41 resultados para Illumination globale


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Carbon nanotube is one of the promising materials for exploring new concepts in solar energy conversion and photon detection. Here, we report the first experimental realization of a single core/shell nanowire photovoltaic device (2-4μm) based on carbon nanotube and amorphous silicon. Specifically, a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNTs) was utilized as the metallic core, on which n-type and intrinsic amorphous silicon layers were coated. A Schottky junction was formed by sputtering a transparent conducting indium-tin-oxide layer to wrap the outer shell of the device. The single coaxial nanowire device showed typical diode ratifying properties with turn-on voltage around 1V and a rectification ratio of 104 when biased at ±2V. Under illumination, it gave an open circuit voltage of ∼0.26V. Our study has shown a simple and useful platform for gaining insight into nanowire charge transport and collection properties. Fundamental studies of such nanowire device are important for improving the efficiency of future nanowire solar cells or photo detectors. © 2012 IEEE.


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We report optically induced phase transtions occurring in two different host ferroelectric liquid crystals; SCE13 a multicomponentmixture optimised for room temperature performance, and CE8 a single component liquid crystal. These act as host liquid crystals for a novel guest azo dye, which can be made to photoisomerise using low power density U.V. illumination, resulting in dramatic changes in sample properties. We have shown that the magnitude of spontaneous polarisation of systems can be isothermally and reversibly induced or reduced, with the consequent appearance or disappearance of optical switching hysteresis. We discuss the parameters controlling the behaviour of the systems under U.V. illumination and suggest mechansims by which the transitions may occur. © 1993, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


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This article describes the application of the light-attenuation technique as a tool for measuring dilution occurring in buoyancy-driven flows. Whilst this technique offers the experimental fluid dynamicist the ability to make rapid synoptic buoyancy measurements non-intrusively, its successful application requires careful selection of chemical dye, dye concentration, illumination and optics. After establishing the advantages offered by methylene blue as a dyeing agent, we assess the accuracy of buoyancy measurements made using this technique compared with direct measurements made with density meters. Density measurements obtained using light-attenuation differ from those obtained using the density meter by typically less than 3%. It is hoped that this article will provide useful advice with regards to its implementation in the field of buoyancy-driven flows. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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We discuss the development of amorphous oxide semiconductor technology for optical sensor applications. In particular, we discuss the challenges of detecting visible wavelengths using this family of materials, which are known to be optically transparent due to their relatively large bandgap energy. One of the main issues with amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOS) is the ionization of the oxygen vacancies (VO) under illumination. While this can be beneficial in terms of optical absorption and high photoconductive gain, it can give rise to persistent photoconductivity (PPC). We will present techniques to overcome the PPC, and discuss how to achieve the high photoconductive gain for image sensor applications. © 2012 IEEE.


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Liquid crystalline elastomers (LCEs) can undergo extremely large reversible shape changes when exposed to external stimuli, such as mechanical deformations, heating or illumination. The deformation of LCEs result from a combination of directional reorientation of the nematic director and entropic elasticity. In this paper, we study the energetics of initially flat, thin LCE membranes by stress driven reorientation of the nematic director. The energy functional used in the variational formulation includes contributions depending on the deformation gradient and the second gradient of the deformation. The deformation gradient models the in-plane stretching of the membrane. The second gradient regularises the non-convex membrane energy functional so that infinitely fine in-plane microstructures and infinitely fine out-of-plane membrane wrinkling are penalised. For a specific example, our computational results show that a non-developable surface can be generated from an initially flat sheet at cost of only energy terms resulting from the second gradients. That is, Gaussian curvature can be generated in LCE membranes without the cost of stretch energy in contrast to conventional materials. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The construction of protein-based photoelectrochemical cells that produce a variety of alternating currents in response to discontinuous illumination is reported. The photovoltaic component is a protein complex from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides which catalyses photochemical charge separation with a high quantum yield. Photoelectrochemical cells formed from this protein, a mobile redox mediator and a counter electrode formed from cobalt disilicide, titanium nitride, platinum, or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) generate a direct current during continuous illumination and an alternating current with different characteristics during discontinuous illumination. In particular, the use of superhydrophobic MWCNT as the back electrode results in a near symmetrical forward and reverse current upon light on and light off, respectively. The symmetry of the AC output of these cells is correlated with the wettability of the counter electrode. Potential applications of a hybrid biological/synthetic solar cell capable of generating an approximately symmetrical alternating current are discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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We demonstrate a new type of transistors, the electrical/optical "dual-function redox-potential transistors", which is solution processable and environmentally stable. This device consists of vertically staked electrodes that act as gate, emitter and collector. It can perform as a normal transistor, whilst one electrode which is sensitised by dye enables to generate photocurrent when illuminated. Solution processable oxide-nanoparticles were used to form various functional layers, which allow an electrolyte to penetrate through and, consequently, the current between emitter and collector can be controlled by the gate potential modulated distribution of ions. The result here shows that the device performs with high ON-current under low driving voltage (<1â€...V), while the transistor performance can readily be controlled by photo-illumination. Such device with combined optical and electrical functionalities allows single device to perform the tasks that are usually done by a circuit/system with multiple optical and electrical components, and it is promising for various applications.


