61 resultados para anisotropy


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A brief analysis is presented of how heat transfer takes place in porous materials of various types. The emphasis is on materials able to withstand extremes of temperature, gas pressure, irradiation, etc., i.e. metals and ceramics, rather than polymers. A primary aim is commonly to maximize either the thermal resistance (i.e. provide insulation) or the rate of thermal equilibration between the material and a fluid passing through it (i.e. to facilitate heat exchange). The main structural characteristics concern porosity (void content), anisotropy, pore connectivity and scale. The effect of scale is complex, since the permeability decreases as the structure is refined, but the interfacial area for fluid-solid heat exchange is, thereby, raised. The durability of the pore structure may also be an issue, with a possible disadvantage of finer scale structures being poor microstructural stability under service conditions. Finally, good mechanical properties may be required, since the development of thermal gradients, high fluid fluxes, etc. can generate substantial levels of stress. There are, thus, some complex interplays between service conditions, pore architecture/scale, fluid permeation characteristics, convective heat flow, thermal conduction and radiative heat transfer. Such interplays are illustrated with reference to three examples: (i) a thermal barrier coating in a gas turbine engine; (ii) a Space Shuttle tile; and (iii) a Stirling engine heat exchanger. Highly porous, permeable materials are often made by bonding fibres together into a network structure and much of the analysis presented here is oriented towards such materials. © 2005 The Royal Society.


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This paper presents experimental results on heat transfer and pressure drop for a compact heat sink made of fully triangulated, lightweight (porosity∼0.938), aluminum lattice-frame materials (LFMs). Due to the inherent structural anisotropy of the LFMs, two mutually perpendicular orientations were selected for the measurements. Constant heat flux was applied to the heat sink under steady state conditions, and dissipated by forced air convection. The experimental data were compared with those predicted from an analytical model based on fin analogy. The experimental results revealed that pressure drop is strongly dependent upon the orientation of the structure, due mainly to the flow blockage effect. For heat transfer measurements, typical local temperature distributions on the substrate under constant heat flux conditions were captured with infrared camera. The thermal behavior of LFMs was found to follow closely that of cylinder banks, with early transition Reynolds number (based on strut diameter) equal to about 300. The Nusselt number prediction from the fin-analogy correlates well with experimental measurements, except at low Reynolds numbers where a slightly underestimation is observed. Comparisons with empty channels and commonly used heat exchanger media show that the present LFM heat sink can remove heat approximately seven times more efficient than an empty channel and as efficient as a bank of cylinders at the same porosity level. The aluminum LFMs are extremely stiff and strong, making them ideal candidates for multifunctional structures requiring both heat dissipation and mechanical load carrying capabilities. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports an experimental investigation of the vertical and horizontal permeabilities of speswhite kaolin clay. The permeabilities were measured using falling head permeability tests. A modification to a conventional oedometer was devised so that either vertical or horizontal permeabilities could be determined. It was found that the vertical and horizontal permeabilities of the clay slurry were similar, but that as the clay was consolidated one dimensionally the anisotropy of the clay fabric resulted in a greater horizontal permeability than the vertical permeability at any void ratio. Both permeabilities were uniquely related to the void ratio.


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The writers wish to present some additional data obtained independently and with different techniques that confirm the results published in the paper. For these tests, the speswhite kaolin clay was prepared as a slurry with a water content of 133 percent and was then consolidated one-dimensionally under an axial stress of 100 kPa in a 203 mm dia. tube. The results presented here show that the anisotropy of permeability is completely preserved (even after the sample is compressed isotropical) as long as the initial part of the stress path corresponds to one-dimensional compression. The data supports the speculation by the authors regarding permeability anisotropy for stress paths other than one-dimensional compression.


