65 resultados para ISM MAGNETIC FIELDS


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An orthorhombic DyMnO3 single crystal has been studied in magnetic fields up to 14 T and between 3 K and room temperature. The field dependent ordering temperature of Dy moments is deduced. The paramagnetic Curie Weiss behavior is related mainly to the Dy3+sublattice whereas the Mn sublattice contribution plays a secondary role. DC magnetization measurements show marked anisotropic features, related to the anisotropic structure of a cubic system stretched along a body diagonal, with a magnetic easy axis parallel to the crystallographic b axis. A temperature and field dependent spin flop transition is observed below 9 K, when relatively weak magnetocrystalline anisotropy is overcome by magnetic fields up to 1.6 T. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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A superconducting magnetic shield can be built as a stack of several sections of milled 2G coated conductors. Each section consists of a closed loop where persistent currents can flow and provide a strong attenuation of external dc magnetic fields. The purpose of the present work is to study experimentally several geometries of such magnetic shields made out of YBa2Cu 3O7 (YBCO) coated conductors from SuperPower. Our aim is to investigate in detail the influence of the aspect ratio and the number of layers of the assembly on the magnetic shielding properties. In order to do so, the magnetic shield is subjected to an axial quasi-static ('dc') magnetic field ramped slowly at a fixed sweep rate. A Hall probe is used to measure the local magnetic induction inside the assembly as a function of the applied magnetic induction. Results show that the shielding factor, SF, (defined as the ratio between the applied magnetic induction and the magnetic induction measured inside the shield) is improved for increasing aspect ratios of the global coated conductor assembly and that the threshold magnetic induction (defined for SF = 10) increases with the number of layers. Using a double layer of 18 sections at T = 77K , dc magnetic fields up to 56 mT can be shielded by a factor larger than 10. Finally, the effect of an air gap of constant width between coated conductor sections is also characterized. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Magnetic shielding efficiency was measured on high- Tc superconducting hollow cylinders subjected to either an axial or a transverse magnetic field in a large range of field sweep rates, dBapp/dt. The behaviour of the superconductor was modelled in order to reproduce the main features of the field penetration curves by using a minimum number of free parameters suitable for both magnetic field orientations. The field penetration measurements were carried out on Pb-doped Bi-2223 tubes at 77K by applying linearly increasing magnetic fields with a constant sweep rate ranging between 10νTs-1 and 10mTs-1 for both directions of the applied magnetic field. The experimental curves of the internal field versus the applied field, Bin(Bapp), show that, at a given sweep rate, the magnetic field for which the penetration occurs, Blim, is lower for the transverse configuration than for the axial configuration. A power law dependence with large exponent, n′, is found between Blim and dBapp/dt. The values of n′ are nearly the same for both configurations. We show that the main features of the curves B in(Bapp) can be reproduced using a simple 2D model, based on the method of Brandt, involving a E(J) power law with an n-exponent and a field-dependent critical current density, Jc(B), (following the Kim model: Jc = Jc0(1+B/B1)-1). In particular, a linear relationship between the measured n′-exponents and the n-exponent of the E(J) power law is suggested by taking into account the field dependence of the critical current density. Differences between the axial and the transverse shielding properties can be simply attributed to demagnetizing fields. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The magnetocaloric effect in magnetic materials is of great interest nowadays. In this article we present an investigation about the magnetic properties near the magnetic transition in a polycrystalline sample of a manganite Tb0.9 Sn0.1 MnO3. Particularly, we are interested in describing the nature of the magnetic interactions and the magnetocaloric effect in this compound. The temperature dependence of the magnetization was measured to determine the characteristics of the magnetic transition and the magnetic entropy change was calculated from magnetization curves at different temperatures. The magnetic solid is paramagnetic at high temperatures. We observe a dominant antiferromagnetic interaction below Tn =38 K for low applied magnetic fields; the presence of Sn doping in this compound decreases the Ńel temperature of the pure TbMnO3 system. A drastic increase in the magnetization as a function of temperature near the magnetic transition suggests a strong magnetocaloric effect. We found a large magnetic entropy change Δ SM (T) of about -4 J/kg K at H=3 T. We believe that the magnetic entropy change is associated with the magnetic transition and we interpret it as due to the coupling between the magnetic field and the spin ordering. This relatively large value and broad temperature interval (about 35 K) of the magnetocaloric effect make the present compound a promising candidate for magnetic refrigerators at low temperatures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper studies the effects of magnetic wedges on the equivalent circuit parameters of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM). Magnetic wedges are used in slot openings of large electrical machines to reduce magnetizing currents, but the study of their effects on the BDFM performance is not straightforward due to the complex magnetic fields in the BDFM. Equivalent circuit and FE models have been developed for a 250 kW BDFM taking into account the effects of wedges and verified experimentally.


