30 resultados para Rite de passage


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The effect of varying both the aspect ratio and the coefficient of friction of contacts with elliptical geometry on their elastic shakedown performance has been examined theoretically for surfaces with two types of subsurface hardness or strength profiles. In stepwise hardening the hard layer is of uniform strength while in linear hardening its strength reduces from a maximum at the surface to that of the core at the base of the hardened layer. The shakedown load is expressed as the ratio of the maximum Hertzian pressure to the strength of the core material. As the depth of hardening, expressed as a multiple of the elliptical semi-axis, is increased so the potential shakedown load increases from a level that is appropriate to a uniform half-space of unhardened material to a value reflecting the hardness of the surface and near-surface material. In a step-hardened material, the shakedown limit for a surface 'pummelled' by the passage of a sequence of such loads reaches a cut-off or plateau value, which cannot be exceeded by further increases in hardening depth irrespective of the value of the friction coefficient. For a linear-hardened material the corresponding plateau is approached asymptotically. The work confirms earlier results on the upper bounds on shakedown of both point and line contacts and provides numerical values of shakedown loads for intermediate geometries. In general, the case depth required to achieve a given shakedown limit reduces in moving from a transversely moving nominal line load to an axisymmetric point load.


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Shear layers shed by aircraft wings roll up into vortices. A similar, though far less common, phenomenon can occur in the wake of a turbomachine blade. This paper presents experimental data from a new single stage turbine that has been commissioned at the Whittle Laboratory. Two low aspect ratio stators have been tested with the same rotor row. Surface flow visualisation illustrates the extremely strong secondary flows present in both NGV designs. These secondary flows lead to conventional passage vortices but also to an intense vortex sheet which is shed from the trailing edge of the blades. Pneumatic probe traverse show how this sheet rolls up into a concentrated vortex in the second stator design, but not in the first. A simple numerical experiment is used to model the shear layer instability and the effects of trailing edge shape and exit yaw angle distribution are investigated. It is found that the latter has a strong influence on shear layer rollup: inhibiting the formation of a vortex downstream of NGV 1 but encouraging it behind NGV 2.


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The composition of the time-resolved surface pressure field around a high-pressure rotor blade caused by the presence of neighboring blade rows was studied, with the individual effects of wake, shock and potential field interaction being determined. Two test geometries were considered: first, a high-pressure turbine stage coupled with a swan-necked diffuser exit duct; secondly, the same high-pressure stage but with a vane located in the downstream duct. Both tests were carried out at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers. By comparing the results to time-resolved computational predictions of the flowfield, the accuracy with which the computation predicts blade interaction was determined. Evidence was obtained that for a large downstream vane, the flow conditions in the rotor passage, at any instant in time, are close to being steady state.


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This paper describes the effect of the state of the inlet boundary layer (laminar or turbulent) on the structure of the endwall flow on two different profiles of low-pressure (LP) turbine blades (solid thin and hollow thick). At present the state of the endwall boundary layer at the inlet of a real LP turbine is not known. The intention of this paper is to show that, for different designs of LP turbine, the state of the inlet boundary layer affects the performance of the blade in very different ways. The testing was completed at low speed in a linear cascade using area traversing, flow visualization and static pressure measurements. The paper shows that, for a laminar inlet boundary layer, the two profiles have a similar loss distribution and structure of endwall flow. However, for a turbulent inlet boundary layer the two profiles are shown to differ significantly in both the total loss and endwall flow structure. The pressure side separation bubble on the solid thin profile is shown to interact with the passage vortex, causing a higher endwall loss than that measured on the hollow thick profile.


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This paper describes both the migration and dissipation of flow phenomena downstream of a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. The geometry of the HP stage exit duct considered is a swan-necked diffuser similar to those likely to be used in future engine designs. The paper contains results both from an experimental programme in a turbine test facility and from numerical predictions. Experimental data was acquired using three fast-response aerodynamic probes capable of measuring Mach number, whirl angle, pitch angle, total pressure and static pressure. The probes were used to make time-resolved area traverses at two axial locations downstream of the rotor trailing edge. A 3D time-unsteady viscous Navier-Stokes solver was used for the numerical predictions. The unsteady exit flow from a turbine stage is formed from rotordependent phenomena (such as the rotor wake, the rotor trailing edge recompression shock, the tip-leakage flow and the hub secondary flow) and vane-rotor interaction dependant phenomena. This paper describes the time-resolved behaviour and three-dimensional migration paths of both of these phenomena as they convect downstream. It is shown that the inlet flow to a downstream vane is dominated by two corotating vortices, the first caused by the rotor tip-leakage flow and the second by the rotor hub secondary flow. At the inlet plane of the downstream vane the wake is extremely weak and the radial pressure gradient is shown to have caused the majority of the high loss wake fluid to be located between the mid-height of the passage and the casing wall. The structure of the flow indicates that between a high pressure stage and a downstream vane simple two-dimensional blade row interaction does not occur. The results presented in this paper indicate that the presence of an upstream stage is likely to significantly alter the structure of the secondary flow within a downstream vane. The paper also shows that vane-rotor interaction within the upstream stage causes a 10° circumferential variation in the inlet flow angle of the 2nd stage vane.


