176 resultados para ablation laser


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A passively mode-locked optically-pumped InGaAs/GaAs quantum well laser with an intracavity semiconductor saturable absorber mirror emits sub-100-fs pulses. Pulse energy declines steeply as pulse duration is reduced below 100 fs due to gain saturation. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We present a method to experimentally characterize the gain filter and calculate a corresponding parabolic gain bandwidth of lasers that are described by "class A" dynamics by solving the master equation of spectral condensation for Gaussian spectra. We experimentally determine the gain filter, with an equivalent parabolic gain bandwidth of up to 51 nm, for broad-band InGaAs/GaAs quantum well gain surface-emitting semiconductor laser structures capable of producing pulses down to 60 fs width when mode-locked with an optical Stark saturable absorber mirror. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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A tunable DS-DBR laser is demonstrated for uncooled WDM C-band channel generation with tight spacing (SOGHz) and low thermal drift (±2.5GHz) up to 70°C. 2.5Gb/s direct modulation with transmission over a 75km link is achieved. © 2000 Optical Society of America.


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We present for the first time a comprehensive study of the static and dynamic properties of a coolerless tunable three-section DBR laser. Wavelength tuning and thermal drift under uncooled conditions are investigated. Variance of modulation bandwidth with temperature rise and wavelength control is studied, and then verified by uncooled direct modulation performance with clear open eye diagrams. Satisfactory direct modulation is demonstrated at bit rate of up to 6Gbit/s, which is believed to be the fastest out of devices of similar structure so far.


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A 4Gbit/s directly modulated DBR laser is demonstrated with nanometre scale thermal tuning over an extended 20-70°C temperature range. >40dB side mode suppression over the entire temperature range is achieved. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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An uncooled three-section tunable distributed Bragg reflector laser is demonstrated as an athermal transmitter for low-cost uncooled wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) systems with tight channel spacing. A ±0.02-nm thermal wavelength drift is achieved under continuous-wave operation up to 70 °C. Dynamic sidemode suppression ratio of greater than 35 dB is consistently obtained under 3.125-Gb/s direct modulation over a 20 °C-70 °C temperature range, with wavelength variation of as low as ±0.2 nm. This indicates that more than an order of magnitude reduction in coarse WDM channel spacing is possible using this source. © 2005 IEEE.


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Coupled-cavity passive harmonic mode-locking of a quantum well based vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser has been demonstrated, yielding an output pulse train of 1.5 ps pulses at a repetition rate of 80 GHz and with an average power of 80 mW. Harmonic mode-locking results from coupling between the main laser cavity and a cavity formed within the substrate of the saturable absorber structure. Mode-locking on the second harmonic of the substrate cavity allows a train of 1.1 ps pulses to be generated at a repetition rate of 147 GHz with 40 mW average power. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Focused laser micromachining in an optical microscope system is used to prototype packages for optoelectronic devices and to investigate new materials with potential applications in packaging. Micromachined thin films are proposed as mechanical components to locate fibres and other optical and electrical components on opto-assemblies. This paper reports prototype structures which are micromachined in silicon carbide to produce beams 5 μm thick by (i) laser cutting a track in a SiC coated Si wafer, (ii) undercutting by anisotropic silicon etching using KOH in water, and (iii) trimming if necessary with the laser system. This approach has the advantage of fast turn around and proof of concept. Mechanical test data are obtained from the prototype SiC beam package structures by testing with a stylus profilometer. The Youngs modulus obtained for chemical vapour deposited silicon carbide is 360 +/- 50 GPa indicating that it is a promising material for packaging applications.


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Alumina ceramic, Al2O3, presents a challenge to laser micro-structuring due to its neglible linear absorption coefficient in the optical region coupled with its physical properties such as extremely high melting point and high thermal conductivity. In this work, we demonstrate clean micro-structuring of alumina using NIR (λ=775 nm) ultrafast optical pulses with 180 fs duration at 1kHz repetition rate. Sub-picosecond pulses can minimise thermal effects along with collateral damage when processing conditions are optimised, consequently, observed edge quality is excellent in this regime. We present results of changing micro-structure and morphology during ultrafast processing along with measured ablation rates and characteristics of developing surface relief. Initial crystalline phase (alpha Al2O3) is unaltered by femtosecond processing. Multi-pulse ablation threshold fluence Fth, ∼ 1.1 Jcm-2 and at low fluence ∼ 3 Jcm -2, independent of machined depth, there appears to remain a ∼ 2 μm thick rapidly re-melted layer. On the other hand, micro-structuring at high fluence F ∼ 21 Jcm-2 shows no evidence of melting and the machined surface is covered with a fine layer of debris, loosely attached. The nature of debris produced by femtosecond ablation has been investigated and consists mainly of alumina nanoparticles with diameters from 20 nm to 1 micron with average diameter ∼ 300 nm. Electron diffraction shows these particles to be essentially single crystal in nature. By developing a holographic technique, we have demonstrated periodic micrometer level structuring on polished samples of this extremely hard material.