37 resultados para Employés expatriés


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This paper describes large-scale simulations of compressible flows over a supersonic disk-gap-band parachute system. An adaptive mesh refinement method is used to resolve the coupled fluid-structure model. The fluid model employs large-eddy simulation to describe the turbulent wakes appearing upstream and downstream of the parachute canopy and the structural model employed a thin-shell finite element solver that allows large canopy deformations by using subdivision finite elements. The fluid-structure interaction is described by a variant of the Ghost-Fluid method. The simulation was carried out at Mach number 1.96 where strong nonlinear coupling between the system of bow shocks, turbulent wake and canopy is observed. It was found that the canopy oscillations were characterized by a breathing type motion due to the strong interaction of the turbulent wake and bow shock upstream of the flexible canopy. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.


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PiP software is a powerful computational tool for calculating vibration from underground railways and for assessing the performance of vibration countermeasures. The software has a user-friendly interface and it uses the state-of-the-art techniques to perform quick calculations for the problem. The software employs a model of a slab track coupled to a circular tunnel embedded in the ground. The software calculates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the vertical displacement at any selected point in the soil. Excitation is assumed to be due to an infinitely-long train moving on a slab-track supported at the tunnel bed. The PSD is calculated for a roughness excitation of a unit value (i.e. "white noise"). The software also calculates the Insertion Gain (IG) which is the ratio between the PSD displacement after and before changing parameters of the track, tunnel or soil. Version 4 of the software accounts for important developments of the numerical model. The tunnel wall is modelled as a thick shell (using the elastic continuum theory) rather than a thin shell. More importantly, the numerical model accounts now for a tunnel embedded in a half space rather than a full space as done in the previous versions. The software can now be used to calculate vibration due to a number of typical PSD roughnesses for rails in good, average and bad conditions.


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In this paper, a novel cortex-inspired feed-forward hierarchical object recognition system based on complex wavelets is proposed and tested. Complex wavelets contain three key properties for object representation: shift invariance, which enables the extraction of stable local features; good directional selectivity, which simplifies the determination of image orientations; and limited redundancy, which allows for efficient signal analysis using the multi-resolution decomposition offered by complex wavelets. In this paper, we propose a complete cortex-inspired object recognition system based on complex wavelets. We find that the implementation of the HMAX model for object recognition in [1, 2] is rather over-complete and includes too much redundant information and processing. We have optimized the structure of the model to make it more efficient. Specifically, we have used the Caltech 5 standard dataset to compare with Serre's model in [2] (which employs Gabor filter bands). Results demonstrate that the complex wavelet model achieves a speed improvement of about 4 times over the Serre model and gives comparable recognition performance. © 2011 IEEE.


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The objective of this paper is to propose a signal processing scheme that employs subspace-based spectral analysis for the purpose of formant estimation of speech signals. Specifically, the scheme is based on decimative spectral estimation that uses Eigenanalysis and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition). The underlying model assumes a decomposition of the processed signal into complex damped sinusoids. In the case of formant tracking, the algorithm is applied on a small amount of the autocorrelation coefficients of a speech frame. The proposed scheme is evaluated on both artificial and real speech utterances from the TIMIT database. For the first case, comparative results to standard methods are provided which indicate that the proposed methodology successfully estimates formant trajectories.


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There are over 600,000 bridges in the US, and not all of them can be inspected and maintained within the specified time frame. This is because manually inspecting bridges is a time-consuming and costly task, and some state Departments of Transportation (DOT) cannot afford the essential costs and manpower. In this paper, a novel method that can detect large-scale bridge concrete columns is proposed for the purpose of eventually creating an automated bridge condition assessment system. The method employs image stitching techniques (feature detection and matching, image affine transformation and blending) to combine images containing different segments of one column into a single image. Following that, bridge columns are detected by locating their boundaries and classifying the material within each boundary in the stitched image. Preliminary test results of 114 concrete bridge columns stitched from 373 close-up, partial images of the columns indicate that the method can correctly detect 89.7% of these elements, and thus, the viability of the application of this research.


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Manually inspecting bridges is a time-consuming and costly task. There are over 600,000 bridges in the US, and not all of them can be inspected and maintained within the specified time frame as some state DOTs cannot afford the essential costs and manpower. This paper presents a novel method that can detect bridge concrete columns from visual data for the purpose of eventually creating an automated bridge condition assessment system. The method employs SIFT feature detection and matching to find overlapping areas among images. Affine transformation matrices are then calculated to combine images containing different segments of one column into a single image. Following that, the bridge columns are detected by identifying the boundaries in the stitched image and classifying the material within each boundary. Preliminary test results using real bridge images indicate that most columns in stitched images can be correctly detected and thus, the viability of the application of this research.


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Vision trackers have been proposed as a promising alternative for tracking at large-scale, congested construction sites. They provide the location of a large number of entities in a camera view across frames. However, vision trackers provide only two-dimensional (2D) pixel coordinates, which are not adequate for construction applications. This paper proposes and validates a method that overcomes this limitation by employing stereo cameras and converting 2D pixel coordinates to three-dimensional (3D) metric coordinates. The proposed method consists of four steps: camera calibration, camera pose estimation, 2D tracking, and triangulation. Given that the method employs fixed, calibrated stereo cameras with a long baseline, appropriate algorithms are selected for each step. Once the first two steps reveal camera system parameters, the third step determines 2D pixel coordinates of entities in subsequent frames. The 2D coordinates are triangulated on the basis of the camera system parameters to obtain 3D coordinates. The methodology presented in this paper has been implemented and tested with data collected from a construction site. The results demonstrate the suitability of this method for on-site tracking purposes.


