25 resultados para CLADDING


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Optical switching functionality is demonstrated in PCB integrated multimode passive polymer waveguides using a localised liquid-crystal cladding structure. Waveguide switching contrast of 15 dB is achieved with only 0.5 dB of on-state excess loss. © 2009 OSA.


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Thick metal coatings are currently deposited via two well established routes, Laser or arc based cladding, and thermal spray. A new coating technique known as Laser-assisted Cold Spray (LCS), which aims to expand on the capabilities of the two process routes currently available, is under development at the University of Cambridge in the UK. LCS is a development of the Cold Spray process (CS) in which coatings are built up from powder particles which are entrained within a gas stream and accelerated through a de Laval nozzle, impacting the substrate at supersonic speeds that exceed a material dependent critical velocity.


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The maintenance of the growth of the multibillion-dollar semiconductor industry requires the development of techniques for the fabrication and characterisation of nanoscale devices. Consequently, there is great interest in photolithography techniques such as extreme UV and x-ray. Both of these techniques are extremely expensive and technologically very demanding. In this paper we describe research on the feasibility of exploiting x-ray propagation within carbon nanotubes (CNT's) for the fabrication and characterisation of nanoscale devices. This work discusses the parameters determining the design space available. To demonstrate experimentally the feasibility of x-ray propagation, arrays of carbon nanotubes have been grown on silicon membranes. The latter are required to provide structural support for the CNT's while minimising energy loss. To form a waveguide metal is deposited between the nanotubes to block x-ray transmission in this region at the same time as cladding the CNT's. The major challenge has been to fill the spaces between the CNT's with material of sufficient thickness to block x-ray transmission while maintaining the structural integrity of the CNT's. Various techniques have been employed to fill the gaps between the nanotubes including electroplating, sputtering and evaporation. This work highlights challenges encountered in optimising the process.


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Achieving higher particles energies and beam powers have long been the main focus of research in accelerator technology. Since Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors (ADSRs) have become the subject of increasing interest, accelerator reliability and modes of operation have become important matters that require further research and development in order to accommodate the engineering and economic needs of ADSRs. This paper focuses on neutronic and thermo-mechanical analyses of accelerator-induced transients in an ADSR. Such transients fall into three main categories: beam interruptions (trips), pulsed-beam operation, and beam overpower. The concept of a multiple-target ADSR is shown to increase system reliability and to mitigate the negative effects of beam interruptions, such as thermal cyclic fatigue in the fuel cladding and the huge financial cost of total power loss. This work also demonstrates the effectiveness of the temperature-to-reactivity feedback mechanisms in ADSRs. A comparison of shutdown mechanisms using control rods and beam cut-off highlights the intrinsic safety features of ADSRs. It is evident that the presence of control rods is crucial in an industrial-scale ADSR. This paper also proposes a method to monitor core reactivity online using the repetitive pattern of beam current fluctuations in a pulsed-beam operation mode. Results were produced using PTS-ADS, a computer code developed specifically to study the dynamic neutronic and thermal responses to beam transients in subcritical reactor systems. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) concept is based on the coupling of a particle accelerator to a subcritical reactor core by means of a neutron spallation target interface. This paper investigates the benefits of multiple spallation targets in ADSRs. The motivation behind this is, firstly, to improve the overall reliability of the accelerator-reactor system, and, secondly, to evaluate other potential advantages such as lower beam power requirements. The results show that a system containing two or three spallation targets, coupled to independent accelerators, offers better neutronic performance. This is demonstrated through the increased effective multiplication factor (keff) in the two- and three-target configurations and a more uniform neutron flux distribution. A multiple-target ADSR also proves effective in mitigating the impact of frequent beam interruptions, a pressing issue that needs to be addressed for the ADSR concept to advance. Assuming no simultaneous beam shutdowns, the two- and three-target configurations reduce the risk of fuel cladding failure due to thermal cyclic fatigue. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we performed an evaluation of decay heat power of advanced, fast spectrum, lead and molten salt-cooled reactors, with flexible conversion ratio. The decay heat power was calculated using the BGCore computer code, which explicitly tracks over 1700 isotopes in the fuel throughout its burnup and subsequent decay. In the first stage, the capability of the BGCore code to accurately predict the decay heat power was verified by performing a benchmark calculation for a typical UO2 fuel in a Pressurized Water Reactor environment against the (ANSI/ANS-5.1-2005, "Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors," American National Standard) standard. Very good agreement (within 5%) between the two methods was obtained. Once BGCore calculation capabilities were verified, we calculated decay power for fast reactors with different coolants and conversion ratios, for which no standard procedure is currently available. Notable differences were observed for the decay power of the advanced reactor as compared with the conventional UO2 LWR. The importance of the observed differences was demonstrated by performing a simulation of a Station Blackout transient with the RELAP5 computer code for a lead-cooled fast reactor. The simulation was performed twice: using the code-default ANS-79 decay heat curve and using the curve calculated specifically for the studied core by BGCore code. The differences in the decay heat power resulted in failure to meet maximum cladding temperature limit criteria by ∼100 °C in the latter case, while in the transient simulation with the ANS-79 decay heat curve, all safety limits were satisfied. The results of this study show that the design of new reactor safety systems must be based on decay power curves specific to each individual case in order to assure the desired performance of these systems. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conceptual designs of lead-cooled and liquid salt-cooled fast flexible conversion ratio reactors were developed. The performance achievable by the unity conversion ratio cores of these reactors was compared to an existing supercritical carbon dioxide-cooled (S-CO2) fast reactor design and an uprated version of an existing sodium-cooled fast reactor. All concepts have cores rated at 2400 MWt. The cores of the liquid-cooled reactors are placed in a large-pool-type vessel with dual-free level, which also contains four intermediate heat exchangers (IHXs) coupling a primary coolant to a compact and efficient supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle power conversion system. The S-CO2 reactor is directly coupled to the S-CO2 Brayton cycle power conversion system. Decay heat is removed passively using an enhanced reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system (RVACS) and a passive secondary auxiliary cooling system (PSACS). The selection of the water-cooled versus air-cooled heat sink for the PSACS as well as the analysis of the probability that the PSACS may fail to complete its mission was performed using risk-informed methodology. In addition to these features, all reactors were designed to be self-controllable. Further, the liquid-cooled reactors utilized common passive decay heat removal systems whereas the S-CO2 uses reliable battery powered blowers for post-LOCA decay heat removal to provide flow in well defined regimes and to accommodate inadvertent bypass flows. The multiple design limits and challenges which constrained the execution of the four fast reactor concepts are elaborated. These include principally neutronics and materials challenges. The neutronic challenges are the large positive coolant reactivity feedback, small fuel temperature coefficient, small effective delayed neutron fraction, large reactivity swing and the transition between different conversion ratio cores. The burnup, temperature and fluence constraints on fuels, cladding and vessel materials are elaborated for three categories of material - materials currently available, available on a relatively short time scale and available only with significant development effort. The selected fuels are the metallic U-TRU-Zr (10% Zr) for unity conversion ratio and TRU-Zr (75% Zr) for zero conversion ratio. The principal selected cladding and vessel materials are HT-9 and A533 or A508, respectively, for current availability, T-91 and 9Cr-1Mo steel for relatively short-term availability and oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel (ODS) available only with significant development. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reprocessing of Light Water Reactor (LWR) spent fuel to recover plutonium or transuranics for use in Sodium cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) is a distant prospect in the U.S.A. This has motivated our evaluation of potentially cost-effective operation of uranium startup fast reactors (USFRs) in a once-through mode. This review goes beyond findings reported earlier based on a UC fueled MgO reflected SFR to describe a broader parametric study of options. Cores were evaluated for a variety of fuel/coolant/reflector combinations: UC/UZr/UO 2/UN;Na/Pb; MgO/SS/Zr. The challenge is achieving high burnup while minimizing enrichment and respecting both cladding fluence/dpa and reactivity lifetime limits. These parametric studies show that while UC fuel is still the leading contender, UO 2 fuel and ZrH 1.7 moderated metallic fuel are also attractive if UC proves to be otherwise inadequate. Overall, these findings support the conclusion that a competitive fuel cycle cost and uranium utilization compared to LWRs is possible for SFRs operated on a once-through uranium fueled fuel cycle. In addition, eventual transition to TRU recycle mode is studied, as is a small test reactor to demonstrate key features.


