29 resultados para detection method


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Aside from cracks, the impact of other surface defects, such as air pockets and discoloration, can be detrimental to the quality of concrete in terms of strength, appearance and durability. For this reason, local and national codes provide standards for quantifying the quality impact of these concrete surface defects and owners plan for regular visual inspections to monitor surface conditions. However, manual visual inspection of concrete surfaces is a qualitative (and subjective) process with often unreliable results due to its reliance on inspectors’ own criteria and experience. Also, it is labor intensive and time-consuming. This paper presents a novel, automated concrete surface defects detection and assessment approach that addresses these issues by automatically quantifying the extent of surface deterioration. According to this approach, images of the surface shot from a certain angle/distance can be used to automatically detect the number and size of surface air pockets, and the degree of surface discoloration. The proposed method uses histogram equalization and filtering to extract such defects and identify their properties (e.g. size, shape, location). These properties are used to quantify the degree of impact on the concrete surface quality and provide a numerical tool to help inspectors accurately evaluate concrete surfaces. The method has been implemented in C++ and results that validate its performance are presented.


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After earthquakes, licensed inspectors use the established codes to assess the impact of damage on structural elements. It always takes them days to weeks. However, emergency responders (e.g. firefighters) must act within hours of a disaster event to enter damaged structures to save lives, and therefore cannot wait till an official assessment completes. This is a risk that firefighters have to take. Although Search and Rescue Organizations offer training seminars to familiarize firefighters with structural damage assessment, its effectiveness is hard to guarantee when firefighters perform life rescue and damage assessment operations together. Also, the training is not available to every firefighter. The authors therefore proposed a novel framework that can provide firefighters with a quick but crude assessment of damaged buildings through evaluating the visible damage on their critical structural elements (i.e. concrete columns in the study). This paper presents the first step of the framework. It aims to automate the detection of concrete columns from visual data. To achieve this, the typical shape of columns (long vertical lines) is recognized using edge detection and the Hough transform. The bounding rectangle for each pair of long vertical lines is then formed. When the resulting rectangle resembles a column and the material contained in the region of two long vertical lines is recognized as concrete, the region is marked as a concrete column surface. Real video/image data are used to test the method. The preliminary results indicate that concrete columns can be detected when they are not distant and have at least one surface visible.


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Manually inspecting bridges is a time-consuming and costly task. There are over 600,000 bridges in the US, and not all of them can be inspected and maintained within the specified time frame as some state DOTs cannot afford the essential costs and manpower. This paper presents a novel method that can detect bridge concrete columns from visual data for the purpose of eventually creating an automated bridge condition assessment system. The method employs SIFT feature detection and matching to find overlapping areas among images. Affine transformation matrices are then calculated to combine images containing different segments of one column into a single image. Following that, the bridge columns are detected by identifying the boundaries in the stitched image and classifying the material within each boundary. Preliminary test results using real bridge images indicate that most columns in stitched images can be correctly detected and thus, the viability of the application of this research.


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Post-earthquake structural safety evaluations are currently performed manually by a team of certified inspectors and/or structural engineers. This process is time-consuming and costly, keeping owners and occupants from returning to their businesses and homes. Automating these evaluations would enable faster, and potentially more consistent, relief and response processes. In order to do this, the detection of exposed reinforcing steel is of utmost significance. This paper presents a novel method of detecting exposed reinforcement in concrete columns for the purpose of advancing practices of structural and safety evaluation of buildings after earthquakes. Under this method, the binary image of the reinforcing area is first isolated using a state-of-the-art adaptive thresholding technique. Next, the ribbed regions of the reinforcement are detected by way of binary template matching. Finally, vertical and horizontal profiling are applied to the processed image in order to filter out any superfluous pixels and take into consideration the size of reinforcement bars in relation to that of the structural element within which they reside. The final result is the combined binary image disclosing only the regions containing rebar overlaid on top of the original image. The method is tested on a set of images from the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Preliminary test results convey that most exposed reinforcement could be properly detected in images of moderately-to-severely damaged concrete columns.


