33 resultados para Galoisian cubic


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Melt-textured YBCO samples processed with added Y2O3 and depleted uranium oxide (DU) contain nano-particles, which have been identified previously as Y2Ba4CuUOx (U-411). This phase has a cubic unit cell, which is clearly distinct from the orthorhombic Y-123 and Y-211 phases within the YBCO system. In samples with a high amount of DU addition (0.8 wt-% DU), U-2411 particles have sizes between 200 nm and several νm, so identification of the Kikuchi patterns of this phase becomes possible. Together with a parallel EDX analysis, the particles embedded in the Y-123 matrix can be identified unambiguously. In this way, a three-phase EBSD scan becomes possible, allowing also the identification of nanometre-sized particles in the sample microstructure. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper reviews the advances that flash lamp annealing brings to the processing of the most frequently used semiconductor materials, namely silicon and silicon carbide, thus enabling the fabrication of novel microelectronic structures and materials. The paper describes how such developments can translate into important practical applications leading to a wide range of technological benefits. Opportunities in ultra-shallow junction formation, heteroepitaxial growth of thin films of cubic silicon carbide on silicon, and crystallization of amorphous silicon films, along with the technical reasons for using flash lamp annealing are discussed in the context of state-of-the-art materials processing. © 2005 IEEE.


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A promising approach to the fabrication of materials with nanoscale features is the transfer of liquid-crystalline structure to polymers. However, this has not been achieved in systems with full three-dimensional periodicity. Here we demonstrate the fabrication of self-assembled three-dimensional nanostructures by polymer templating blue phase I, a chiral liquid crystal with cubic symmetry. Blue phase I was photopolymerized and the remaining liquid crystal removed to create a porous free-standing cast, which retains the chiral three-dimensional structure of the blue phase, yet contains no chiral additive molecules. The cast may in turn be used as a hard template for the fabrication of new materials. By refilling the cast with an achiral nematic liquid crystal, we created templated blue phases that have unprecedented thermal stability in the range -125 to 125 °C, and that act as both mirrorless lasers and switchable electro-optic devices. Blue-phase templated materials will facilitate advances in device architectures for photonics applications in particular.


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A promising approach to the fabrication of materials with nanoscale features is the transfer of liquid-crystalline structure to polymers. However, this has not been achieved in systems with full three-dimensional periodicity. Here we demonstrate the fabrication of self-assembled three-dimensional nanostructures by polymer templating blue phase I, a chiral liquid crystal with cubic symmetry. Blue phase I was photopolymerized and the remaining liquid crystal removed to create a porous free-standing cast, which retains the chiral three-dimensional structure of the blue phase, yet contains no chiral additive molecules. The cast may in turn be used as a hard template for the fabrication of new materials. By refilling the cast with an achiral nematic liquid crystal, we created templated blue phases that have unprecedented thermal stability in the range-125 to 125°C, and that act as both mirrorless lasers and switchable electro-optic devices. Blue-phase templated materials will facilitate advances in device architectures for photonics applications in particular. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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The Hoberman 'switch-pitch ' ball is a transformable structure with a single folding and unfolding path. The underlying cubic structure has a novel mechanism that retains tetrahedral symmetry during folding. Here, we propose a generalized class of structures of a similar type that retain their full symmetry during folding. The key idea is that we require two orbits of nodes for the structure: within each orbit, any node can be copied to any other node by a symmetry operation. Each member is connected to two nodes, which may be in different orbits, by revolute joints. We will describe the symmetry analysis that reveals the symmetry of the internal mechanism modes for a switch-pitch structure. To follow the complete folding path of the structure, a nonlinear iterative predictor-corrector algorithm based on the Newton method is adopted. First, a simple tetrahedral example of the class of two-orbit structures is presented. Typical configurations along the folding path are shown. Larger members of the class of structures are also presented, all with cubic symmetry. These switch-pitch structures could have useful applications as deployable structures.


