49 resultados para I kappa B


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In this talk we demonstrate configurations and devices that allow plasmonic assisted guiding and confinement of electromagnetic energy at the nanoscale. We also demonstrate silicon plasmonic Schottky detector for telecom wavelengths. © 2011 OSA.


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We experimentally demonstrate an on-chip nanoscale silicon surface-plasmon Schottky photodetector based on internal photoemission process and operating at telecom wavelengths. The device is fabricated using a self-aligned approach of local-oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) on silicon on insulator substrate, which provides compatibility with standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology and enables the realization of the photodetector and low-loss bus photonic waveguide at the same fabrication step. Additionally, LOCOS technique allows avoiding lateral misalignment between the silicon surface and the metal layer to form a nanoscale Schottky contact. The fabricated devices showed enhanced detection capability for shorter wavelengths that is attributed to increased probability of the internal photoemission process. We found the responsivity of the nanodetector to be 0.25 and 13.3 mA/W for incident optical wavelengths of 1.55 and 1.31 μm, respectively. The presented device can be integrated with other nanophotonic and nanoplasmonic structures for the realization of monolithic opto-electronic circuitry on-chip. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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We experimentally demonstrate a self-aligned approach for the fabrication of nanoscale hybrid silicon-plasmonic waveguide fabricated by local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS). Implementation of the LOCOS technique provides compatibility with standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology and allows avoiding lateral misalignment between the silicon waveguide and the upper metallic layer. We directly measured the propagation and the coupling loss of the fabricated hybrid waveguide using a near-field scanning optical microscope. The demonstrated structure provides nanoscale confinement of light together with a reasonable propagation length of ∼100 μm. As such, it is expected to become an important building block in future on-chip optoelectronic circuitry. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We experimentally demonstrate a high-Q ultrathin silicon nitride microring resonator operating at wavelength of 970 nm that is favorable for large variety of biophotonic applications. Implementation of thin device layer of 200 nm allows enhanced interaction between the optical mode and environment, while still maintaining high quality factor of resonator. In addition, we show the importance of spectral window around 970 nm to improve device sensing capability. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We demonstrate the design, fabrication and experimental characterization of the spatial mode selector that transmit only the second silicon waveguide mode. Nanofabrication results and near field measurements are presented. ©2009 Optical Society of America.


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We experimentally demonstrate the planar focusing of Surface Plasmon Polaritons using space variant PMMA subwavelength features on top of a metallic film. Focusing is obtained by creating an effective graded refractive index profile. © OSA 2012.


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We demonstrate an integrated on-chip plasmonic enhanced Schottky detector for telecom wavelengths based on the internal photoemission process. This CMOS compatible device may serve as a promising alternative to the Si-Ge detectors. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate an integrated on-chip compact and high efficiency Schottky detector for telecom wavelengths based on silicon metal waveguide. Detection is based on the internal photoemission process. Theory and experimental results are discussed. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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An innovative, simple compact and low cost approach for phase mapping based on the intrinsic modulation of a Near Field Scanning Optical Microscope probe is analyzed and experimentally demonstrated. © OSA/ CLEO 2011.


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We demonstrate an integrated on-chip locally-oxidized silicon surface-plasmon Schottky detector for telecom wavelengths based on the internal photoemission process. Theoretical model and experimental results will be presented and discussed. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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In this talk we demonstrate configurations and devices that allow plasmonic assisted guiding and confinement of electromagnetic energy at the nanoscale. We also demonstrate silicon plasmonic Schottky detector for telecom wavelengths. ©2011 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate the design, fabrication and experimental characterization of the spatial mode selector that transmit only the second silicon waveguide mode. Nanofabrication results and near field measurements are presented. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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The tendency to make unhealthy choices is hypothesized to be related to an individual's temporal discount rate, the theoretical rate at which they devalue delayed rewards. Furthermore, a particular form of temporal discounting, hyperbolic discounting, has been proposed to explain why unhealthy behavior can occur despite healthy intentions. We examine these two hypotheses in turn. We first systematically review studies which investigate whether discount rates can predict unhealthy behavior. These studies reveal that high discount rates for money (and in some instances food or drug rewards) are associated with several unhealthy behaviors and markers of health status, establishing discounting as a promising predictive measure. We secondly examine whether intention-incongruent unhealthy actions are consistent with hyperbolic discounting. We conclude that intention-incongruent actions are often triggered by environmental cues or changes in motivational state, whose effects are not parameterized by hyperbolic discounting. We propose a framework for understanding these state-based effects in terms of the interplay of two distinct reinforcement learning mechanisms: a "model-based" (or goal-directed) system and a "model-free" (or habitual) system. Under this framework, while discounting of delayed health may contribute to the initiation of unhealthy behavior, with repetition, many unhealthy behaviors become habitual; if health goals then change, habitual behavior can still arise in response to environmental cues. We propose that the burgeoning development of computational models of these processes will permit further identification of health decision-making phenotypes.


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We demonstrate an on-chip all-optical broadband modulation of light in submicron silicon waveguide based on linear free carriers' absorption using side coupling configuration of a pump signal. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate the tunability of a silicon nitride micro-resonator using the concept of Digital Microfluidics. Our system allows driving micro-droplets on-chip, enabling the control of the effective refractive index at the vicinity of the resonator. © 2010 OSA/FiO/LS 2010.