47 resultados para Exponential Sorting


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In previous papers (S. Adhikari and J. Woodhouse 2001 Journal of Sound and Vibration 243, 43-61; 63-88; S. Adhikari and J. Woodhouse 2002 Journal of Sound and Vibration 251, 477-490) methods were proposed to obtain the coefficient matrix for a viscous damping model or a non-viscous damping model with an exponential relaxation function, from measured complex natural frequencies and modes. In all these works, it has been assumed that exact complex natural frequencies and complex modes are known. In reality, this will not be the case. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sensitivity of the identified damping matrices to measurement errors. By using numerical and analytical studies it is shown that the proposed methods can indeed be expected to give useful results from moderately noisy data provided a correct damping model is selected for fitting. Indications are also given of what level of noise in the measured modal properties is needed to mask the true physical behaviour.


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In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time that insulative dielectrophoresis can induce size-dependent trajectories of DNA macromolecules. We experimentally use lambda (48.5 kbp) and T4GT7 (165.6 kbp) DNA molecules flowing continuously around a sharp corner inside fluidic channels with a depth of 0.4 mum. Numerical simulation of the electrokinetic force distribution inside the channels is in qualitative agreement with our experimentally observed trajectories. We discuss a possible physical mechanism for the DNA polarization and dielectrophoresis inside confining channels, based on the observed dielectrophoresis responses due to different DNA sizes and various electric fields applied between the inlet and the outlet. The proposed physical mechanism indicates that further extensive investigations, both theoretically and experimentally, would be very useful to better elucidate the forces involved at DNA dielectrophoresis. When applied for size-based sorting of DNA molecules, our sorting method offers two major advantages compared to earlier attempts with insulative dielectrophoresis: Its continuous operation allows for high-throughput analysis, and it only requires electric field strengths as low as approximately 10 Vcm.


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In this paper, we present the analysis of electroosmotic flow in a branched -turn nanofluidic device, which we developed for detection and sorting of single molecules. The device, where the channel depth is only 150 nm, is designed to optically detect fluorescence from a volume as small as 270 attolitres (al) with a common wide-field fluorescent setup. We use distilled water as the liquid, in which we dilute 110 nm fluorescent beads employed as tracer-particles. Quantitative imaging is used to characterize the pathlines and velocity distribution of the electroosmotic flow in the device. Due to the device's complex geometry, the electroosmotic flow cannot be solved analytically. Therefore we use numerical flow simulation to model our device. Our results show that the deviation between measured and simulated data can be explained by the measured Brownian motion of the tracer-particles, which was not incorporated in the simulation.


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In this paper, we present two classes of Bayesian approaches to the two-sample problem. Our first class of methods extends the Bayesian t-test to include all parametric models in the exponential family and their conjugate priors. Our second class of methods uses Dirichlet process mixtures (DPM) of such conjugate-exponential distributions as flexible nonparametric priors over the unknown distributions.


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A number of biological processes, such as embryo development, cancer metastasis or wound healing, rely on cells moving in concert. The mechanisms leading to the emergence of coordinated motion remain however largely unexplored. Although biomolecular signalling is known to be involved in most occurrences of collective migration, the role of physical and mechanical interactions has only been recently investigated. In this paper, a versatile framework for cell motility is implemented in-silico in order to study the minimal requirements for the coordination of a group of epithelial cells. We find that cell motility and cell-cell mechanical interactions are sufficient to generate a broad array of behaviours commonly observed in vitro and in vivo. Cell streaming, sheet migration and susceptibility to leader cells are examples of behaviours spontaneously emerging from these simple assumptions, which might explain why collective effects are so ubiquitous in nature. This analysis provides also new insights into cancer metastasis and cell sorting, suggesting in particular that collective invasion might result from an emerging coordination in a system where single cells are mechanically unable to invade.


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In this paper we present a new, compact derivation of state-space formulae for the so-called discretisation-based solution of the H∞ sampled-data control problem. Our approach is based on the established technique of continuous time-lifting, which is used to isometrically map the continuous-time, linear, periodically time-varying, sampled-data problem to a discretetime, linear, time-invariant problem. State-space formulae are derived for the equivalent, discrete-time problem by solving a set of two-point, boundary-value problems. The formulae accommodate a direct feed-through term from the disturbance inputs to the controlled outputs of the original plant and are simple, requiring the computation of only a single matrix exponential. It is also shown that the resultant formulae can be easily re-structured to give a numerically robust algorithm for computing the state-space matrices. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The field emission properties of nanostructured carbon films deposited by cathodic vacuum arc in a He atmosphere have been studied by measuring the emission currents and the emission site density. The films have an onset field of ∼ 3 V/μm. The emission site density is viewed on a phosphor anode and it increases rapidly with applied field. It is assumed that the emission occurs from surface regions with a range of field enhancement factors but with a constant work function. The field enhancement factor is found to have an exponential distribution.


