31 resultados para power-law graph


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The trapped magnetic field is examined in bulk high-temperature superconductors that are artificially drilled along their c-axis. The influence of the hole pattern on the magnetization is studied and compared by means of numerical models and Hall probe mapping techniques. To this aim, we consider two bulk YBCO samples with a rectangular cross-section that are drilled each by six holes arranged either on a rectangular lattice (sample I) or on a centered rectangular lattice (sample II). For the numerical analysis, three different models are considered for calculating the trapped flux: (i), a two-dimensional (2D) Bean model neglecting demagnetizing effects and flux creep, (ii), a 2D finite-element model neglecting demagnetizing effects but incorporating magnetic relaxation in the form of an E-J power law, and, (iii), a 3D finite element analysis that takes into account both the finite height of the sample and flux creep effects. For the experimental analysis, the trapped magnetic flux density is measured above the sample surface by Hall probe mapping performed before and after the drilling process. The maximum trapped flux density in the drilled samples is found to be smaller than that in the plain samples. The smallest magnetization drop is found for sample II, with the centered rectangular lattice. This result is confirmed by the numerical models. In each sample, the relative drops that are calculated independently with the three different models are in good agreement. As observed experimentally, the magnetization drop calculated in the sample II is the smallest one and its relative value is comparable to the measured one. By contrast, the measured magnetization drop in sample (1) is much larger than that predicted by the simulations, most likely because of a change of the microstructure during the drilling process.


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It is shown that filling the holes of a drilled bulk high-temperature superconductor (HTS) with a soft ferromagnetic powder enhances its trapping properties. The magnetic properties of the trapped field magnet are characterized by Hall probe mapping and magnetization measurements. This analysis is completed by a numerical model based on a 3D finite-element method where the conductivity of the superconducting material is described by a power law while the permeability of the ferromagnetic material is fixed to a given value and is considered uniform. Numerical results support the experimental observations. In particular, they confirm the increase of trapped flux that is observed with Hall probe mapping after impregnation. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We study the magnetic shielding properties of hybrid ferromagnetic/ superconductor (F/S) structures consisting of two coaxial cylinders, with one of each material. We use an axisymmetric finite-element model in which the electrical properties of the superconducting tube are modeled by a nonlinear E-J power law with a magnetic-field-dependent critical current density whereas the magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic material take saturation into account. We study and compare the penetration of a uniform axial magnetic field in two cases: 1) a ferromagnetic tube placed inside a larger superconducting tube (Ferro-In configuration) and 2) a ferromagnetic tube placed outside the superconducting one (Ferro-Out configuration). In both cases, we assess how the ferromagnetic tube improves the shielding properties of the sole superconducting tube. The influence of the geometrical parameters of the ferromagnetic tube is also studied: It is shown that, upon an optimal choice of the geometrical parameters, the range of magnetic fields that are efficiently shielded by the high-temperature superconductor tube alone can be increased by a factor of up to 7 (2) in a Ferro-Out (Ferro-In) configuration. The optimal configuration uses a 1020 carbon steel with a thickness of 2 mm and a height that is half that of the superconducting cylinder (80 mm). © 2009 IEEE.


