38 resultados para Alternative construction method


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In this article, we detail the methodology developed to construct arbitrarily high order schemes - linear and WENO - on 3D mixed-element unstructured meshes made up of general convex polyhedral elements. The approach is tailored specifically for the solution of scalar level set equations for application to incompressible two-phase flow problems. The construction of WENO schemes on 3D unstructured meshes is notoriously difficult, as it involves a much higher level of complexity than 2D approaches. This due to the multiplicity of geometrical considerations introduced by the extra dimension, especially on mixed-element meshes. Therefore, we have specifically developed a number of algorithms to handle mixed-element meshes composed of convex polyhedra with convex polygonal faces. The contribution of this work concerns several areas of interest: the formulation of an improved methodology in 3D, the minimisation of computational runtime in the implementation through the maximum use of pre-processing operations, the generation of novel methods to handle complex 3D mixed-element meshes and finally the application of the method to the transport of a scalar level set. © 2012 Global-Science Press.


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One of the greatest obstacles facing the nuclear industry is that of sustainability, both in terms of the finite reserves of uranium ore and the production of highly radiotoxic spent fuel which presents proliferation and environmental hazards. Alternative nuclear technologies have been suggested as a means of delivering enhanced sustainability with proposals including fast reactors, the use of thorium fuel and tiered fuel cycles. The debate as to which is the most appropriate technology continues, with each fuel system and reactor type delivering specific advantages and disadvantages which can be difficult to compare fairly. This paper demonstrates a framework of performance metrics which, coupled with a first-order lumped reactor model to determine nuclide population balances, can be used to quantify the aforementioned pros and cons for a range of different fuel and reactor combinations. The framework includes metrics such as fuel efficiency, spent fuel toxicity and proliferation resistance, and relative cycle performance is analysed through parallel coordinate plots, yielding a quantitative comparison of disparate cycles. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estimating the fundamental matrix (F), to determine the epipolar geometry between a pair of images or video frames, is a basic step for a wide variety of vision-based functions used in construction operations, such as camera-pair calibration, automatic progress monitoring, and 3D reconstruction. Currently, robust methods (e.g., SIFT + normalized eight-point algorithm + RANSAC) are widely used in the construction community for this purpose. Although they can provide acceptable accuracy, the significant amount of required computational time impedes their adoption in real-time applications, especially video data analysis with many frames per second. Aiming to overcome this limitation, this paper presents and evaluates the accuracy of a solution to find F by combining the use of two speedy and consistent methods: SURF for the selection of a robust set of point correspondences and the normalized eight-point algorithm. This solution is tested extensively on construction site image pairs including changes in viewpoint, scale, illumination, rotation, and moving objects. The results demonstrate that this method can be used for real-time applications (5 image pairs per second with the resolution of 640 × 480) involving scenes of the built environment.


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When tracking resources in large-scale, congested, outdoor construction sites, the cost and time for purchasing, installing and maintaining the position sensors needed to track thousands of materials, and hundreds of equipment and personnel can be significant. To alleviate this problem a novel vision based tracking method that allows each sensor (camera) to monitor the position of multiple entities simultaneously has been proposed. This paper presents the full-scale validation experiments for this method. The validation included testing the method under harsh conditions at a variety of mega-project construction sites. The procedure for collecting data from the sites, the testing procedure, metrics, and results are reported. Full-scale validation demonstrates that the novel vision tracking provides a good solution to track different entities on a large, congested construction site.


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Choosing a project manager for a construction project—particularly, large projects—is a critical project decision. The selection process involves different criteria and should be in accordance with company policies and project specifications. Traditionally, potential candidates are interviewed and the most qualified are selected in compliance with company priorities and project conditions. Precise computing models that could take various candidates’ information into consideration and then pinpoint the most qualified person with a high degree of accuracy would be beneficial. On the basis of the opinions of experienced construction company managers, this paper, through presenting a fuzzy system, identifies the important criteria in selecting a project manager. The proposed fuzzy system is based on IF-THEN rules; a genetic algorithm improves the overall accuracy as well as the functions used by the fuzzy system to make initial estimates of the cluster centers for fuzzy c-means clustering. Moreover, a back-propagation neutral network method was used to train the system. The optimal measures of the inference parameters were identified by calculating the system’s output error and propagating this error within the system. After specifying the system parameters, the membership function parameters—which by means of clustering and projection were approximated—were tuned with the genetic algorithm. Results from this system in selecting project managers show its high capability in making high-quality personnel predictions