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In organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) the electrical characteristics of polymeric semiconducting materials suffer from the presence of structural/morphological defects and grain boundaries as well as amorphous domains within the film, hindering an efficient transport of charges. To improve the percolation of charges we blend a regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with newly designed N = 18 armchair graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The latter, prepared by a bottom-up solution synthesis, are expected to form solid aggregates which cannot be easily interfaced with metallic electrodes, limiting charge injection at metal-semiconductor interfaces, and are characterized by a finite size, thus by grain boundaries, which negatively affect the charge transport within the film. Both P3HT and GNRs are soluble/dispersible in organic solvents, enabling the use of a single step co-deposition process. The resulting OFETs show a three-fold increase in the charge carrier mobilities in blend films, when compared to pure P3HT devices. This behavior can be ascribed to GNRs, and aggregates thereof, facilitating the transport of the charges within the conduction channel by connecting the domains of the semiconductor film. The electronic characteristics of the devices such as the Ion/Ioff ratio are not affected by the addition of GNRs at different loads. Studies of the electrical characteristics under illumination for potential use of our blend films as organic phototransistors (OPTs) reveal a tunable photoresponse. Therefore, our strategy offers a new method towards the enhancement of the performance of OFETs, and holds potential for technological applications in (opto)electronics.


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© 2013 IEEE. This paper reviews the mechanisms underlying visible light detection based on phototransistors fabricated using amorphous oxide semiconductor technology. Although this family of materials is perceived to be optically transparent, the presence of oxygen deficiency defects, such as vacancies, located at subgap states, and their ionization under illumination, gives rise to absorption of blue and green photons. At higher energies, we have the usual band-to-band absorption. In particular, the oxygen defects remain ionized even after illumination ceases, leading to persistent photoconductivity, which can limit the frame-rate of active matrix imaging arrays. However, the persistence in photoconductivity can be overcome through deployment of a gate pulsing scheme enabling realistic frame rates for advanced applications such as sensor-embedded display for touch-free interaction.


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A model of the negative bias illumination stress instability in InGaZn oxide is presented, based on the photo-excitation of electrons from oxygen interstitials. The O interstitials are present to compensate hydrogen donors. The O interstitials are found to spontaneously form in O-rich conditions for Fermi energies at the conduction band edge, much more easily that in related oxides. The excited electrons give rise to a persistent photoconductivity due to an energy barrier to recombination. The formation energy of the O interstitials varies with their separation from the H donors, which leads to a voltage stress dependence on the compensation. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We compare the performance of a typical hole transport layer for organic photovoltaics (OPVs), Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) thin film with a series of PEDOT:PSS layers doped with silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) of various size distributions. These hybrid layers have attracted great attention as buffer layers in plasmonic OPVs, although there is no report up to date on their isolated performance. In the present study we prepared a series of PEDOT:PSS layers sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and gold (Au) electrodes. Ag NPs were deposited on top of the ITO by electron beam evaporation followed by spin coating of PEDOT:PSS. Electrical characterization performed in the dark showed linear resistive behavior for all the samples; lower resistance was observed for the hybrid ones. It was found that the resistivity of the samples decreases with increasing the particle's size. A substantial increase of the electric field between the ITO and the Au electrodes was seen through the formation of current paths through the Ag NPs. A striking observation is the slight increase in the slope of the current density versus voltage curves when measured under illumination for the case of the plasmonic layers, indicating that changes in the electric field in the vicinity of the NP due to plasmonic excitation is a non-vanishing factor. © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.