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In order to develop materials that exhibit enhanced flexoelectric switching in the chiral nematic phase we have identified mesogenic units that display inherently strong flexoelectric coupling capabilities. Here we examine the oxycyanobiphenyl (OCB) moiety: homologues from the nOCB series exhibit significant electro-optic switching effects when doped with a highly chiral additive. Here we have examined lower dielectric anisotropy materials, since they allow the flexoelectric response to be extended to high field amplitudes. We show that dielectric coupling strength can be low in symmetric bimesogenic molecules. The flexoelectric response of such a molecular structure is tested by doping a homologue from the series CBOnOCB with a chiral additive: very significantly we find that the optic axis is rotated through 2φ=45° in <50 μs on reversing the polarity of the field (amplitude E=±6 V μm-1). Subsequently we have synthesized room temperature chiral nematic materials that exhibit 2φ≥90° at E≈10 V μm-1. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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In a chiral nematic liquid crystal, the flexoelectric effect consists of a fast and linear coupling with an applied electric field. One difficulty to overcome is the unwinding of the helix that occurs at higher fields due to dielectric coupling. The use of bimesogens, which possess very low molecular dielectric anisotropy can improve flexoelectric characteristics. New bimesogen compounds have recently been synthesised that exhibit switching angles of 45° for applied fields of about 9 V.μm-1. In this paper, results from dielectric, electro-optic and dynamic light scattering measurements are reported for the new bimesogenic mixture. The dielectric anisotropy Δε changes sign with temperature and its values range between -0.2 and 0.3 for the temperature range studied. For Δε weakly positive, no electric field Freedericksz transition could be induced but Williams domains are observed instead. The large decrease in the bend elastic constant to viscosity coefficient ratio is attributed to a large increase in the bend viscosity coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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Following a tunnel excavation in low-permeability soil, it is commonly observed that the ground surface continues to settle and ground loading on the tunnel lining changes, as the pore pressures in the ground approach a new equilibrium condition. The monitored ground response following the tunnelling under St James's Park, London, shows that the mechanism of subsurface deformation is composed of three different zones: swelling, consolidation and rigid body movement. The swelling took place in a confined zone above the tunnel crown, extending vertically to approximately 5 m above it. On the sides of the tunnel, the consolidation of the soil occurred in the zone primarily within the tunnel horizon, from the shoulder to just beneath the invert, and extending laterally to a large offset from the tunnel centreline. Above these swelling and consolidation zones the soil moved downward as a rigid body. In this study, soil-fluid coupled three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed to simulate the mechanism of long-term ground response monitored at St James's Park. An advanced critical state soil model, which can simulate the behaviour of London Clay in both drained and undrained conditions, was adopted for the analyses. The analysis results are discussed and compared with the field monitoring data. It is found that the observed mechanism of long-term subsurface ground and tunnel lining response at St James's Park can be simulated accurately only when stiffness anisotropy, the variation of permeability between different units within the London Clay and non-uniform drainage conditions for the tunnel lining are considered. This has important implications for future prediction of the long-term behaviour of tunnels in clays.


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The critical current density Jc of an MOCVD/IBAD coated conductor was measured on tracks patterned longitudinally (L) and transversely (T) to the tape direction. Despite the samples' vicinality no dependence J c of on track direction was found for magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the film plane. In angular out-of-plane measurements the previously reported asymmetry due to tilted precipitate planes was observed in an L track, whereas curves from a T track were almost perfectly symmetric with similarly high absolute values of Jc. At low fields the effects of surface pinning were seen. Our results show that in most scenarios the current carrying capability is equally as good parallel and perpendicular to the tape direction, which is highly relevant for ROEBEL cables. In measurements where the magnetic field was swept in the film plane the anisotropy was found to be significantly higher than for MOD/RABiTS samples, which we explain by the different morphology of grain boundaries in the tapes. At low temperatures Jc of a T track exhibited a clear signature of vortex channeling. © 2010 IEEE.


