49 resultados para Seismic response analysis


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Campylobacter jejuni is a prevalent cause of food-borne diarrhoeal illness in humans. Understanding of the physiological and metabolic capabilities of the organism is limited. We report a detailed analysis of the C. jejuni growth cycle in batch culture. Combined transcriptomic, phenotypic and metabolic analysis demonstrates a highly dynamic 'stationary phase', characterized by a peak in motility, numerous gene expression changes and substrate switching, despite transcript changes that indicate a metabolic downshift upon the onset of stationary phase. Video tracking of bacterial motility identifies peak activity during stationary phase. Amino acid analysis of culture supernatants shows a preferential order of amino acid utilization. Proton NMR (1H-NMR) highlights an acetate switch mechanism whereby bacteria change from acetate excretion to acetate uptake, most probably in response to depletion of other substrates. Acetate production requires pta (Cj0688) and ackA (Cj0689), although the acs homologue (Cj1537c) is not required. Insertion mutants in Cj0688 and Cj0689 maintain viability less well during the stationary and decline phases of the growth cycle than wild-type C. jejuni, suggesting that these genes, and the acetate pathway, are important for survival.


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An expression for the probability density function of the second order response of a general FPSO in spreading seas is derived by using the Kac-Siegert approach. Various approximations of the second order force transfer functions are investigated for a ship-shaped FPSO. It is found that, when expressed in non-dimensional form, the probability density function of the response is not particularly sensitive to wave spreading, although the mean squared response and the resulting dimensional extreme values can be sensitive. The analysis is then applied to a Sevan FPSO, which is a large cylindrical buoy-like structure. The second order force transfer functions are derived by using an efficient semi-analytical hydrodynamic approach, and these are then employed to yield the extreme response. However, a significant effect of wave spreading on the statistics for a Sevan FPSO is found even in non-dimensional form. It implies that the exact statistics of a general ship-shaped FPSO may be sensitive to the wave direction, which needs to be verified in future work. It is also pointed out that the Newman's approximation regarding the frequency dependency of force transfer function is acceptable even for the spreading seas. An improvement on the results may be attained when considering the angular dependency exactly. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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Gene microarray technology is highly effective in screening for differential gene expression and has hence become a popular tool in the molecular investigation of cancer. When applied to tumours, molecular characteristics may be correlated with clinical features such as response to chemotherapy. Exploitation of the huge amount of data generated by microarrays is difficult, however, and constitutes a major challenge in the advancement of this methodology. Independent component analysis (ICA), a modern statistical method, allows us to better understand data in such complex and noisy measurement environments. The technique has the potential to significantly increase the quality of the resulting data and improve the biological validity of subsequent analysis. We performed microarray experiments on 31 postmenopausal endometrial biopsies, comprising 11 benign and 20 malignant samples. We compared ICA to the established methods of principal component analysis (PCA), Cyber-T, and SAM. We show that ICA generated patterns that clearly characterized the malignant samples studied, in contrast to PCA. Moreover, ICA improved the biological validity of the genes identified as differentially expressed in endometrial carcinoma, compared to those found by Cyber-T and SAM. In particular, several genes involved in lipid metabolism that are differentially expressed in endometrial carcinoma were only found using this method. This report highlights the potential of ICA in the analysis of microarray data.


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This thesis reports on the development of a conceptual framework for product aesthetics. By adopting the theoretical perspective that products are a medium of communication between designers and consumers, the nature of consumer response and designer intent is explored. By integrating a range of disparate literature within a single coherent framework, the varieties of consumer response to product visual form are illustrated. To investigate the ways in which designers intend to evoke these responses, a qualitative research study was undertaken. This primarily involved interviews with industrial designers and consumer investigators. Analysis of these interviews led to the development of a conceptual framework for designer intent which both mirrors, and integrates with, that produced for consumer response. By representing processes beyond design that are influential in determining product form, a broader contextual framework is presented within which product aesthetics is situated. In concluding the thesis, applications for this framework are discussed and future research directions are proposed.


