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A new method for the optimal design of Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) is proposed in this paper. Instead of using the widely used explicit functional models, a feature tree based procedural model is proposed to represent generic material heterogeneities. A procedural model of this sort allows more than one explicit function to be incorporated to describe versatile material gradations and the material composition at a given location is no longer computed by simple evaluation of an analytic function, but obtained by execution of customizable procedures. This enables generic and diverse types of material variations to be represented, and most importantly, by a reasonably small number of design variables. The descriptive flexibility in the material heterogeneity formulation as well as the low dimensionality of the design vectors help facilitate the optimal design of functionally graded materials. Using the nature-inspired Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method, functionally graded materials with generic distributions can be efficiently optimized. We demonstrate, for the first time, that a PSO based optimizer outperforms classical mathematical programming based methods, such as active set and trust region algorithms, in the optimal design of functionally graded materials. The underlying reason for this performance boost is also elucidated with the help of benchmarked examples. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Model-based approaches to handling additive background noise and channel distortion, such as Vector Taylor Series (VTS), have been intensively studied and extended in a number of ways. In previous work, VTS has been extended to handle both reverberant and background noise, yielding the Reverberant VTS (RVTS) scheme. In this work, rather than assuming the observation vector is generated by the reverberation of a sequence of background noise corrupted speech vectors, as in RVTS, the observation vector is modelled as a superposition of the background noise and the reverberation of clean speech. This yields a new compensation scheme RVTS Joint (RVTSJ), which allows an easy formulation for joint estimation of both additive and reverberation noise parameters. These two compensation schemes were evaluated and compared on a simulated reverberant noise corrupted AURORA4 task. Both yielded large gains over VTS baseline system, with RVTSJ outperforming the previous RVTS scheme. © 2011 IEEE.


