26 resultados para Analogy


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A computer can assist the process of design by analogy by recording past designs. The experience these represent could be much wider than that of designers using the system, who therefore need to identify potential cases of interest. If the computer assists with this lookup, the designers can concentrate on the more interesting aspect of extracting and using the ideas which are found. However, as the knowledge base grows it becomes ever harder to find relevant cases using a keyword indexing scheme without knowing precisely what to look for. Therefore a more flexible searching system is needed.

If a similarity measure can be defined for the features of the designs, then it is possible to match and cluster them. Using a simple measure like co-occurrence of features within a particular case would allow this to happen without human intervention, which is tedious and time- consuming. Any knowledge that is acquired about how features are related to each other will be very shallow: it is not intended as a cognitive model for how humans understand, learn, or retrieve information, but more an attempt to make effective, efficient use of the information available. The question remains of whether such shallow knowledge is sufficient for the task.

A system to retrieve information from a large database is described. It uses co-occurrences to relate keywords to each other, and then extends search queries with similar words. This seems to make relevant material more accessible, providing hope that this retrieval technique can be applied to a broader knowledge base.


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To calculate the noise emanating from a turbulent flow using an acoustic analogy knowledge concerning the unsteady characteristics of the turbulence is required. Specifically, the form of the turbulent correlation tensor together with various time and length-scales are needed. However, if a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stores calculation is used as the starting point then one can only obtain steady characteristics of the flow and it is necessary to model the unsteady behavior in some way. While there has been considerable attention given to the correct way to model the form of the correlation tensor less attention has been given to the underlying physics that dictate the proper choice of time-scale. In this paper the authors recognize that there are several time dependent processes occurring within a turbulent flow and propose a new way of obtaining the time-scale. Isothermal single-stream flow jets with Mach numbers 0.75 and 0.90 have been chosen for the present study. The Mani-Gliebe-Balsa-Khavaran method has been used for prediction of noise at different angles, and there is good agreement between the noise predictions and observations. Furthermore, the new time-scale has an inherent frequency dependency that arises naturally from the underlying physics, thus avoiding supplementary mathematical enhancements needed in previous modeling.


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We present the results of a computational study of the post-processed Galerkin methods put forward by Garcia-Archilla et al. applied to the non-linear von Karman equations governing the dynamic response of a thin cylindrical panel periodically forced by a transverse point load. We spatially discretize the shell using finite differences to produce a large system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). By analogy with spectral non-linear Galerkin methods we split this large system into a 'slowly' contracting subsystem and a 'quickly' contracting subsystem. We then compare the accuracy and efficiency of (i) ignoring the dynamics of the 'quick' system (analogous to a traditional spectral Galerkin truncation and sometimes referred to as 'subspace dynamics' in the finite element community when applied to numerical eigenvectors), (ii) slaving the dynamics of the quick system to the slow system during numerical integration (analogous to a non-linear Galerkin method), and (iii) ignoring the influence of the dynamics of the quick system on the evolution of the slow system until we require some output, when we 'lift' the variables from the slow system to the quick using the same slaving rule as in (ii). This corresponds to the post-processing of Garcia-Archilla et al. We find that method (iii) produces essentially the same accuracy as method (ii) but requires only the computational power of method (i) and is thus more efficient than either. In contrast with spectral methods, this type of finite-difference technique can be applied to irregularly shaped domains. We feel that post-processing of this form is a valuable method that can be implemented in computational schemes for a wide variety of partial differential equations (PDEs) of practical importance.


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A novel test method for the characterisation of flexible forming processes is proposed and applied to four flexible forming processes: Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF), conventional spinning, the English wheel and power hammer. The proposed method is developed in analogy with time-domain control engineering, where a system is characterised by its impulse response. The spatial impulse response is used to characterise the change in workpiece deformation created by a process, but has also been applied with a strain spectrogram, as a novel way to characterise a process and the physical effect it has on the workpiece. Physical and numerical trials to study the effects of process and material parameters on spatial impulse response lead to three main conclusions. Incremental sheet forming is particularly sensitive to process parameters. The English wheel and power hammer are strongly similar and largely insensitive to both process and material parameters. Spinning develops in two stages and is sensitive to most process parameters, but insensitive to prior deformation. Finally, the proposed method could be applied to modelling, classification of existing and novel processes, product-process matching and closed-loop control of flexible forming processes. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Discrete particle simulations of column of an aggregate of identical particles impacting a rigid, fixed target and a rigid, movable target are presented with the aim to understand the interaction of an aggregate of particles upon a structure. In most cases the column of particles is constrained against lateral expansion. The pressure exerted by the particles upon the fixed target (and the momentum transferred) is independent of the co-efficient of restitution and friction co-efficient between the particles but are strongly dependent upon the relative density of the particles in the column. There is a mild dependence on the contact stiffness between the particles which controls the elastic deformation of the densified aggregate of particles. In contrast, the momentum transfer to a movable target is strongly sensitive to the mass ratio of column to target. The impact event can be viewed as an inelastic collision between the sand column and the target with an effective co-efficient of restitution between 0 and 0.35 depending upon the relative density of the column. We present a foam analogy where impact of the aggregate of particles can be modelled by the impact of an equivalent foam projectile. The calculations on the equivalent projectile are significantly less intensive computationally and yet give predictions to within 5% of the full discrete particle calculations. They also suggest that "model" materials can be used to simulate the loading by an aggregate of particles within a laboratory setting. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The concept of sustainable manufacturing is a form of pollution prevention that integrates environmental considerations in the production of goods while focusing on efficient resource use. Taking the industrial ecology perspective, this efficiency comes from improved resource flow management. The assessment of material, energy and waste resource flows, therefore, offers a route to viewing and analysing a manufacturing system as an ecosystem using industrial ecology biological analogy and can, in turn, support the identification of improvement opportunities in the material, energy and waste flows. This application of industrial ecology at factory level is absent from the literature. This article provides a prototype methodology to apply the concepts of industrial ecology using material, energy and waste process flows to address this gap in the literature. Various modelling techniques were reviewed and candidates selected to test the prototype methodology in an industrial case. The application of the prototype methodology showed the possibility of using the material, energy and waste resource flows through the factory to link manufacturing operations and supporting facilities, and to identify potential improvements in resource use. The outcomes of the work provide a basis to build the specifications for a modelling tool that can support those analysing their manufacturing system to improve their environmental performance and move towards sustainable manufacturing. © IMechE 2012.


