31 resultados para normal-mode analysis


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The effects of initial soil fabric and mode of shearing on quasi-steady state line in void ratiostress space are studied by employing the Distinct Element Method numerical analysis. The results show that the initial soil fabric and the mode of shearing have a profound effect on the location of the quasi-steady state line. The evolution of the soil fabric during the course of undrained shearing shows that the specimens with different initial soil fabrics reach quasi-steady state at various soil fabric conditions. At quasi-steady state, the soil fabric has a significant adjustment to change its behavior from contractive to dilative. As the stress state approaches the steady state, the soil fabrics of different initial conditions become similar. The numerical analysis results are compared qualitatively with the published experimental data and the effects of specimen reconstitution methods and mode of shearing found in the experimental studies canbe systematically explained by the numerical analysis. © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Thin film bulk acoustic wave resonator (FBAR) devices supporting simultaneously multiple resonance modes have been designed for gravimetric sensing. The mechanism for dual-mode generation within a single device has been discussed, and theoretical calculations based on finite element analysis allowed the fabrication of FBARs whose resonance modes have opposite reactions to temperature changes; one of the modes exhibiting a positive frequency shift for a rise of temperature whilst the other mode exhibits a negative shift. Both modes exhibit negative frequency shift for a mass load and hence by monitoring simultaneously both modes it is possible to distinguish whether a change in the resonance frequency is due to a mass load or temperature variation (or a combination of both), avoiding false positive/negative responses in gravimetric sensing without the need of additional reference devices or complex electronics.


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Thin film bulk acoustic wave resonator (FBAR) devices supporting simultaneously multiple resonance modes have been designed for gravimetric sensing. The mechanism for dual-mode generation within a single device has been discussed, and theoretical calculations based on finite element analysis allowed the fabrication of FBARs whose resonance modes have opposite reactions to temperature changes; one of the modes exhibiting a positive frequency shift for a rise of temperature whilst the other mode exhibits a negative shift. Both modes exhibit negative frequency shift for a mass load and hence by monitoring simultaneously both modes it is possible to distinguish whether a change in the resonance frequency is due to a mass load or temperature variation (or a combination of both), avoiding false positive/negative responses in gravimetric sensing without the need of additional reference devices or complex electronics. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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An engineer assessing the load-carrying capacity of an existing reinforced concrete slab is likely to use elastic analysis to check the load at which the structure might be expected to fail in flexure or in shear. In practice, many reinforced concrete slabs are highly ductile in flexure, so an elastic analysis greatly underestimates the loads at which they fail in this mode. The use of conservative elastic analysis has led engineers to incorrectly condemn many slabs and therefore to specify unnecessary and wasteful flexural strengthening or replacement. The lower bound theorem is based on the same principles as the upper bound theorem used in yield line analysis, but any solution that rigorously satisfies the lower bound theorem is guaranteed to be a safe underestimate of the collapse load. Jackson presented a rigorous lower bound method that obtains very accurate results for complex real slabs.


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Nonlinear analysis of thermoacoustic instability is essential for prediction of frequencies and amplitudes of limit cycles. In frequency domain analyses, a quasi-linear transfer function between acoustic velocity and heat release rate perturbations, called the flame describing function (FDF), is obtained from a flame model or experiments. The FDF is a function of the frequency and amplitude of velocity perturbations but only contains the heat release response at the forcing frequency. While the gain and phase of the FDF provide insight into the nonlinear dynamics of the system, the accuracy of its predictions remains to be verified for different types of nonlinearity. In time domain analyses, the governing equations of the fully coupled problem are solved to find the time evolution of the system. One method is to discretize the governing equations using a suitable basis, such as the natural acoustic modes of the system. The number of modes used in the discretization alters the accuracy of the solution. In our previous work we have shown that predictions using the FDF are almost exactly the same as those obtained from the time-domain using only one mode for the discretization. We call this the single-mode method. In this paper we compare results from the single-mode and multi-mode methods, applied to a thermoacoustic system of a premixed flame in a tube. For some cases, the results differ greatly in both amplitude as well as frequency content. This study shows that the contribution from higher and subharmonics to the nonlinear dynamics can be significant and must be considered for an accurate and comprehensive analysis of thermoacoustic systems. Hence multi-mode simulations are necessary, and the single-mode method or the FDF may be insufficient to capture some of the complex nonlinear behaviour in fhermoacoustics.


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A fast response sensor for measuring carbon dioxide concentration has been developed for laboratory research and tested on a spark ignition engine. The sensor uses the well known infra-red absorption technique with a miniaturized detection system and short capillary sampling tubes, giving a time constant of approximately 5 milliseconds; this is sufficiently fast to observe changes in CO2 levels on a cycle-by-cycle basis under normal operating conditions. The sensor is easily located in the exhaust system and operates continuously. The sensor was tested on a standard production four cylinder spark-ignition engine to observe changes in CO2 concentration in exhaust gas under steady state and transient operating conditions. The processed sensor signal was compared to a standard air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) sensor in the exhaust stream and the results are presented here. The high frequency response CO2 measurements give new insights into both engine and catalyst transient operation. Copyright © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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IGBTs realise high-performance power converters. Unfortunately, with fast switching of the IGBT-free wheel diode chopper cell, such circuits are intrinsic sources of high-level EMI. Therefore, costly EMI filters or shielding are normally needed on the load and supply side. In order to design these EMI suppression components, designers need to predict the EMI level with reasonable accuracy for a given structure and operating mode. Simplifying the transient IGBT switching current and voltage into a multiple slope switching waveform approximation offers a feasible way to estimate conducted EMI with some accuracy. This method is dependent on the availability of high-fidelity measurements. Also, that multiple slope approximation needs careful and time-costly IGBT parameters optimisation process to approach the real switching waveform. In this paper, Active Voltage Control Gate Drive(AVC GD) is employed to shape IGBT switching into several defined slopes. As a result, Conducted EMI prediction by multiple slope switching approximation could be more accurate, less costly but more friendly for implementation. © 2013 IEEE.