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A novel technique is presented to facilitate the implementation of hierarchical b-splines and their interfacing with conventional finite element implementations. The discrete interpretation of the two-scale relation, as common in subdivision schemes, is used to establish algebraic relations between the basis functions and their coefficients on different levels of the hierarchical b-spline basis. The subdivision projection technique introduced allows us first to compute all element matrices and vectors using a fixed number of same-level basis functions. Their subsequent multiplication with subdivision matrices projects them, during the assembly stage, to the correct levels of the hierarchical b-spline basis. The proposed technique is applied to convergence studies of linear and geometrically nonlinear problems in one, two and three space dimensions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Light metal sandwich panel structures with cellular cores have attracted interest for multifunctional applications which exploit their high bend strength and impact energy absorption. This concept has been explored here using a model 6061-T6 aluminum alloy system fabricated by friction stir weld joining extruded sandwich panels with a triangular corrugated core. Micro-hardness and miniature tensile coupon testing revealed that friction stir welding reduced the strength and ductility in the welds and a narrow heat affected zone on either side of the weld by approximately 30%. Square, edge clamped sandwich panels and solid plates of equal mass per unit area were subjected to localized impulsive loading by the impact of explosively accelerated, water saturated, sand shells. The hydrodynamic load and impulse applied by the sand were gradually increased by reducing the stand-off distance between the test charge and panel surfaces. The sandwich panels suffered global bending and stretching, and localized core crushing. As the pressure applied by the sand increased, face sheet fracture by a combination of tensile stretching and shear-off occurred first at the two clamped edges of the panels that were parallel with the corrugation and weld direction. The plane of these fractures always lay within the heat affected zone of the longitudinal welds. For the most intensively loaded panels additional cracks occurred at the other clamped boundaries and in the center of the panel. To investigate the dynamic deformation and fracture processes, a particle-based method has been used to simulate the impulsive loading of the panels. This has been combined with a finite element analysis utilizing a modified Johnson-Cook constitutive relation and a Cockcroft-Latham fracture criterion that accounted for local variation in material properties. The fully coupled simulation approach enabled the relationships between the soil-explosive test charge design, panel geometry, spatially varying material properties and the panel's deformation and dynamic failure responses to be explored. This comprehensive study reveals the existence of a strong instability in the loading that results from changes in sand particle reflection during dynamic evolution of the panel's surface topology. Significant fluid-structure interaction effects are also discovered at the sample sides and corners due to changes of the sand reflection angle by the edge clamping system. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Low attenuation of Sezawa modes operating at GHz frequencies in ZnO/GaAs systems immersed in liquid helium has been observed. This unexpected behaviour for Rayleigh-like surface acoustic waves (SAWs) is explained in terms of the calculated depth profiles of their acoustic Poynting vectors. This analysis allows reproduction of the experimental dispersion of the attenuation coefficient. In addition, the high attenuation of the Rayleigh mode is compensated by the strengthening provided by the ZnO layer. The introduction of the ZnO film will enable the operation of SAW-driven single-photon sources in GaAs-based systems with the best thermal stability provided by the liquid helium bath. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Flapping wings often feature a leading-edge vortex (LEV) that is thought to enhance the lift generated by the wing. Here the lift on a wing featuring a leading-edge vortex is considered by performing experiments on a translating flat-plate aerofoil that is accelerated from rest in a water towing tank at a fixed angle of attack of 15°. The unsteady flow is investigated with dye flow visualization, particle image velocimetry (PIV) and force measurements. Leading-and trailing-edge vortex circulation and position are calculated directly from the velocity vectors obtained using PIV. In order to determine the most appropriate value of bound circulation, a two-dimensional potential flow model is employed and flow fields are calculated for a range of values of bound circulation. In this way, the value of bound circulation is selected to give the best fit between the experimental velocity field and the potential flow field. Early in the trajectory, the value of bound circulation calculated using this potential flow method is in accordance with Kelvin's circulation theorem, but differs from the values predicted by Wagner's growth of bound circulation and the Kutta condition. Later the Kutta condition is established but the bound circulation remains small; most of the circulation is contained instead in the LEVs. The growth of wake circulation can be approximated by Wagner's circulation curve. Superimposing the non-circulatory lift, approximated from the potential flow model, and Wagner's lift curve gives a first-order approximation of the measured lift. Lift is generated by inertial effects and the slow buildup of circulation, which is contained in shed vortices rather than bound circulation. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.


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Elastocapillary self-assembly is emerging as a versatile technique to manufacture three-dimensional (3D) microstructures and complex surface textures from arrangements of micro- and nanoscale filaments. Understanding the mechanics of capillary self-assembly is essential to engineering of properties such as shape-directed actuation, anisotropic wetting and adhesion, and mechanical energy transfer and dissipation. We study elastocapillary self-assembly (herein called "capillary forming") of carbon nanotube (CNT) microstructures, combining in situ optical imaging, micromechanical testing, and finite element modeling. By imaging, we identify sequential stages of liquid infiltration, evaporation, and solid shrinkage, whose kinetics relate to the size and shape of the CNT microstructure. We couple these observations with measurements of the orthotropic elastic moduli of CNT forests to understand how the dynamic of shrinkage of the vapor-liquid interface is coupled to the compression of the forest. We compare the kinetics of shrinkage to the rate of evporation from liquid droplets having the same size and geometry. Moreover, we show that the amount of shrinkage during evaporation is governed by the ability of the CNTs to slip against one another, which can be manipulated by the deposition of thin conformal coatings on the CNTs by atomic layer deposition (ALD). This insight is confirmed by finite element modeling of pairs of CNTs as corrugated beams in contact and highlights the coupled role of elasticity and friction in shrinkage and stability of nanoporous solids. Overall, this study shows that nanoscale porosity can be tailored via the filament density and adhesion at contact points, which is important to the development of lightweight multifunctional materials.


