20 resultados para Merge and acquisitions
Why do firms acquire external technologies? Previous research indicates that there are a wide variety of motivations. These include the need to acquire valuable knowledge-based resources, to improve strategic flexibility, to experiment), to overcome organisational inertia, to mitigate risk and uncertainty, to reduce costs and development time in new product development, and the perception that the firm has the absorptive capacity to integrate acquisitions. In this paper we provide an in-depth literature review of the motivations for the acquisition of external technologies by firms. We find that these motivations can be broadly classed into four categories: (1) the development of technological capabilities, (2) the development of strategic options, (3) efficiency improvements, and (4) responses to the competitive environment. In light of this categorisation, we comment on how these different motivations connect to the wider issues of technology acquisition. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper describes an experimental investigation into the interactions that occur between two lean turbulent premixed flames stabilised on conical bluff-bodies when they are moved closer together. Cinematographic OH-PLIF measurements were acquired to investigate adjacent flame front interactions as a function of flame separation distance (S). Flame surface density (FSD) and curvature were determined to characterise the unforced flames. Acoustic forcing was then applied to explore the amplitude dependent thermo-acoustic response. Phase-averaged FSD and global heat release measurements in the form of OH * chemiluminescence were obtained for a range of forcing frequencies (f) and amplitudes (A) as a function of S. As the flames were brought closer together the adjacent annular jets were found to merge into a single jet structure. This caused adjacent flame fronts to merge above the wake region between the two flames at a location determined by the jet efflux (flame angle) and S. This region of flame-flame interaction we refer to as 'interacting region'. In the unforced flames, a trend of increasingly negative curvature for decreasing S produced a small net increase in flame surface area via cusp formation. When subjected to acoustic forcing, S-dependent regimes were found in the global heat release response as a function A. The overall trend showed that the occurrence of jet/flame merging reduces the value of A at which non-linear response occurs. In support of previous findings for flames stabilised along shear layers, the phase-averaged FSD showed that the flame dynamics that drive the thermo-acoustic response result from the roll-up of vortices which generate large-scale vortex-flame interactions. Compared with axisymmetric flames, the occurrence of jet merging alters the vortex-flame interactions resulting in an asymmetric contribution to the heat release between the wall and interacting regions. The majority of the heat release was found to occur in the interacting region through the rapid production and destruction of flame surface area. The occurrence of jet merging and large-scale interactions between adjacent flames result in different physical mechanisms that drive the thermo-acoustic response compared with single axisymmetric flames. © 2011.
The unique response of ferroic materials to external excitations facilitates them for diverse technologies, such as nonvolatile memory devices. The primary driving force behind this response is encoded in domain switching. In bulk ferroics, domains switch in a two-step process: nucleation and growth. For ferroelectrics, this can be explained by the Kolmogorov-Avrami-Ishibashi (KAI) model. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether domains remain correlated in finite geometries, as required by the KAI model. Moreover, although ferroelastic domains exist in many ferroelectrics, experimental limitations have hindered the study of their switching mechanisms. This uncertainty limits our understanding of domain switching and controllability, preventing thin-film and polycrystalline ferroelectrics from reaching their full technological potential. Here we used piezoresponse force microscopy to study the switching mechanisms of ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains in thin polycrystalline Pb 0.7Zr0.3TiO3 films at the nanometer scale. We have found that switched biferroic domains can nucleate at multiple sites with a coherence length that may span several grains, and that nucleators merge to form mesoscale domains, in a manner consistent with that expected from the KAI model. © 2012 American Physical Society.
This article considers constant-pressure autoignition and freely propagating premixed flames of cold methane/air mixtures mixed with equilibrium hot products at high enough dilution levels to burn within the moderate to intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion regime. The analysis is meant to provide further insight on MILD regime boundaries and to identify the effect of hot products speciation. As the mass fraction of hot products in the reactants mixture increases, autoignition occurs earlier. Species profiles show that the products/reactants mixture approximately equilibrates to a new state over a quick transient well before the main autoignition event, but as dilution becomes very high, this equilibration transient becomes more prominent and eventually merges with the primary ignition event. The dilution level at which these two reactive zones merge corresponds well with that marking the transition into the MILD regime, as defined according to conventional criteria. Similarly, premixed flame simulations at high dilutions show evidence of significant reactions involving intermediate species prior to the flame front. Since the premixed flame governing equations system demands that the species and temperature gradients be zero at the "cold" boundary, flame speed cannot be calculated above a certain dilution level. Up to this point, which again agrees reasonably well with the transition into the MILD regime according to convention, the laminar burning velocity was found to increase with hot product dilution while flame thickness remained largely unchanged. Some comments on the MILD combustion regime boundary definition for gas turbine applications are included. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.