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A thorium-based fuel cycle for light water reactors will reduce the plutonium generation rate and enhance the proliferation resistance of the spent fuel. However, priming the thorium cycle with 235U is necessary, and the 235U fraction in the uranium must be limited to below 20% to minimize proliferation concerns. Thus, a once-through thorium-uranium dioxide (ThO2-UO2) fuel cycle of no less than 25% uranium becomes necessary for normal pressurized water reactor (PWR) operating cycle lengths. Spatial separation of the uranium and thorium parts of the fuel can improve the achievable burnup of the thorium-uranium fuel designs through more effective breeding of 233U from the 232Th. Focus is on microheterogeneous fuel designs for PWRs, where the spatial separation of the uranium and thorium is on the order of a few millimetres to a few centimetres, including duplex pellet, axially microheterogeneous fuel, and a checkerboard of uranium and thorium pins. A special effort was made to understand the underlying reactor physics mechanisms responsible for enhancing the achievable burnup at spatial separation of the two fuels. The neutron spectral shift was identified as the primary reason for the enhancement of burnup capabilities. Mutual resonance shielding of uranium and thorium is also a factor; however, it is small in magnitude. It is shown that the microheterogeneous fuel can achieve higher burnups, by up to 15%, than the reference all-uranium fuel. However, denaturing of the 233U in the thorium portion of the fuel with small amounts of uranium significantly impairs this enhancement. The denaturing is also necessary to meet conventional PWR thermal limits by improving the power share of the thorium region at the beginning of fuel irradiation. Meeting thermal-hydraulic design requirements by some of the microheterogeneous fuels while still meeting or exceeding the burnup of the all-uranium case is shown to be potentially feasible. However, the large power imbalance between the uranium and thorium regions creates several design challenges, such as higher fission gas release and cladding temperature gradients. A reduction of plutonium generation by a factor of 3 in comparison with all-uranium PWR fuel using the same initial 235U content was estimated. In contrast to homogeneously mixed U-Th fuel, microheterogeneous fuel has a potential for economic performance comparable to the all-UO2 fuel provided that the microheterogeneous fuel incremental manufacturing costs are negligibly small.


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We investigate how growth parameters may be chosen to obtain high quality GaAs nanowires suitable for optoelectronic device applications. Growth temperature and precursor flows have a significant effect on the morphology, crystallographic quality, intrinsic doping and optical properties of the resulting nanowires. Significantly, we find that low growth temperature and high arsine flow rate improve nanowire optical properties, reduce carbon impurity incorporation and drastically reduce planar crystallographic defects. Additionally, cladding the GaAs nanowire cores in an AlGaAs shell enhances emission efficiency. These high quality nanowires should create new opportunities for optoelectronic devices. © 2008 IEEE.