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The mixtures of factor analyzers (MFA) model allows data to be modeled as a mixture of Gaussians with a reduced parametrization. We present the formulation of a nonparametric form of the MFA model, the Dirichlet process MFA (DPMFA). The proposed model can be used for density estimation or clustering of high dimensiona data. We utilize the DPMFA for clustering the action potentials of different neurons from extracellular recordings, a problem known as spike sorting. DPMFA model is compared to Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussians model (DPGMM) which has a higher computational complexity. We show that DPMFA has similar modeling performance in lower dimensions when compared to DPGMM, and is able to work in higher dimensions. ©2009 IEEE.


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A two-step viscoelastic spherical indentation method is proposed to compensate for 1) material relaxation and 2) sample thickness. In the first step, the indenter is moved at a constant speed and the reaction force is measured. In the second step, the indenter is held at a constant position and the relaxation response of the material is measured. Then the relaxation response is fit with a multi-exponential function which corresponds to a three-branch general Maxwell model. The relaxation modulus is derived by correcting the finite ramp time introduced in the first step. The proposed model takes into account the sample thickness, which is important for applications in which the sample thickness is less than ten times the indenter radius. The model is validated numerically by finite element simulations. Experiments are carried out on a 10% gelatin phantom and a chicken breast sample with the proposed method. The results for both the gelatin phantom and the chicken breast sample agree with the results obtained from a surface wave method. Both the finite element simulations and experimental results show improved elasticity estimations by incorporating the sample thickness into the model. The measured shear elasticities of the 10% gelatin sample are 6.79 and 6.93 kPa by the proposed finite indentation method at sample thickness of 40 and 20 mm, respectively. The elasticity of the same sample is estimated to be 6.53 kPa by the surface wave method. For the chicken breast sample, the shear elasticity is measured to be 4.51 and 5.17 kPa by the proposed indentation method at sample thickness of 40 and 20 mm, respectively. Its elasticity is measured by the surface wave method to be 4.14 kPa. © 2011 IEEE.


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The exponential increase of industrial demand in the past two decades has led scientists to the development of alternative technologies for the fast manufacturing of engineering components, aside from standard and time consuming techniques such as casting or forging.Cold Spray (CS) is a newly developed manufacturing technique, based upon the deposition of metal powder on a substrate due to high energy particle impacts. In this process, the powder is accelerated up to considerable speed in a converging-diverging nozzle, typically using air, nitrogen or helium as a carrier gas. Recent developments have demonstrated significant process capabilities, from the building of mold-free 3D shapes made of various metals, to low porosity and corrosion resistant titanium coatings.In CS, the particle stream characteristics during the acceleration process are important in relation to the final geometry of the coating. Experimental studies have shown the tendency of particles to spread over the nozzle acceleration channel, resulting in a wide exit stream and in the difficulty of producing narrow tracks.This paper presents an investigation on the powder stream characteristics in CS supersonic nozzles. The powder insertion location was varied within the carrier gas flow, along with the geometry of the powder injector, in order to identify their relation with particle trajectories. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results by Fluent v6.3.26 are presented, along with experimental observations. Different configurations were tested and modeled, giving deposited track geometries of copper and tin ranging from 1. mm to 8. mm in width on metal and polymer substrates. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Interest is growing around the application of lean techniques to new product introduction (NPI). Although a relatively emergent topic compared with the application of 'lean' within the factory, since 2000 there has been an exponential rise in the literature on this subject. However, much of this work focuses on describing and extolling the virtues of the 'Toyota approach' to design. Therefore, by way of a stock take for the UK, the present authors' research has set out to understand how well lean product design practices have been adopted by leading manufacturers. This has been achieved by carrying out in-depth case studies with three carefully selected manufacturers of complex engineered products. This paper describes these studies, the detailed results and subsequent findings, and concludes that both the awareness and adoption of practices is generally embryonic and far removed from the theory advocated in the literature. © IMechE 2007.


