52 resultados para Semiconducting indium phosphide


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With the emergence of transparent electronics, there has been considerable advancement in n-type transparent semiconducting oxide (TSO) materials, such as ZnO, InGaZnO, and InSnO. Comparatively, the availability of p-type TSO materials is more scarce and the available materials are less mature. The development of p-type semiconductors is one of the key technologies needed to push transparent electronics and systems to the next frontier, particularly for implementing p-n junctions for solar cells and p-type transistors for complementary logic/circuits applications. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is one of the most promising candidates for p-type TSO materials. This paper reports the deposition of Cu2O thin films without substrate heating using a high deposition rate reactive sputtering technique, called high target utilisation sputtering (HiTUS). This technique allows independent control of the remote plasma density and the ion energy, thus providing finer control of the film properties and microstructure as well as reducing film stress. The effect of deposition parameters, including oxygen flow rate, plasma power and target power, on the properties of Cu2O films are reported. It is known from previously published work that the formation of pure Cu2O film is often difficult, due to the more ready formation or co-formation of cupric oxide (CuO). From our investigation, we established two key concurrent criteria needed for attaining Cu2O thin films (as opposed to CuO or mixed phase CuO/Cu2O films). First, the oxygen flow rate must be kept low to avoid over-oxidation of Cu2O to CuO and to ensure a non-oxidised/non-poisoned metallic copper target in the reactive sputtering environment. Secondly, the energy of the sputtered copper species must be kept low as higher reaction energy tends to favour the formation of CuO. The unique design of the HiTUS system enables the provision of a high density of low energy sputtered copper radicals/ions, and when combined with a controlled amount of oxygen, can produce good quality p-type transparent Cu2O films with electrical resistivity ranging from 102 to 104 Ω-cm, hole mobility of 1-10 cm2/V-s, and optical band-gap of 2.0-2.6 eV. These material properties make this low temperature deposited HiTUS Cu 2O film suitable for fabrication of p-type metal oxide thin film transistors. Furthermore, the capability to deposit Cu2O films with low film stress at low temperatures on plastic substrates renders this approach favourable for fabrication of flexible p-n junction solar cells. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes from a monometallic Co catalyst on an oxidized Si wafer support by the most simple growth recipe (vacuum annealing, growth by undiluted C 2H 2). Nevertheless, multiwavelength Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron spectroscopy show a remarkable selectivity for chiral indices and thus, e.g., high abundance with a single chirality representing 58% of all semiconducting tubes. In situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy monitors the catalyst chemistry during carbon nanotube growth and shows interfacial Co-Si interactions that may help to stabilize the nanoparticle/nanotube diameter. We outline a two-mechanism model explaining the selective growth. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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In this work we present a flexible Electrostatic Tactile (ET) surface/display realized by using new emerging material graphene. The graphene is transparent conductor which successfully replaces previous solution based on indium-thin oxide (ITO) and delivers more reliable solution for flexible and bendable displays. The electrostatic tactile surface is capable of delivering programmable, location specific tactile textures. The ET device has an area of 25 cm 2, and consists of 130 μm thin optically transparent (>76%) and mechanically flexible structure overlaid unobtrusively on top of a display. The ET system exploits electro vibration phenomena to enable on-demand control of the frictional force between the user's fingertip and the device surface. The ET device is integrated through a controller on a mobile display platform to generate fully programmable range of stimulating signals. The ET haptic feedback is formed in accordance with the visual information displayed underneath, with the magnitude and pattern of the frictional force correlated with both the images and the coordinates of the actual touch in real time forming virtual textures on the display surface (haptic virtual silhouette). To quantify rate of change in friction force we performed a dynamic friction coefficient measurement with a system involving an artificial finger mimicking the actual touch. During operation, the dynamic friction between the ET surface and an artificial finger stimulation increases by 26% when the load is 0.8 N and by 24% when the load is 1 N. © 2012 ACM.


