64 resultados para Conductive wires


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Characterization of polymer nanocomposites by electron microscopy has been attempted since last decade. Main drives for this effort were analysis of dispersion and alignment of fillers in the matrix. Sample preparation, imaging modes and irradiation conditions became particularly challenging due to the small dimension of the fillers and also to the mechanical and conductive differences between filler and matrix. To date, no standardized dispersion and alignment process or characterization procedures exist in the trade. Review of current state of the art on characterization of polymer nanocomposites suggests that the most innovative electron and ion beam microscopy has not yet been deployed in this material system. Additionally, recently discovered functionalities of these composites, such as electro and photoactuation are amenable to the investigation of the atomistic phenomena by in situ transmission electron microscopy. The possibility of using innovative thinning techniques is presented. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.


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Using single-walled nanotubes as an example, we fabricated transparent conductive coatings and demonstrated a new technique of centrifuge coating as a potential low-waste, solution-based batch process for the fabrication of nanostructured coatings. A theoretical model is developed to account for the sheet resistance exhibited by layered random-network coatings such as nanofilaments and graphene. The model equation is analytical and compact, and allows the correlation of very different scaling regimes reported in the literature to the underlying coating microstructure. Finally, we also show a refined experimental setup to systematically measure the curvature-dependent sheet resistance.


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We measure the effects of phonon confinement on the Raman spectra of silicon nanowires (SiNWs). We show how previous reports of phonon confinement in SiNWs and nanostructures are actually inconsistent with phonon confinement, but are due to the intense local heating caused by the laser power used for Raman measurements. This is peculiar to nanostructures, and would require orders of magnitude higher power in bulk Si. By varying the temperature, power and excitation energy, we identify the contributions of pure confinement, heating and carrier photo-excitation. After eliminating laser-related effects, the Raman spectra show confinement signatures typical of quantum wires. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We measure the effects of phonon confinement on the Raman spectra of silicon nanowires. We show how previous spectra were inconsistent with phonon confinement, but were due to intense local heating caused by the laser. This is peculiar to nanostructures, and would require orders of magnitude more power in bulk Si. By working at very low laser powers, we identify the contribution of pure confinement typical of quantum wires.


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Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) pattern formation in carbon nanotube-polymer composite films yields well-defined patterns on the micrometer scale along with the alignment of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) within these patterns. Conductive pathways in nanotube networks formed during EHD patterning of nanocomposite films results in a substantial increase in the composites' conductivity at loadings exceeding the percolation threshold. The degree of nanotube alignment can be tuned by adjusting the EHD parameters and the degree of alignment is mirrored by the conductivity across the film. Using etching techniques or by embedding relatively long nanotubes, patterned surfaces decorated by CNT brushes were generated. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Thermal-stable, conductive, and flexible carbon fabric (CF), which is composed of thin carbon fibers prepared by electrospinning, was used for the substrate of carbon nanotube (CNT) field emitter arrays. The field emitter arrays were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The current density-electric field characteristics revealed that the CNT field emitter arrays on CF produced a higher current density at a lower turn-on voltage compared to ones on a Si substrate. This emitter integrated with a gate electrode based on hierarchy-structured carbon materials, CNTs on CF, can be used for light sources, displays, and other electronic devices. © 2009 Materials Research Society.


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There is a clear and increasing interest in short time annealing processing far below one second, i.e. the lower limit of Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) called spike annealing. This was driven by the need of suppressing the so-called Transient Enhanced Diffusion in advanced boronimplanted shallow pn-junctions in silicon technology. Meanwhile the interest in flash lamp annealing (FLA) in the millisecond range spread out into other fields related to silicon technology and beyond. This paper reports on recent experiments regarding shallow junction engineering in germanium, annealing of ITO layers on glass and plastic foil to form an conductive layer as well as investigations which we did during the last years in the field of wide band gap semiconductor materials (SiC, ZnO). A more common feature evolving from our work was related to the modeling of wafer stress during millisecond thermal processing with flash lamps. Finally recent achievements in the field of silicon-based light emission basing on Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Light Emitting Devices will be reported. © 2007 IEEE.


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A packaging technique suited to applying MEMS strain sensors realized on a silicon chip to a steel flat surface is described. The method is based on adhesive bonding of the silicon chip rear surface on steel using two types of glue normally used for standard piezoresistive strain sensors (Mbond200/ 600), using direct wire bonding of the chip to a Printed Circuit Board, also fixed on steel. In order to protect the sensor from the external environment, and to improve the MEMS performance, the silicon chip is encapsulated with a metal cap hermetically sealed-off under vacuum condition with a vacuum adhesive in which the bonding wires are also protected from possible damage. In order to evaluate the mechanical coupling of the silicon chip with the bar and thestress transfer extent to the silicon surface, commercial strain sensors have been applied on the chip glued on a steel bar in alaboratory setup able to generate strain by inflection, yielding a stress transfer around 70% from steel to silicon. © 2008 IEEE.


