337 resultados para 3D camera
Temporal synchronization of multiple video recordings of the same dynamic event is a critical task in many computer vision applications e.g. novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. Typically this information is implied through the time-stamp information embedded in the video streams. User-generated videos shot using consumer grade equipment do not contain this information; hence, there is a need to temporally synchronize signals using the visual information itself. Previous work in this area has either assumed good quality data with relatively simple dynamic content or the availability of precise camera geometry. Our first contribution is a synchronization technique which tries to establish correspondence between feature trajectories across views in a novel way, and specifically targets the kind of complex content found in consumer generated sports recordings, without assuming precise knowledge of fundamental matrices or homographies. We evaluate performance using a number of real video recordings and show that our method is able to synchronize to within 1 sec, which is significantly better than previous approaches. Our second contribution is a robust and unsupervised view-invariant activity recognition descriptor that exploits recurrence plot theory on spatial tiles. The descriptor is individually shown to better characterize the activities from different views under occlusions than state-of-the-art approaches. We combine this descriptor with our proposed synchronization method and show that it can further refine the synchronization index. © 2013 ACM.
Current methods for formation of detected chess-board vertices into a grid structure tend to be weak in situations with a warped grid, and false and missing vertex-features. In this paper we present a highly robust, yet efficient, scheme suitable for inference of regular 2D square mesh structure from vertices recorded both during projection of a chess-board pattern onto 3D objects, and in the more simple case of camera calibration. Examples of the method's performance in a lung function measuring application, observing chess-boards projected on to patients' chests, are given. The method presented is resilient to significant surface deformation, and tolerates inexact vertex-feature detection. This robustness results from the scheme's novel exploitation of feature orientation information. © 2013 IEEE.
This paper addresses the basic problem of recovering the 3D surface of an object that is observed in motion by a single camera and under a static but unknown lighting condition. We propose a method to establish pixelwise correspondence between input images by way of depth search by investigating optimal subsets of intensities rather than employing all the relevant pixel values. The thrust of our algorithm is that it is capable of dealing with specularities which appear on the top of shading variance that is caused due to object motion. This is in terms of both stages of finding sparse point correspondence and dense depth search. We also propose that a linearised image basis can be directly computed by the procudure of finding the correspondence. We illustrate the performance of the theoretical propositions using images of real objects. © 2009. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.
The development of infrastructure in major cities often involves tunnelling, which can cause damage to existing structures. Therefore, these projects require a careful prediction of the risk of settlement induced damage. The simplified approach of current methods cannot account for three-dimensional structural aspects of buildings, which can result in an inaccurate evaluation of damage. This paper investigates the effect of the building alignment with the tunnel axis on structural damage. A three-dimensional, phased, fully coupled finite element model with non-linear material properties is used as a tool to perform a parametric study. The model includes the simulation of the tunnel construction process, with the tunnel located adjacent to a masonry building. Three different type of settlements are included (sagging, hogging and a combination of them), with seven different increasing angles of the building with respect to the tunnel axis. The alignment parameter is assessed, based on the maximum occurring crack width, measured in the building. Results show a significant dependency of the final damage on the building and tunnel alignment.
Traditional approaches to upper body pose estimation using monocular vision rely on complex body models and a large variety of geometric constraints. We argue that this is not ideal and somewhat inelegant as it results in large processing burdens, and instead attempt to incorporate these constraints through priors obtained directly from training data. A prior distribution covering the probability of a human pose occurring is used to incorporate likely human poses. This distribution is obtained offline, by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to a large dataset of recorded human body poses, tracked using a Kinect sensor. We combine this prior information with a random walk transition model to obtain an upper body model, suitable for use within a recursive Bayesian filtering framework. Our model can be viewed as a mixture of discrete Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, in that states behave as random walks, but drift towards a set of typically observed poses. This model is combined with measurements of the human head and hand positions, using recursive Bayesian estimation to incorporate temporal information. Measurements are obtained using face detection and a simple skin colour hand detector, trained using the detected face. The suggested model is designed with analytical tractability in mind and we show that the pose tracking can be Rao-Blackwellised using the mixture Kalman filter, allowing for computational efficiency while still incorporating bio-mechanical properties of the upper body. In addition, the use of the proposed upper body model allows reliable three-dimensional pose estimates to be obtained indirectly for a number of joints that are often difficult to detect using traditional object recognition strategies. Comparisons with Kinect sensor results and the state of the art in 2D pose estimation highlight the efficacy of the proposed approach.
Previous studies have reported that different schemes for coupling Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport with burnup and thermal hydraulic feedbacks may potentially be numerically unstable. This issue can be resolved by application of implicit methods, such as the stochastic implicit mid-point (SIMP) methods. In order to assure numerical stability, the new methods do require additional computational effort. The instability issue however, is problem-dependent and does not necessarily occur in all cases. Therefore, blind application of the unconditionally stable coupling schemes, and thus incurring extra computational costs, may not always be necessary. In this paper, we attempt to develop an intelligent diagnostic mechanism, which will monitor numerical stability of the calculations and, if necessary, switch from simple and fast coupling scheme to more computationally expensive but unconditionally stable one. To illustrate this diagnostic mechanism, we performed a coupled burnup and TH analysis of a single BWR fuel assembly. The results indicate that the developed algorithm can be easily implemented in any MC based code for monitoring of numerical instabilities. The proposed monitoring method has negligible impact on the calculation time even for realistic 3D multi-region full core calculations. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.