49 resultados para Acceleration


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The paper discusses measurements of heat transfer obtained from the inside surface of the peripheral shroud. The experiments were carried out on a rotating cavity, comprising two 0.985-m-dia disks, separated by an axial gap of 0.065 m and bounded at the circumference by a carbon fiber shroud. Tests were conducted with a heated shroud and either unheated or heated disks. When heated, the disks had the same temperature level and surface temperature distribution. Two different temperature distributions were tested; the surface temperature either increased, or decreased with radius. The effects of disk, shroud, and air temperature levels were also studied. Tests were carried out for the range of axial throughflow rates and speeds: 0.0025 ≤ m ≤ 0.2 kg/s and 12.5 ≤ Ω ≤ 125 rad/s, respectively. Measurements were also made of the temperature of the air inside the cavity. The shroud Nusselt numbers are found to depend on a Grashof number, which is defined using the centripetal acceleration. Providing the correct reference temperature is used, the measured Nusselt numbers also show similarity to those predicted by an established correlation for a horizontal plate in air. The heat transfer from the shroud is only weakly affected by the disk surface temperature distribution and temperature level. The heat transfer from the shroud appears to be affected by the Rossby number. A significant enhancement to the rotationally induced free convection occurs in the regions 2 ≤ Ro ≤ 4 and Ro ≥ 20. The first of these corresponds to a region where vortex breakdown has been observed. In the second region, the Rossby number may be sufficiently large for the central throughflow to affect the shroud heat transfer directly. Heating the shroud does not appear to affect the heat transfer from the disks significantly.


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A key challenge in achieving good transient performance of highly boosted engines is the difficulty of accelerating the turbocharger from low air flow conditions (“turbo lag”). Multi-stage turbocharging, electric turbocharger assistance, electric compressors and hybrid powertrains are helpful in the mitigation of this deficit, but these technologies add significant cost and integration effort. Air-assist systems have the potential to be more cost-effective. Injecting compressed air into the intake manifold has received considerable attention, but the performance improvement offered by this concept is severely constrained by the compressor surge limit. The literature describes many schemes for generating the compressed gas, often involving significant mechanical complexity and/or cost. In this paper we demonstrate a novel exhaust assist system in which a reservoir is charged during braking. Experiments have been conducted using a 2.0 litre light-duty Diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled to an AC transient dynamometer, which was controlled to mimic engine load during in-gear braking and acceleration. The experimental results confirm that the proposed system reduces the time to torque during the 3rd gear tip-in by around 60%. Such a significant improvement was possible due to the increased acceleration of turbocharger immediately after the tip-in. Injecting the compressed gas into the exhaust manifold circumvents the problem of compressor surge and is the key enabler of the superior performance of the proposed concept.


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In this paper, high and low speed tip flows are investigated for a high-pressure turbine blade. Previous experimental data are used to validate a CFD code, which is then used to study the tip heat transfer in high and low speed cascades. The results show that at engine representative Mach numbers the tip flow is predominantly transonic. Thus, compared to the low speed tip flow, the heat transfer is affected by reductions in both the heat transfer coefficient and the recovery temperature. The high Mach numbers in the tip region (M>1.5) lead to large local variations in recovery temperature. Significant changes in the heat transfer coefficient are also observed. These are due to changes in the structure of the tip flow at high speed. At high speeds, the pressure side corner separation bubble reattachment occurs through supersonic acceleration which halves the length of the bubble when the tip gap exit Mach number is increased from 0.1 to 1.0. In addition, shock/boundary-layer interactions within the tip gap lead to large changes in the tip boundary-layer thickness. These effects give rise to significant differences in the heat-transfer coefficient within the tip region compared to the low-speed tip flow. Compared to the low speed tip flow, the high speed tip flow is much less dominated by turbulent dissipation and is thus less sensitive to the choice of turbulence model. These results clearly demonstrate that blade tip heat transfer is a strong function of Mach number, an important implication when considering the use of low speed experimental testing and associated CFD validation in engine blade tip design. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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This paper investigates the circumstances under which high peak acceleration can occur in the internal parts of a system when subjected to impulsive driving on the outside. Motivating examples include the design of packaging for transportation of fragile items. The system is modelled in an idealised form using two beams coupled with point connections. A Rayleigh-Ritz model of such coupled beams was validated against measurements on a particular beam system, then the model was used to explore the acceleration response to impulsive driving in the time, frequency and spatial domains. This study is restricted to linear vibration response and additional mechanisms for high internal acceleration due to nonlinear effects such as internal impacts are not considered. Using Monte Carlo simulation in which the indirectly driven beam was perturbed by randomly placed point masses a wide range of system behaviour was explored. This facilitates identification of vulnerable configurations that can lead to high internal acceleration. The results from the study indicate the possibility of curve veering influencing the peak acceleration amplification. The possibility of veering within an ensemble was found to be dependent on the relative coupling strength of the modes. Understanding of the mechanism may help to avoid vulnerable cases, either by design or by preparatory vibration testing. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper investigates how the efficiency and robustness of a skilled rhythmic task compete against each other in the control of a bimanual movement. Human subjects juggled a puck in 2D through impacts with two metallic arms, requiring rhythmic bimanual actuation. The arms kinematics were only constrained by the position, velocity and time of impacts while the rest of the trajectory did not influence the movement of the puck. In order to expose the task robustness, we manipulated the task context in two distinct manners: the task tempo was assigned at four different values (hence manipulating the time available to plan and execute each impact movement individually); and vision was withdrawn during half of the trials (hence reducing the sensory inflows). We show that when the tempo was fast, the actuation was rhythmic (no pause in the trajectory) while at slow tempo, the actuation was discrete (with pause intervals between individual movements). Moreover, the withdrawal of visual information encouraged the rhythmic behavior at the four tested tempi. The discrete versus rhythmic behavior give different answers to the efficiency/robustness trade-off: discrete movements result in energy efficient movements, while rhythmic movements impact the puck with negative acceleration, a property preserving robustness. Moreover, we report that in all conditions the impact velocity of the arms was negatively correlated with the energy of the puck. This correlation tended to stabilize the task and was influenced by vision, revealing again different control strategies. In conclusion, this task involves different modes of control that balance efficiency and robustness, depending on the context. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.


