122 resultados para Markovian jump linear systems (MJLS)
An online scheduling of the parameter ensuring in addition to closed loop stability was presented. Attention was given to saturated linear low-gain control laws. Null controllability of the considered linear systems was assumed. The family of low gain control laws achieved semiglobal stabilization.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) technique are well established across a wide range of industries. In particular, the plotting of key steady state variables with their statistical limit against time (Shewart charting) is a common approach for monitoring the normality of production. This paper aims with extending Shewart charting techniques to the quality monitoring of variables driven by uncertain dynamic processes, which has particular application in the process industries where it is desirable to monitor process variables on-line as well as final product. The robust approach to dynamic SPC is based on previous work on guaranteed cost filtering for linear systems and is intended to provide a basis for both a wide application of SPC monitoring and also motivate unstructured fault detection.
This paper contains a review of recent results concerning the parametrization of asymptotically stable linear systems using balanced realizations. Particular emphasis is given on the application of these results to system identification. This work is part of a continuing programme aimed at elucidating the role of balanced realization in system identification.
Computer Aided Control Engineering involves three parallel streams: Simulation and modelling, Control system design (off-line), and Controller implementation. In industry the bottleneck problem has always been modelling, and this remains the case - that is where control (and other) engineers put most of their technical effort. Although great advances in software tools have been made, the cost of modelling remains very high - too high for some sectors. Object-oriented modelling, enabling truly re-usable models, seems to be the key enabling technology here. Software tools to support control systems design have two aspects to them: aiding and managing the work-flow in particular projects (whether of a single engineer or of a team), and provision of numerical algorithms to support control-theoretic and systems-theoretic analysis and design. The numerical problems associated with linear systems have been largely overcome, so that most problems can be tackled routinely without difficulty - though problems remain with (some) systems of extremely large dimensions. Recent emphasis on control of hybrid and/or constrained systems is leading to the emerging importance of geometric algorithms (ellipsoidal approximation, polytope projection, etc). Constantly increasing computational power is leading to renewed interest in design by optimisation, an example of which is MPC. The explosion of embedded control systems has highlighted the importance of autocode generation, directly from modelling/simulation products to target processors. This is the 'new kid on the block', and again much of the focus of commercial tools is on this part of the control engineer's job. Here the control engineer can no longer ignore computer science (at least, for the time being). © 2006 IEEE.
Computer Aided Control Engineering involves three parallel streams: Simulation and modelling, Control system design (off-line), and Controller implementation. In industry the bottleneck problem has always been modelling, and this remains the case - that is where control (and other) engineers put most of their technical effort. Although great advances in software tools have been made, the cost of modelling remains very high - too high for some sectors. Object-oriented modelling, enabling truly re-usable models, seems to be the key enabling technology here. Software tools to support control systems design have two aspects to them: aiding and managing the work-flow in particular projects (whether of a single engineer or of a team), and provision of numerical algorithms to support control-theoretic and systems-theoretic analysis and design. The numerical problems associated with linear systems have been largely overcome, so that most problems can be tackled routinely without difficulty - though problems remain with (some) systems of extremely large dimensions. Recent emphasis on control of hybrid and/or constrained systems is leading to the emerging importance of geometric algorithms (ellipsoidal approximation, polytope projection, etc). Constantly increasing computational power is leading to renewed interest in design by optimisation, an example of which is MPC. The explosion of embedded control systems has highlighted the importance of autocode generation, directly from modelling/simulation products to target processors. This is the 'new kid on the block', and again much of the focus of commercial tools is on this part of the control engineer's job. Here the control engineer can no longer ignore computer science (at least, for the time being). ©2006 IEEE.
A two-stage H∞-based design procedure is described which uses a normalized coprime factor approach to robust stabilization of linear systems. A loop-shaping procedure is incroporated to allow the specification of performance characteristics. Theoretical justification of this technique and an outline of the design methodology are given.
New embedded predictive control applications call for more eficient ways of solving quadratic programs (QPs) in order to meet demanding real-time, power and cost requirements. A single precision QP-on-a-chip controller is proposed, implemented in afield-programmable gate array (FPGA) with an iterative linear solver at its core. A novel offline scaling procedure is introduced to aid the convergence of the reduced precision solver. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) experimental setup where an ML605 FPGA board controls a nonlinear model of a Boeing 747 aircraft running on a desktop PC through an Ethernet link. Simulations show that the quality of the closed-loop control and accuracy of individual solutions is competitive with a conventional double precision controller solving linear systems using a Riccati recursion. © 2012 IFAC.
In [5] it was shown that, for a standard quarter-car vehicle model and a road disturbance whose velocity profile is white noise of intensity A, the mean power dissipated in the suspension is equal to kA/2 where k is the tyre vertical stiffness. It is remarkable that the power dissipation turns out to be independent of all masses and suspension parameters. The proof in [5] makes use of a spectral formulation of white noise and is specific to linear systems. This paper casts the result in a more general form and shows that it follows from a simple application of Ito calculus. © 2012 IEEE.
Using the nonlinear analog of the Fake Riccati equation developed for linear systems, we derive an inverse optimality result for several receding-horizon control schemes. This inverse optimality result unifies stability proofs and shows that receding-horizon control possesses the stability margins of optimal control laws. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Predictive models of friction-induced vibration have proved elusive despite decades of research. There are many mechanisms that can cause brake squeal; friction coupled systems can be highly sensitive to small perturbations; and the dynamic properties of friction at the contact zone seem to be poorly understood. This paper describes experimental and theoretical work aimed at identifying the key ingredients of a predictive model. A large-scale experiment was carried out to identify squeal initiations using a pin-on-disc test rig: approximately 30,000 squeal initiations were recorded, covering a very wide range of frequencies. The theoretical model allows for completely general linear systems coupled at a single sliding point by friction: squeal is predicted using a linearised stability analysis. Results will be presented that show that almost all observed squeal events can be predicted within this model framework, but that some subsets require innovative friction modelling: predictions are highly dependent on the particular choice of friction model and its associated parameters. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
Predictive models of friction-induced vibration have proved elusive despite decades of research. There are many mechanisms that can cause brake squeal; friction coupled systems can be highly sensitive to small perturbations; and the dynamic properties of friction at the contact zone seem to be poorly understood. This paper describes experimental and theoretical work aimed at identifying the key ingredients of a predictive model. A large-scale experiment was carried out to identify squeal initiations using a pin-on-disc test rig: approximately 30,000 squeal initiations were recorded, covering a very wide range of frequencies. The theoretical model allows for completely general linear systems coupled at a single sliding point by friction: squeal is predicted using a linearised stability analysis. Results will be presented that show that almost all observed squeal events can be predicted within this model framework, but that some subsets require innovative friction modelling: predictions are highly dependent on the particular choice of friction model and its associated parameters. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.