341 resultados para Wind Turbine


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Instability triggering and transient growth of thermoacoustic oscillations were experimentally investigated in combination with linear/nonlinear flame transfer function (FTF) methodology in a model lean-premixed gas turbine combustor operated with CH 4 and air at atmospheric pressure. A fully premixed flame with 10kW thermal power and an equivalence ratio of 0.60 was chosen for detailed characterization of the nonlinear transient behaviors. Flame transfer functions were experimentally determined by simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity fluctuations and heat release rate oscillations using a constant temperature anemometer and OH */CH * chemiluminescence emissions, respectively. The phase-resolved variation of the local flame structure at a limit cycle was measured by planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity, OH */CH * emission, and acoustic pressure were performed to investigate the temporal evolution of the system from a stable to a limit cycle operation. This measurement allows us to describe an unsteady instability triggering event in terms of several distinct stages: (i) initiation of a small perturbation, (ii) exponential amplification, (iii) saturation, (iv) nonlinear evolution of the perturbations towards a new unstable periodic state, (v) quasi-steady low-amplitude periodic oscillation, and (vi) fully-developed high-amplitude limit cycle oscillation. Phase-plane portraits of instantaneous inlet velocity and heat release rate clearly show the presence of two different attractors. Depending on its initial position in phase space at infinitesimally small amplitude, the system evolves towards either a high-amplitude oscillatory state or a low-amplitude oscillatory state. This transient phenomenon was analyzed using frequency- and amplitude-dependent damping mechanisms, and compared to subcritical and supercritical bifurcation theories. The results presented in this paper experimentally demonstrate the hypothesis proposed by Preetham et al. based on analytical and computational solutions of the nonlinear G-equation [J. Propul. Power 24 (2008) 1390-1402]. Good quantitative agreement was obtained between measurements and predictions in terms of the conditions for the onset of triggering and the amplitude of triggered combustion instabilities. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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This paper is the third part of a report on systematic measurements and analyses of wind-generated water waves in a laboratory environment. The results of the measurements of the turbulent flow on the water side are presented here, the details of which include the turbulence structure, the correlation functions, and the length and velocity scales. It shows that the mean turbulent velocity profiles are logarithmic, and the flows are hydraulically rough. The friction velocity in the water boundary layer is an order of magnitude smaller than that in the wind boundary layer. The level of turbulence is enhanced immediately beneath the water surface due to micro-breaking, which reflects that the Reynolds shear stress is of the order u *w 2. The vertical velocities of the turbulence are related to the relevant velocity scale at the still-water level. The autocorrelation function in the vertical direction shows features of typical anisotropic turbulence comprising a large range of wavelengths. The ratio between the microscale and macroscale can be expressed as λ/Λ=a Re Λ n, with the exponent n slightly different from -1/2, which is the value when turbulence production and dissipation are in balance. On the basis of the wavelength and turbulent velocity, the free-surface flows in the present experiments fall into the wavy free-surface flow regime. The integral turbulent scale on the water side alone underestimates the degree of disturbance at the free surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The effect of an opposing wind on the stratification and flow produced by a buoyant plume rising from a heat source on the floor of a ventilated enclosure is investigated. Ventilation openings located at high level on the windward side of the enclosure and at low level on the leeward side allow a wind-driven flow from high to low level, opposite to the buoyancy-driven flow. One of two stable steady flow regimes is established depending on a dimensionless parameter F that characterizes the relative magnitudes of the wind-driven and buoyancy-driven velocities within the enclosure, and on the time history of the flow. A third, unstable steady flow solution is identified. For small opposing winds (small F) a steady, two-layer stratification and displacement ventilation is established. Exterior fluid enters through the lower leeward openings and buoyant interior fluid leaves through the upper windward openings. As the wind speed increases, the opposing wind may cause a reversal in the flow direction. In this case, cool exterior fluid enters through the high windward openings and mixes the interior fluid, which exits through the leeward openings. There are now two possibilities. If the rate of heat input by the source exceeds the rate of heat loss through the leeward openings, the temperature