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Magnetic shielding efficiency was measured on high- Tc superconducting hollow cylinders subjected to either an axial or a transverse magnetic field in a large range of field sweep rates, dBapp/dt. The behaviour of the superconductor was modelled in order to reproduce the main features of the field penetration curves by using a minimum number of free parameters suitable for both magnetic field orientations. The field penetration measurements were carried out on Pb-doped Bi-2223 tubes at 77K by applying linearly increasing magnetic fields with a constant sweep rate ranging between 10νTs-1 and 10mTs-1 for both directions of the applied magnetic field. The experimental curves of the internal field versus the applied field, Bin(Bapp), show that, at a given sweep rate, the magnetic field for which the penetration occurs, Blim, is lower for the transverse configuration than for the axial configuration. A power law dependence with large exponent, n′, is found between Blim and dBapp/dt. The values of n′ are nearly the same for both configurations. We show that the main features of the curves B in(Bapp) can be reproduced using a simple 2D model, based on the method of Brandt, involving a E(J) power law with an n-exponent and a field-dependent critical current density, Jc(B), (following the Kim model: Jc = Jc0(1+B/B1)-1). In particular, a linear relationship between the measured n′-exponents and the n-exponent of the E(J) power law is suggested by taking into account the field dependence of the critical current density. Differences between the axial and the transverse shielding properties can be simply attributed to demagnetizing fields. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The creep rate of polycrystalline Fe3O4 has been measured as a fonction of stress and oxygen partial pressure in the temperature range 480-1100°C. A regime of power law creep is found at high stress, with a stress exponent of ≈- 3.1 and an activation energy of 264 kJ/mol. A regime of diffusional flow is found at lower stresses and is interpreted as Nabarro-Herring creep. The data for the two regimes are combined to deduce an oxygen diffusion coefficient of ≈-10-5 exp(-264 kJ/mol/RT) m2s-1, with oxygen vacancies suggested as the mobile species. © 1990.


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An approach by which the detrented fluctuation analysis (DFA) method can be used to help diagnose heart failure was demonstrated. DFA was applied to patients suffering from congestive heart failure (CHF) to check correlations between DFA indices and CHF, and determine a correlation between DFA indices and mortality, with a particular attention to the residue parameter, which is a measure of the departure of the DFA from its power law approximation. DFA parameters proved to be useful as a complement to the physiological parameters weber and FE to sort out the patients into three prognostic group.


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We study the spectral characteristics of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein conjugated single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and quantify their uptake by macrophages. The binding of BSA onto the SWNT surface is found to change the protein structure and to increase the doping of the nanotubes. The G-band Raman intensity follows a well-defined power law for SWNT concentrations of up to 33 μg ml-1 in aqueous solutions. Subsequently, in vitro experiments demonstrate that incubation of BSA-SWNT complexes with macrophages affects neither the cellular growth nor the cellular viability over multiple cell generations. Using wide spot Raman spectroscopy as a fast, non-destructive method for statistical quantification, we observe that macrophages effectively uptake BSA-SWNT complexes, with the average number of nanotubes internalized per cell remaining relatively constant over consecutive cell generations. The number of internalized SWNTs is found to be ∼30 × 106 SWNTs/cell for a 60 mm-2 seeding density and ∼100 × 10 6 SWNTs/cell for a 200 mm-2 seeding density. Our results show that BSA-functionalized SWNTs are an efficient molecular transport system with low cytotoxicity maintained over multiple cell generations. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Results are presented of systematic studies of vibration damping in steel of a type, and processed by a route, rel-evant to Caribbean steel pans. Damping is likely to be a significant factor in the variation of sound quality be-tween different pans. The main stages in pan manufac-ture are simulated in a controlled manner using sheet steel, cold-rolled to a prescribed level of thickness reduc-tion then annealed at a chosen temperature in a laboratory furnace. Small test strips were cut from the resulting material, and tested in free-free beam bending to deduce the Young’s modulus and its associated loss factor. It is shown that the steel type, the degree of cold working and the annealing temperature all have a significant influence on damping. Furthermore, for each individual specimen damping is found to decrease with rising frequency, ap-proximately following a power law. Comparison with samples cut from a real pan show that there are further influences from the pan’s geometrical details.


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The fracture behavior of thin films of bitumen in double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens was investigated over a wide range of temperature and loading rate conditions using finite-element analysis. The model includes a phenomenological model for the mechanical behavior of bitumen, implemented into a special-purpose finite-element user material subroutine, combined with a cohesive zone model (CZM) for simulating the fracture process. The finite-element model is validated against experimental results from laboratory tests of DCB specimens by comparing measured and predicted load-line deflection histories and fracture energy release rates. Computer simulation results agreed well with experimental data of DCB joints containing bitumen films in terms of peak stress, fracture toughness, and stress-strain history response. The predicted "normalized toughness," G=2h, was found to increase in a power-law manner with effective temperaturecompensated strain rate in the ductile region as previously observed experimentally. In the brittle regime, G=2h is virtually constant. The model successfully captured the ductile and brittle failure behavior of bitumen films in opening mode (tension) for stable crack growth conditions. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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We propose new scaling laws for the properties of planetary dynamos. In particular, the Rossby number, the magnetic Reynolds number, the ratio of magnetic to kinetic energy, the Ohmic dissipation timescale and the characteristic aspect ratio of the columnar convection cells are all predicted to be power-law functions of two observable quantities: the magnetic dipole moment and the planetary rotation rate. The resulting scaling laws constitute a somewhat modified version of the scalings proposed by Christensen and Aubert. The main difference is that, in view of the small value of the Rossby number in planetary cores, we insist that the non-linear inertial term, uu, is negligible. This changes the exponents in the power-laws which relate the various properties of the fluid dynamo to the planetary dipole moment and rotation rate. Our scaling laws are consistent with the available numerical evidence. © The Authors 2013 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.