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Surface temperature measurements from two discs of a gas turbine compressor rig are used as boundary conditions for the transient conduction solution (inverse heat transfer analysis). The disc geometry is complex, and so the finite element method is used. There are often large radial temperature gradients on the discs, and the equations are therefore solved taking into account the dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature. The solution technique also makes use of a multigrid algorithm to reduce the solution time. This is particularly important since a large amount of data must be analyzed to obtain correlations of the heat transfer. The finite element grid is also used for a network analysis to calculate the radiant heat transfer in the cavity formed between the two compressor discs. The work discussed here proved particularly challenging as the disc temperatures were only measured at four different radial locations. Four methods of surface temperature interpolation are examined, together with their effect on the local heat fluxes. It is found that the choice of interpolation method depends on the available number of data points. Bessel interpolation gives the best results for four data points, whereas cubic splines are preferred when there are considerably more data points. The results from the analysis of the compressor rig data show that the heat transfer near the disc inner radius appears to be influenced by the central throughflow. However, for larger radii, the heat transfer from the discs and peripheral shroud is found to be consistent with that of a buoyancy-induced flow.


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Y2-x Erx O3 thin films, with x varying between 0 and 0.72, have been successfully grown on crystalline silicon (c-Si) substrates by radio-frequency magnetron cosputtering of Y2 O 3 and Er2 O3 targets. As-deposited films are polycrystalline, showing the body-centered cubic structure of Y2 O3, and show only a slight lattice parameter contraction when x is increased, owing to the insertion of Er ions. All the films exhibit intense Er-related optical emission at room temperature both in the visible and infrared regions. By studying the optical properties for different excitation conditions and for different Er contents, all the mechanisms (i.e., cross relaxations, up-conversions, and energy transfers to impurities) responsible for the photoluminescence (PL) emission have been identified, and the existence of two different well-defined Er concentration regimes has been demonstrated. In the low concentration regime (x up to 0.05, Er-doped regime), the visible PL emission reaches its highest intensity, owing to the influence of up-conversions, thus giving the possibility of using Y2-x Er x O3 films as an up-converting layer in the rear of silicon solar cells. However, most of the excited Er ions populate the first two excited levels 4I11/2 and 4I13/2, and above a certain excitation flux a population inversion condition between the former and the latter is achieved, opening the route for the realization of amplifiers at 2.75 μm. Instead, in the high concentration regime (Er-compound regime), an increase in the nonradiative decay rates is observed, owing to the occurrence of cross relaxations or energy transfers to impurities. As a consequence, the PL emission at 1.54 μm becomes the most intense, thus determining possible applications for Y2-x Erx O 3 as an infrared emitting material. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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An orthorhombic DyMnO3 single crystal has been studied in magnetic fields up to 14 T and between 3 K and room temperature. The field dependent ordering temperature of Dy moments is deduced. The paramagnetic Curie Weiss behavior is related mainly to the Dy3+sublattice whereas the Mn sublattice contribution plays a secondary role. DC magnetization measurements show marked anisotropic features, related to the anisotropic structure of a cubic system stretched along a body diagonal, with a magnetic easy axis parallel to the crystallographic b axis. A temperature and field dependent spin flop transition is observed below 9 K, when relatively weak magnetocrystalline anisotropy is overcome by magnetic fields up to 1.6 T. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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LiMn2-xTixO4 compounds with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 were prepared by solid state reaction and Pechini technique. Powder X-ray diffraction showed that all samples crystallize with the spinel crystal structure (S.G. Fd3-m). The cubic unit-cell parameter increases with the Ti content. The influence of the Ti content and cationic distribution on the magnetic properties of the compounds was studied by measuring the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetization: substitution by non-magnetic d0 Ti4+ ions appeared to weaken the magnetic interactions between the manganese ions. The electrical properties of LiMnTiO4 were studied by AC impedance spectroscopy and DC polarisation measurements, which revealed the electronic character of the conduction process. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eight equations of state (EOS) have been evaluated for the simulation of compressible liquid water properties, based on empirical correlations, the principle of corresponding states and thermodynamic relations. The IAPWS-IF97 EOS for water was employed as the reference case. These EOSs were coupled to a modified AUSM+-up convective flux solver to determine flow profiles for three test cases of differing flow conditions. The impact of the non-viscous interaction term discretisation scheme, interfacial pressure method and selection of low-Mach number diffusion were also compared. It was shown that a consistent discretisation scheme using the AUSM+-up solver for both the convective flux and the non-viscous interfacial term demonstrated both robustness and accuracy whilst facilitating a computationally cheaper solution than discretisation of the interfacial term independently by a central scheme. The simple empirical correlations gave excellent results in comparison to the reference IAPWS-IF97 EOS and were recommended for developmental work involving water as a cheaper and more accurate EOS than the more commonly used stiffened-gas model. The correlations based on the principles of corresponding-states and the modified Peng-Robinson cubic EOS also demonstrated a high degree of accuracy, which is promising for future work with generic fluids. Further work will encompass extension of the solver to multiple dimensions and to account for other source terms such as surface tension, along with the incorporation of phase changes. © 2013.