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A review of computational aeroacoustics (CCA) was made for application in electronics cooler noise. Computational aeroacoustics encompasses all numerical methods where the purposes is to predict the noise emissions from a simulated flow. Numerical simulation of the flow inside and around heat sinks and fans can lead to a prediction of the emitted noise while they are still in the design phase. Direct CCA is theoretically the best way to predict flow-based acoustic phenomena numerically. It is typically used only for low-frequency sound prediction. The boundary element method offers low computational cost and does not use a computational grid, but instead use vortex-surface calculations to determine tonal noise. Axial fans are commonly used to increase the airflow and thus the heat transfer over the heat sinks within the computer cases. Very detailed source simulations in the fan and heat sink region coupled with the use of analogy methods could result in excellent simulation results with a reasonable computational effort.


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We provide feedback control laws to stabilize formations of multiple, unit speed particles on smooth, convex, and closed curves with definite curvature. As in previous work we exploit an analogy with coupled phase oscillators to provide controls which isolate symmetric particle formations that are invariant to rigid translation of all the particles. In this work, we do not require all particles to be able to communicate; rather we assume that inter-particle communication is limited and can be modeled by a fixed, connected, and undirected graph. Because of their unique spectral properties, the Laplacian matrices of circulant graphs play a key role. The methodology is demonstrated using a superellipse, which is a type of curve that includes circles, ellipses, and rounded rectangles. These results can be used in applications involving multiple autonomous vehicles that travel at constant speed around fixed beacons. ©2006 IEEE.


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Within strategic technology management and innovation, often stakeholders extrapolate past industry dynamics, trends and patterns into the future. One frequently used concept is that of 'lifecycles' - an analogy of a sequence of stages encountered by living organisms. Lifecycle terms - such as technology, product, industry - are frequently used interchangeably and without clear definition. Within the interdisciplinary context of technology management and forecasting, this juxtaposition of dynamics can create confusion rather than simplification. This paper explores some of the dynamics typically associated with technology-based industries, illustrated with data from the early US automotive industry. A wide range of dimensions are seen to have potential to influence the path of industry development, and technology roadmapping architecture is used to present a simplified visualisation of some of these. Stakeholders need to consider the units of analysis, causality and synchronicity of relevant different dynamics, rather than isolated lifecycles. Some graphical curves represent simple aggregation of components; other dynamics have significant impact, but incur time lags, rather than being superimposed. To optimise alignment of the important dimensions within any technology development, and for future strategy decisions, understanding these interactions is critical. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The present study aims at investigating the effect of a swirling mean flow and a lined annular duct on rotor trailing-edge noise. The objectives are to investigate these effects on the eigenvalues and a tailored Green's function on one hand and on the realistic case of the fan trailing-edge noise on the other hand. Indeed, the mean flow in between the rotor and the stator of the fan is highly swirling. Moreover, interstage liners are used to reduce the noise produced by the fan stage. The extension of Ffowcs-Williams & Hawkings' acoustic analogy in a medium at rest with moving surfaces, of Goldstein's acoustic analogy in a hardwall circular duct with uniform mean flow and of Rienstra & Tester's Green's function in an annular lined duct with uniform mean flow to a swirling mean flow in an annular duct with liner is introduced. First, the eigenvalues and the Green's function are investigated showing a strong effect of the swirl and of the liner. Second, a rotor trailing-edge noise model accounting for both the effects of the annular duct with lined walls and the swirling mean flow is developed and applied to a realistic fan rotor with different swirling mean flows (and as a result different associated blade stagger angles). The benchmark cases are built from the Boeing 18-inch Fan Rig Broadband Noise Test. In all cases the swirling mean flow has a strong effect on the absolute noise level. The overall liner insertion loss is little changed by the swirl in the studied cases.


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For established axisymmetric turbulent miscible Boussinesq fountains in quiescent uniform environments, expressions are developed for the fluxes of volume, momentum and buoyancy at the outflow from the fountain: the outflow referring to the counterflow at the horizontal plane of the source. The fluxes are expressed in terms of the fountain source conditions and two dimensionless functions of the source Froude number, Fr0: a radial function (relating a horizontal scale of the outflow to the source radius) and a volume flux function (relating the outflow and source volume fluxes). The forms taken by these two functions at low Fr0 and high Fr0 are deduced, thereby providing the outflow fluxes and outflow Froude number solely in terms of the source conditions. For high Fr0, the outflow Froude number, Frout, is shown to be invariant, indicating (by analogy with plumes for which the 'far-field' Froude number is invariant with source Froude number) that the outflow may be regarded as 'far-field' since the fluxes within the fountain have adjusted to attain a balance which is independent of the source conditions. Based on Frout, the fluxes in the plume that forms beyond the fountain outflow are deduced. Finally, from the results of previously published studies, we show that the scalings deduced for fountains are valid for 0.0025 ≲ Fr0 ≲ 1.0 for low Fr0 and Fr0≳ 3.0 for high Fr0. © 2014 Cambridge University Press.