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In this paper, we present a physically-based compact model for the sub-threshold behavior in a TFT with an amorphous semiconductor channel. Both drift and diffusion current components are considered and combined using an harmonic average. Here, the diffusion component describes the exponential current behavior due to interfacial deep states, while the drift component is associated with presence of localized deep states formed by dangling bonds broken from weak bonds in the bulk and follows a power law. The proposed model yields good agreement with measured results. © 2013 IEEE.


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From the cell cytoskeleton to connective tissues, fibrous networks are ubiquitous in metazoan life as the key promoters of mechanical strength, support and integrity. In recent decades, the application of physics to biological systems has made substantial strides in elucidating the striking mechanical phenomena observed in such networks, explaining strain stiffening, power law rheology and cytoskeletal fluidisation - all key to the biological function of individual cells and tissues. In this review we focus on the current progress in the field, with a primer into the basic physics of individual filaments and the networks they form. This is followed by a discussion of biological networks in the context of a broad spread of recent in vitro and in vivo experiments.


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Current-voltage behaviour of oxide TFTs is modeled based on trap-limited conduction and percolation theories. The mobility has a power-law dependence, in which percolation controls the exponent while trap states determine constant term in the power law. The proposed model, which is fully physically-based, provides a good agreement with measured transistor characteristics as well as transient operations of fabricated pixel test circuits for oxide-based OLED displays. © 2013 Society for Information Display.


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Tunnelling in urban areas continues to increase and has highlighted the need for a better understanding of the impact of tunnel excavations on existing buildings. This paper considers the influence of surface structures on ground displacements caused by tunnelling in sand through finite element modelling and centrifuge testing. First, the importance of modelling assumptions is evaluated by comparing centrifuge modelling results to finite element modelling results for various soil constitutive models: both a Young's modulus that linearly increases with depth and a power law relation between the soil stiffness and stresses are considered. Second, the most effective soil constitutive model was used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of different factors governing the structural response. In particular, the effect of the building stiffness and weight on the modification of soil displacements is investigated by introducing a simple surface structure. The use of a no-tension interface between the building and the soil was found to be essential to investigate the effect of weight on gap formation between the soil and the structure, as observed during the experimental tests. Results show the importance of considering the relation between the building weight and the relative stiffness between the building and the soil when assessing the structural response. © 2014 Korean Geotechnical Society.


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Based on a comprehensive theoretical optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) system model rigorously verified by comparing numerical results with end-to-end real-time experimental measurements at 11.25Gb/s, detailed explorations are undertaken, for the first time, of the impacts of various physical factors on the OOFDM system performance over directly modulated DFB laser (DML)-based, intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD), single-mode fibre (SMF) systems without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. It is shown that the low extinction ratio (ER) of the DML modulated OOFDM signal is the predominant factor limiting the maximum achievable optical power budget, and the subcarrier intermixing effect associated with square-law photon detection in the receiver reduces the optical power budget by at least 1dB. Results also indicate that, immediately after the DML in the transmitter, the insertion of a 0.02nm bandwidth optical Gaussian bandpass filter with a 0.01nm wavelength offset with respect to the optical carrier wavelength can enhance the OOFDM signal ER by approximately 1.24dB, thus resulting in a 7dB optical power budget improvement at a total channel BER of 1 × 10(-3).