45 resultados para In-Drilling Alignment


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Purpose: This paper seeks to measure in a quantitative way the degree of alignment among a set of performance measures between two organizations. Design/methodology/approach: This paper extends Venkatraman's test of coalignment to assess the alignment of a set of performance measures governing a contractual inter-organizational relationship. The authors applied the test and present coefficients of misalignment across three sets of measures: those used by a service provider involved in the research, those used by customers contracting the services, and those documented in 11 contracts studied. Findings: Results confirmed a high degree of alignment between target and actual operational performance in the contracts. The alignment of customers' financial objectives and contracts' operational metrics was low. Calculations show poor alignment between the objectives of the provider and the contribution received from the contracts. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations of the conclusions include the small sample of contracts used in the calculations. Further research should include not only actual contracts, but also failed ones. Practical implications: It is possible that misaligned goals, represented in misaligned performance measures, lead to tensions in intra-firm relationships. If these tensions are not addressed properly the relationship could be unstable or terminated prematurely. This method of measuring alignment could detect early potential dangers in intra-firm relationships. Originality/value: This paper extends Venkatraman's test of coalignment to assess the alignment of a set of performance measures governing a contractual inter-organizational relationship. Management researchers and business professionals may use this methodology when exploring degrees of alignment of performance measures in intra-functional and inter-firm relationships. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Recent development of solution processable organic semiconductors delineates the emergence of a new generation of air-stable, high performance p- and n-type materials. This makes it indeed possible for printed organic complementary circuits (CMOS) to be used in real applications. The main technical bottleneck for organic CMOS to be adopted as the next generation organic integrated circuit is how to deposit and pattern both p- and n-type semiconductor materials with high resolutions at the same time. It represents a significant technical challenge, especially if it can be done for multiple layers without mask alignment. In this paper, we propose a one-step self-aligned fabrication process which allows the deposition and high resolution patterning of functional layers for both p- and n-channel thin film transistors (TFTs) simultaneously. All the dimensional information of the device components is featured on a single imprinting stamp, and the TFT-channel geometry, electrodes with different work functions, p- and n-type semiconductors and effective gate dimensions can all be accurately defined by one-step imprinting and the subsequent pattern transfer process. As an example, we have demonstrated an organic complementary inverter fabricated by 3D imprinting in combination with inkjet printing and the measured electrical characteristics have validated the feasibility of the novel technique. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dramatic increase in hole quality on single crystalline silicon with an 1 μm fiber laser has been reported recently, it redefines the processing options for Si at that wavelength. This study investigated the effects of the MOPA based pulse tuning on the changes of the machined depth and the mass removal mechanism for the generation of microvia holes. Hole depths were measured and surface morphology studied using SEM and optical interferometric profilometry. The pulse peak power was found to strongly influence the material removal mechanism with fixed pulse duration. High peak powers (>1 kW) gave vaporization dominated ablation, left a limited re solidified molten layer and clean hole formation. The pulse duration was found to strongly influence the machined depth. Longer pulse durations generated deeper holes with constant peak power (>1 kW). In comparison with the DPSS UV laser, the IR fiber laser of longer pulse durations machined deeper holes and generated less resolidifed melt beyond the hole rim at high fluencies. The comparison suggests that some applications (microvia drilling) of the DPSS UV laser can be replaced with the more flexible, low cost IR fiber laser. © KSPE and Springer 2012.


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A study on the nanosecond fiber laser interaction with silicon was performed experimentally for the generation of percussion drilled holes. Single pulse ablation experiments were carried out on mono crystalline 650μm thick Si wafers. Changes of the mass removal mechanism were investigated by varying laser fluence up to 68 J/cm2 and pulse duration from 50 ns to 200 ns. Hole width and depth were measured and surface morphology were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical interferometric profilometry (Veeco NT3300). High speed photography was also used to examine laser generated plasma expansion rates. The material removal rate was found to be influenced by the pulse energy, full pulse duration and pulse peak power. Single pulse ablation depth of 4.42 μm was achieved using a 200 ns pulse of 13.3 J/cm 2, giving a maximum machining efficiency of 31.86 μm per mJ. Holes drilled with an increased fluence but fixed pulse length were deeper, exhibited low recast, but were less efficient than those produced at a lower fluence. The increased peak power in this case led to high levels of plasma and vapour production. The expansion of which, results in a strong driving recoil force, an increase in the rate and volume of melt ejection, and cleaner hole formation. The experimental findings show that for efficient drilling at a given energy, a longer, lower peak power pulse is more desirable than a high peak power short pulse.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise.


