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Microstructures and mechanical properties have been studied in aluminium containing a fine dispersion of alumina particles, deformed by cold-rolling to strains between 1.4 and 3.5. The microstructure was characterised by TEM. The deformation structures evolved very rapidly, forming a nanostructured material, with fine subgrains about 0.2 μm in diameter and a fraction of high-angle boundaries which was already high at a strain of 1.4, but continued to increase with rolling strain. The yield stress and ductility of the rolled materials were measured in tension, and properties were similar for all materials. Yield stress measurements were correlated with estimates made using microstructural models. The role of small particles in forming and stabilising the deformation structure is discussed. This nanostructured cold-deformed alloy has mechanical properties which are usefully enhanced at comparatively low cost. This gives it, and similar particle-strengthened alloys, good potential for commercial exploitation. © 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most tribological pairs carry their service load not just once but for a very large number of repeated cycles. During the early stages of this life, protective residual stresses may be developed in the near surface layers which enable loads which are of sufficient magnitude to cause initial plastic deformation to be accommodated purely elastically in the longer term. This is an example of the phenomenon of 'shakedown' and when its effects are incorporated into the design and operation schedule of machine components this process can lead to significant increases in specific loading duties or improvements in material utilization. Although the underlying principles can be demonstrated by reference to relatively simple stress systems, when a moving Hertzian pressure distribution in considered, which is the form of loading applicable to many contact problems, the situation is more complex. In the absence of exact solutions, bounding theorems, adopted from the theory of plasticity, can be used to generate appropriate load or shakedown limits so that shakedown maps can be drawn which delineate the boundaries between potentially safe and unsafe operating conditions. When the operating point of the contact lies outside the shakedown limit there will be an increment of plastic strain with each application of the load - these can accumulate leading eventually to either component failure or the loss of material by wear. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experimental observations of the time-dependent mechanical responses of collagenous tissues have demonstrated behavior that deviates from standard treatments of linear or quasi-linear viscoelasticity. In particular, time-dependent deformation can be strongly coupled to strain level, and strain-rate independence can be observed under monotonic loading, even for a tissue with dramatic stress relaxation. It was postulated that this nonlinearity is fundamentally associated with gradual recruitment of individual collagen fibrils during applied mechanical loading. Based on previously observed experimental results for the time-dependent response of collagenous soft tissues, a model is developed to describe the mechanical behavior of these tissues under uniaxial loading. Tissue stresses, under applied strain-controlled loading, are assumed to be a sum of elastic and viscoelastic stress contributions. The relative contributions of elastic and viscoelastic stresses is assumed to vary with strain level, leading to strain- and time-dependent mechanical behavior. The model formulation is examined under conditions of monotonic loading at varying constant strain rates and stress-relaxation at different applied strain levels. The model is compared with experimental data for a membranous biological soft tissue, the amniotic sac, and is found to agree well with experimental results. The limiting behavior of the novel model, at large strains relative to the collagen recruitment, is consistent with the quasi-linear viscoelastic approach. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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An optical fiber strain sensing technique, based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR), was used to obtain the full deformation profile of a secant pile wall during construction of an adjacent basement in London. Details of the installation of sensors as well as data processing are described. By installing optical fiber down opposite sides of the pile, the distributed strain profiles obtained can be used to give both the axial and lateral movements along the pile. Measurements obtained from the BOTDR were found in good agreement with inclinometer data from the adjacent piles. The relative merits of the two different techniques are discussed. © 2007 ASCE.


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The growth techniques which have enabled the realization of InGaN-based multi-quantum-well (MQW) structures with high internal quantum efficiencies (IQE) on 150mm (6-in.) silicon substrates are reviewed. InGaN/GaN MQWs are deposited onto GaN templates on large-area (111) silicon substrates, using AlGaN strain-mediating interlayers to inhibit thermal-induced cracking and wafer-bowing, and using a SiN x interlayer to reduce threading dislocation densities in the active region of the MQW structure. MQWs with high IQE approaching 60% have been demonstrated. Atomic resolution electron microscopy and EELS analysis have been used to study the nature of the important interface between the Si(111) substrate and the AlN nucleation layer. We demonstrate an amorphous SiN x interlayer at the interface about 2nm wide, which does not, however, prevent good epitaxy of the AlN on the Si(111) substrate. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Interactions between dislocations and grain boundaries play an important role in the plastic deformation of polycrystalline metals. Capturing accurately the behaviour of these internal interfaces is particularly important for applications where the relative grain boundary fraction is significant, such as ultra fine-grained metals, thin films and microdevices. Incorporating these micro-scale interactions (which are sensitive to a number of dislocation, interface and crystallographic parameters) within a macro-scale crystal plasticity model poses a challenge. The innovative features in the present paper include (i) the formulation of a thermodynamically consistent grain boundary interface model within a microstructurally motivated strain gradient crystal plasticity framework, (ii) the presence of intra-grain slip system coupling through a microstructurally derived internal stress, (iii) the incorporation of inter-grain slip system coupling via an interface energy accounting for both the magnitude and direction of contributions to the residual defect from all slip systems in the two neighbouring grains, and (iv) the numerical implementation of the grain boundary model to directly investigate the influence of the interface constitutive parameters on plastic deformation. The model problem of a bicrystal deforming in plane strain is analysed. The influence of dissipative and energetic interface hardening, grain misorientation, asymmetry in the grain orientations and the grain size are systematically investigated. In each case, the crystal response is compared with reference calculations with grain boundaries that are either 'microhard' (impenetrable to dislocations) or 'microfree' (an infinite dislocation sink). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fully coupled methane hydrate model developed in Cambridge was adopted in this numerical study on gas production trial at the Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan 2013. Based on the latest experimental data of hydrate soil core samples, the clay parameters at Eastern Nankai site were successfully calibrated. With updated clay parameters and site geometry, a 50 days gas production trail was numerically simulated in FLAC2D. The geomechanical behaviour of hydrate bearing sediments under 3 different depressurization strategies were explored and discussed. The results from both axisymmetrical and plane-strain models suggest, the slope of the seabed only affects mechanical properties while no significant impact on the dissociation, temperature and pore pressure. For mechanical deformation after PT recovery, there are large settlements above the perforation zone and small uplift underneath the production zone. To validate the fully coupled model, numerical simulation with finer mesh in the hydrate production zone was carried out. The simulation results suggest good agreement between our model and JOE's results on history matching of gas and water production during trial. Parameter sensitivity of gas production is also investigated and concluded the sea water salinity is a dominant factor for gas production.


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In the central part of the Delft railway tunnel project, an underground railway station is being built at very close distance to the existing station building, which is still in operation. Although elaborate sensitivity analyses were made, some unforeseen deformations were encountered during the first phases of the execution process. Especially the installation of temporary sheet pile walls as well as the installation of a huge amount of grout anchor piles resulted in deformations exceeding the predicted final deformations as well as the boundary values defined by a level I limiting tensile strain method (LTSM) approach. In order to ensure the execution process, supplementary analyses were made to predict future deformations, and this for multiple cross sections. These deformations were implemented into a finite element model of the masonry of the building in order to define probable crack formation. This Level II LTSM approach made it possible to increase the initially foreseen deformation criteria and the continuation of the works. Design steps, design models and monitoring results will be explained within this paper.