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We derive a random-coding upper bound on the average probability of error of joint source-channel coding that recovers Csiszár's error exponent when used with product distributions over the channel inputs. Our proof technique for the error probability analysis employs a code construction for which source messages are assigned to subsets and codewords are generated with a distribution that depends on the subset. © 2012 IEEE.


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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are becoming increasingly widespread with the advent of more powerful computers and more sophisticated software. The aim of these developments is to facilitate more accurate reactor design and optimization methods compared to traditional lumped-parameter models. However, in order for CFD to be a trusted method, it must be validated using experimental data acquired at sufficiently high spatial resolution. This article validates an in-house CFD code by comparison with flow-field data obtained using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for a packed bed with a particle-to-column diameter ratio of 2. Flows characterized by inlet Reynolds numbers, based on particle diameter, of 27, 55, 111, and 216 are considered. The code used employs preconditioning to directly solve for pressure in low-velocity flow regimes. Excellent agreement was found between the MRI and CFD data with relative error between the experimentally determined and numerically predicted flow-fields being in the range of 3-9%. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).


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Several equations of state (EOS) have been incorporated into a novel algorithm to solve a system of multi-phase equations in which all phases are assumed to be compressible to varying degrees. The EOSs are used to both supply functional relationships to couple the conservative variables to the primitive variables and to calculate accurately thermodynamic quantities of interest, such as the speed of sound. Each EOS has a defined balance of accuracy, robustness and computational speed; selection of an appropriate EOS is generally problem-dependent. This work employs an AUSM+-up method for accurate discretisation of the convective flux terms with modified low-Mach number dissipation for added robustness of the solver. In this paper we show a newly-developed time-marching formulation for temporal discretisation of the governing equations with incorporated time-dependent source terms, as well as considering the system of eigenvalues that render the governing equations hyperbolic.


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This paper describes a methodology that enables fast and reasonably accurate prediction of the reliability of power electronic modules featuring IGBTs and p-i-n diodes, by taking into account thermo-mechanical failure mechanisms of the devices and their associated packaging. In brief, the proposed simulation framework performs two main tasks which are tightly linked together: (i) the generation of the power devices' transient thermal response for realistic long load cycles and (ii) the prediction of the power modules' lifetime based on the obtained temperature profiles. In doing so the first task employs compact, physics-based device models, power losses lookup tables and polynomials and combined material-failure and thermal modelling, while the second task uses advanced reliability tests for failure mode and time-to-failure estimation. The proposed technique is intended to be utilised as a design/optimisation tool for reliable power electronic converters, since it allows easy and fast investigation of the effects that changes in circuit topology or devices' characteristics and packaging have on the reliability of the employed power electronic modules. © 2012 IEEE.


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Statistical approaches for building non-rigid deformable models, such as the Active Appearance Model (AAM), have enjoyed great popularity in recent years, but typically require tedious manual annotation of training images. In this paper, a learning based approach for the automatic annotation of visually deformable objects from a single annotated frontal image is presented and demonstrated on the example of automatically annotating face images that can be used for building AAMs for fitting and tracking. This approach employs the idea of initially learning the correspondences between landmarks in a frontal image and a set of training images with a face in arbitrary poses. Using this learner, virtual images of unseen faces at any arbitrary pose for which the learner was trained can be reconstructed by predicting the new landmark locations and warping the texture from the frontal image. View-based AAMs are then built from the virtual images and used for automatically annotating unseen images, including images of different facial expressions, at any random pose within the maximum range spanned by the virtually reconstructed images. The approach is experimentally validated by automatically annotating face images from three different databases. © 2009 IEEE.


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A novel mechanical method of achieving a rapid switch between stoichiometric and lean conditions for SI engines is explored. Two and three throttle configurations, a switch strategy which employs a standard intake manifold and an assembly of pipes and throttle(s), are investigated numerically by using a one-dimensional engine simulation program based on the method of characteristics. The results indicate that it is possible to achieve rapid AFR switch without a torque jump, i.e. unperceptible to the driver. © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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We present a moving mesh method suitable for solving two-dimensional and axisymmetric three-liquid flows with triple junction points. This method employs a body-fitted unstructured mesh where the interfaces between liquids are lines of the mesh system, and the triple junction points (if exist) are mesh nodes. To enhance the accuracy and the efficiency of the method, the mesh is constantly adapted to the evolution of the interfaces by refining and coarsening the mesh locally; dynamic boundary conditions on interfaces, in particular the triple points, are therefore incorporated naturally and accurately in a Finite- Element formulation. In order to allow pressure discontinuity across interfaces, double-values of pressure are necessary for interface nodes and triple-values of pressure on triple junction points. The resulting non-linear system of mass and momentum conservation is then solved by an Uzawa method, with the zero resultant condition on triple points reinforced at each time step. The method is used to investigate the rising of a liquid drop with an attached bubble in a lighter liquid.


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This paper employs dissipativity theory for the global analysis of limit cycles in particular dynamical systems of possibly high dimension. Oscillators are regarded as open systems that satisfy a particular dissipation inequality. It is shown that this characterization has implications for the global stability analysis of limit cycle oscillations: i) in isolated oscillators, ii) in interconnections of oscillators, and iii) for the global synchrony analysis in interconnections of identical oscillators. © 2007 IEEE.