20 resultados para distribution system operator


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Water service providers (WSPs) in the UK have statutory obligations to supply drinking water to all customers that complies with increasingly stringent water quality regulations and minimum flow and pressure criteria. At the same time, the industry is required by regulators and investors to demonstrate increasing operational efficiency and to meet a wide range of performance criteria that are expected to improve year-on-year. Most WSPs have an ideal for improving the operation of their water supply systems based on increased knowledge and understanding of their assets and a shift to proactive management followed by steadily increasing degrees of system monitoring, automation and optimisation. The fundamental mission is, however, to ensure security of supply, with no interruptions and water quality of the highest standard at the tap. Unfortunately, advanced technologies required to fully understand, manage and automate water supply system operation either do not yet exist, are only partially evolved, or have not yet been reliably proven for live water distribution systems. It is this deficiency that the project NEPTUNE seeks to address by carrying out research into 3 main areas; these are: data and knowledge management; pressure management (including energy management); and the associated complex decision support systems on which to base interventions. The 3-year project started in April of 2007 and has already resulted in a number of research findings under the three main research priority areas (RPA). The paper summarises in greater detail the overall project objectives, the RPA activities and the areas of research innovation that are being undertaken in this major, UK collaborative study. Copyright 2009 ASCE.


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The present study aims to provide insight into the parameters affecting practical laminar-flow-control suction power requirements for a commercial laminar-flying-wing transport aircraft. It is shown that there is a minimum power requirement independent of the suction system design, associated with the stagnation pressure loss in the boundary layer. This requirement increases with aerofoil section thickness, but depends only weakly on Mach number and (for a thick, lightly loaded laminar flying wing) lift coefficient. Deviation from the optimal suction distribution, due to a practical chamber-based architecture, is found to have very little effect on the overall suction coefficient; hence, to a good approximation, the power penalty is given by the product of the optimal suction flow rate coefficient and the average skin pressure drop. In the spanwise direction, through suitable choice of chamber depth, the pressure drop due to frictional and inertial effects may be rendered negligible. Finally, if there are fewer pumps than chambers, the average pressure drop from the aerofoil surface to the pump collector ducts, rather than to the chambers, determines the power penalty. For the representative laminar-flying-wing aircraft parameters considered here, the minimum power associated with boundary-layer losses alone contributes some 80-90% of the total power requirement. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The vibro-acoustic response of built-up structures, consisting of stiff components with low modal density and flexible components with high modal density, is sensitive to small imperfections in the flexible components. In this paper, the uncertainty of the response is considered by modeling the low modal density master system as deterministic and the high modal density subsystems in a nonparametric stochastic way, i.e., carrying a diffuse wave field, and by subsequently computing the response probability density function. The master system's mean squared response amplitude follows a singular noncentral complex Wishart distribution conditional on the subsystem energies. For a single degree of freedom, this is equivalent to a chi-square or an exponential distribution, depending on the loading conditions. The subsystem energies follow approximately a chi-square distribution when their relative variance is smaller than unity. The results are validated by application to plate structures, and good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations is found. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America.


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This paper presents an automatic speaker recognition system for intelligence applications. The system has to provide functionalities for a speaker skimming application in which databases of recorded conversations belonging to an ongoing investigation can be annotated and quickly browsed by an operator. The paper discusses the criticalities introduced by the characteristics of the audio signals under consideration - in particular background noise and channel/coding distortions - as well as the requirements and functionalities of the system under development. It is shown that the performance of state-of-the-art approaches degrades significantly in presence of moderately high background noise. Finally, a novel speaker recognizer based on phonetic features and an ensemble classifier is presented. Results show that the proposed approach improves performance on clean audio, and suggest that it can be employed towards improved real-world robustness. © EURASIP, 2009.


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This paper is concerned with the probability density function of the energy of a random dynamical system subjected to harmonic excitation. It is shown that if the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system conform to the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, then under common types of loading the distribution of the energy of the response is approximately lognormal, providing the modal overlap factor is high (typically greater than two). In contrast, it is shown that the response of a system with Poisson natural frequencies is not approximately lognormal. Numerical simulations are conducted on a plate system to validate the theoretical findings and good agreement is obtained. Simulations are also conducted on a system made from two plates connected with rotational springs to demonstrate that the theoretical findings can be extended to a built-up system. The work provides a theoretical justification of the commonly used empirical practice of assuming that the energy response of a random system is lognormal.