22 resultados para Magic squares


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Flow measurement data at the district meter area (DMA) level has the potential for burst detection in the water distribution systems. This work investigates using a polynomial function fitted to the historic flow measurements based on a weighted least-squares method for automatic burst detection in the U.K. water distribution networks. This approach, when used in conjunction with an expectationmaximization (EM) algorithm, can automatically select useful data from the historic flow measurements, which may contain normal and abnormal operating conditions in the distribution network, e.g., water burst. Thus, the model can estimate the normal water flow (nonburst condition), and hence the burst size on the water distribution system can be calculated from the difference between the measured flow and the estimated flow. The distinguishing feature of this method is that the burst detection is fully unsupervised, and the burst events that have occurred in the historic data do not affect the procedure and bias the burst detection algorithm. Experimental validation of the method has been carried out using a series of flushing events that simulate burst conditions to confirm that the simulated burst sizes are capable of being estimated correctly. This method was also applied to eight DMAs with known real burst events, and the results of burst detections are shown to relate to the water company's records of pipeline reparation work. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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... .10) i=1 i=1 in which I is the number of data points included in the fit. ... the least squares method can be used to estimate parameters of any model, ...


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The electricity sectors of many developing countries underwent substantial reforms during the 1980s and 1990s, driven by global agendas of privatization and liberalization. However, rural electrification offered little by way of market incentives for profit-seeking private companies and was often neglected. As a consequence, delivery models for rural electrification need to change. This paper will review the experiences of various rural electrification delivery models that have been established in developing countries, including concessionary models, dealership approaches and the strengthening of small and medium-sized energy businesses. It will use examples from the USA, Bangladesh and Nepal, together with a detailed case study of a Nepali rural electric cooperative, to explore the role that local cooperatives can play in extending electricity access. It is shown that although there is no magic bullet solution to deliver rural electrification, if offered appropriate financial and institutional support, socially orientated cooperative businesses can be a willing, efficient and effective means of extending and managing rural electricity services. It is expected that this paper will be of particular value to policy-makers, donors, project planners and implementers currently working in the field of rural electrification. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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This article introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for modular specification of embedded control systems. In a PCHA, control actions that change the control input to the plant occur roughly periodically, while other actions that update the state of the controller may occur in the interim. Such actions could model, for example, sensor updates and information received from higher-level planning modules that change the set point of the controller. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariant properties of PCHAs is presented. For PCHAs with polynomial continuous vector fields, it is possible to check these conditions automatically using, for example, quantifier elimination or sum of squares decomposition. We examine the feasibility of this automatic approach on a small example. The proposed technique is also used to manually verify safety and progress properties of a fairly complex planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle. Geometric properties of planner-generated paths are derived which guarantee that such paths can be safely followed by the controller. © 2012 ACM.


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In this paper, a novel MPC strategy is proposed, and referred to as asso MPC. The new paradigm features an 1-regularised least squares loss function, in which the control error variance competes with the sum of input channels magnitude (or slew rate) over the whole horizon length. This cost choice is motivated by the successful development of LASSO theory in signal processing and machine learning. In the latter fields, sum-of-norms regularisation have shown a strong capability to provide robust and sparse solutions for system identification and feature selection. In this paper, a discrete-time dual-mode asso MPC is formulated, and its stability is proven by application of standard MPC arguments. The controller is then tested for the problem of ship course keeping and roll reduction with rudder and fins, in a directional stochastic sea. Simulations show the asso MPC to inherit positive features from its corresponding regressor: extreme reduction of decision variables' magnitude, namely, actuators' magnitude (or variations), with a finite energy error, being particularly promising for over-actuated systems. © 2012 AACC American Automatic Control Council).


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This paper presents new methods for computing the step sizes of the subband-adaptive iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithms proposed by Bayram & Selesnick and Vonesch & Unser. The method yields tighter wavelet-domain bounds of the system matrix, thus leading to improved convergence speeds. It is directly applicable to non-redundant wavelet bases, and we also adapt it for cases of redundant frames. It turns out that the simplest and most intuitive setting for the step sizes that ignores subband aliasing is often satisfactory in practice. We show that our methods can be used to advantage with reweighted least squares penalty functions as well as L1 penalties. We emphasize that the algorithms presented here are suitable for performing inverse filtering on very large datasets, including 3D data, since inversions are applied only to diagonal matrices and fast transforms are used to achieve all matrix-vector products.


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We demonstrate how a prior assumption of smoothness can be used to enhance the reconstruction of free energy profiles from multiple umbrella sampling simulations using the Bayesian Gaussian process regression approach. The method we derive allows the concurrent use of histograms and free energy gradients and can easily be extended to include further data. In Part I we review the necessary theory and test the method for one collective variable. We demonstrate improved performance with respect to the weighted histogram analysis method and obtain meaningful error bars without any significant additional computation. In Part II we consider the case of multiple collective variables and compare to a reconstruction using least squares fitting of radial basis functions. We find substantial improvements in the regimes of spatially sparse data or short sampling trajectories. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.