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The paper considers the feedback stabilization of periodic orbits in a planar juggler. The juggler is "blind," i.e, he has no other sensing capabilities than the detection of impact times. The robustness analysis of the proposed control suggests that the arms acceleration at impact is a crucial design parameter even though it plays no role in the stability analysis. Analytical results and convergence proofs are provided for a simplified model of the juggler. The control law is then adapted to a more accurate model and validated in an experimental setup. © 2007 IEEE.


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We study the the design of a tracking controller for the popular bouncing ball model: the continuous-time actuation of a table is used to control the impacts of the table with a bouncing ball. The proposed control law uses the impact times as the sole feedback information. We show that the acceleration of the table at impact plays no role in the stability analysis but is an important parameter for the robustness of the feedback system to model uncertainty, in particular to the uncertainty on the coefficient of restitution. © 2006 IEEE.


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A key challenge in achieving good transient performance of highly boosted engines is the difficulty of accelerating the turbocharger from low air flow conditions (turbo lag). Multi-stage turbocharging, electric turbocharger assistance, electric compressors and hybrid powertrains are helpful in the mitigation of this deficit, but these technologies add significant cost and integration effort. Air-assist systems have the potential to be more cost-effective. Injecting compressed air into the intake manifold has received considerable attention, but the performance improvement offered by this concept is severely constrained by the compressor surge limit. The literature describes many schemes for generating the compressed gas, often involving significant mechanical complexity and/or cost. In this paper we demonstrate a novel exhaust assist system in which a reservoir is charged during braking. Experiments have been conducted using a 2.0 litre light-duty Diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled to an AC transient dynamometer, which was controlled to mimic engine load during in-gear braking and acceleration. The experimental results confirm that the proposed system reduces the time to torque during the 3rd gear tip-in by around 60%. Such a significant improvement was possible due to the increased acceleration of turbocharger immediately after the tip-in. Injecting the compressed gas into the exhaust manifold circumvents the problem of compressor surge and is the key enabler of the superior performance of the proposed concept. Copyright © 2013 SAE International.


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It is well known that the power absorbed by a linear oscillator when excited by white noise base acceleration depends only on the mass of the oscillator and the spectral density of the base motion. This places an upper bound on the energy that can be harvested from a linear oscillator under broadband excitation, regardless of the stiffness of the system or the damping factor. It is shown here that the same result applies to any multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system that is subjected to white noise base acceleration: for a given spectral density of base motion the total power absorbed is proportional to the total mass of the system. The only restriction to this result is that the internal forces are assumed to be a function of the instantaneous value of the state vector. The result is derived analytically by several different approaches, and numerical results are presented for an example two-degree-of-freedom-system with various combinations of linear and nonlinear damping and stiffness. © 2013 The Author.