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Hafnium oxide (HfOx) is a high dielectric constant (k) oxide which has been identified as being suitable for use as the gate dielectric in thin film transistors (TFTs). Amorphous materials are preferred for a gate dielectric, but it has been an ongoing challenge to produce amorphous HfOx while maintaining a high dielectric constant. A technique called high target utilization sputtering (HiTUS) is demonstrated to be capable of depositing high-k amorphous HfOx thin films at room temperature. The plasma is generated in a remote chamber, allowing higher rate deposition of films with minimal ion damage. Compared to a conventional sputtering system, the HiTUS technique allows finer control of the thin film microstructure. Using a conventional reactive rf magnetron sputtering technique, monoclinic nanocrystalline HfOx thin films have been deposited at a rate of ∼1.6nmmin-1 at room temperature, with a resistivity of 1013Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3.5MVcm-1 and a dielectric constant of ∼18.2. By comparison, using the HiTUS process, amorphous HfOx (x=2.1) thin films which appear to have a cubic-like short-range order have been deposited at a high deposition rate of ∼25nmmin-1 with a high resistivity of 1014Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3MVcm-1 and a high dielectric constant of ∼30. Two key conditions must be satisfied in the HiTUS system for high-k HfOx to be produced. Firstly, the correct oxygen flow rate is required for a given sputtering rate from the metallic target. Secondly, there must be an absence of energetic oxygen ion bombardment to maintain an amorphous microstructure and a high flux of medium energy species emitted from the metallic sputtering target to induce a cubic-like short range order. This HfOx is very attractive as a dielectric material for large-area electronic applications on flexible substrates. A remote plasma sputtering process (high target utilization sputtering, HiTUS) has been used to deposit amorphous hafnium oxide with a very high dielectric constant (∼30). X-ray diffraction shows that this material has a microstructure in which the atoms have a cubic-like short-range order, whereas radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering produced a monoclinic polycrystalline microstructure. This is correlated to the difference in the energetics of remote plasma and rf magnetron sputtering processes. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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We propose a Newton-like iteration that evolves on the set of fixed dimensional subspaces of ℝ n and converges locally cubically to the invariant subspaces of a symmetric matrix. This iteration is compared in terms of numerical cost and global behavior with three other methods that display the same property of cubic convergence. Moreover, we consider heuristics that greatly improve the global behavior of the iterations.


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The classical Rayleigh quotient iteration (RQI) allows one to compute a one-dimensional invariant subspace of a symmetric matrix A. Here we propose a generalization of the RQI which computes a p-dimensional invariant subspace of A. Cubic convergence is preserved and the cost per iteration is low compared to other methods proposed in the literature.


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The classical Rayleigh Quotient Iteration (RQI) computes a 1-dimensional invariant subspace of a symmetric matrix A with cubic convergence. We propose a generalization of the RQI which computes a p-dimensional invariant subspace of A. The geometry of the algorithm on the Grassmann manifold Gr(p,n) is developed to show cubic convergence and to draw connections with recently proposed Newton algorithms on Riemannian manifolds.


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We use polarization-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence of single zincblende (ZB) (cubic) and wurtzite (WZ) (hexagonal) InP nanowires to probe differences in selection rules and bandgaps between these two semiconductor nanostructures. The WZ nanowires exhibit a bandgap 80 meV higher in energy than the ZB nanowires. The temperature dependence of the PL is similar but not identical for the WZ and ZB nanowires. We find that ZB nanowires exhibit strong polarization parallel to the nanowire axis, while the WZ nanowires exhibit polarized emission perpendicular to the nanowire axis. This behavior is interpreted in terms of the different selection rules for WZ and ZB crystal structures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.