26 resultados para Fixed costs


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The drive to reduce carbon emissions from domestic housing has led to a recent shift of focus from new-­‐build to retrofit. However there are two significant differences. Firstly more work is needed to retrofit existing housing to the same energy efficiency standards as new-­‐build. Secondly the remaining length of service life is potentially shorter. This implies that the capital expenditure – both financial and carbon -­‐ of retrofit may be disproportionate to the savings gained over the remaining life. However the Government’s definition of low and zero carbon continues to exclude the capital (embodied) carbon costs of construction, which has resulted in a lack of data for comparison. The paper addresses this gap by reporting the embodied carbon costs of retrofitting four individual pilot properties in Rampton Drift, part of an Eco-­‐Town Demonstrator Project in Cambridgeshire. Through collecting details of the materials used and their journeys from manufacturer to site, the paper conducts a ‘cradle-­‐to-­‐gate’ life cycle carbon assessment for each property. The embodied carbon figures are calculated using a software tool being developed by the Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of Cambridge. The key aims are to assess the real embodied carbon costs of retrofit of domestic properties, and to test the new tool; it is hoped that the methodology, the tool and the specific findings will be transferable to other projects. Initial changes in operational energy as a result of the retrofit works will be reported and compared with the embodied carbon costs when presenting this paper.


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Air pockets, one kind of concrete surface defects, are often created on formed concrete surfaces during concrete construction. Their existence undermines the desired appearance and visual uniformity of architectural concrete. Therefore, measuring the impact of air pockets on the concrete surface in the form of air pockets is vital in assessing the quality of architectural concrete. Traditionally, such measurements are mainly based on in-situ manual inspections, the results of which are subjective and heavily dependent on the inspectors’ own criteria and experience. Often, inspectors may make different assessments even when inspecting the same concrete surface. In addition, the need for experienced inspectors costs owners or general contractors more in inspection fees. To alleviate these problems, this paper presents a methodology that can measure air pockets quantitatively and automatically. In order to achieve this goal, a high contrast, scaled image of a concrete surface is acquired from a fixed distance range and then a spot filter is used to accurately detect air pockets with the help of an image pyramid. The properties of air pockets (the number, the size, and the occupation area of air pockets) are subsequently calculated. These properties are used to quantify the impact of air pockets on the architectural concrete surface. The methodology is implemented in a C++ based prototype and tested on a database of concrete surface images. Comparisons with manual tests validated its measuring accuracy. As a result, the methodology presented in this paper can increase the reliability of concrete surface quality assessment


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Space heating accounts for a large portion of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) are a technology which can reduce carbon emissions from heating and cooling. GSHP system performance is however highly sensitive to deviation from design values of the actual annual energy extraction/rejection rates from/to the ground. In order to prevent failure and/or performance deterioration of GSHP systems it is possible to incorporate a safety factor in the design of the GSHP by over-sizing the ground heat exchanger (GHE). A methodology to evaluate the financial risk involved in over-sizing the GHE is proposed is this paper. A probability based approach is used to evaluate the economic feasibility of a hypothetical full-size GSHP system as compared to four alternative Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system configurations. The model of the GSHP system is developed in the TRNSYS energy simulation platform and calibrated with data from an actual hybrid GSHP system installed in the Department of Earth Science, University of Oxford, UK. Results of the analysis show that potential savings from a full-size GSHP system largely depend on projected HVAC system efficiencies and gas and electricity prices. Results of the risk analysis also suggest that a full-size GSHP with auxiliary back up is potentially the most economical system configuration. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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In this paper, we tackle the problem of learning a linear regression model whose parameter is a fixed-rank matrix. We study the Riemannian manifold geometry of the set of fixed-rank matrices and develop efficient line-search algorithms. The proposed algorithms have many applications, scale to high-dimensional problems, enjoy local convergence properties and confer a geometric basis to recent contributions on learning fixed-rank matrices. Numerical experiments on benchmarks suggest that the proposed algorithms compete with the state-of-the-art, and that manifold optimization offers a versatile framework for the design of rank-constrained machine learning algorithms. Copyright 2011 by the author(s)/owner(s).