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Instability triggering and transient growth of thermoacoustic oscillations were experimentally investigated in combination with linear/nonlinear flame transfer function (FTF) methodology in a model lean-premixed gas turbine combustor operated with CH 4 and air at atmospheric pressure. A fully premixed flame with 10kW thermal power and an equivalence ratio of 0.60 was chosen for detailed characterization of the nonlinear transient behaviors. Flame transfer functions were experimentally determined by simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity fluctuations and heat release rate oscillations using a constant temperature anemometer and OH */CH * chemiluminescence emissions, respectively. The phase-resolved variation of the local flame structure at a limit cycle was measured by planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity, OH */CH * emission, and acoustic pressure were performed to investigate the temporal evolution of the system from a stable to a limit cycle operation. This measurement allows us to describe an unsteady instability triggering event in terms of several distinct stages: (i) initiation of a small perturbation, (ii) exponential amplification, (iii) saturation, (iv) nonlinear evolution of the perturbations towards a new unstable periodic state, (v) quasi-steady low-amplitude periodic oscillation, and (vi) fully-developed high-amplitude limit cycle oscillation. Phase-plane portraits of instantaneous inlet velocity and heat release rate clearly show the presence of two different attractors. Depending on its initial position in phase space at infinitesimally small amplitude, the system evolves towards either a high-amplitude oscillatory state or a low-amplitude oscillatory state. This transient phenomenon was analyzed using frequency- and amplitude-dependent damping mechanisms, and compared to subcritical and supercritical bifurcation theories. The results presented in this paper experimentally demonstrate the hypothesis proposed by Preetham et al. based on analytical and computational solutions of the nonlinear G-equation [J. Propul. Power 24 (2008) 1390-1402]. Good quantitative agreement was obtained between measurements and predictions in terms of the conditions for the onset of triggering and the amplitude of triggered combustion instabilities. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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Noise and vibration from underground railways is a major source of disturbance to inhabitants near subways. To help designers meet noise and vibration limits, numerical models are used to understand vibration propagation from these underground railways. However, the models commonly assume the ground is homogeneous and neglect to include local variability in the soil properties. Such simplifying assumptions add a level of uncertainty to the predictions which is not well understood. The goal of the current paper is to quantify the effect of soil inhomogeneity on surface vibration. The thin-layer method (TLM) is suggested as an efficient and accurate means of simulating vibration from underground railways in arbitrarily layered half-spaces. Stochastic variability of the soils elastic modulus is introduced using a KL expansion; the modulus is assumed to have a log-normal distribution and a modified exponential covariance kernel. The effect of horizontal soil variability is investigated by comparing the stochastic results for soils varied only in the vertical direction to soils with 2D variability. Results suggest that local soil inhomogeneity can significantly affect surface velocity predictions; 90 percent confidence intervals showing 8 dB averages and peak values up to 12 dB are computed. This is a significant source of uncertainty and should be considered when using predictions from models assuming homogeneous soil properties. Furthermore, the effect of horizontal variability of the elastic modulus on the confidence interval appears to be negligible. This suggests that only vertical variation needs to be taken into account when modelling ground vibration from underground railways. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The vibro-acoustic response of built-up structures, consisting of stiff components with low modal density and flexible components with high modal density, is sensitive to small imperfections in the flexible components. In this paper, the uncertainty of the response is considered by modeling the low modal density master system as deterministic and the high modal density subsystems in a nonparametric stochastic way, i.e., carrying a diffuse wave field, and by subsequently computing the response probability density function. The master system's mean squared response amplitude follows a singular noncentral complex Wishart distribution conditional on the subsystem energies. For a single degree of freedom, this is equivalent to a chi-square or an exponential distribution, depending on the loading conditions. The subsystem energies follow approximately a chi-square distribution when their relative variance is smaller than unity. The results are validated by application to plate structures, and good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations is found. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America.


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We consider the general problem of constructing nonparametric Bayesian models on infinite-dimensional random objects, such as functions, infinite graphs or infinite permutations. The problem has generated much interest in machine learning, where it is treated heuristically, but has not been studied in full generality in non-parametric Bayesian statistics, which tends to focus on models over probability distributions. Our approach applies a standard tool of stochastic process theory, the construction of stochastic processes from their finite-dimensional marginal distributions. The main contribution of the paper is a generalization of the classic Kolmogorov extension theorem to conditional probabilities. This extension allows a rigorous construction of nonparametric Bayesian models from systems of finite-dimensional, parametric Bayes equations. Using this approach, we show (i) how existence of a conjugate posterior for the nonparametric model can be guaranteed by choosing conjugate finite-dimensional models in the construction, (ii) how the mapping to the posterior parameters of the nonparametric model can be explicitly determined, and (iii) that the construction of conjugate models in essence requires the finite-dimensional models to be in the exponential family. As an application of our constructive framework, we derive a model on infinite permutations, the nonparametric Bayesian analogue of a model recently proposed for the analysis of rank data.