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Mechanical spring-damper network performance can often be improved by the inclusion of a third passive component called the inerter. This ideally has the characteristic that the force at the terminals is directly proportional to the relative acceleration between them. The fluid inerter presented here has advantages over mechanical ball screw devices in terms of simplicity of design. Furthermore, it can be readily adapted to implement various passive network layouts. Variable orifices and valves can be included to provide series or parallel damping. Test data from prototypes with helical tubes have been compared with models to investigate parasitic damping effects of the fluid. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A high-speed path-following controller for long combination vehicles (LCVs) was designed and implemented on a test vehicle consisting of a rigid truck towing a dolly and a semitrailer. The vehicle was driven through a 3.5 m wide lane change maneuver at 80 km/h. The axles of the dolly and trailer were steered actively by electrically-controlled hydraulic actuators. Substantial performance benefits were recorded compared with the unsteered vehicle. For the best controller weightings, performance improvements relative to unsteered case were: lateral tracking error 75% reduction, rearward amplification (RA) of lateral acceleration 18% reduction, and RA of yaw rate 37% reduction. This represents a substantial improvement in stability margins. The system was found to work well in conjunction with the braking-based stability control system of the towing vehicle with no negative interaction effects being observed. In all cases, the stability control system and the steering system improved the yaw stability of the combination. © 2014 by ASME.


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The circumstances are investigated under which high peak acceleration can occur in the internal parts of a system when subjected to impulsive driving on the outside. Previous work using a coupled beam model has highlighted the importance of veering pairs of modes. Such a veering pair can be approximated by a lumped system with two degrees of freedom. The worst case of acceleration amplification is shown to occur when the two oscillators are tuned to the same frequency, and for this case closed-form expressions are derived to show the parameter dependence of the acceleration ratio on the mass ratio and coupling strength. Sensitivity analysis of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors indicates that mass ratio is the most sensitive parameter for altering the veering behaviour in an undamped system. Non-proportional damping is also shown to have a strong influence on the veering behaviour. The study gives design guidelines to allow permissible acceleration levels to be achieved by the choice of the effective mass and damping of the indirectly driven subsystem relative to the directly driven subsystem. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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In the arena of vibration energy harvesting, the key technical challenges continue to be low power density and narrow operational frequency bandwidth. While the convention has relied upon the activation of the fundamental mode of resonance through direct excitation, this article explores a new paradigm through the employment of parametric resonance. Unlike the former, oscillatory amplitude growth is not limited due to linear damping. Therefore, the power output can potentially build up to higher levels. Additionally, it is the onset of non-linearity that eventually limits parametric resonance; hence, this approach can also potentially broaden the operating frequency range. Theoretical prediction and numerical modelling have suggested an order higher in oscillatory amplitude growth. An experimental macro-sized electromagnetic prototype (practical volume of ∼1800 cm3) when driven into parametric resonance, has demonstrated around 50% increase in half power band and an order of magnitude higher peak power density normalised against input acceleration squared (293 μW cm-3 m-2 s4 with 171.5 mW at 0.57 m s-2) in contrast to the same prototype directly driven at fundamental resonance (36.5 μW cm-3 m-2 s4 with 27.75 mW at 0.65 m s-2). This figure suggests promising potentials while comparing with current state-of-the-art macro-sized counterparts, such as Perpetuum's PMG-17 (119 μW cm-3 m-2 s4). © The Author(s) 2013.


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This paper reports a high-resolution frequency-output MEMS tilt sensor based on resonant sensing principles. The tilt sensor measures orientation by sensing the component of gravitational acceleration along a specified input axis. A combination of design enhancements enables significantly higher sensitivity for this device as compared to previously reported prototype sensors. The MEMS tilt sensor is calibrated on a manual tilt table over tilt angles ranging over 0-90 degrees with a relatively linear response measured in the range of ±20°(linearity error <2.3%) with a scale factor of approximately 50.06 Hz/degree. The noise-limited resolution of the sensor is found to be approximately 250 nano-radians for an integration time of 0.8 s, which is over an order of magnitude better than previously reported results [1]. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper discusses several considerations related to appropriate numerical modelling of the reservoir hydrodynamic pressures on dams. The reservoir is modelled with 8-noded isoparametric displacement based solid finite elements. The study includes both stiff and flexible dams with vertical and sloped upstream faces under ramp, harmonic and random acceleration loads. The numerical results were compared and found to be in good agreement with available closed-form solutions. The same approach may be used in analyses of other waterfront structures such as quay walls. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.