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Vision based tracking can provide the spatial location of construction entities such as equipment, workers, and materials in large scale, congested construction sites. It tracks entities in video streams by inferring their locations based on the entities’ visual features and motion histories. To initiate the process, it is necessary to determine the pixel areas corresponding to the construction entities to be tracked in the following consecutive video frames. In order to fully automate the process, an automated way of initialization is needed. This paper presents the method for construction worker detection which can automatically recognize and localize construction workers in video frames. The method first finds the foreground areas of moving objects using a background subtraction method. Within these foreground areas, construction workers are recognized based on the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and histogram of the HSV colors. HOG’s have proved to work effectively for detection of people, and the histogram of HSV colors helps differentiate between pedestrians and construction workers wearing safety vests. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed method has the potential to automate the initialization process of vision based tracking.


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The lack of viable methods to map and label existing infrastructure is one of the engineering grand challenges for the 21st century. For instance, over two thirds of the effort needed to geometrically model even simple infrastructure is spent on manually converting a cloud of points to a 3D model. The result is that few facilities today have a complete record of as-built information and that as-built models are not produced for the vast majority of new construction and retrofit projects. This leads to rework and design changes that can cost up to 10% of the installed costs. Automatically detecting building components could address this challenge. However, existing methods for detecting building components are not view and scale-invariant, or have only been validated in restricted scenarios that require a priori knowledge without considering occlusions. This leads to their constrained applicability in complex civil infrastructure scenes. In this paper, we test a pose-invariant method of labeling existing infrastructure. This method simultaneously detects objects and estimates their poses. It takes advantage of a recent novel formulation for object detection and customizes it to generic civil infrastructure scenes. Our preliminary experiments demonstrate that this method achieves convincing recognition results.


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Vision-based object detection has been introduced in construction for recognizing and locating construction entities in on-site camera views. It can provide spatial locations of a large number of entities, which is beneficial in large-scale, congested construction sites. However, even a few false detections prevent its practical applications. In resolving this issue, this paper presents a novel hybrid method for locating construction equipment that fuses the function of detection and tracking algorithms. This method detects construction equipment in the video view by taking advantage of entities' motion, shape, and color distribution. Background subtraction, Haar-like features, and eigen-images are used for motion, shape, and color information, respectively. A tracking algorithm steps in the process to make up for the false detections. False detections are identified by catching drastic changes in object size and appearance. The identified false detections are replaced with tracking results. Preliminary experiments show that the combination with tracking has the potential to enhance the detection performance.


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Monitoring the location of resources on large scale, congested, outdoor sites can be performed more efficiently with vision tracking, as this approach does not require any pre-tagging of resources. However, the greatest impediment to the use of vision tracking in this case is the lack of detection methods that are needed to automatically mark the resources of interest and initiate the tracking. This paper presents such a novel method for construction worker detection that localizes construction workers in video frames. The proposed method exploits motion, shape, and color cues to narrow down the detection regions to moving objects, people, and finally construction workers, respectively. The three cues are characterized by using background subtraction, the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and the HSV color histogram. The method has been tested on videos taken in various environments. The results demonstrate its suitability for automatic initialization of vision trackers.


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The current procedures in post-earthquake safety and structural assessment are performed manually by a skilled triage team of structural engineers/certified inspectors. These procedures, and particularly the physical measurement of the damage properties, are time-consuming and qualitative in nature. This paper proposes a novel method that automatically detects spalled regions on the surface of reinforced concrete columns and measures their properties in image data. Spalling has been accepted as an important indicator of significant damage to structural elements during an earthquake. According to this method, the region of spalling is first isolated by way of a local entropy-based thresholding algorithm. Following this, the exposure of longitudinal reinforcement (depth of spalling into the column) and length of spalling along the column are measured using a novel global adaptive thresholding algorithm in conjunction with image processing methods in template matching and morphological operations. The method was tested on a database of damaged RC column images collected after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and comparison of the results with manual measurements indicate the validity of the method.