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The ability to generate a permanent, stable magnetic field unsupported by an electromotive force is fundamental to a variety of engineering applications. Bulk high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials can trap magnetic fields of magnitude over ten times higher than the maximum field produced by conventional magnets, which is limited practically to rather less than 2 T. In this paper, two large c-axis oriented, single-grain YBCO and GdBCO bulk superconductors are magnetized by the pulsed field magnetization (PFM) technique at temperatures of 40 and 65 K and the characteristics of the resulting trapped field profile are investigated with a view of magnetizing such samples as trapped field magnets (TFMs) in situ inside a trapped flux-type superconducting electric machine. A comparison is made between the temperatures at which the pulsed magnetic field is applied and the results have strong implications for the optimum operating temperature for TFMs in trapped flux-type superconducting electric machines. The effects of inhomogeneities, which occur during the growth process of single-grain bulk superconductors, on the trapped field and maximum temperature rise in the sample are modelled numerically using a 3D finite-element model based on the H-formulation and implemented in Comsol Multiphysics 4.3a. The results agree qualitatively with the observed experimental results, in that inhomogeneities act to distort the trapped field profile and reduce the magnitude of the trapped field due to localized heating within the sample and preferential movement and pinning of flux lines around the growth section regions (GSRs) and growth sector boundaries (GSBs), respectively. The modelling framework will allow further investigation of various inhomogeneities that arise during the processing of (RE)BCO bulk superconductors, including inhomogeneous Jc distributions and the presence of current-limiting grain boundaries and cracks, and it can be used to assist optimization of processing and PFM techniques for practical bulk superconductor applications. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Tunable materials with high anisotropy of refractive index and low loss are of particular interest in the microwave and terahertz range. Nematic liquid crystals are highly sensitive to electric and magnetic fields and may be designed to have particularly high birefringence. In this paper we investigate birefringence and absorption losses in an isothiocyanate based liquid crystal (designed for high anisotropy) in a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum, namely 0.1-4 GHz, 30 GHz, 0.5-1.8 THz, and in the visible and near-infrared region (400 nm-1600 nm). We report high birefringence (Δn = 0.19-0.395) and low loss in this material. This is attractive for tunable microwave and terahertz device applications.


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Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) single grains have the potential to generate large trapped magnetic fields for a variety of engineering applications, and research on the processing and properties of this material has attracted world-wide interest. In particular, the introduction of flux pinning centres to the large grain microstructure to improve its current density, Jc, and hence trapped field, has been investigated extensively over the past decade. Y 2Ba4CuMOx [Y-2411(M)], where M = Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Ru, Zr, Bi and Ag, has been reported to form particularly effective flux pinning centres in YBCO due primarily to its ability to exist as nano-size inclusions in the superconducting phase matrix. However, the addition of the Y-2411(M) phase to the precursor composition complicates the melt-processing of single grains. We report an investigation of the growth rate of single YBCO grains containing Y-2411(Bi) phase inclusions and Y2O3. The superconducting properties of these large single grains have been measured specifically to investigate the effect of Y2O3 on broadening the growth window of these materials. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We present a detailed quantum oscillation study of the Fermi surface of the recently discovered Yb-based heavy fermion superconductor beta-YbAlB4. We compare the data, obtained at fields from 10 to 45 T, to band structure calculations performed using the local density approximation. Analysis of the data suggests that f holes participate in the Fermi surface up to the highest magnetic fields studied. We comment on the significance of these findings for the unconventional superconducting properties of this material.


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High quality large grain high Tc superconducting ceramics offer enormous potential as 'permanent' magnets and in magnetic screening applications at 77K. This requires sample dimensions -cm with uniform high critical current densities of the order 105 A/cm2 in applied magnetic fields of IT. We report a study of the magnetic characterisation of a typical large YBa2Cu3O7-δ grain, prepared by seeded peritectic solidification, and correlate the magnetically determined critical current density, Jc, with microstuctural features from different regions of the bulk sample. From this data we extract the temperature, field and positional dependence of the critical current density of the samples and the irreversibility line. We find that whilst the bulk sample exhibits a good Jc of order 104 A/cm2 (77K, 1T), the local Jc is strongly correlated with the sample microstructure towards the edge of the sample and more severely at the centre of the sample by the presence of SmBa2Cu3O7-δ seed crystal. © 1997 IEEE.


