149 resultados para computational fluid dynamics (CFD)


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The pressure oscillation within combustion chambers of aeroengines and industrial gas turbines is a major technical challenge to the development of high-performance and low-emission propulsion systems. In this paper, an approach integrating computational fluid dynamics and one-dimensional linear stability analysis is developed to predict the modes of oscillation in a combustor and their frequencies and growth rates. Linear acoustic theory was used to describe the acoustic waves propagating upstream and downstream of the combustion zone, which enables the computational fluid dynamics calculation to be efficiently concentrated on the combustion zone. A combustion oscillation was found to occur with its predicted frequency in agreement with experimental measurements. Furthermore, results from the computational fluid dynamics calculation provide the flame transfer function to describe unsteady heat release rate. Departures from ideal one-dimensional flows are described by shape factors. Combined with this information, low-order models can work out the possible oscillation modes and their initial growth rates. The approach developed here can be used in more general situations for the analysis of combustion oscillations. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Two-phase computational fluid dynamics modelling is used to investigate the magnitude of different contributions to the wet steam losses in a three-stage model low pressure steam turbine. The thermodynamic losses (due to irreversible heat transfer across a finite temperature difference) and the kinematic relaxation losses (due to the frictional drag of the drops) are evaluated directly from the computational fluid dynamics simulation using a concept based on entropy production rates. The braking losses (due to the impact of large drops on the rotor) are investigated by a separate numerical prediction. The simulations show that in the present case, the dominant effect is the thermodynamic loss that accounts for over 90% of the wetness losses and that both the thermodynamic and the kinematic relaxation losses depend on the droplet diameter. The numerical results are brought into context with the well-known Baumann correlation, and a comparison with available measurement data in the literature is given. The ability of the numerical approach to predict the main wetness losses is confirmed, which permits the use of computational fluid dynamics for further studies on wetness loss correlations. © IMechE 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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A workshop on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) prediction of shock boundary-layer interactions (SBLIs) was held at the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. As part of the workshop numerous CFD analysts submitted solutions to four experimentally measured SBLIs. This paper describes the assessment of the CFD predictions. The assessment includes an uncertainty analysis of the experimental data, the definition of an error metric and the application of that metric to the CFD solutions. The CFD solutions provided very similar levels of error and in general it was difficult to discern clear trends in the data. For the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes methods the choice of turbulence model appeared to be the largest factor in solution accuracy. Large-eddy simulation methods produced error levels similar to RANS methods but provided superior predictions of normal stresses.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD can be used as a powerful tool supporting engineers throughout the steps of the design. The combination of CFD with response surface methodology can play an important role in such cases. During the conceptual engineering design phase, a quick response is always a matter of urgency. During this phase even a sketch of the geometrical model is rare. Therefore, the utilisation of typical response surface developed for congested and confined environment rather than CFD can be an important tool to help the decision making process, when the geometrical model is not available, provided that similarities can be considered when taking into account the characteristic of the geometry in which the response surface was developed. The present work investigates how three different types of response surfaces behave when predicting overpressure in accidental scenarios based on CFD input. First order, partial second order and complete second order polynomial expressions are investigated. The predicted results are compared with CFD findings for a classical offshore experiment conducted by British Gas on behalf of Mobil and good agreement is observed for higher order response surfaces. The higher order response surface calculations are also compared with CFD calculations for a typical offshore module and good agreement is also observed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are becoming increasingly widespread with the advent of more powerful computers and more sophisticated software. The aim of these developments is to facilitate more accurate reactor design and optimization methods compared to traditional lumped-parameter models. However, in order for CFD to be a trusted method, it must be validated using experimental data acquired at sufficiently high spatial resolution. This article validates an in-house CFD code by comparison with flow-field data obtained using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for a packed bed with a particle-to-column diameter ratio of 2. Flows characterized by inlet Reynolds numbers, based on particle diameter, of 27, 55, 111, and 216 are considered. The code used employs preconditioning to directly solve for pressure in low-velocity flow regimes. Excellent agreement was found between the MRI and CFD data with relative error between the experimentally determined and numerically predicted flow-fields being in the range of 3-9%. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).


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Screech is a high frequency oscillation that is usually characterized by instabilities caused by large-scale coherent flow structures in the wake of bluff-body flameholders and shear layers. Such oscillations can lead to changes in flame surface area which can cause the flame to burn unsteadily, but also couple with the acoustic modes and inherent fluid-mechanical instabilities that are present in the system. In this study, the flame response to hydrodynamic oscillations is analyzed in a controlled manner using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. The response of a premixed flame with and without transverse velocity forcing is analyzed. When unforced, the flame is shown to exhibit a self-excitation that is attributed to the anti-symmetric shedding of vortices in the wake of the flameholder. The flame is also forced using two different kinds of low-amplitude out-of-phase inlet velocity forcing signals. The first forcing method is harmonic forcing with a single characteristic frequency, while the second forcing method involves a broadband forcing signal with frequencies in the range of 500 - 1000 Hz. For the harmonic forcing method, the flame is perturbed only lightly about its mean position and exhibits a limit cycle oscillation that is characteristic of the forcing frequency. For the broadband forcing method, larger changes in the flame surface area and detachment of the flame sheet can be seen. Transition to a complicated trajectory in the phase space is observed. When analyzed systematically with system identification methods, the CFD results, expressed in the form of the Flame Transfer Function (FTF) are capable of elucidating the flame response to the imposed perturbation. The FTF also serves to identify, both spatially and temporally, regions where the flame responds linearly and nonlinearly. Locking-in between the flame's natural self-excited frequency and the subharmonic frequencies of the broadband forcing signal is found to alter the dynamical behaviour of the flame. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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A discrete element model (DEM) combined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was developed to model particle and fluid behaviour in 3D cylindrical fluidized beds. Novel techniques were developed to (1) keep fluid cells, defined in cylindrical coordinates, at a constant volume in order to ensure the conditions for validity of the volume-averaged fluid equations were satisfied and (2) smoothly and accurately measure voidage in arbitrarily shaped fluid cells. The new technique for calculating voidage was more stable than traditional techniques, also examined in the paper, whilst remaining computationally-effective. The model was validated by quantitative comparison with experimental results from the magnetic resonance imaging of a fluidised bed analysed to give time-averaged particle velocities. Comparisons were also made between theoretical determinations of slug rise velocity in a tall bed. It was concluded that the DEM-CFD model is able to investigate aspects of the underlying physics of fluidisation not readily investigated by experiment. © 2014 The Authors.


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Cell-implant adhesive strength is important for prostheses. In this paper, an investigation is described into the adhesion of bovine chondrocytes to Ti6Al4V-based substrates with different surface roughnesses and compositions. Cells were cultured for 2 or 5 days, to promote adhesion. The ease of cell removal was characterised, using both biochemical (trypsin) and mechanical (accelerated buoyancy and liquid flow) methods. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling has been used to estimate the shear forces applied to the cells by the liquid flow. A comparison is presented between the ease of cell detachment indicated using these methods, for the three surfaces investigated. © 2008 Materials Research Society.