of the interior increases and this flow reversal is only maintained temporarily. The buoyancy force increases with time, the flow reverts to its original direction, and steady two-layer displacement ventilation is re-established and maintained. In this regime, the increase in wind speed increases the depth and temperature of the warm upper layer, and reduces the ventilation flow rate. If, on the other hand, the heat loss exceeds the heat input, the interior cools and the buoyancy-driven flow decreases. The reversed flow is maintained, the stratification is destroyed and mixing ventilation occurs. Further increases in wind speed increase the ventilation rate and decrease the interior temperature. The transitions between the two ventilation flow patterns exhibit hysteresis. The change from displacement ventilation to mixing ventilation occurs at a higher F than the transition from mixing to displacement. Further, we find that the transition from mixing to displacement ventilation occurs at a fixed value of F, whereas the transition from displacement to mixing flow is dependent on the details of the time history of the flow and the geometry of the openings, and is not determined solely by the value of F. Theoretical models that predic t the steady stratification profiles and flow rates for the displacement and mixing ventilation, and the transitions between them, are presented and compared with measurements from laboratory experiments. The transition between these ventilation patterns completely changes the internal environment, and we discuss some of the implications for the natural ventilation of buildings. © 2004 Cambridge University Press.


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Detailed experimental investigations of the amplitude dependence of flame describing functions (FDF) were performed using a stratified swirl-stabilized combustor, in order to understand the combustion-acoustic interactions of CH4/air flames propagating into nonhomogeneous reactant stoichiometry. Phase-synchronized OH planar laser induced fluorescence (OH PLIF) measurements were used to investigate local reaction zone structures of forced flames. To determine the amplitude-and frequency-dependent forced flame response, simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. The measurements were made over a wide range of stratification ratios, including inner stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i) and outer stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i)) conditions, and compared to the baseline condition of spatially and temporally homogeneous cases ( θ o=θ i)). Results show that for the inlet conditions investigated, fuel stratification has a significant influence on local and global flame structures of unforced and forced flames. Under stratified conditions, length scales of local contours were found to be much larger than the homogeneous case due to high kinematic viscosities associated with high temperature. Stratification has a remarkable effect on flame-vortex interactions when the flame is subjected to high-amplitude acoustic forcing, leading to different evolution patterns of FDF (amplitude and disturbance convective time) in response to the amplitude of the imposed inlet velocity oscillation. The present experimental investigation reveals that intentional stratification has the potential to eliminate or suppress the occurrence of detrimental combustion instability problems in lean-premixed gas turbine combustion systems. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This study detailed the structure of turbulence in the air-side and water-side boundary layers in wind-induced surface waves. Inside the air boundary layer, the kurtosis is always greater than 3 (the value for normal distribution) for both horizontal and vertical velocity fluctuations. The skewness for the horizontal velocity is negative, but the skewness for the vertical velocity is always positive. On the water side, the kurtosis is always greater than 3, and the skewness is slightly negative for the horizontal velocity and slightly positive for the vertical velocity. The statistics of the angle between the instantaneous vertical fluctuation and the instantaneous horizontal velocity in the air is similar to those obtained over solid walls. Measurements in water show a large variance, and the peak is biased towards negative angles. In the quadrant analysis, the contribution of quadrants Q2 and Q4 is dominant on both the air side and the water side. The non-dimensional relative contributions and the concentration match fairly well near the interface. Sweeps in the air side (belonging to quadrant Q4) act directly on the interface and exert pressure fluctuations, which, in addition to the tangential stress and form drag, lead to the growth of the waves. The water drops detached from the crest and accelerated by the wind can play a major role in transferring momentum and in enhancing the turbulence level in the water side.On the air side, the Reynolds stress tensor's principal axes are not collinear with the strain rate tensor, and show an angle α σ≈=-20°to-25°. On the water side, the angle is α σ≈=-40°to-45°. The ratio between the maximum and the minimum principal stresses is σ a/σ b=3to4 on the air side, and σ a/σ b=1.5to3 on the water side. In this respect, the air-side flow behaves like a classical boundary layer on a solid wall, while the water-side flow resembles a wake. The frequency of bursting on the water side increases significantly along the flow, which can be attributed to micro-breaking effects - expected to be more frequent at larger fetches. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Market competitiveness for aero engine power plant dictates that improvements in engine performance and reliability are guaranteed a priori by manufacturers. The requirement to accurately predict the life of engine components makes exacting demands of the internal air system, which must provide effective cooling over the engine duty cycle with the minimum consumption of compressor section air. Tests have been conducted at the University of Sussex using a turbine test facility which comprises a two stage turbine with an individual stage pressure ratio of 1.7:1. Main annulus air is supplied by an adapted Rolls-Royce Dart compressor at up to 440 K and 4.8 kg s-1. Cooling flow rates ranging from 0.71 to 1.46 Cw, ent, a disc entrainment parameter, have been used to allow ingress or egress dominated stator well flow conditions. The mechanical design of the test section allows internal cooling geometry to be rapidly re-configured, allowing the effect of jet momentum and coolant trajectory to be investigated. An important facet to this investigation is the use of CFD to model and analyse the flow structures associated with the cavity conditions tested, as well as to inform the design of cooling path geometry. This paper reports on the effectiveness of stator well coolant flow rate and delivery configurations using experimental data and also CFD analysis to better quantify the effect of stator well flow distribution on component temperatures. Copyright © 2011 by Rolls-Royce plc.


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Gas turbine engine performance requires effective and reliable internal cooling over the duty cycle of the engine. Life predictions for rotating components subject to the main gas path temperatures are vital. This demands increased precision in the specification of the internal air system flows which provide turbine stator well cooling and sealing. This in turn requires detailed knowledge of the flow rates through rim seals and interstage labyrinth seals. Knowledge of seal movement and clearances at operating temperatures is of great importance when prescribing these flows. A test facility has been developed at the University of Sussex, incorporating a two stage turbine rated at 400 kW with an individual stage pressure ratio of 1.7:1. The mechanical design of the test facility allows internal cooling geometry to be rapidly re-configured, while cooling flow rates of between 0.71 CW, ENT and 1.46 C W, ENT, may be set to allow ingress or egress dominated cavity flows. The main annulus and cavity conditions correspond to in cavity rotational Reynolds numbers of 1.71×106< Reφ <1.93×106. Displacement sensors have been used to establish hot running seal clearances over a range of stator well flow conditions, allowing realistic flow rates to be calculated. Additionally, gas seeding techniques have been developed, where stator well and main annulus flow interactions are evaluated by measuring changes in gas concentration. Experiments have been performed which allow rim seal and re-ingestion flows to be quantified. It will be shown that this work develops the measurement of stator well cooling flows and provides data suitable for the validation of improved thermo-mechanical and CFD codes, beneficial to the engine design process. Copyright © 2011 by Rolls-Royce plc.


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Transient flows in a confined ventilated space induced by a buoyancy source of time-varying strength and an external wind are examined. The space considered has varying cross-sectional area with height. A generalised theoretical model is proposed to investigate the flow dynamics following the activation of an external wind and an internal source of buoyancy. To investigate the effect of geometry, we vary the angle of the wall inclination of a particular geometry in which a point source of constant buoyancy is activated in the absence of wind. Counter-intuitively the ventilation is worse and lower airflow rates are established for geometries of increasing cross-sectional areas with height. We investigate the effect of the source buoyancy strength by comparing two cases: (1) when the buoyancy input is constant and (2) when the buoyancy input gradually increases over time so that after a finite time the total buoyancy inputs for (1) and (2) are identical. The rate at which the source heat gains are introduced has a significant role on the flow behaviour as we find that, in case (2), a warmer layer and a more pronounced overshoot are obtained than in case (1). The effect of assisting and opposing wind on the transient ventilation of an enclosure of constant cross-sectional area with height and constant heat gains is examined. A Froude number Fr is used to define the relative strengths of the buoyancy-induced and wind-induced velocities and five different transient states and their associated critical Fr are identified. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.