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The fracture behavior of thin films of bitumen in double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens was investigated over a wide range of temperature and loading rate conditions using finite-element analysis. The model includes a phenomenological model for the mechanical behavior of bitumen, implemented into a special-purpose finite-element user material subroutine, combined with a cohesive zone model (CZM) for simulating the fracture process. The finite-element model is validated against experimental results from laboratory tests of DCB specimens by comparing measured and predicted load-line deflection histories and fracture energy release rates. Computer simulation results agreed well with experimental data of DCB joints containing bitumen films in terms of peak stress, fracture toughness, and stress-strain history response. The predicted "normalized toughness," G=2h, was found to increase in a power-law manner with effective temperaturecompensated strain rate in the ductile region as previously observed experimentally. In the brittle regime, G=2h is virtually constant. The model successfully captured the ductile and brittle failure behavior of bitumen films in opening mode (tension) for stable crack growth conditions. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The relative potency of common toughening mechanisms is explored for layered solids and particulate solids, with an emphasis on crack multiplication and plasticity. First, the enhancement in toughness due to a parallel array of cracks in an elastic solid is explored, and the stability of co-operative cracking is quantified. Second, the degree of synergistic toughening is determined for combined crack penetration and crack kinking at the tip of a macroscopic, mode I crack; specifically, the asymptotic problem of self-similar crack advance (penetration mode) versus 90 ° symmetric kinking is considered for an isotropic, homogeneous solid with weak interfaces. Each interface is treated as a cohesive zone of finite strength and toughness. Third, the degree of toughening associated with crack multiplication is assessed for a particulate solid comprising isotropic elastic grains of hexagonal shape, bonded by cohesive zones of finite strength and toughness. The study concludes with the prediction of R-curves for a mode I crack in a multi-layer stack of elastic and elastic-plastic solids. A detailed comparison of the potency of the above mechanisms and their practical application are given. In broad terms, crack tip kinking can be highly potent, whereas multiple cracking is difficult to activate under quasi-static conditions. Plastic dissipation can give a significant toughening in multi-layers especially at the nanoscale. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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A series of strong earthquakes near Christchurch, New Zealand, occurred between September 2010 and December 2011, causing widespread liquefaction throughout the city's suburbs. Lateral spreading developed along the city's Avon River, damaging many of the bridges east of the city centre. The short-to medium-span bridges exhibited a similar pattern of deformation, involving back-rotation of their abutments and compression of their decks. By explicitly considering the rotational equilibrium of the abutments about their point of contact with the rigid bridge decks, it is shown that relatively small kinematic demands from the laterally spreading backfill soil are needed to initiate pile yielding, and that this mode of deformation should be taken into account in the design of the abutments and abutment piles.


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This paper reports a detailed analysis of the effect of local lifetime killing (LLK) within the drift region on the reverse recovery (RR) characteristics and on-state performance of 600V Silicon PiN diodes. The paper also discusses the influence of the measurement circuit on the reverse recovery of the high voltage diodes and it proposes a simple and effective mix-mode simulation tool for an accurate assessment of the diode performance in reverse recovery mode. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper presents an analytical formulation of frequency splitting observed in the elliptical modes of single crystal silicon (SCS) micromechanical disk resonators. Taking the anisotropic elasticity of SCS into account, new formulae for computing modal mass and modal stiffness are first derived for accurate prediction of the modal frequency. The derived results are in good agreement with finite element simulation, showing a factor of 10 improvement in the prediction accuracy as compared to using the formula for the isotropic case. In addition, the analysis successfully explains the effect of anisotropy on the modal frequency splitting of primary elliptical modes, for which the maximum modal displacement is aligned with the directions of maximum (1 1 0) and minimum (1 0 0) elasticity respectively on a (1 0 0) SCS wafer. The measured frequency splitting of other degenerate modes is due to the manufacturing imperfections. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We demonstrate passive mode-locking of a Raman fiber laser using a nanotube-based saturable absorber. The normal dispersion cavity generates highly-chirped 500 ps pulses that are compressed down to 2 ps, with 1.4 kW peak power. © OSA/ CLEO 2011.


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Each mode of a multimode fibre is excited using binary phase patterns on a Spatial Light Modulator and verified by observation of the near-field leaving the fibre and analysis of the step response. © 2011 OSA.


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We compare experimental results showing stable dissipative-soliton solutions exist in mode-locked lasers with ultra-large normal dispersion (as large as 21.5 ps2), with both the analytic framework provided by Haus' master-equation and full numerical simulations. © 2010 Optical Society of America.