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In this paper we consider the problem of constructing a distributed feedback law to achieve synchronization for a group of k agents whose states evolve on SO(n) and which exchange only partial state information along communication links. The partial state information is given by the action of the state on reference vectors in ℝn. We propose a gradient based control law which achieves exponential local convergence to a synchronization configuration under a rank condition on a generalized Laplacian matrix. Furthermore, we discuss the case of time-varying reference vectors and provide a convergence result for this case. The latter helps reach synchronization, requiring less communication links and weaker conditions on the instantaneous reference vectors. Our methods are illustrated on an attitude synchronization problem where agents exchange only their relative positions observed in the respective body frames. ©2009 IEEE.


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High frequency Rayleigh and Sezawa modes propagating in the ZnO/GaAs system capable of operating immersed in liquid helium have been engineered. In the case of the Rayleigh mode, the strong attenuation produced by the liquid is counteracted by the strengthening of the mode induced by the ZnO. However, in the case of the Sezawa modes, the attenuation is strongly reduced taking advantage of the depth profile of their acoustic Poynting vectors, that extend deeper into the layered system, reducing the energy radiated into the fluid. Thus, both tailored modes will be suitable for acoustically-driven single-electron and single-photon devices in ZnO-coated GaAs-based systems with the best thermal stability provided by the liquid helium bath. © 2012 IEEE.


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A sandwich panel with a core made from solid pyramidal struts is a promising candidate for multifunctional application such as combined structural and heat-exchange function. This study explores the performance enhancement by making use of hollow struts, and examines the elevation in the plastic buckling strength by either strain hardening or case hardening. Finite element simulations are performed to quantify these enhancements. Also, the sensitivity of competing collapse modes to tube geometry and to the depth of case hardening is determined. A comparison with other lattice materials reveals that the pyramidal lattice made from case hardened steel tubes outperforms lattices made from solid struts of aluminium or titanium and has a comparable strength to a core made from carbon fibre reinforced polymers. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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State-of-the-art speech recognisers are usually based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). They model a hidden symbol sequence with a Markov process, with the observations independent given that sequence. These assumptions yield efficient algorithms, but limit the power of the model. An alternative model that allows a wide range of features, including word- and phone-level features, is a log-linear model. To handle, for example, word-level variable-length features, the original feature vectors must be segmented into words. Thus, decoding must find the optimal combination of segmentation of the utterance into words and word sequence. Features must therefore be extracted for each possible segment of audio. For many types of features, this becomes slow. In this paper, long-span features are derived from the likelihoods of word HMMs. Derivatives of the log-likelihoods, which break the Markov assumption, are appended. Previously, decoding with this model took cubic time in the length of the sequence, and longer for higher-order derivatives. This paper shows how to decode in quadratic time. © 2013 IEEE.


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Tuneable optical sensors have been developed to sense chemical stimuli for a range of applications from bioprocess and environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics. Here, we present a porphyrin-functionalised optical sensor based on a holographic grating. The holographic sensor fulfils two key sensing functions simultaneously: it responds to external stimuli and serves as an optical transducer in the visible region of the spectrum. The sensor was fabricated via a 6 nanosecond-pulsed laser (350 mJ, λ = 532 nm) photochemical patterning process that enabled a facile fabrication. A novel porphyrin derivative was synthesised to function as the crosslinker of a polymer matrix, the light-absorbing material, the component of a diffraction grating, as well as the cation chelating agent in the sensor. The use of this multifunctional porphyrin permitted two-step fabrication of a narrow-band light diffracting photonic sensing structure. The resulting structure can be tuned finely to diffract narrow-band light based on the changes in the fringe spacing within the polymer and the system's overall index of refraction. We show the utility of the sensor by demonstrating its reversible colorimetric tuneability in response to variation in concentrations of organic solvents and metal cations (Cu 2+ and Fe2+) in the visible region of the spectrum (λmax ≈ 520-680 nm) with a response time within 50 s. Porphyrin-functionalised optical sensors offer great promise in fields varying from environmental monitoring to biochemical sensing to printable optical devices. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.