20 resultados para Feature scale simulation


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Measurements and predictions are made of a short cowl co-flowing jet with a bypass ratio of 8:1. The Reynolds number for computations and measurements are matched at 300,000 and the Mach numbers representative of realistic jet conditions with core and co flow velocities of 240m/s and 216m/s respectively. The low Reynolds number of the measurements makes the case well suited to the assessment of large eddy resolving computational strategies. Also, the nozzle concentricity was carefully controlled to deal with the emerging metastability issues of jets with coflow. Measurements of mean quantities and turbulence statistics are made using both two dimensional coincident LDA and PIV systems. The computational simulations are completed on a modest 12×106 mesh. The simulation is now being run on a 50×106 mesh using hybrid RANSNLES (Numerical Large Eddy Simulation). Close to the nozzle wall a k-l RANS model is used. For an axisymmetric jet, comparison is made between simulations which use NLES, RANSNLES and also a simple imposed velocity profile where the nozzle is not modeled. The use of a near wall RANS model is shown to be beneficial. When compared with the measurements the NLES results are encouraging. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of Lewis number on turbulent premixed flame interactions is investigated using automatic feature extraction (AFE) applied to high-resolution flame simulation data. Premixed turbulent twin V-flames under identical turbulence conditions are simulated at global Lewis numbers of 0.4, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2. Information on the position, frequency, and magnitude of the interactions is compared, and the sensitivity of the results to sample interval is discussed. It is found that both the frequency and magnitude of normal type interactions increases with decreasing Lewis number. Counternormal type interactions become more likely as the Lewis number increases. The variation in both the frequency and the magnitude of the interactions is found to be caused by large-scale changes in flame wrinkling resulting from differences in the thermo-diffusive stability of the flames. During flame interactions, thermo-diffusive effects are found to be insignificant due to the separation of time scales. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Abstract Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes–LES (RANS–LES) methods are applied to a turbine blade ribbed internal duct with a 180° bend containing 24 pairs of ribs. Flow and heat transfer predictions are compared with experimental data and found to be in agreement. The choice of LES model is found to be of minor importance as the flow is dominated by large geometric scale structures. This is in contrast to several linear and nonlinear RANS models, which display turbulence model sensitivity. For LES, the influence of inlet turbulence is also tested and has a minor impact due to the strong turbulence generated by the ribs. Large scale turbulent motions destroy any classical boundary layer reducing near wall grid requirements. The wake-type flow structure makes this and similar flows nearly Reynolds number independent, allowing a range of flows to be studied at similar cost. Hence LES is a relatively cheap method for obtaining accurate heat transfer predictions in these types of flows.


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We present Multi Scale Shape Index (MSSI), a novel feature for 3D object recognition. Inspired by the scale space filtering theory and Shape Index measure proposed by Koenderink & Van Doorn [6], this feature associates different forms of shape, such as umbilics, saddle regions, parabolic regions to a real valued index. This association is useful for representing an object based on its constituent shape forms. We derive closed form scale space equations which computes a characteristic scale at each 3D point in a point cloud without an explicit mesh structure. This characteristic scale is then used to estimate the Shape Index. We quantitatively evaluate the robustness and repeatability of the MSSI feature for varying object scales and changing point cloud density. We also quantify the performance of MSSI for object category recognition on a publicly available dataset. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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The flame surface density approach to the modeling of premixed turbulent combustion is well established in the context of Reynolds-averaged simulations. For the future, it is necessary to consider large-eddy simulation (LES), which is likely to offer major advantages in terms of physical accuracy, particularly for unsteady combustion problems. LES relies on spatial filtering for the removal of unresolved phenomena whose characteristic length scales are smaller than the computational grid scale. Thus, there is a need for soundly based physical modeling at the subgrid scales. The aim of this paper is to explore the usefulness of the flame surface density concept as a basis for LES modeling of premixed turbulent combustion. A transport equation for the filtered flame surface density is presented, and models are proposed for unclosed terms. Comparison with Reynolds-averaged modeling is shown to reveal some interesting similarities and differences. These were exploited together with known physics and statistical results from experiment and from direct numerical stimulation in order to gain insight and refine the modeling. The model has been implemented in a combustion LES code together with standard models for scalar and momentum transport. Computational results were obtained for a simple three-dimensional flame propagation test problem, and the relative importance of contributing terms in the modeled equation for flame surface density was assessed. Straining and curvature are shown to have a major influence at both the resolved and subgrid levels.