441 resultados para silicon detectors


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Thermally treated silicon rich oxides (SRO) used as starting material for the fabrication of silicon nanodots represent the basis of tunable bandgap nanostructured materials for optoelectronic and photonic applications. The optical modelization of such materials is of great interest, as it allows the simulation of reflectance and transmittance (R&T) spectra, which is a powerful non destructive tool in the determination of phase modifications (clustering, precipitation of new phases, crystallization) upon thermal treatments. In this paper, we study the optical properties of a variety of as-deposited and furnace annealed SRO materials. The different phases are treated by means of the effective medium approximation. Upon annealing at low temperature, R&T spectra show the precipitation of amorphous silicon nanoparticles, while the crystallization occurring at temperatures higher than 1000 °C is also clearly identified, in agreement with structural results. The existing literature on the optical properties of the silicon nanocrystals is reviewed, with attention on the specificity of the compositional and structural characteristics of the involved material. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Photon cutting with efficiencies up to 400% is demonstrated in Erx Y2-x Si2 O7 films grown on Si and its concentration dependence is analyzed. The cutting is the result of cross-energy-transfer processes occurring within a single rare earth (Er3+) acting as both sensitizer and activator. Similarities with upconversion are revealed and possible applications in solar cells are discussed. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The photon absorption in Si quantum dots (QDs) embedded in SiO2 has been systematically investigated by varying several parameters of the QD synthesis. Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) or magnetron cosputtering (MS) have been used to deposit, upon quartz substrates, single layer, or multilayer structures of Si-rich- SiO2 (SRO) with different Si content (43-46 at. %). SRO samples have been annealed for 1 h in the 450-1250 °C range and characterized by optical absorption measurements, photoluminescence analysis, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. After annealing up to 900 °C SRO films grown by MS show a higher absorption coefficient and a lower optical bandgap (∼2.0 eV) in comparison with that of PECVD samples, due to the lower density of Si-Si bonds and to the presence of nitrogen in PECVD materials. By increasing the Si content a reduction in the optical bandgap has been recorded, pointing out the role of Si-Si bonds density in the absorption process in small amorphous Si QDs. Both the photon absorption probability and energy threshold in amorphous Si QDs are higher than in bulk amorphous Si, evidencing a quantum confinement effect. For temperatures higher than 900 °C both the materials show an increase in the optical bandgap due to the amorphous-crystalline transition of the Si QDs. Fixed the SRO stoichiometry, no difference in the optical bandgap trend of multilayer or single layer structures is evidenced. These data can be profitably used to better implement Si QDs for future PV technologies. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We present experimental measurements on Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic crystal slabs with an active layer containing Er3+ ions-doped Silicon nanoclusters (Si-nc), showing strong enhancement of 1.54 μm emission at room temperature. We provide a systematic theoretical analysis to interpret such results. In order to get further insight, we discuss experimental data on the guided luminescence of unpatterned SOI planar slot waveguides, which show enhanced light emission in transverse-magnetic (TM) modes over transverse-electric (TE) ones. ©2007 IEEE.


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Through silicon via (TSV) technology is key for next generation three-dimensional integrated circuits, and carbon nanotubes (CNT) provide a promising alternative to metal for filling the TSV. Three catalyst preparation methods for achieving CNT growth from the bottom of the TSV are investigated. Compared with sputtering and evaporation, catalyst deposition using dip-coating in a FeCl2 solution is found to be a more efficient method for realizing a bottom-up filling of the TSV (aspect ratio 5 or 10) with CNT. The CNT bundles grown in 5 min exceed the 50 μm length of the TSV and are multi-wall CNT with three to eight walls. The CNT bundles inside the TSV were electrically characterized by creating a direct contact using a four-point nanoprober setup. A low resistance of the CNT bundle of 69.7 Ω (297 Ω) was measured when the CNT bundle was contacted midway along (over the full length of) the 25 μm deep TSV. The electrical characterization in combination with the good filling of the TSV demonstrates the potential use of CNT in fully integrated TSV applications.


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This paper presents the first performance evaluation of interest points on scalar volumetric data. Such data encodes 3D shape, a fundamental property of objects. The use of another such property, texture (i.e. 2D surface colouration), or appearance, for object detection, recognition and registration has been well studied; 3D shape less so. However, the increasing prevalence of 3D shape acquisition techniques and the diminishing returns to be had from appearance alone have seen a surge in 3D shape-based methods. In this work, we investigate the performance of several state of the art interest points detectors in volumetric data, in terms of repeatability, number and nature of interest points. Such methods form the first step in many shape-based applications. Our detailed comparison, with both quantitative and qualitative measures on synthetic and real 3D data, both point-based and volumetric, aids readers in selecting a method suitable for their application. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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The pressure behavior of Raman frequencies and line widths of crystalline core-amorphous shell silicon nanowires (SiNWs) with two different core-to-shell ratio thicknesses was studied at pressures up to 8 GPa. The obtained isothermal compressibility (bulk modulus) of SiNWs with a core-to-shell ratio of about 1.8 is ∼20% higher (lower) than reported values for bulk Si. For SiNWs with smaller core-to-shell ratios, a plastic deformation of the shell was observed together with a strain relaxation. A significant increase in the full width at half-maximum of the Raman LTO-peak due to phonon decay was used to determine the critical pressure at which LTO-phonons decay into LO + TA phonons. Our results reveal that this critical pressure in strained core-shell SiNWs (∼4 GPa) is different from the reported value for bulk Si (∼7 GPa), whereas no change is observed for relaxed core-shell SiNWs. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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In this paper we report about the electrical properties of La 0.7Ca0.3MnO3 compounds substituted by copper on the manganese site and/or deliberately contaminated by SiO2 in the reactant mixture. Several phenomena have been observed and discussed. SiO2 addition leads to the formation of an apatite-like secondary phase that affects the electrical conduction through the percolation of the charge carriers. On the other hand, depending on the relative amounts of copper and silicon, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity can be noticeably modified: our results enable us to compare the effects of crystallographic vacancies on the A and B sites of the perovskite with the influence of the copper ions substituted on the manganese site. The most original result occurs for the compounds with a small ratio Si/Cu, which display double-peaked resistivity vs. temperature curves. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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