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The effects of damping on energy sharing in coupled systems are investigated. The approach taken is to compute the forced response patterns of various idealised systems, and from these to calculate the parameters of Statistical Energy Analysis model for the systems using the matrix inversion approach [1]. It is shown that when SEA models are fitted by this procedure, the values of the coupling loss factors are significantly dependent on damping except when it is sufficiently high. For very lightly damped coupled systems, varying the damping causes the values of the coupling loss factor to vary in direct proportion to the internal loss factor. In the limit of zero damping, the coupling loss factors tend to zero. This is a view which contrasts strongly with 'classical' SEA, in which coupling loss factors are determined by the nature of the coupling between subsystems, independent of subsystem damping. One implication of the strong damping dependency is that equipartition of modal energy under low damping does not in general occur. This is contrary to the classical SEA prediction that equipartition of modal energy always occurs if the damping can be reduced to a sufficiently small value. It is demonstrated that the use of this classical assumption can lead to gross overestimates of subsystem energy ratios, especially in multi-subsystem structures. © 1996 Academic Press Limited.


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Theory is presented for simulating the dynamic wheel forces generated by heavy road vehicles and the resulting dynamic response of road surfaces to these loads. Sample calculations are provided and the vehicle simulation is validated with data from full-scale tests. The methods are used in the accompanying paper to simulate the road damage done by a tandem-axle vehicle.


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The dynamic analysis of a deepwater floating platform and the associated mooring/riser system should ideally be fully coupled to ensure a reliable response prediction. It is generally held that a time domain analysis is the only means of capturing the various coupling and nonlinear effects accurately. However, in recent work it has been found that for an ultra-deepwater floating system (2000m water depth), the highly efficient frequency domain approach can provide highly accurate response predictions. One reason for this is the accuracy of the drag linearization procedure over both first and second order motions, another reason is the minimal geometric nonlinearity displayed by the mooring lines in deepwater. In this paper, the aim is to develop an efficient analysis method for intermediate water depths, where both mooring/vessel coupling and geometric nonlinearity are of importance. It is found that the standard frequency domain approach is not so accurate for this case and two alternative methods are investigated. In the first, an enhanced frequency domain approach is adopted, in which line nonlinearities are linearized in a systematic way. In the second, a hybrid approach is adopted in which the low frequency motion is solved in the time domain while the high frequency motion is solved in the frequency domain; the two analyses are coupled by the fact that (i) the low frequency motion affects the mooring line geometry for the high frequency motion, and (ii) the high frequency motion affects the drag forces which damp the low frequency motion. The accuracy and efficiency of each of the methods are systematically compared. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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A new thermal model based on Fourier series expansion method has been presented for dynamic thermal analysis on power devices. The thermal model based on the Fourier series method has been programmed in MATLAB SIMULINK and integrated with a physics-based electrical model previously reported. The model was verified for accuracy using a two-dimensional Fourier model and a two-dimensional finite difference model for comparison. To validate this thermal model, experiments using a 600V 50A IGBT module switching an inductive load, has been completed under high frequency operation. The result of the thermal measurement shows an excellent match with the simulated temperature variations and temperature time-response within the power module. ©2008 IEEE.


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At medium to high frequencies the dynamic response of a built-up engineering system, such as an automobile, can be sensitive to small random manufacturing imperfections. Ideally the statistics of the system response in the presence of these uncertainties should be computed at the design stage, but in practice this is an extremely difficult task. In this paper a brief review of the methods available for the analysis of systems with uncertainty is presented, and attention is then focused on two particular "non- parametric" methods: statistical energy analysis (SEA), and the hybrid method. The main governing equations are presented, and a number of example applications are considered, ranging from academic benchmark studies to industrial design studies. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Using the Hybrid method (FE + SEA) it is possible to estimate the frequency response of an uncertain structure. The current work develops the Hybrid method to allow for time domain analysis of the shock response of a structure. Problems to be overcome when taking Hybrid method results into the time domain are a) the Hybrid method frequency response has no phase information, and b) the Hybrid method frequency response is smoothed in frequency and shows no modal peaks. In this paper the first problem has been overcome, using minimum phase reconstruction. Explanation of minimum phase reconstruction and its limitations are described, and application to shock problems described. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Cells communicate with their external environment via focal adhesions and generate activation signals that in turn trigger the activity of the intracellular contractile machinery. These signals can be triggered by mechanical loading that gives rise to a cooperative feedback loop among signaling, focal adhesion formation, and cytoskeletal contractility, which in turn equilibrates with the applied mechanical loads. We devise a signaling model that couples stress fiber contractility and mechano-sensitive focal adhesion models to complete this above mentioned feedback loop. The signaling model is based on a biochemical pathway where IP3 molecules are generated when focal adhesions grow. These IP3 molecules diffuse through the cytosol leading to the opening of ion channels that disgorge Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum leading to the activation of the actin/myosin contractile machinery. A simple numerical example is presented where a one-dimensional cell adhered to a rigid substrate is pulled at one end, and the evolution of the stress fiber activation signal, stress fiber concentrations, and focal adhesion distributions are investigated. We demonstrate that while it is sufficient to approximate the activation signal as spatially uniform due to the rapid diffusion of the IP3 through the cytosol, the level of the activation signal is sensitive to the rate of application of the mechanical loads. This suggests that ad hoc signaling models may not be able to capture the mechanical response of cells to a wide range of mechanical loading events. © 2011 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