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The paper addresses the problem of learning a regression model parameterized by a fixed-rank positive semidefinite matrix. The focus is on the nonlinear nature of the search space and on scalability to high-dimensional problems. The mathematical developments rely on the theory of gradient descent algorithms adapted to the Riemannian geometry that underlies the set of fixedrank positive semidefinite matrices. In contrast with previous contributions in the literature, no restrictions are imposed on the range space of the learned matrix. The resulting algorithms maintain a linear complexity in the problem size and enjoy important invariance properties. We apply the proposed algorithms to the problem of learning a distance function parameterized by a positive semidefinite matrix. Good performance is observed on classical benchmarks. © 2011 Gilles Meyer, Silvere Bonnabel and Rodolphe Sepulchre.


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This paper introduces a new metric and mean on the set of positive semidefinite matrices of fixed-rank. The proposed metric is derived from a well-chosen Riemannian quotient geometry that generalizes the reductive geometry of the positive cone and the associated natural metric. The resulting Riemannian space has strong geometrical properties: it is geodesically complete, and the metric is invariant with respect to all transformations that preserve angles (orthogonal transformations, scalings, and pseudoinversion). A meaningful approximation of the associated Riemannian distance is proposed, that can be efficiently numerically computed via a simple algorithm based on SVD. The induced mean preserves the rank, possesses the most desirable characteristics of a geometric mean, and is easy to compute. © 2009 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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Growing concerns regarding fluctuating fuel costs and pollution targets for gas emissions, have led the aviation industry to seek alternative technologies to reduce its dependency on crude oil, and its net emissions. Recently blends of bio-fuel with kerosine, have become an alternative solution as they offer "greener" aircraft and reduce demand on crude oil. Interestingly, this technique is able to be implemented in current aircraft as it does not require any modification to the engine. Therefore, the present study investigates the effect of blends of bio-synthetic paraffinic kerosine with Jet-A in a civil aircraft engine, focusing on its performance and exhaust emissions. Two bio-fuels are considered: Jatropha Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (JSPK) and Camelina Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (CSPK); there are evaluated as pure fuels, and as 10% and 50% blend with Jet-A. Results obtained show improvement in thrust, fuel flow and SFC as composition of bio-fuel in the blend increases. At design point condition, results on engine emissions show reduction in NO x, and CO, but increases of CO is observed at fixed fuel condition, as the composition of bio-fuel in the mixture increases. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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We present a fixed-grid finite element technique for fluid-structure interaction problems involving incompressible viscous flows and thin structures. The flow equations are discretised with isoparametric b-spline basis functions defined on a logically Cartesian grid. In addition, the previously proposed subdivision-stabilisation technique is used to ensure inf-sup stability. The beam equations are discretised with b-splines and the shell equations with subdivision basis functions, both leading to a rotation-free formulation. The interface conditions between the fluid and the structure are enforced with the Nitsche technique. The resulting coupled system of equations is solved with a Dirichlet-Robin partitioning scheme, and the fluid equations are solved with a pressure-correction method. Auxiliary techniques employed for improving numerical robustness include the level-set based implicit representation of the structure interface on the fluid grid, a cut-cell integration algorithm based on marching tetrahedra and the conservative data transfer between the fluid and structure discretisations. A number of verification and validation examples, primarily motivated by animal locomotion in air or water, demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our approach. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Motivated by the problem of learning a linear regression model whose parameter is a large fixed-rank non-symmetric matrix, we consider the optimization of a smooth cost function defined on the set of fixed-rank matrices. We adopt the geometric framework of optimization on Riemannian quotient manifolds. We study the underlying geometries of several well-known fixed-rank matrix factorizations and then exploit the Riemannian quotient geometry of the search space in the design of a class of gradient descent and trust-region algorithms. The proposed algorithms generalize our previous results on fixed-rank symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, apply to a broad range of applications, scale to high-dimensional problems, and confer a geometric basis to recent contributions on the learning of fixed-rank non-symmetric matrices. We make connections with existing algorithms in the context of low-rank matrix completion and discuss the usefulness of the proposed framework. Numerical experiments suggest that the proposed algorithms compete with state-of-the-art algorithms and that manifold optimization offers an effective and versatile framework for the design of machine learning algorithms that learn a fixed-rank matrix. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.