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The performance of a semiconducting carbon nanotube (CNT) is assessed and tabulated for parameters against those of a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Both CNT and MOSFET models considered agree well with the trends in the available experimental data. The results obtained show that nanotubes can significantly reduce the drain-induced barrier lowering effect and subthreshold swing in silicon channel replacement while sustaining smaller channel area at higher current density. Performance metrics of both devices such as current drive strength, current on-off ratio (Ion/Ioff), energy-delay product, and power-delay product for logic gates, namely NAND and NOR, are presented. Design rules used for carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs) are compatible with the 45-nm MOSFET technology. The parasitics associated with interconnects are also incorporated in the model. Interconnects can affect the propagation delay in a CNTFET. Smaller length interconnects result in higher cutoff frequency. © 2012 Tan et al.


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Carbon nanotube is one of the promising materials for exploring new concepts in solar energy conversion and photon detection. Here, we report the first experimental realization of a single core/shell nanowire photovoltaic device (2-4μm) based on carbon nanotube and amorphous silicon. Specifically, a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNTs) was utilized as the metallic core, on which n-type and intrinsic amorphous silicon layers were coated. A Schottky junction was formed by sputtering a transparent conducting indium-tin-oxide layer to wrap the outer shell of the device. The single coaxial nanowire device showed typical diode ratifying properties with turn-on voltage around 1V and a rectification ratio of 104 when biased at ±2V. Under illumination, it gave an open circuit voltage of ∼0.26V. Our study has shown a simple and useful platform for gaining insight into nanowire charge transport and collection properties. Fundamental studies of such nanowire device are important for improving the efficiency of future nanowire solar cells or photo detectors. © 2012 IEEE.


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Here we present our on-going efforts toward the development of stable ballasted carbon nanotube-based field emitters employing hydrothermally synthesized zinc oxide nanowires and thin film silicon-on-insulator substrates. The semiconducting channel in each controllably limits the emission current thereby preventing detrimental burn-out of individual emitters that occurs due to unavoidable statistical variability in emitter characteristics, particularly in their length. Fabrication details and emitter characterization are discussed in addition to their field emission performance. The development of a beam steerable triode electron emitter formed from hexagonal carbon nanotube arrays with central focusing nanotube electrodes, is also described. Numerical ab-initio simulations are presented to account for the empirical emission characteristics. Our engineered ballasted emitters have shown some of the lowest reported lifetime variations (< 0.7%) with on-times of < 1 ms, making them ideally-suited for next-generation displays, environmental lighting and portable x-rays sources. © 2012 SPIE.


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π-Conjugated molecular materials with fused rings are the focus of considerable interest in the emerging area of organic electronics, since the combination of excellent charge carrier mobility and high stability may lead to their practical applications. This tutorial review discusses the synthesis, properties and applications of π-conjugated organic semiconducting materials, especially those with fused rings. The achievements to date, the remaining problems and challenges, and the key research that needs to be done in the near future are all discussed.


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We present results on laser action from liquid crystal compounds whereby one sub-unit of the molecular structure consists of the cyano-substituted chromophore, {phenylene-bis (2-cyanopropene)}, similar to the basic unit of the semiconducting polymer structure poly(cyanoterephthalylidene). These compounds were found to exhibit nematic liquid crystal phases. In addition, by virtue of the liquid crystalline properties, the compounds were found to be highly miscible in wide temperature range commercial nematogen mixtures. When optically excited at λ = 355 nm, laser emission was observed in the blue/green region of the visible spectrum (480-530 nm) and at larger concentrations by weight than is achievable using conventional laser dyes. Upon increasing the concentration of dye from 2 to 5 wt.% the threshold was found to increase from Eth = 0.42 ± 0.02 μJ/pulse (≈20 mJ/cm2) to Eth = 0.66 ± 0.03 μJ/pulse (≈34 mJ/cm2). Laser emission was also observed at concentrations of 10 wt.% but was less stable than that observed for lower concentrations of the chromophore. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Physical properties of polycrystalline La0.5Ba 0.5MnO3 are reported from low temperature (10 K) up to above room temperature. An aim has been to obtain microscopic parameters and to search for the characteristic lengths in terms of which one can discuss the interplay between magnetic, electric, and phonon excitations. The structural and magnetotransport measurements reveal a set of relatively high transition temperatures (near 300 K) between ferromagnetic/metallic and paramagnetic/semiconducting phases. It is found, in particular, that the so-called localization length increases from 0.085 to 0.24 nm when the magnetic field varies from 0 to 8 T. Moreover a "special field value" ∼0.03 T is observed in the description of the electrical resistance. It cannot be presently distinguished whether it is the signature of a spin reorientation transition in the canted phase or a mere saturation field for aligning magnetic domains. The relatively high magnetoresistance effect (≃55% at 8 T and 10 K) makes the La0.5Ba0.5MnO3 a very interesting material for among others sensor applications. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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The first noncontact photoconductivity measurements of gallium nitride nanowires (NWs) are presented, revealing a high crystallographic and optoelectronic quality achieved by use of catalyst-free molecular beam epitaxy. In comparison with bulk material, the NWs exhibit a long conductivity lifetime (>2 ns) and a high mobility (820 ± 120 cm 2/(V s)). This is due to the weak influence of surface traps with respect to other III-V semiconducting NWs and to the favorable crystalline structure of the NWs achieved via strain-relieved growth. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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We have used terahertz spectroscopy to measure the conductivity and time-resolved photoconductivity of a range of semiconducting nanostructures. This article focuses on our recent terahertz conductivity studies on semiconductor nanowires and single walled carbon nanotubes. © 2010 IEEE.