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Calibration of a camera system is a necessary step in any stereo metric process. It correlates all cameras to a common coordinate system by measuring the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of each camera. Currently, manual calibration of a camera system is the only way to achieve calibration in civil engineering operations that require stereo metric processes (photogrammetry, videogrammetry, vision based asset tracking, etc). This type of calibration however is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Furthermore, in civil engineering operations, camera systems are exposed to open, busy sites. In these conditions, the position of presumably stationary cameras can easily be changed due to external factors such as wind, vibrations or due to an unintentional push/touch from personnel on site. In such cases manual calibration must be repeated. In order to address this issue, several self-calibration algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms use Projective Geometry, Absolute Conic and Kruppa Equations and variations of these to produce processes that achieve calibration. However, most of these methods do not consider all constraints of a camera system such as camera intrinsic constraints, scene constraints, camera motion or varying camera intrinsic properties. This paper presents a novel method that takes all constraints into consideration to auto-calibrate cameras using an image alignment algorithm originally meant for vision based tracking. In this method, image frames are taken from cameras. These frames are used to calculate the fundamental matrix that gives epipolar constraints. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of cameras are acquired from this calculation. Test results are presented in this paper with recommendations for further improvement.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The interaction phenomena of nanosecond Q-switched diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser using 355nm radiation with 0.2mm thick 316L stainless steel foil was investigated at incident laser fluence range of 19 - 82Jcm-2. The characterization study was performed with and without the use of assist gas by utilizing micro supersonic minimum length nozzles (MLN), specifically designed for air at inlet chamber pressure of 8bar. MLN ranged in throat diameters of 200μm, 300μm, and 500μm respectively. Average etch rate per pulse under the influence of three micro supersonic impinging jets, for both oxygen and air showed the average etch rate was reduced when high-speed gas jets were utilized, compared to that without any gas jets, but significant variation was noticed between different jet sizes. Highest etch rate and quality was achieved with the smallest diameter nozzle, suggesting that micro nozzles can produce a viable process route for micro laser cutting.


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A strategy to extract turbulence structures from direct numerical simulation (DNS) data is described along with a systematic analysis of geometry and spatial distribution of the educed structures. A DNS dataset of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence at Reynolds number Reλ = 141 is considered. A bandpass filtering procedure is shown to be effective in extracting enstrophy and dissipation structures with their smallest scales matching the filter width, L. The geometry of these educed structures is characterized and classified through the use of two non-dimensional quantities, planarity' and filamentarity', obtained using the Minkowski functionals. The planarity increases gradually by a small amount as L is decreased, and its narrow variation suggests a nearly circular cross-section for the educed structures. The filamentarity increases significantly as L decreases demonstrating that the educed structures become progressively more tubular. An analysis of the preferential alignment between the filtered strain and vorticity fields reveals that vortical structures of a given scale L are most likely to align with the largest extensional strain at a scale 3-5 times larger than L. This is consistent with the classical energy cascade picture, in which vortices of a given scale are stretched by and absorb energy from structures of a somewhat larger scale. The spatial distribution of the educed structures shows that the enstrophy structures at the 5η scale (where η is the Kolmogorov scale) are more concentrated near the ones that are 3-5 times larger, which gives further support to the classical picture. Finally, it is shown by analysing the volume fraction of the educed enstrophy structures that there is a tendency for them to cluster around a larger structure or clusters of larger structures. Copyright © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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The development of infrastructure in major cities often involves tunnelling, which can cause damage to existing structures. Therefore, these projects require a careful prediction of the risk of settlement induced damage. The simplified approach of current methods cannot account for three-dimensional structural aspects of buildings, which can result in an inaccurate evaluation of damage. This paper investigates the effect of the building alignment with the tunnel axis on structural damage. A three-dimensional, phased, fully coupled finite element model with non-linear material properties is used as a tool to perform a parametric study. The model includes the simulation of the tunnel construction process, with the tunnel located adjacent to a masonry building. Three different type of settlements are included (sagging, hogging and a combination of them), with seven different increasing angles of the building with respect to the tunnel axis. The alignment parameter is assessed, based on the maximum occurring crack width, measured in the building. Results show a significant dependency of the final damage on the building and tunnel alignment.