86 resultados para Hydraulic Sorting


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We have conducted triaxial deformation experiments along different loading paths on prism sediments from the Nankai Trough. Different load paths of isotropic loading, uniaxial strain loading, triaxial compression (at constant confining pressure, Pc), undrained Pc reduction, drained Pc reduction, and triaxial unloading at constant Pc, were used to understand the evolution of mechanical and hydraulic properties under complicated stress states and loading histories in accretionary subduction zones. Five deformation experiments were conducted on three sediment core samples for the Nankai prism, specifically from older accreted sediments at the forearc basin, underthrust slope sediments beneath the megasplay fault, and overthrust Upper Shikoku Basin sediments along the frontal thrust. Yield envelopes for each sample were constructed based on the stress paths of Pc-reduction using the modified Cam-clay model, and in situ stress states of the prism were constrained using the results from the other load paths and accounting for horizontal stress. Results suggest that the sediments in the vicinity of the megasplay fault and frontal thrust are highly overconsolidated, and thus likely to deform brittle rather than ductile. The porosity of sediments decreases as the yield envelope expands, while the reduction in permeability mainly depends on the effective mean stress before yield, and the differential stress after yield. An improved understanding of sediment yield strength and hydromechanical properties along different load paths is necessary to treat accurately the coupling of deformation and fluid flow in accretionary subduction zones. © 2012 American Geophysical Union All Rights Reserved.


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BGCore reactor analysis system was recently developed at Ben-Gurion University for calculating in-core fuel composition and spent fuel emissions following discharge. It couples the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP with an independently developed burnup and decay module SARAF. Most of the existing MCNP based depletion codes (e.g. MOCUP, Monteburns, MCODE) tally directly the one-group fluxes and reaction rates in order to prepare one-group cross sections necessary for the fuel depletion analysis. BGCore, on the other hand, uses a multi-group (MG) approach for generation of one group cross-sections. This coupling approach significantly reduces the code execution time without compromising the accuracy of the results. Substantial reduction in the BGCore code execution time allows consideration of problems with much higher degree of complexity, such as introduction of thermal hydraulic (TH) feedback into the calculation scheme. Recently, a simplified TH feedback module, THERMO, was developed and integrated into the BGCore system. To demonstrate the capabilities of the upgraded BGCore system, a coupled neutronic TH analysis of a full PWR core was performed. The BGCore results were compared with those of the state of the art 3D deterministic nodal diffusion code DYN3D (Grundmann et al.; 2000). Very good agreement in major core operational parameters including k-eff eigenvalue, axial and radial power profiles, and temperature distributions between the BGCore and DYN3D results was observed. This agreement confirms the consistency of the implementation of the TH feedback module. Although the upgraded BGCore system is capable of performing both, depletion and TH analyses, the calculations in this study were performed for the beginning of cycle state with pre-generated fuel compositions. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The on-demand availability of nanomaterials with selected size and well-defined chemical/physical properties is of fundamental importance for their widespread application. We report two clean, rapid, and non-destructive approaches for nanoparticle (NP) size selection in centrifugal fields. The first exploits rate zonal separation in a high viscosity gradient. The second exploits selective sedimentation of NPs with different sizes. These methods are here applied to metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) with different compositions and surface chemistry, dispersed either in water or organic solvents. The approach is general and can also be exploited for the separation of NPs of any material. We selectively sort both Au and AgNPs with sizes in the 10-30 nm range, achieving chemical-free MNPs with low polydispersivity. We do not use solutes, thus avoiding contamination, and only require low centrifugal fields, easily achievable in benchtop systems. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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This paper presents stochastic implicit coupling method intended for use in Monte-Carlo (MC) based reactor analysis systems that include burnup and thermal hydraulic (TH) feedbacks. Both feedbacks are essential for accurate modeling of advanced reactor designs and analyses of associated fuel cycles. In particular, we investigate the effect of different burnup-TH coupling schemes on the numerical stability and accuracy of coupled MC calculations. First, we present the beginning of time step method which is the most commonly used. The accuracy of this method depends on the time step length and it is only conditionally stable. This work demonstrates that even for relatively short time steps, this method can be numerically unstable. Namely, the spatial distribution of neutronic and thermal hydraulic parameters, such as nuclide densities and temperatures, exhibit oscillatory behavior. To address the numerical stability issue, new implicit stochastic methods are proposed. The methods solve the depletion and TH problems simultaneously and use under-relaxation to speed up convergence. These methods are numerically stable and accurate even for relatively large time steps and require less computation time than the existing methods. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The details of the Element Free Galerkin (EFG) method are presented with the method being applied to a study on hydraulic fracturing initiation and propagation process in a saturated porous medium using coupled hydro-mechanical numerical modelling. In this EFG method, interpolation (approximation) is based on nodes without using elements and hence an arbitrary discrete fracture path can be modelled.The numerical approach is based upon solving two governing partial differential equations of equilibrium and continuity of pore water simultaneously. Displacement increment and pore water pressure increment are discretized using the same EFG shape functions. An incremental constrained Galerkin weak form is used to create the discrete system of equations and a fully implicit scheme is used for discretization in the time domain. Implementation of essential boundary conditions is based on the penalty method. In order to model discrete fractures, the so-called diffraction method is used.Examples are presented and the results are compared to some closed-form solutions and FEM approximations in order to demonstrate the validity of the developed model and its capabilities. The model is able to take the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the material into account. The applicability of the model is examined by simulating hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation process from a borehole by injection of fluid. The maximum tensile strength criterion and Mohr-Coulomb shear criterion are used for modelling tensile and shear fracture, respectively. The model successfully simulates the leak-off of fluid from the fracture into the surrounding material. The results indicate the importance of pore fluid pressure in the initiation and propagation pattern of fracture in saturated soils. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.