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Strong, artificial pinning centres are required in superconducting films of large thickness for power applications in high magnetic fields. One of the methods for the introduction of pinning centres in such films is substrate decoration, i.e., growing nanoscale islands of certain materials on the substrate prior to the deposition of the superconducting film. Two other methods are building up a layered distribution of a second phase and homogeneous incorporation of second phase inclusions from a compositional target. In this paper, we compare the effectiveness of these methods in terms of the type of the self-assembly of nanoparticles. The comparison is made over a large set of YBa2Cu3O7 films of thickness up to 6.6 μm deposited with Au, Ag, Pd, LaNiO3, PrBa2Cu 3O7, YBCO, BaZrO3 and Gd2Ba 4CuWOy nanoparticles. It is found that substrate-decoration self-assembly is able to provide higher critical current in low magnetic field than the incorporation of homogeneous second phase in the sample microstructure. By specific modification of substrate decoration we achieved the self-field critical current per centimetre of width of 896 A/cm at 77.3 K and 1620 A/cm at 65 K in a film of thickness of 4.8 μm. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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High temperature superconductors, such as melt-processed YBCO bulks, have great advantages on trapping strong magnetic fields in liquid nitrogen. To enable them to function well, there are some traditional ways of magnetizing them, in which the YBCO bulks are magnetized instantly under a very strong source of magnetic field. These ways would consume great amounts of power to make the superconductors trap as much field as possible. Thermally Actuated Magnetization (TAM) Flux pump has been proved a perfect substitution for these expensive methods by using a relatively small magnet as the source. In this way, the field is developed gradually over many pulses. Unlike conventional flux pumping ways, the TAM does not drive the superconductor normal during the process of magnetization. In former experiments for the flux pump, some fundamental tests were done. In this paper, the experiment system is advanced to a new level with better temperature control to the thermal waves moving in the Gadolinium and with less air gap for the flux lines sweeping through the superconductor. This experiment system F leads to a stronger accumulation of the magnetic field trapped in the YBCO bulk. We also tried different ways of sending the thermal waves and found out that the pumping effect is closely related to the power of the heaters and the on and off time. © 2010 IEEE.


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Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) single grains have the potential to generate large trapped magnetic fields for engineering applications, and research on the processing and properties of this material has attracted interest world-wide over the past 20 years. In particular, the introduction of flux pinning centers to the large grain microstructure to improve its current density Jc, and hence trapped field, has been investigated extensively. Y2Ba 4CuMO2 [Y-2411(M)], where M = Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Ru, Zr, Bi and Ag, has been discovered recently to form very effective flux pinning centers due primarily to its ability to form nano-size inclusions in the superconducting phase matrix. However, the addition of the Y-2411(M) phase to the precursor composition complicates the melt-processing of single grains. The addition of Y2O3 to the precursor composition, however, broadens the growth window of single YBCO grains containing Y-2411 (M). We report an investigation of the microstructures and superconducting properties of single grains of this composition grown by top seeded melt growth (TSMG). © 2010 IEEE.


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The critical current density Jc of an MOCVD/IBAD coated conductor was measured on tracks patterned longitudinally (L) and transversely (T) to the tape direction. Despite the samples' vicinality no dependence J c of on track direction was found for magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the film plane. In angular out-of-plane measurements the previously reported asymmetry due to tilted precipitate planes was observed in an L track, whereas curves from a T track were almost perfectly symmetric with similarly high absolute values of Jc. At low fields the effects of surface pinning were seen. Our results show that in most scenarios the current carrying capability is equally as good parallel and perpendicular to the tape direction, which is highly relevant for ROEBEL cables. In measurements where the magnetic field was swept in the film plane the anisotropy was found to be significantly higher than for MOD/RABiTS samples, which we explain by the different morphology of grain boundaries in the tapes. At low temperatures Jc of a T track exhibited a clear signature of vortex channeling. © 2010 IEEE.


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The authors have doped RABiTS coated conductor tapes with Ca in an attempt to enhance the transport properties. By diffusing Ca into the YBCO film from a CaZrO3 overlayer, the authors have been able to preferentially dope the grain boundaries of the superconductor. Hence it has been possible to obtain doped tapes which do not have a significantly degraded T-c. The authors have measured the critical currents of doped and undoped samples over a wide range of temperature, magnetic field, and magnetic field angle in order to study the effect of Ca on the grain boundaries. The authors find that doping using short anneal times produces enhanced critical currents in large magnetic fields.