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A study of the three-dimensional stator-rotor interaction in a turbine stage is presented. Experimental data reveal vortices downstream of the rotor which are stationary in the absolute frame - indicating that they are caused by the stator exit flowfield. Evidence of the rotor hub passage vortices is seen, but additional vortical structures away from the endwalls, which would not be present if the rotor were tested in isolation, are also identified. An unsteady computation of the rotor row is performed using the measured stator exit flowfield as the inlet boundary condition. The strength and location of the vortices at rotor exit are predicted. A formation mechanism is proposed whereby stator wake fluid with steep spanwise gradients of absolute total pressure is responsible for all but one of the rotor exit vortices. This mechanism is then verified computationally using a passive-scalar tracking technique. The predicted loss generation through the rotor row is then presented and a comparison made with a steady calculation where the inlet flow has been mixed out to pitchwise uniformity. The loss produced in the steady simulation, even allowing for the mixing loss at inlet, is 10% less than that produced in the unsteady simulation. This difference highlights the importance of the time-accurate calculation as a tool of the turbomachine designer.


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The interaction between a high-pressure rotor and a downstream vane is dominated by vortex-blade interaction. Each rotor blade passing period two co-rotating vortex pairs, the tip-leakage and upper passage vortex and the lower passage and trailing shed vortex, impinge on, and are cut by, the vane leading edge. In addition to the streamwise vortex the tip-leakage flow also contains a large velocity deficit. This causes the interaction of the tip-leakage flow with a downstream vane to differ from typical vortex blade interaction. This paper investigates the effect these interaction mechanisms have on a downstream vane. The test geometry considered was a low aspect ratio second stage vane located within a S-shaped diffuser with large radius change mounted downstream of a shroudless high-pressure turbine stage. Experimental measurements were conducted at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers, and data was acquired using a fast-response aerodynamic probe upstream and downstream of the vane. Time-resolved numerical simulations were undertaken with and without a rotor tip gap in order to investigate the relative magnitude of the interaction mechanisms. The presence of the upstream stage is shown to significantly change the structure of the secondary flow in the vane and to cause a small drop in its performance.


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This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub to simulate an upstream rotor passage vortex. The flow field is investigated in a Low-Speed Research Turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. The paper examines the impact of the delta wing vortex transport on the performance of the downstream blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using structured 3D Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed an increase in stagnation pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. The increase in loss was 21% of the datum stator loss, demonstrating the importance of this vortex interaction. The transport of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is also described. The rotor exit flow was affected by the interaction between the enhanced stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and overturning towards the mid-span was observed, contrary to the classical model of overturning near the hub and underturning towards the mid-span. The unsteady numerical simulation results were further analysed to identify the entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field.


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This paper describes a program of work, largely experimental, which was undertaken with the objective of developing an improved blade profile for the low-pressure turbine in aero-engine applications. Preliminary experiments were conducted using a novel technique. An existing cascade of datum blades was modified to enable the pressure distribution on the suction surface of one of the blades to be altered. Various means, such as shaped inserts, an adjustable flap at the trailing edge, and changing stagger were employed to change the geometry of the passage. These experiments provided boundary layer and lift data for a wide range of suction surface pressure distributions. The data was then used as a guide for the development of new blade profiles. The new blade profiles were then investigated in a low-speed cascade that included a set of moving bars upstream of the cascade of blades to simulate the effect of the incoming wakes from the previous blade row in a multistage turbine environment.


