are prone to intermittent impulse noise. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation techniques are applied to the joint problem of signal extraction, model parameter estimation and detection of impulses within a fully Bayesian framework. The algorithms require only simple linear iterations for all of the unknowns, including the MA parameters, which is in contrast with existing MCMC methods for analysis of noise-free ARMA models. The methods are illustrated using synthetic data and noise-degraded sound recordings.


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This review will focus on four areas of motor control which have recently been enriched both by neural network and control system models: motor planning, motor prediction, state estimation and motor learning. We will review the computational foundations of each of these concepts and present specific models which have been tested by psychophysical experiments. We will cover the topics of optimal control for motor planning, forward models for motor prediction, observer models of state estimation arid modular decomposition in motor learning. The aim of this review is to demonstrate how computational approaches, as well as proposing specific models, provide a theoretical framework to formalize the issues in motor control.


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In this paper, an introduction to Bayesian methods in signal processing will be given. The paper starts by considering the important issues of model selection and parameter estimation and derives analytic expressions for the model probabilities of two simple models. The idea of marginal estimation of certain model parameter is then introduced and expressions are derived for the marginal probability densities for frequencies in white Gaussian noise and a Bayesian approach to general changepoint analysis is given. Numerical integration methods are introduced based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques and the Gibbs sampler in particular.


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This paper presents a novel technique for reconstructing an outdoor sculpture from an uncalibrated image sequence acquired around it using a hand-held camera. The technique introduced here uses only the silhouettes of the sculpture for both motion estimation and model reconstruction, and no corner detection nor matching is necessary. This is very important as most sculptures are composed of smooth textureless surfaces, and hence their silhouettes are very often the only information available from their images. Besides, as opposed to previous works, the proposed technique does not require the camera motion to be perfectly circular (e.g., turntable sequence). It employs an image rectification step before the motion estimation step to obtain a rough estimate of the camera motion which is only approximately circular. A refinement process is then applied to obtain the true general motion of the camera. This allows the technique to handle large outdoor sculptures which cannot be rotated on a turntable, making it much more practical and flexible.


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In this paper, an introduction to Bayesian methods in signal processing will be given. The paper starts by considering the important issues of model selection and parameter estimation and derives analytic expressions for the model probabilities of two simple models. The idea of marginal estimation of certain model parameter is then introduced and expressions are derived for the marginal probabilitiy densities for frequencies in white Gaussian noise and a Bayesian approach to general changepoint analysis is given. Numerical integration methods are introduced based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques and the Gibbs sampler in particular.


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The commercial far-range (>10m) infrastructure spatial data collection methods are not completely automated. They need significant amount of manual post-processing work and in some cases, the equipment costs are significant. This paper presents a method that is the first step of a stereo videogrammetric framework and holds the promise to address these issues. Under this method, video streams are initially collected from a calibrated set of two video cameras. For each pair of simultaneous video frames, visual feature points are detected and their spatial coordinates are then computed. The result, in the form of a sparse 3D point cloud, is the basis for the next steps in the framework (i.e., camera motion estimation and dense 3D reconstruction). A set of data, collected from an ongoing infrastructure project, is used to show the merits of the method. Comparison with existing tools is also shown, to indicate the performance differences of the proposed method in the level of automation and the accuracy of results.


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Real-time cardiac ultrasound allows monitoring the heart motion during intracardiac beating heart procedures. Our application assists atrial septal defect (ASD) closure techniques using real-time 3D ultrasound guidance. One major image processing challenge is the processing of information at high frame rate. We present an optimized block flow technique, which combines the probability-based velocity computation for an entire block with template matching. We propose adapted similarity constraints both from frame to frame, to conserve energy, and globally, to minimize errors. We show tracking results on eight in-vivo 4D datasets acquired from porcine beating-heart procedures. Computing velocity at the block level with an optimized scheme, our technique tracks ASD motion at 41 frames/s. We analyze the errors of motion estimation and retrieve the cardiac cycle in ungated images. © 2007 IEEE.


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This paper aims to solve the fault tolerant control problem of a wind turbine benchmark. A hierarchical controller with model predictive pre-compensators, a global model predictive controller and a supervisory controller is proposed. In the model predictive pre-compensator, an extended Kalman Filter is designed to estimate the system states and various fault parameters. Based on the estimation, a group of model predictive controllers are designed to compensate the fault effects for each component of the wind turbine. The global MPC is used to schedule the operation of the components and exploit potential system-level redundancies. Extensive simulations of various fault conditions show that the proposed controller has small transients when faults occur and uses smoother and smaller generator torque and pitch angle inputs than the default controller. This paper shows that MPC can be a good candidate for fault tolerant controllers, especially the one with an adaptive internal model combined with a parameter estimation and update mechanism, such as an extended Kalman Filter. © 2012 IFAC.


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The physical meaning and methods of determining loudness were reviewed Loudness is a psychoacoustic metric which closely corresponds to the perceived intensity of a sound stimulus. It can be determined by graphical procedures, numerical methods, or by commercial software. These methods typically require the consideration of the 1/3 octave band spectrum of the sound of interest. The sounds considered in this paper are a 1 kHz tone and pink noise. The loudness of these sounds was calculated in eight ways using different combinations of input data and calculation methods. All the methods considered are based on Zwicker loudness. It was determined that, of the combinations considered, only the commercial software dBSonic and the loudness calculation procedure detailed in DIN 45631 using 1/3 octave band levels filtered using ANSI S1.11-1986 gave the correct values of loudness for a 1 kHz tone. Comparing the results between the sources also demonstrated the difference between sound pressure level and loudness. It was apparent that the calculation and filtering methods must be considered together, as a given calculation will produce different results for different 1/3 octave band input. In the literature reviewed, no reference provided a guide to the selection of the type of filtering that should be used in conjunction with the loudness computation method.