54 resultados para Building energy simulations


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This paper presents the development of a new building physics and energy supply systems simulation platform. It has been adapted from both existing commercial models and empirical works, but designed to provide expedient exhaustive simulation of all salient types of energy- and carbon-reducing retrofit options. These options may include any combination of behavioural measures, building fabric and equipment upgrades, improved HVAC control strategies, or novel low-carbon energy supply technologies. We provide a methodological description of the proposed model, followed by two illustrative case studies of the tool when used to investigate retrofit options of a mixed-use office building and primary school in the UK. It is not the intention of this paper, nor would it be feasible, to provide a complete engineering decomposition of the proposed model, describing all calculation processes in detail. Instead, this paper concentrates on presenting the particular engineering aspects of the model which steer away from conventional practise. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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The diversity of non-domestic buildings at urban scale poses a number of difficulties to develop models for large scale analysis of the stock. This research proposes a probabilistic, engineering-based, bottom-up model to address these issues. In a recent study we classified London's non-domestic buildings based on the service they provide, such as offices, retail premise, and schools, and proposed the creation of one probabilistic representational model per building type. This paper investigates techniques for the development of such models. The representational model is a statistical surrogate of a dynamic energy simulation (ES) model. We first identify the main parameters affecting energy consumption in a particular building sector/type by using sampling-based global sensitivity analysis methods, and then generate statistical surrogate models of the dynamic ES model within the dominant model parameters. Given a sample of actual energy consumption for that sector, we use the surrogate model to infer the distribution of model parameters by inverse analysis. The inferred distributions of input parameters are able to quantify the relative benefits of alternative energy saving measures on an entire building sector with requisite quantification of uncertainties. Secondary school buildings are used for illustrating the application of this probabilistic method. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A scalable monolithically integrated photonic space switch is proposed which uses a combination of Mach-Zehnder modulators and semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) for improved crosstalk performance and reduced switch loss. This architecture enables the design of high-capacity, high-speed, large-port count, low-energy switches. Extremely low crosstalk of better than -50 dB can be achieved using a 2 × 2 dilated hybrid switch module. A 'building block' approach is applied to make large port count optical switches possible. Detailed physical layer multiwavelength simulations are used to investigate the viability of a 64 × 64 port switch. Optical signal degradation is estimated as a function of switch size and waveguide induced crosstalk. A comparison between hybrid and SOA switching fabrics highlights the power-efficient, high-performance nature of the hybrid switch design, which consumes less than one-third of the energy of an equivalent SOA-based switch. The significantly reduced impairments resulting from this switch design enable scaling of the port count, compared to conventional SOA-based switches. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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The plastic collapse response of aluminium egg-box panels subjected to out-of-plane compression has been measured and modelled. It is observed that the collapse strength and energy absorption are sensitive to the level of in-plane constraint, with collapse dictated either by plastic buckling or by a travelling plastic knuckle mechanism. Drop weight tests have been performed at speeds of up to 6 m s-1, and an elevation in strength with impact velocity is noted. A 3D finite element shell model is needed in order to reproduce the observed behaviours. Additional calculations using an axisymmetric finite element model give the correct collapse modes but are less accurate than the more sophisticated 3D model. The finite element simulations suggest that the observed velocity dependence of strength is primarily due to strain-rate sensitivity of the aluminium sheet, with material inertia playing a negligible role. Finally, it is shown that the energy absorption capacity of the egg-box material is comparable to that of metallic foams. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with the response statistics of a dynamic system that has random properties. The frequency-band-averaged energy of the system is considered, and a closed form expression is derived for the relative variance of this quantity. The expression depends upon three parameters: the modal overlap factor m, a bandwidth parameter B, and a parameter α that defines the nature of the loading (for example single point forcing or rain-on-the-roof loading). The result is applicable to any single structural component or acoustic volume, and a comparison is made here with simulation results for a mass loaded plate. Good agreement is found between the simulations and the theory. © 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The work in this paper forms part of a project on the use of large eddy simulation (LES) for broadband rotor-stator interaction noise prediction. Here we focus on LES of the flow field near a fan blade trailing edge. The first part of the paper aims to evaluate LES suitability for predicting the near-field velocity field for a blunt NACA-0012 airfoil at moderate Reynolds numbers (2× 10 5 and 4× 10 5). Preliminary computations of turbulent mean and root-mean-square velocities, as well as energy spectra at the trailing edge, are compared with those from a recent experiment.1 The second part of the paper describes preliminary progress on an LES calculation of the fan wakes on a fan rig. 2 The CFD code uses a mixed element unstructured mesh with a median dual control volume. A wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity sub-grid scale model is employed. A very small amount of numerical dissipation is added in the numerical scheme to keep the compressible solver stable. Further results for the fan turbulentmean and RMS velocity, and especially the aeroacoustics field will be presented at a later stage. Copyright © 2008 by Qinling LI, Nigel Peake & Mark Savill.


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This paper is concerned with the ensemble statistics of the response to harmonic excitation of a single dynamic system such as a plate or an acoustic volume. Random point process theory is employed, and various statistical assumptions regarding the system natural frequencies are compared, namely: (i) Poisson natural frequency spacings, (ii) statistically independent Rayleigh natural frequency spacings, and (iii) natural frequency spacings conforming to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE). The GOE is found to be the most realistic assumption, and simple formulae are derived for the variance of the energy of the system under either point loading or rain-on-the-roof excitation. The theoretical results are compared favourably with numerical simulations and experimental data for the case of a mass loaded plate. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A direct comparison between time resolved PLIF measurements of OH and two dimensional slices from a full three dimensional DNS data set of turbulent premixed flame kernels in lean methane/air mixture was presented. The local flame structure and the degree of flame wrinkling were examined in response to differing turbulence intensities and turbulent Reynolds numbers. Simulations were performed using the SEGA DNS code, which is based on the solution of the compressible Navier Stokes, species, and energy equations for a lean hydrocarbon mixture. For the OH PLIF measurements, a cluster of four Nd:YAG laser was fired sequentially at high repetition rates and used to pump a dye laser. The frequency doubled laser beam was formed into a sheet of 40 mm height using a cylindrical telescope. The combination of PLIF and DNS has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for flame analysis. This research will form the basis for the development of sub-grid-scale (SGS) models for LES of lean-premixed combustion systems such as gas turbines. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 30th International Symposium on Combustion (Chicago, IL 7/25-30/2004).