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InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) and nanowires have been grown on GaAs by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition on GaAs (100) and (111)B substrates, respectively. InGaAs QD lasers were fabricated and characterised. Results show ground-state lasing at about 1150 nm in devices with lengths greater than 2.5 mm. We also observed a strong influence of nanowire density on nanowire height specific to nanowires with high indium composition. This dependency was attributed to the large difference of diffusion length on (111)B surfaces between In and Ga reaction species, with In being the more mobile species. Selective area epitaxy for applications in quantum-dot optoelectronic device integration is also discussed in this paper. ©2006 IEEE.


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The kinks formation in heterostructural nanowires was observed to be dominant when InAs nanowires were grown on GaAs nanowires. Nanowires were grown through vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism in an MOCVD (metalorganic chemical vapor deposition) reactor. GaAs nanowires were grown in [1 1 1 ]B direction on a GaAs (1 1 1 )B substrate. When InAs nanowires grown on the GaAs nanowires, most of the InAs nanowires changed their growth directions from [1 1 1 ]B to other 〈111〉B directions. The kinks formation is ascribed to the large compressive misfit strain at the GaAs/InAs interface (7.2% lattice mismatch between GaAs and InAs) and the high mobility of indium species during MOCVD growth. The in-depth analysis of the kinks formation was done by growing InAs for short times on the GaAs nanowires and characterizing the samples. The hindrance to compressively strain InAs to form coherent layers with GaAs pushed the InAs/Au interfaces to the sides of the GaAs nanowires growth ends. New InAs/Au interfaces have generated at the sides of GaAs nanowires, due to lateral growth of InAs on GaAs nanowires. These new interfaces led the InAs nanowires growth in other 〈111〉B directions. The morphological and structural features of these heterostructural kinked nanowires were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper reports on an extensive analysis of the electroluminescence characteristics of InGaN-based LEDs with color-coded structure, i.e., with a triple quantum well structure in which each quantum well has a different indium content. The analysis is based on combined electroluminescence measurements and two-dimensional simulations, carried out at different current and temperature levels. Results indicate that (i) the efficiency of each of the quantum wells strongly depends on device operating conditions (current and temperature); (ii) at low current and temperature levels, only the quantum well closer to the p-side has a significant emission; (iii) emission from the other quantum wells is favored at high current levels. The role of carrier injection, hole mobility, carrier density and non-radiative recombination in determining the relative intensity of the quantum wells is discussed in the text. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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We demonstrate a stretched contact-printing technique to assemble one-dimensional nanostructures with controlled density and orientation. Over 90% nanowires are highly aligned along the primary stretching direction. Specifically, The hybrid inorganic-organic TFTs based on a parallel-aligned nanowire network and a semiconducting polymer reveal a significant positive enhancement in transistor performance and air-stability.