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of image processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries. In this paper, an automated and content based construction site image retrieval method is presented. This method is based on image retrieval techniques, and specifically those related with material and object identification and matches known material samples with material clusters within the image content. The results demonstrate the suitability of this method for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing image processing technologies to accurately identify a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. Examples include surface cracks detection, assessment of fire-damaged mortar, fatigue evaluation of asphalt mixes, aggregate shape measurements, velocimentry, vehicles detection, pore size distribution in geotextiles, damage detection and others. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of Image and Video Processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries ranging from the well established medical diagnostic tools (magnetic resonance imaging, spectroscopy and nuclear medical imaging) to image searching mechanisms (image matching, content based image retrieval). Content based image retrieval techniques can also assist in the automated recognition of materials in construction site images and thus enable the development of reliable methods for image classification and retrieval. The amount of original imaging information produced yearly in the construction industry during the last decade has experienced a tremendous growth. Digital cameras and image databases are gradually replacing traditional photography while owners demand complete site photograph logs and engineers store thousands of images for each project to use in a number of construction management tasks. However, construction companies tend to store images without following any standardized indexing protocols, thus making the manual searching and retrieval a tedious and time-consuming effort. Alternatively, material and object identification techniques can be used for the development of automated, content based, construction site image retrieval methodology. These methods can utilize automatic material or object based indexing to remove the user from the time-consuming and tedious manual classification process. In this paper, a novel material identification methodology is presented. This method utilizes content based image retrieval concepts to match known material samples with material clusters within the image content. The results demonstrate the suitability of this methodology for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing image processing technologies to accurately identify a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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The amount of original imaging information produced yearly during the last decade has experienced a tremendous growth in all industries due to the technological breakthroughs in digital imaging and electronic storage capabilities. This trend is affecting the construction industry as well, where digital cameras and image databases are gradually replacing traditional photography. Owners demand complete site photograph logs and engineers store thousands of images for each project to use in a number of construction management tasks like monitoring an activity's progress and keeping evidence of the "as built" in case any disputes arise. So far, retrieval methodologies are done manually with the user being responsible for imaging classification according to specific rules that serve a limited number of construction management tasks. New methods that, with the guidance of the user, can automatically classify and retrieve construction site images are being developed and promise to remove the heavy burden of manually indexing images. In this paper, both the existing methods and a novel image retrieval method developed by the authors for the classification and retrieval of construction site images are described and compared. Specifically a number of examples are deployed in order to present their advantages and limitations. The results from this comparison demonstrates that the content based image retrieval method developed by the authors can reduce the overall time spent for the classification and retrieval of construction images while providing the user with the flexibility to retrieve images according different classification schemes.


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Tracking methods have the potential to retrieve the spatial location of project related entities such as personnel and equipment at construction sites, which can facilitate several construction management tasks. Existing tracking methods are mainly based on Radio Frequency (RF) technologies and thus require manual deployment of tags. On construction sites with numerous entities, tags installation, maintenance and decommissioning become an issue since it increases the cost and time needed to implement these tracking methods. To address these limitations, this paper proposes an alternate 3D tracking method based on vision. It operates by tracking the designated object in 2D video frames and correlating the tracking results from multiple pre-calibrated views using epipolar geometry. The methodology presented in this paper has been implemented and tested on videos taken in controlled experimental conditions. Results are compared with the actual 3D positions to validate its performance.