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YBaCuO-coated conductors offer great potential in terms of performance and cost-saving for superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL). A resistive SFCL based on coated conductors can be made from several tapes connected in parallel or in series. Ideally, the current and voltage are shared uniformly by the tapes when quench occurs. However, due to the non-uniformity of property of the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes, the currents and the voltages of the tapes are different. In this paper, a numerical model is developed to investigate the current and voltage sharing problem for the resistive SFCL. This model is able to simulate the dynamic response of YBCO tapes in normal and quench conditions. Firstly, four tapes with different Jc 's and n values in E-J power law are connected in parallel to carry the fault current. The model demonstrates how the currents are distributed among the four tapes. These four tapes are then connected in series to withstand the line voltage. In this case, the model investigates the voltage sharing between the tapes. Several factors that would affect the process of quenches are discussed including the field dependency of Jc, the magnetic coupling between the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes. © 2010 IEEE.


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Energy Piles present an efficient solution for long-term carbon emission reduction and sustainable construction. However, they have received only partial acceptance by the industry, because of concerns regarding the impact of cyclic thermal changes on the serviceability of energy pile foundations. This paper investigates the applicability of the hybrid load transfer approach to load-settlement analysis of single piles behavior during thermal energy exchange processes. Back-analysis results in terms of the thermal and mechanical response of energy piles show good agreement with field test results from Lambeth College in London. © ASCE 2011.


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Following a tunnel excavation in low-permeability soil, it is commonly observed that the ground surface continues to settle and ground loading on the tunnel lining changes, as the pore pressures in the ground approach a new equilibrium condition. The monitored ground response following the tunnelling under St James's Park, London, shows that the mechanism of subsurface deformation is composed of three different zones: swelling, consolidation and rigid body movement. The swelling took place in a confined zone above the tunnel crown, extending vertically to approximately 5 m above it. On the sides of the tunnel, the consolidation of the soil occurred in the zone primarily within the tunnel horizon, from the shoulder to just beneath the invert, and extending laterally to a large offset from the tunnel centreline. Above these swelling and consolidation zones the soil moved downward as a rigid body. In this study, soil-fluid coupled three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed to simulate the mechanism of long-term ground response monitored at St James's Park. An advanced critical state soil model, which can simulate the behaviour of London Clay in both drained and undrained conditions, was adopted for the analyses. The analysis results are discussed and compared with the field monitoring data. It is found that the observed mechanism of long-term subsurface ground and tunnel lining response at St James's Park can be simulated accurately only when stiffness anisotropy, the variation of permeability between different units within the London Clay and non-uniform drainage conditions for the tunnel lining are considered. This has important implications for future prediction of the long-term behaviour of tunnels in clays.


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Over recent years academia and industry have engaged with the challenge of model testing deepwater structures at conventional scales. One approach to the limited depth problem has been to truncate the lines. This concept will be introduced, highlighting the need to better understand line dynamic processes. The type of line truncation developed here models the upper sections of each line in detail, capturing wave action and all coupling effects with the vessel, terminating to an approximate analytical model that aims to simulate the remainder of the line. A rationale for this is that in deep water transverse elastic waves of a line are likely to decay before they are reflected at the seabed because of nonlinear hydrodynamic drag forces. The first part of this paper is centered on verification of this rationale. A simplified model of a mooring line that describes the transverse dynamics in wave frequency is used, adopting the equation of motion of an inextensible taut string. The line is submerged in still water, one end fixed at the bottom the other assumed to follow the vessel response, which can be harmonic or random. A dimensional analysis, supported by exact benchmark numerical solutions, has shown that it is possible to produce a universal curve for the decay of transverse vibrations along the line, which is suitable for any kind of line with any top motion. This has a significant engineering benefit, allowing for a rapid assessment of line dynamics - it can be useful in deciding whether a truncated line model is appropriate, and if so, at which point truncation might be applied. This is followed by developing a truncation mechanism, formulating an end approximation that can reproduce the correct impedance, had the line been continuous to full depth. It has been found that below a certain length criterion, which is also universal, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven. As such the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the line properties and frequency of vibration. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).