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We have investigated the magnetization reversal process of a single chain of identical nanomagnetic dots fabricated from 30 nm thick Ni 80Fe20. The structures consist of two 5 μm wide support wires bridged with a single chain of identical dots of diameter δ in the range 100-250 nm. For fields applied perpendicular to the single chain, we observed an unusual size dependent hysteretic behavior in the magnetoresistance curve at high field. This is due to the magnetostatic interaction arising from the proximity of the magnetic charges. We are able to deduce from a simple micromagnetic simulation that the reversal process in the chain of dots with δ=100nm is mediated by a collective process of nearly coherent spin rotation. The magnetotransport measurements along the chain reveal a complex magnetization reversal process in the chain of nanomagnets. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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A number of alternative designs are presented for Penning ion traps suitable for quantum information processing (QIP) applications with atomic ions. The first trap design is a simple array of long straight wires, which allows easy optical access. A prototype of this trap has been built to trap Ca+ and a simple electronic detection scheme has been employed to demonstrate the operation of the trap. Another trap design consists of a conducting plate with a hole in it situated above a continuous conducting plane. The final trap design is based on an array of pad electrodes. Although this trap design lacks the open geometry of the other traps described above, the pad design may prove useful in a hybrid scheme in which information processing and qubit storage take place in different types of trap. The behaviour of the pad traps is simulated numerically and techniques for moving ions rapidly between traps are discussed. Future experiments with these various designs are discussed. All of the designs lend themselves to the construction of multiple trap arrays, as required for scalable ion trap QIP.


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Ink-jet printing of nano-metallic colloidal fluids on to porous media such as coated papers has become a viable method to produce conductive tracks for low-cost, disposable printed electronic devices. However, the formation of well-defined and functional tracks on an absorbing surface is controlled by the drop imbibition dynamics in addition to the well-studied post-impact drop spreading behavior. This study represents the first investigation of the real-time imbibition of ink-jet deposited nano-Cu colloid drops on to coated paper substrates. In addition, the same ink was deposited on to a non-porous polymer surface as a control substrate. By using high-speed video imaging to capture the deposition of ink-jet drops, the time-scales of drop spreading and imbibition were quantified and compared with model predictions. The influences of the coating pore size on the bulk absorption rate and nano-Cu particle distribution have also been studied.


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Electrically conductive composites that contain conductive filler dispersed in an insulating polymer matrix are usually prepared by the vigorous mixing of the components. This affects the structure of the filler particles and thereby the properties of the composite. It is shown that by careful mixing nano-scale features on the surface of the filler particles can be retained. The fillers used possess sharp surface protrusions similar to the tips used in scanning tunnelling microscopy. The electric field strength at these tips is very large and results in field assisted (Fowler-Nordheim) tunnelling. In addition the polymer matrix intimately coats the filler particles and the particles do not come into direct physical contact. This prevents the formation of chains of filler particles in close contact as the filler content increases. In consequence the composite has an extremely high resistance even at filler loadings above the expected percolation threshold. The retention of filler particle morphology and the presence of an insulating polymer layer between them endow the composite with a number of unusual properties. These are presented here together with appropriate physical models. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A new type of chemi-resistor based on a novel metal-polymer composite is described. The composite contains nickel particles with sharp nano-scale surface features, which are intimately coated by the polymer matrix so that they do not come into direct physical contact. No conductive chains of filler particles are formed even at loadings above the percolation threshold and the composite is intrinsically insulating. However, when subjected to compression the composite becomes conductive, with sample resistance falling from ≥ 1012 Ω to < 0.01 Ω. The composite can be formed into insulating granules, which display similar properties to the bulk form. A bed of granules compressed between permeable frits provides a porous structure with a start resistance set by the degree of compression while the granules are free to swell when exposed to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The granular bed presents a large surface area for the adsorption of VOCs from the gas stream flowing through it. The response of this system to a variety of vapours has been studied for two different sizes of the granular bed and for different matrix polymers. Large responses, ΔR/R0 ≥ 10^7, are observed when saturated vapours are passed through the chemi-resistor. Rapid response allows real time sensing of VOCs and the initial state is recovered in a few seconds by purging with an inert gas stream. The variation in response as a function of VOC concentration is determined.


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A measurement system for magnetic fields or electric currents uses a single-core fluxgate, magneto-inductive or magneto-impedance device driven from a radio frequency excitation source. Flux nulling feedback circuitry is provided to maintain the core of the sensor at substantially zero net flux and improve the linearity and dynamic response of the sensor system. A high pass filter is provided for reducing the dc effects of the ohmic resistance of the coil and lead wires on the effectiveness of the flux nulling feedback.