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Vision based tracking can provide the spatial location of construction entities such as equipment, workers, and materials in large scale, congested construction sites. It tracks entities in video streams by inferring their locations based on the entities’ visual features and motion histories. To initiate the process, it is necessary to determine the pixel areas corresponding to the construction entities to be tracked in the following consecutive video frames. In order to fully automate the process, an automated way of initialization is needed. This paper presents the method for construction worker detection which can automatically recognize and localize construction workers in video frames. The method first finds the foreground areas of moving objects using a background subtraction method. Within these foreground areas, construction workers are recognized based on the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and histogram of the HSV colors. HOG’s have proved to work effectively for detection of people, and the histogram of HSV colors helps differentiate between pedestrians and construction workers wearing safety vests. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed method has the potential to automate the initialization process of vision based tracking.


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Image-based (i.e., photo/videogrammetry) and time-of-flight-based (i.e., laser scanning) technologies are typically used to collect spatial data of infrastructure. In order to help architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries make cost-effective decisions in selecting between these two technologies with respect to their settings, this paper makes an attempt to measure the accuracy, quality, time efficiency, and cost of applying image-based and time-of-flight-based technologies to conduct as-built 3D reconstruction of infrastructure. In this paper, a novel comparison method is proposed, and preliminary experiments are conducted. The results reveal that if the accuracy and quality level desired for a particular application is not high (i.e., error < 10 cm, and completeness rate > 80%), image-based technologies constitute a good alternative for time-of-flight-based technologies and significantly reduce the time and cost needed for collecting the data on site.


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Vision-based object detection has been introduced in construction for recognizing and locating construction entities in on-site camera views. It can provide spatial locations of a large number of entities, which is beneficial in large-scale, congested construction sites. However, even a few false detections prevent its practical applications. In resolving this issue, this paper presents a novel hybrid method for locating construction equipment that fuses the function of detection and tracking algorithms. This method detects construction equipment in the video view by taking advantage of entities' motion, shape, and color distribution. Background subtraction, Haar-like features, and eigen-images are used for motion, shape, and color information, respectively. A tracking algorithm steps in the process to make up for the false detections. False detections are identified by catching drastic changes in object size and appearance. The identified false detections are replaced with tracking results. Preliminary experiments show that the combination with tracking has the potential to enhance the detection performance.


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This book explores the processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems. The author describes a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval that have been integrated into a novel method for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks. objects. Therefore, automated methods for the integration of construction images are important for construction information management. During this research, processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems have been explored. Specifically, a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval have been deployed in order to develop a methodology for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks.


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The Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management (AEC/FM) industry is rapidly becoming a multidisciplinary, multinational and multi-billion dollar economy, involving large numbers of actors working concurrently at different locations and using heterogeneous software and hardware technologies. Since the beginning of the last decade, a great deal of effort has been spent within the field of construction IT in order to integrate data and information from most computer tools used to carry out engineering projects. For this purpose, a number of integration models have been developed, like web-centric systems and construction project modeling, a useful approach in representing construction projects and integrating data from various civil engineering applications. In the modern, distributed and dynamic construction environment it is important to retrieve and exchange information from different sources and in different data formats in order to improve the processes supported by these systems. Previous research demonstrated that a major hurdle in AEC/FM data integration in such systems is caused by its variety of data types and that a significant part of the data is stored in semi-structured or unstructured formats. Therefore, new integrative approaches are needed to handle non-structured data types like images and text files. This research is focused on the integration of construction site images. These images are a significant part of the construction documentation with thousands stored in site photographs logs of large scale projects. However, locating and identifying such data needed for the important decision making processes is a very hard and time-consuming task, while so far, there are no automated methods for associating them with other related objects. Therefore, automated methods for the integration of construction images are important for construction information management. During this research, processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems have been explored. Specifically, a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval have been deployed in order to develop a methodology for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks.


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Monitoring the location of resources on large scale, congested, outdoor sites can be performed more efficiently with vision tracking, as this approach does not require any pre-tagging of resources. However, the greatest impediment to the use of vision tracking in this case is the lack of detection methods that are needed to automatically mark the resources of interest and initiate the tracking. This paper presents such a novel method for construction worker detection that localizes construction workers in video frames. The proposed method exploits motion, shape, and color cues to narrow down the detection regions to moving objects, people, and finally construction workers, respectively. The three cues are characterized by using background subtraction, the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and the HSV color histogram. The method has been tested on videos taken in various environments. The results demonstrate its suitability for automatic initialization of vision trackers.