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Localization of chess-board vertices is a common task in computer vision, underpinning many applications, but relatively little work focusses on designing a specific feature detector that is fast, accurate and robust. In this paper the `Chess-board Extraction by Subtraction and Summation' (ChESS) feature detector, designed to exclusively respond to chess-board vertices, is presented. The method proposed is robust against noise, poor lighting and poor contrast, requires no prior knowledge of the extent of the chess-board pattern, is computationally very efficient, and provides a strength measure of detected features. Such a detector has significant application both in the key field of camera calibration, as well as in Structured Light 3D reconstruction. Evidence is presented showing its robustness, accuracy, and efficiency in comparison to other commonly used detectors both under simulation and in experimental 3D reconstruction of flat plate and cylindrical objects


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The paper reports on the in-situ growth of zinc oxide nanowires (ZnONWs) on a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) substrate, and their performance as a sensing element for ppm (parts per million) levels of toluene vapour in 3000 ppm humid air. Zinc oxide NWs were grown using a low temperature (only 90°C) hydrothermal method. The ZnONWs were first characterised both electrically and through scanning electron microscopy. Then the response of the on-chip ZnONWs to different concentrations of toluene (400-2600ppm) was observed in air at 300°C. Finally, their gas sensitivity was determined and found to lie between 0.1% and 0.3% per ppm. © 2013 IEEE.


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This work addresses the challenging problem of unconstrained 3D human pose estimation (HPE) from a novel perspective. Existing approaches struggle to operate in realistic applications, mainly due to their scene-dependent priors, such as background segmentation and multi-camera network, which restrict their use in unconstrained environments. We therfore present a framework which applies action detection and 2D pose estimation techniques to infer 3D poses in an unconstrained video. Action detection offers spatiotemporal priors to 3D human pose estimation by both recognising and localising actions in space-time. Instead of holistic features, e.g. silhouettes, we leverage the flexibility of deformable part model to detect 2D body parts as a feature to estimate 3D poses. A new unconstrained pose dataset has been collected to justify the feasibility of our method, which demonstrated promising results, significantly outperforming the relevant state-of-the-arts. © 2013 IEEE.


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Localization of chess-board vertices is a common task in computer vision, underpinning many applications, but relatively little work focusses on designing a specific feature detector that is fast, accurate and robust. In this paper the 'Chess-board Extraction by Subtraction and Summation' (ChESS) feature detector, designed to exclusively respond to chess-board vertices, is presented. The method proposed is robust against noise, poor lighting and poor contrast, requires no prior knowledge of the extent of the chess-board pattern, is computationally very efficient, and provides a strength measure of detected features. Such a detector has significant application both in the key field of camera calibration, as well as in structured light 3D reconstruction. Evidence is presented showing its superior robustness, accuracy, and efficiency in comparison to other commonly used detectors, including Harris & Stephens and SUSAN, both under simulation and in experimental 3D reconstruction of flat plate and cylindrical objects. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Flow measurement data at the district meter area (DMA) level has the potential for burst detection in the water distribution systems. This work investigates using a polynomial function fitted to the historic flow measurements based on a weighted least-squares method for automatic burst detection in the U.K. water distribution networks. This approach, when used in conjunction with an expectationmaximization (EM) algorithm, can automatically select useful data from the historic flow measurements, which may contain normal and abnormal operating conditions in the distribution network, e.g., water burst. Thus, the model can estimate the normal water flow (nonburst condition), and hence the burst size on the water distribution system can be calculated from the difference between the measured flow and the estimated flow. The distinguishing feature of this method is that the burst detection is fully unsupervised, and the burst events that have occurred in the historic data do not affect the procedure and bias the burst detection algorithm. Experimental validation of the method has been carried out using a series of flushing events that simulate burst conditions to confirm that the simulated burst sizes are capable of being estimated correctly. This method was also applied to eight DMAs with known real burst events, and the results of burst detections are shown to relate to the water company's records of pipeline reparation work. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.