42 resultados para dichroic mirror


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The results of the high-quality nonlinear pulse compression of gain-switched laser diode pulses using a two-cascade compression scheme are presented. The scheme incorporates a dispersive delay line and a nonlinear pulse compressor based on a dispersion-imbalanced fiber loop mirror (DILM). It is demonstrated that the DILM can be also used for the pulse compression with a compression ratio of 10 or higher.


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The nonlinear filtering of a 10Gb/s data stream in a dispersion-imbalanced fibre loop mirror has been demonstrated over a wide spectral range of 28nm. A relative extinction ratio of - 30 dB for the cw background has been achieved across the whole spectral range.


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Optically pumped ultrafast vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (VECSELs), also referred to as semiconductor disk lasers (SDLs), are very attractive sources for ps- and fs-pulses in the near infrared [1]. So far VECSELs have been passively modelocked with semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs, [2]). Graphene has emerged as a promising saturable absorber (SA) for a variety of applications [3-5], since it offers an almost unlimited bandwidth and a fast recovery time [3-5]. A number of different laser types and gain materials have been modelocked with graphene SAs [3-4], including fiber [5] and solid-state bulk lasers [6-7]. Ultrafast VECSELs are based on a high-Q cavity, which requires very low-loss SAs compared to other lasers (e.g., fiber lasers). Here we develop a single-layer graphene saturable absorber mirror (GSAM) and use it to passively modelock a VECSEL. © 2013 IEEE.


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A passively mode-locked optically-pumped InGaAs/GaAs quantum well laser with an intracavity semiconductor saturable absorber mirror emits sub-100-fs pulses. Pulse energy declines steeply as pulse duration is reduced below 100 fs due to gain saturation. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We present a method to experimentally characterize the gain filter and calculate a corresponding parabolic gain bandwidth of lasers that are described by "class A" dynamics by solving the master equation of spectral condensation for Gaussian spectra. We experimentally determine the gain filter, with an equivalent parabolic gain bandwidth of up to 51 nm, for broad-band InGaAs/GaAs quantum well gain surface-emitting semiconductor laser structures capable of producing pulses down to 60 fs width when mode-locked with an optical Stark saturable absorber mirror. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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The performance of a series of near-UV (∼385 nm) emitting LEDs, consisting of high efficiency InGaN/AlInGaN QWs in the active region, was investigated. Significantly reduced roll-over of efficiency at high current density was found compared to InGaN/GaN LEDs emitting at a similar wavelength. The importance of optical cavity effects in flip-chip geometry devices has also been investigated. The light output was enhanced by more than a factor of 2 when the lightemitting region was located at an anti-node position with respect to a high reflectivity current injection mirror. A power of 0.49 mW into a numerical aperture of 0.5 was obtained for a junction area of 50μm in diameter and a current of 30 mA, corresponding to a radiance of 30 W/cm2/str.


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High repetition rate passively mode-locked sources are of significant interest due to their potential for applications including optical clocking, optical sampling, communications and others. Due to their short excited state lifetimes mode-locked VECSELs are ideally suited to high repetition rate operation, however fundamentally mode-locked quantum well-based VECSELs have not achieved repetition rates above 10 GHz due to the limitations placed on the cavity geometry by the requirement that the saturable absorber saturates more quickly than the gain. This issue has been overcome by the use of quantum dot-based saturable absorbers with lower saturation fluences leading to repetition rates up to 50 GHz, but sub-picosecond pulses have not been achieved at these repetition rates. We present a passively harmonically mode-locked VECSEL emitting pulses of 265 fs duration at a repetition rate of 169 GHz with an output power of 20 mW. The laser is based around an antiresonant 6 quantum well gain sample and is mode-locked using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. Harmonic modelocking is achieved by using an intracavity sapphire etalon. The sapphire then acts as a coupled cavity, setting the repetition rate of the laser while still allowing a tight focus on the saturable absorber. RF spectra of the laser output show no peaks at harmonics of the fundamental repetition rate up to 26 GHz, indicating stable harmonic modelocking. Autocorrelations reveal groups of pulses circulating in the cavity as a result of an increased tendency towards Q-switched modelocking due to the low pulse energies.


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Single-mode emission is achieved in previously multimode gain-guided vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL's) by localized modification of the mirror reflectivity using focused ion-beam etching. Reflectivity engineering is also demonstrated to suppress transverse mode emission in an oxide-confined device, reducing the spectral width from 1.2 nm to less than 0.5 nm.


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A novel technique for high quality femtosecond pulse generation from a gain-switched laser diode by means of pulse compression and transformation in a compact nonlinear fiber device, based on a dispersion-imbalanced fiber loop mirror (DILM) is demonstrated. This source allows the generation of extremely high quality pulses as short as 270 fs on demand with strong suppression of pulse pedestals. Spectral filtering in arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) converts the device into a compact multiwavelength source of high-quality picosecond pulses for optical time division multiplexing/wavelength division multiplexing applications.


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We have fabricated an ultra-compact 4×4 optical matrix on InP/InGaAsP material. 1×4 MMI couplers and TIR mirrors are employed to produce a compact 1×2 mm2 device. A CH4/H2/O2 RIE dry etch process has been used to realize two-level dry etching: deep-etch for both the MMI couplers and the mirrors and shallow-etch for the rest of the routing waveguides. It was found that a metal/dielectric bilayer mask is essential for multi-dry-etch processes and high profile verticality. We have found a Ti intermediate mask for the deep-etch process which is removable by SF6 dry-etch before the following shallow process. Dry-etch removal of the intermediate mask is necessary to protect the deep-etched mirror sidewall.


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In low molar mass organosiloxane liquid-crystal materials the siloxane moieties micro-separate and aggregate in planes that could be regarded as an effective or virtual two-dimensional polymer backbone. We show that if a siloxane moiety is attached to a dichroic dye molecule, the micro-segregation of the siloxane moieties makes it possible to include a high concentration of the guest dye (more than 50%) in a host organosiloxane solution. This effect, combined with the temperature independent tilt angles achievable with ferroelectric organosiloxane liquid crystals, provide an ideal material for high-contrast surface-stabilised ferroelectric display devices. We present dyed ferroelectric materials with a temperature independent tilt angle greater than 42 degrees, a wide (room temperature to over 100°C) mesomorphic temperature range and a response time shorter than 500μs in the dye guest host mode.


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Based on shape memory effect of the sputtered thin film shape memory alloys, different types of micromirror structures were designed and fabricated for optical sensing application. Using surface micromachining, TiNi membrane mirror structure has been fabricated, which can be actuated based on intrinsic two-way shape memory effect of the free-standing TiNi film. Using bulk micromachining, TiNi/Si and TiNi/Si 3N 4microcantilever mirror structures were fabricated. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.