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Bone plays a key role in the paleontological and archeological records and can provide insight into the biology, ecology and the environment of ancient vertebrates. Examination of bone at the tissue level reveals a definitive relationship between nanomechanical properties and the local organic content, mineral content, and microstructural organization. However, it is unclear as to how these properties change following fossilization, or diagenesis, where the organic phase is rapidly removed and the remaining mineral phase is reinforced by the deposition of apatites, calcites, and other minerals. While the process of diagenesis is poorly understood, its outcome clearly results in the potential for dramatic alteration of the mechanical response of biological tissues. In this study, fossilized specimens of mammalian long bones, collected from Colorado and Wyoming, were studied for mechanical variations. Nanoindentation performed in both longitudinal and transverse directions revealed preservation of bone's natural anisotropy as transverse modulus values were consistently smaller than longitudinal values. Additionally, modulus values of fossilized bone from 35.0 to 89.1 GPa increased linearly with logarithm of the sample's age. Future studies will aim to clarify what mechanical and material elements of bone are retained during diagenesis as bone becomes part of the geologic milieu. © 2007 Materials Research Society.


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Using a chiral nematic liquid crystal with a negative dielectric anisotropy, it is possible to switch between band-edge laser emission and random laser emission with an electric field. At low frequencies (1 kHz), random laser emission is observed as a result of scattering due to electro-hydrodynamic instabilities. However, band-edge laser emission is found to occur at higher frequencies (5 kHz), where the helix is stabilized due to dielectric coupling. These results demonstrate a method by which the linewidth of the laser source can be readily controlled externally (from 4 nm to 0.5 nm) using electric fields. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We report on the photoresponse characteristics of tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanotubes. Field effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated by using individual WS2 multiwall nanotubes. Photo-sensitivity to visible light is clearly observed, with enhancement of the channel conductivity, carrier mobility and carrier concentration upon illumination in the visible regime. Polarization-sensitive measurements reveal a strong anisotropy of the photocurrent on the polarization angle of the incident light with respect to the WS2 nanotube axis. This nano-scale transistor capable of detecting visible light would have a wide range of applications in medical and consumer electronics. © 2008 IEEE. Crown Copyright.


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The two-point spatial correlation of the rate of change of fluctuating heat release rate is central to the sound emission from open turbulent flames, and a few attempts have been made to address this correlation in recent studies. In this paper, the two-point correlation and its role in combustion noise are studied by analysing direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of statistically multi-dimensional turbulent premixed flames. The results suggest that this correlation function depends on the separation distance and direction but, not on the positions inside the flame brush. This correlation can be modelled using a combination of Hermite-Gaussian functions of zero and second order, i.e. functions of the form (1-Ax2)e-Bx2 for constants A and B, to include its possible negative values. The integral correlation volume obtained using this model is about 0.2δL3 with the length scale obtained from its cube root being about 0.6δ L, where δ L is the laminar flame thermal thickness. Both of the values are slightly larger than the values reported in an earlier study because of the anisotropy observed for the correlation. This model together with the turbulence-dependent parameter K, the ratio of the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the rate of change of reaction rate to the mean reaction rate, derived from the DNS data is applied to predict the far-field sound emitted from open flames. The calculated noise levels agree well with recently reported measurements and show a sensitivity to K values. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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Several elastoplastic soil models have been proposed over the years that are formulated in strain space rather than stress space due to certain analytical and computational advantages. One such model, BRICK (Simpson 1992), has been continuously utilized and developed for industrial applications within Arup Geotechnics for more than two decades. This paper aims to describe the advantages and difficulties associated with strain space modeling. In addition, it will show how recent advances in modeling the effects of stress history, stiffness anisotropy, strength anisotropy and time-dependence in conventional stress space models can be transferred to the BRICK model. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise.


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We calculate the density of photon states (DOS) of the normal modes in dye-doped chiral nematic liquid crystal (LC) cells in the presence of various loss mechanisms. Losses and gain are incorporated into the transmission characteristics through the introduction of a small imaginary part in the dielectric constant perpendicular and along the director, for which we assume no frequency dispersion. Theoretical results are presented on the DOS in the region of the photonic band gap for a range of values of the loss coefficient and different values of the optical anisotropy. The obtained values of the DOS at the photonic band gap edges predict a reversal of the dominant modes in the structure. Our results are found to be in good agreement with the experimentally obtained excitation thresholds in chiral nematic LC lasers. The behavior of the DOS is also discussed for amplifying LC cells providing additional insight to the lasing mechanism of these structures. © 2012 American Physical Society.