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This paper investigates the design of winglet tips for unshrouded high pressure turbine rotors, considering aerodynamic and thermal performance simultaneously. A novel parameterization method has been developed to alter the tip geometry of a rotor blade. A design survey of un-cooled, flat-tipped winglets is performed using RANS calculations for a single rotor at engine representative operating conditions. Compared to a plain tip, large efficiency gains can be realized by employing an overhang around the full perimeter of the blade, but the overall heat load rises significantly. By employing an overhang on only the early suction surface, significant efficiency improvements can be obtained without increasing the overall heat transfer to the blade. The flow physics are explored in detail to explain the results. For a plain tip, the leakage and passage vortices interact to create a three-dimensional impingement onto the blade suction surface, causing high heat transfer. The addition of an overhang on the early suction surface displaces the tip leakage vortex away from the blade, weakening the impingement effect and reducing the heat transfer on the blade. The winglets reduce the aerodynamic losses by unloading the tip section, reducing the leakage flow rate, turning the leakage flow in a more streamwise direction and reducing the interaction between the leakage fluid and endwall flows. Generally these effects are most effective close to the leading edge of the tip, where the leakage flow is subsonic.


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About 50-90 percent of the hydrocarbons that escape combustion during flame passage in spark-ignition engine operation are oxidized in the cylinder before leaving the system. The process involves the transport of unreacted fuel from cold walls towards the hotter burned gas regions and subsequent reaction. In order to understand controlling factors in the process, a transient one-dimensional reactive-diffusive model has been formulated for simulating the oxidation processes taking place in the reactive layer between hot burned gases and cold unreacted air/fuel mixture, with initial and boundary conditions provided by the emergence of hydrocarbons from the piston top land crevice. Energy and species conservation equations are solved for the entire process, using a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism for propane. Simulation results show that the post-flame oxidation process takes place within a reactive layer where intermediate hydrocarbon products are formed at temperatures above 1100-1200 K, followed by a carbon monoxide conversion region closer to the hot burned gases. Model results show that most of hydrocarbons leaving the crevice are completely oxidized inside the cylinder. The largest contribution of remaining hydrocarbons are those leaving the crevice at temperatures below 1400 K. The largest fraction of non-fuel (intermediate) hydrocarbons results from hydrocarbons leaving the crevice when core temperatures are around 1400 K Copyright © 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Pre-stall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Prestall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall, the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. © 2014 by ASME.


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© 2014 by ASME. This paper, the second of two parts, presents a new setup for the two-stage two-spool facility located at the Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics (ITTM) of Graz University of Technology. The rig was designed to reproduce the flow behavior of a transonic turbine followed by a counter-rotating low pressure stage such as those in high bypass aero-engines. The meridional flow path of the machine is characterized by a diffusing S-shaped duct between the two rotors. The role of wide chord vanes placed into the mid turbine frame is to lead the flow towards the low pressure (LP) rotor with appropriate swirl. Experimental and numerical investigations performed on this setup showed that the wide chord struts induce large wakes and extended secondary flows at the LP inlet flow. Moreover, large deterministic fluctuations of pressure, which may cause noise and blade vibrations, were observed downstream of the LP rotor. In order to minimize secondary vortices and to damp the unsteady interactions, the mid turbine frame was redesigned to locate two zero-lift splitters into each vane passage. While in the first part of the paper the design process of the splitters and the time-averaged flow field were presented, in this second part the measurements performed by means of a fast response probe will support the explanation of the time-resolved field. The discussion will focus on the comparison between the baseline case (without splitters) and the embedded design.


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© 2014 by ASME. The paper presents a new setup for the two-stage two-spool facility located at the Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics (ITTM) of Graz University of Technology. The rig was designed in order to simulate the flow behavior of a transonic turbine followed by a counter-rotating low pressure (LP) stage like the spools of a modern high bypass aeroengine. The meridional flow path of the machine is characterized by a diffusing S-shaped duct between the two rotors. The role of turning struts placed into the mid turbine frame is to lead the flow towards the LP rotor with appropriate swirl. Experimental and numerical investigations performed on the setup over the last years, which were used as baseline for this paper, showed that wide chord vanes induce large wakes and extended secondary flows at the LP rotor inlet flow. Moreover, unsteady interactions between the two turbines were observed downstream of the LP rotor. In order to increase the uniformity and to decrease the unsteady content of the flow at the inlet of the LP rotor, the mid turbine frame was redesigned with two zero-lifting splitters embedded into the strut passage. In this first part of the paper the design process of the splitters and its critical points are presented, while the time-averaged field is discussed by means of five-hole probe measurements and oil flow visualizations. The comparison between the baseline case and the embedded design configuration shows that the new design is able to reduce the flow gradients downstream of the turning struts, providing a more suitable inlet condition for the low pressure rotor. The improvement in the flow field uniformity is also observed downstream of the turbine and it is, consequently, reflected in an enhancement of the LP turbine performance. In the second part of this paper the influence of the embedded design on the time-resolved field is investigated.